Package alliance-devel
Alliance VLSI CAD System - Development libraries
Version: 5.1.1
See also: alliance, alliance-libs.
Library Functions | |
AFFECT.3alc | AFFECT, GENPAT Package |
ARRAY.3alc | ARRAY, GENPAT Package |
DECLAR.3alc | DECLAR, GENPAT Package |
DPGEN_ADSB2F.3alc | Adder/Substractor Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_AND2.3alc | AND2 Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_AND3.3alc | AND3 Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_AND4.3alc | AND4 Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_BUFF.3alc | Buffer Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_BUSE.3alc | tristate Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_CONST.3alc | Constant Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_DFF.3alc | Dynamic Flip-Flop Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_DFFT.3alc | Dynamic Flip-Flop with Scan-Path Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_FIFO.3alc | FIFO Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_INV.3alc | Inverter Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_MUX2.3alc | Multiplexer Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_NAND2.3alc | NAND2 Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_NAND2MASK.3alc | Programmable Mask Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_NAND3.3alc | NAND3 Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_NAND4.3alc | NAND4 Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_NBUSE.3alc | Tristate Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_NMUX2.3alc | Multiplexer Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_NOR2.3alc | NOR2 Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_NOR2MASK.3alc | Programmable Mask Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_NOR3.3alc | NOR3 Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_NOR4.3alc | NOR4 Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_NUL.3alc | Zero Detector Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_OR2.3alc | OR2 Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_OR3.3alc | OR3 Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_OR4.3alc | OR4 Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_RF1.3alc | Register File Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_RF1D.3alc | Register File with Decoder Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_ROM2.3alc | 2 words ROM Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_ROM4.3alc | 4 words ROM Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_SFF.3alc | Static Flip-Flop Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_SFFT.3alc | Static Flip-Flop with Scan-Path Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_SHIFT.3alc | Shifter Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_XNOR2.3alc | XNOR2 Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_XNOR2MASK.3alc | Programmable Mask Macro-Generator |
DPGEN_XOR2.3alc | XOR2 Macro-Generator |
GENLIB_BUS.3alc | Creates a bus name for netlist |
GENLIB_COPY_UP_ALL_CON.3alc | copy all physical connectors of an instance face in the current figure |
GENLIB_COPY_UP_ALL_REF.3alc | copy a several physical reference from an instance in the current figure |
GENLIB_COPY_UP_CON.3alc | copy a physical connector from an instance in the current figure |
GENLIB_COPY_UP_CON_FACE.3alc | copy a physical connector from an instance in the current figure |
GENLIB_COPY_UP_REF.3alc | copy a physical reference from an instance in the current figure |
GENLIB_COPY_UP_SEG.3alc | copy a physical segment from an instance in the current figure |
GENLIB_DEF_AB.3alc | define a new abutment box to the current layout cell |
GENLIB_DEF_LOFIG.3alc | open a netlist model as current figure |
GENLIB_DEF_PHFIG.3alc | open a layout model as current figure |
GENLIB_DEF_PHINS.3alc | define a new reference instance |
GENLIB_DEF_PHSC.3alc | load a netlist and open a layout model as current figure |
GENLIB_ELM.3alc | Creates a single element bus name for netlist |
GENLIB_FLATTEN_ALL_LOINS.3alc | flatten all instances in the current netlist figure |
GENLIB_FLATTEN_ALL_PHINS.3alc | flatten all instances in the current layout figure |
GENLIB_FLATTEN_LOFIG.3alc | flatten an instance in the current netlist figure |
GENLIB_FLATTEN_PHFIG.3alc | flatten an instance in the current layout figure |
GENLIB_GET_CON_X.3alc | retrieve the x coordinate of an instance connector |
GENLIB_GET_CON_Y.3alc | retrieve the x coordinate of an instance connector |
GENLIB_GET_INS_X.3alc | retrieve the x coordinate of an instance |
GENLIB_GET_INS_Y.3alc | retrieve the y coordinate of an instance |
GENLIB_GET_REF_X.3alc | retrieve the x coordinate of an instance reference |
GENLIB_GET_REF_Y.3alc | retrieve the y coordinate of an instance reference |
GENLIB_HEIGHT.3alc | compute the height of a model |
GENLIB_LOAD_LOFIG.3alc | loads a netlist form disk and opens it as current figure |
GENLIB_LOAD_PHFIG.3alc | loads a layout form disk and opens it as current figure |
GENLIB_LOCAP.3alc | add a logical capacitor to the current netlist figure |
GENLIB_LOCON.3alc | adds a logical connector to the current netlist figure |
GENLIB_LOINS.3alc | add a logical instance to the current figure |
GENLIB_LOINSE.3alc | add a logical instance to the current figure, with explicit connections |
GENLIB_LORES.3alc | add a logical resistor to the current netlist figure |
GENLIB_LOSELF.3alc | add a logical inductor to the current netlist figure |
GENLIB_LOSIG.3alc | declare an internal logical signal, or a vector of internal logical signals |
GENLIB_LOSIGMERGE.3alc | merge two logical signals |
GENLIB_LOTRS.3alc | adds a logical transistor to the current netlist figure |
GENLIB_MACRO.3alc | Interface with all MACRO generators. |
GENLIB_OUTLINE.3alc | build an outline from the current layout cell |
GENLIB_PHCON.3alc | place a physical connector in the current figure at absolute coordinates |
GENLIB_PHREF.3alc | place a physical reference in the current figure at absolute coordinates |
GENLIB_PHSEG.3alc | place a physical segment in the current figure at absolute coordinates |
GENLIB_PHVIA.3alc | place a physical via in the current figure at absolute coordinates |
GENLIB_PLACE.3alc | place a physical instance in the current figure at absolute coordinates |
GENLIB_PLACE_BOTTOM.3alc | place a physical instance in the current figure under the "reference instance" |
GENLIB_PLACE_CON_REF.3alc | put a connector on top of a reference belonging an instance in the current figure |
GENLIB_PLACE_LEFT.3alc | place a physical instance in the current figure at the left of the "reference instance" |
GENLIB_PLACE_ON.3alc | place a physical instance in the current figure matching connectors |
GENLIB_PLACE_RIGHT.3alc | place a physical instance in the current figure at the right of the "reference instance" |
GENLIB_PLACE_SEG_REF.3alc | put a segment on a reference belonging an instance in the current figure |
GENLIB_PLACE_TOP.3alc | place a physical instance in the current figure on the top of the "reference instance" |
GENLIB_PLACE_VIA_REF.3alc | put a via on top of a reference belonging to an instance in the current figure |
GENLIB_REVERSE_PHCON.3alc | reverse the order of physical connectors on a bus. |
GENLIB_SAVE_LOFIG.3alc | save a netlist on disk |
GENLIB_SAVE_PHFIG.3alc | save a layout on disk |
GENLIB_SAVE_PHSC.3alc | save a layout on disk |
GENLIB_SC_BOTTOM.3alc | place an instance in the current figure at the right of the "reference instance" |
GENLIB_SC_LEFT.3alc | place an instance in the current figure at the right of the "reference instance" |
GENLIB_SC_PLACE.3alc | place an instance in the current figure at absolute coordinates |
GENLIB_SC_RIGHT.3alc | place an instance in the current figure at the right of the "reference instance" |
GENLIB_SC_TOP.3alc | place an instance in the current figure at the right of the "reference instance" |
GENLIB_SET_LOCAP.3alc | set the capacitance value of a logical capacitor, after its creation. |
GENLIB_SET_LORES.3alc | set the resistance value of a logical resistor, after its creation. |
GENLIB_SET_LOSELF.3alc | set the inductance value of a logical inductor, after its creation. |
GENLIB_UNFLATTEN_LOFIG.3alc | creates a hierarchy level from instances in the current logical figure |
GENLIB_WIRE1.3alc | place a physical segment in the current figure |
GENLIB_WIRE2.3alc | place two physical segments in the current figure |
GENLIB_WIRE3.3alc | place three physical segments in the current figure |
INIT.3alc | INIT, GENPAT Package |
LABEL.3alc | LABEL, GENPAT Package |
SAVE.3alc | SAVE, GENPAT Package |
ablToBddCct.3alc | converts an ABL into a BDD within a circuit |
addListBdd.3alc | adds a BDD to a chained list of BDDs |
addablhexpr.3alc | adds a new argument in head of an expression. |
addablqexpr.3alc | adds a new argument in queue of an expression. |
addbddassoc.3alc | creates a new association variables. |
addbddcircuitabl.3alc | converts an abl expression to a bdd node. |
addbddcircuitin.3alc | adds an input in a bdd circuit. |
addbddcircuitout.3alc | adds an output in a bdd circuit. |
addbddnode.3alc | adds a new bdd node in the bdd system. |
addbddnodeassoc.3alc | adds a bdd node in a variable association. |
addbddnodelist.3alc | adds a node in a chain_list. |
addbddvar.3alc | adds a new variable in the bdd system. |
addbddvarafter.3alc | adds a new variable, after an existing one. |
addbddvarbefore.3alc | adds a new variable, before an existing one. |
addbddvarfirst.3alc | adds a new variable, before all others. |
addbddvarlast.3alc | adds a new variable, after all others. |
addcapa.3alc | add a capacitance to a signal |
addchain.3alc | create a chain and add it to a list |
addht.3alc | create an hash table |
addhtitem.3alc | adds a new item in a hash table. |
addlocap.3alc | create a logical capacitor |
addlocon.3alc | create a logical connector |
addlofig.3alc | create a new structural cell model |
addloins.3alc | create a logical instance |
addlomodel.3alc | create a tempotary logical model and add it to a list |
addlores.3alc | create a logical resistor |
addloself.3alc | create a logical inductor |
addlosig.3alc | create a logical signal |
addlotrs.3alc | create a logical transistor |
addnum.3alc | create a num and add it to a list |
addphcon.3alc | create a physical connector |
addphfig.3alc | create a new physical cell model |
addphins.3alc | create a physical instance |
addphref.3alc | create a physical reference |
addphseg.3alc | create a physical segment |
addphvia.3alc | create a physical via |
addptype.3alc | create a ptype and add it to a ptype_list |
addrdsfig.3alc | adds a figure |
addrdsfigrec.3alc | adds a rectangle to a figure |
addrdsins.3alc | adds an instance to a figure |
addrdsinsrec.3alc | adds a rectangle to an instance |
addrdsrecwindow.3alc | adds a rectangle in the windowing of rds structure. |
alliancebanner.3alc | display the standardized Alliance banner |
allocrdsfig.3alc | allocs memory for a figure |
allocrdsins.3alc | allocates memory for an instance |
allocrdsrec.3alc | allocates memory for a rectangle |
allocrdsrecwin.3alc | allocates a structure used to know windows which contains a rectangle. |
allocrdswin.3alc | allocates window's table |
allocrdswindow.3alc | allocates a window structure |
allocrdswinrec.3alc | allocates a structure used to create a list of tables of rectangles. |
append.3alc | append a chain_list to an other chain_list |
applyBdd.3alc | applies an operator to a list of BDD. |
applyBinBdd.3alc | applies an operator to two BDD. |
applybddnode.3alc | applies an operator on two bdd nodes. |
applybddnodeite.3alc | computes the IF-THEN-ELSE logical operation. |
applybddnodelist.3alc | applies an opertor to a bdd nodes list. |
applybddnodenot.3alc | complements a bdd. |
applybddnodeterm.3alc | applies an operator on two bdd nodes. |
autallocblock.3alc | memory allocator |
autallocheap.3alc | heap memory allocator |
autfreeblock.3alc | releases a memory block |
autfreeheap.3alc | releases a memory block, and put it on the heap. |
auth2elem.3alc | element in an hash table with two keys. |
auth2table.3alc | hash table structure |
authelem.3alc | element in an hash table |
authtable.3alc | hash table structure |
autresizeblock.3alc | resizes a memory block |
bddToAblCct.3alc | converts a BDD into an ABL within a circuit |
beh.3alc | Generic behavioural data structures |
beh_debug.3alc | BEH structures displayer-debugger |
beh_depend.3alc | compute forward dependencies in a description |
beh_error.3alc | beh_error |
beh_makbdd.3alc | create a BDD for each expression in a description |
beh_makgex.3alc | create a GEX for each expression in a description |
beh_message.3alc | beh_message |
bigvia.3alc | draws a non minimal via as a bunch of vias |
buildrdswindow.3alc | builds windowing of a figure |
chain.3alc | mbk lisp-like service structure |
checkloconorder.3alc | checks the consistency of a list of logical connectors |
clearbddsystemref.3alc | clears the references for all bdd nodes. |
clearbddsystemrefext.3alc | clears the external references for all bdd nodes. |
clearbddsystemrefint.3alc | clears the internal references for all bdd nodes. |
cofactorbddnode.3alc | computes the generalized cofactor. |
composeBdd.3alc | substitutes an index by a BDD in another BDD |
composebddnode.3alc | substitutes a variable by a bdd in another bdd. |
concatname.3alc | concatenate two names with user separator |
conmbkrds.3alc | converts MBK connector to RDS rectangle |
constraintBdd.3alc | restricts a BDD to another BDD |
convertbddcircuitabl.3alc | converts a bdd node to an abl expression. |
convertbddcircuitsumabl.3alc | converts a bdd node to an abl expression. |
convertbddindexabl.3alc | converts a bdd index to an abl expression. |
convertbddmuxabl.3alc | converts two bdd nodes to an abl multiplexor expression. |
convertbddnodeabl.3alc | converts a bdd node to an abl expression. |
convertbddnodesumabl.3alc | converts a bdd node to an abl expression. |
createNodeTermBdd.3alc | creates a terminal node of variable. |
createablatom.3alc | creates an atomic expression. |
createablbinexpr.3alc | creates a binary operator expression. |
createablnotexpr.3alc | complements an expression. |
createabloper.3alc | creates the head of an operator expression. |
createablunaryexpr.3alc | creates an unary operator expression. |
createablxorbinexpr.3alc | creates an 'xor' or 'xnor' operator expression. |
createbddcircuit.3alc | creates a bdd circuit. |
createbddsystem.3alc | creates a bdd system. |
decbddrefext.3alc | decrements the external reference of a bdd node. |
decbddrefint.3alc | decrements the internal reference of a bdd node. |
defab.3alc | defines the abutment box of a phfig |
delablexpr.3alc | deletes an expression. |
delablexprnum.3alc | deletes an operand in an expression. |
delbddassoc.3alc | deletes a variable association. |
delbddcircuitout.3alc | deletes an output in a bdd circuit. |
delbddnode.3alc | deletes an unused bdd node. |
delbddnodeassoc.3alc | deletes a bdd node in a variable association. |
delbddnodelist.3alc | deletes a list of bdd nodes. |
delchain.3alc | delete an element of a chain_list |
delht.3alc | removes an hash table |
delhtitem.3alc | removes an item in an hash table |
dellocap.3alc | delete a logical capacitor |
dellocon.3alc | delete a logical connector |
dellofig.3alc | delete and free a logical figure |
delloins.3alc | delete a logical instance |
dellores.3alc | delete a logical resistor |
delloself.3alc | delete a logical inductor |
dellosig.3alc | delete a logical signal |
dellotrs.3alc | delete a logical transistor |
delnum.3alc | delete an element of a num_list |
delphcon.3alc | delete a physical connector |
delphfig.3alc | delete and free a physical figure |
delphins.3alc | delete a physical instance |
delphref.3alc | delete a physical reference |
delphseg.3alc | delete a physical segment |
delphvia.3alc | delete a physical via |
delptype.3alc | delete an element of a ptype_list |
delrdsfig.3alc | deletes a figure |
delrdsfigrec.3alc | deletes a rectangle of a figure |
delrdsins.3alc | deletes an instance of a figure |
delrdsinsrec.3alc | deletes a rectangle of an instance |
delrdsrecwindow.3alc | deletes a rectangle from the windowing of rds structure. |
destroyBdd.3alc | removes the BDDs system |
destroybddassoc.3alc | frees all the variable associations. |
destroybddcircuit.3alc | destroys a bdd circuit. |
destroybddsystem.3alc | destroys a bdd system. |
destroyrdswindow.3alc | destroys windowing of a figure |
devablxorexpr.3alc | develops 'xor', 'nxor' in an expression. |
devdupablxorexpr.3alc | duplicates and develops 'xor', 'nxor'. |
displayBdd.3alc | displays a BDD |
downstr.3alc | convert a string to lower case |
dupablexpr.3alc | duplicates an expression. |
existbddnodeassocoff.3alc | computes an existential quantification. |
existbddnodeassocon.3alc | computes an existential quantification. |
figmbkrds.3alc | converts MBK figure to RDS figure |
filepath.3alc | return the whole search path of a file |
flatablexpr.3alc | merges the operators of an expression |
flattenlofig.3alc | flatten a instance in a logical figure |
flattenphfig.3alc | flatten a instance in a figure |
freeablexpr.3alc | frees an expression. |
freechain.3alc | free a chain_list |
freelomodel.3alc | free a lofig_list for temporary models |
freenum.3alc | free a num_list |
freeptype.3alc | free a ptype_list |
freerdsfig.3alc | frees memory associated to a figure |
freerdsins.3alc | frees memory associated to an instance |
freerdsrec.3alc | free memory associated to a rectangle |
garbagebddsystem.3alc | Forces a bdd garbage collection. |
gcNodeBdd.3alc | does a garbage collection |
getablexprdepth.3alc | gives the depth of an expression. |
getablexprlength.3alc | gives the length of an expression. |
getablexprmax.3alc | applies a function to all operands. |
getablexprmin.3alc | applies a function to all operands. |
getablexprnum.3alc | gives a specified operand of an expression. |
getablexprnumatom.3alc | gives the number of atom in an expression. |
getablexprnumbinoper.3alc | gives the number of binary operators in an expression. |
getablexprnumocc.3alc | how many times a name appears in an expression. |
getablexprsupport.3alc | gives the expression's support. |
getbddnodenum.3alc | gets the number of nodes in a bdd. |
getbddnodesize.3alc | gets the number of nodes in a bdd. |
getbddnodesupport.3alc | gives the variable support of a bdd node. |
getbddvarbyindex.3alc | converts bdd index to a variable number. |
getbddvarindex.3alc | converts a variable number in a bdd index. |
getbddvarnode.3alc | gives the bdd node of a variable. |
getbddvarnodebyindex.3alc | gives the bdd node of a variable. |
gethtitem.3alc | searches an item in a hash table |
getlocap.3alc | retrieve a logical capacitor |
getlocon.3alc | retrieve a logical connector |
getlofig.3alc | give back a pointer to a lofig |
getloins.3alc | retrieve a logical instance |
getlomodel.3alc | retrieve a model from a lofig_list |
getlores.3alc | retrieve a logical resistor |
getloself.3alc | retrieve a logical inductor |
getlosig.3alc | retrieve a logical signal |
getphcon.3alc | retrieve a physical connector |
getphfig.3alc | give back a pointer to a phfig |
getphins.3alc | retrieve a physical instance |
getphref.3alc | retrieve a physical reference |
getptype.3alc | retrieve a ptype from a ptype_list |
getrdsmodellist.3alc | gets model list of the instances of a figure |
getsigname.3alc | choose a signal name in alias list |
givelosig.3alc | give a logical signal |
guessextdir.3alc | guess external connectors directions from internal connectors directions |
implybddnode.3alc | computes a bdd that implies a conjonction of two bdd nodes. |
incatalog.3alc | test if cell belongs to the catalog file |
incatalogdelete.3alc | test if cell belongs to the catalog file |
incatalogfeed.3alc | test if cell belongs to the catalog file |
incataloggds.3alc | test if cell belongs to the catalog file |
incbddrefext.3alc | increments the external reference of a bdd node. |
incbddrefint.3alc | increments the internal reference of a bdd node. |
initializeBdd.3alc | initializes the BDDs system |
insconmbkrds.3alc | adds in RDS instance all the connectors of MBK instance |
insmbkrds.3alc | converts MBK figure to RDS figure |
insrefmbkrds.3alc | adds in RDS instance all the references of MBK instance. |
inssegmbkrds.3alc | adds in RDS instance all the segments of MBK instance |
instanceface.3alc | returns the face of a connector in a placed instance |
instr.3alc | find an occurrence of a string in a string, starting at a specified character. |
insviambkrds.3alc | adds to RDS instance all the contacts from MBK instance |
intersectbddnode.3alc | tests for an intersection between two bdd nodes. |
isablbinaryoper.3alc | tests if an operator is binary. |
isablequalexpr.3alc | tests if two expressions are strictly identicals. |
isablnameinexpr.3alc | |
isabloperinexpr.3alc | tests if an operator appears in an expression. |
isablsimilarexpr.3alc | tests if two expressions have the same morphology. |
isablunaryoper.3alc | tests if an operator is unary. |
isbddvarinsupport.3alc | tests if a variable appears in a bdd. |
isck.3alc | isck -tells if a name is the pattern defined by the user |
isvdd.3alc | isvdd -tells if a name contains the pattern defined by the user |
isvss.3alc | isvss -tells if a name contains the pattern defined by the user |
libpat.3alc | Generic pattern data structure |
loadlofig.3alc | load a new logical cell model from disk |
loadphfig.3alc | load a new physical cell model from disk |
loadrdsfig.3alc | give back a pointer to a figure |
loadrdsparam.3alc | load parameters from symbolic to real conversion. |
locap.3alc | mbk logical capacitor |
locon.3alc | mbk logical connector |
lofig.3alc | mbk logical figure |
lofigchain.3alc | creates a netlist in terms of connectors on signals |
log.3alc | logical representations for boolean functions and utilities. |
loins.3alc | mbk logical instance |
lores.3alc | mbk logical resistor |
loself.3alc | mbk logical inductor |
losig.3alc | mbk logical signal |
lotrs.3alc | mbk logical transistor |
mapablanyexpr.3alc | applies a function to all operands. |
mapableveryexpr.3alc | applies a function to all operands. |
mapablexpr.3alc | applies a function to all operands. |
mapabloperexpr.3alc | applies a function to all operands. |
markAllBdd.3alc | marks all the nodes of the BDDs system |
markBdd.3alc | marks all nodes of a BDD |
markbddnode.3alc | marks bdd node with a specified mask. |
mbk.3alc | Generic layout ,netlist and utility data structures |
mbkalloc.3alc | mbk memory allocator |
mbkenv.3alc | set user preferences |
mbkfopen.3alc | open a file with several search paths |
mbkfree.3alc | mbk memory allocator |
mbkgetenv.3alc | get an environment variable |
mbkps.3alc | mbk process state |
mbkrealloc.3alc | mbk memory reallocator |
mbksetautoackchld.3alc | Tells Alliance to automatically handle terminaison of child process. |
mbkunlink.3alc | delete a file in the WORK_LIBP. |
mbkwaitpid.3alc | wait for the end of a particular child process. |
mlodebug.3alc | logical data structure contents debug function |
modelmbkrds.3alc | gets all models of instances contained in a figure. |
mphdebug.3alc | physical data structure contents debug function |
namealloc.3alc | hash table for strings |
namefind.3alc | hash table for strings |
nameindex.3alc | concatenate a name and index with user separator |
naturalstrcmp.3alc | compare string in alphabetical order for letters and numerical for digits. |
notBdd.3alc | complements a BDD |
numberNodeAllBdd.3alc | count the number of nodes used in the BDD system |
numberNodeBdd.3alc | computes the number of nodes used in a BDD |
phcon.3alc | mbk physical connector |
phfig.3alc | mbk physical figure |
phins.3alc | mbk physical instance |
phref.3alc | mbk physical reference |
phseg.3alc | mbk physical segment |
phvia.3alc | mbk physical contact |
polarablexpr.3alc | moves inverters to the atomic level. |
polardupablexpr.3alc | duplicates an expression and moves down the inverters. |
ptype.3alc | mbk list of typed pointers |
rdsalloc.3alc | memory allocation function |
rdsenv.3alc | set user preference |
rdsfree.3alc | free memory place |
refmbkrds.3alc | adds to RDS figure a references from a MBK figure |
relprodbddnodeassoc.3alc | computes a relational product. |
reorderbddsystemdynamic.3alc | specifies the dynamic bdd reorder parameters. |
reorderbddsystemsimple.3alc | reorders the bdd nodes of a bdd system. |
reorderbddsystemtop.3alc | reorders the bdd nodes of a bdd system. |
reorderbddsystemwindow.3alc | reorders the bdd nodes of a bdd system. |
resetBdd.3alc | resets the BDDs system |
resetbddcircuit.3alc | resets a bdd circuit. |
resetbddsystem.3alc | resets a bdd system. |
restorealldir.3alc | restore all instances' connectors directions |
restoredirvbe.3alc | restore connectors directions from behavioral view |
restrictbddnode.3alc | substitutes a variable by a zero or one, in a bdd. |
reverse.3alc | reverse a list of chained elements |
rflattenlofig.3alc | recursivly flatten a figure |
rflattenphfig.3alc | recursivly flatten a figure |
roundrdsrec.3alc | adjusts a rectangle to lambda grid step |
satisfybddnode.3alc | finds a satisfying path for a bdd node. |
savelofig.3alc | save a logical figure on disk |
savephfig.3alc | save a physical figure on disk |
saverdsfig.3alc | save a physical figure on disk. |
searchbddcircuitin.3alc | searches an input in a bdd circuit. |
searchbddcircuitout.3alc | searches an output in a bdd circuit. |
searchrdsfig.3alc | searches by name a figure in the list of figures |
segmbkrds.3alc | adds to RDS figure a segment from a MBK figure |
setbddrefext.3alc | increments the external reference, and decrements the internal reference of a bdd node. |
sethtitem.3alc | test and set an item in an hash table. |
setlocap.3alc | set the capacitance value of a logical capacitor |
setlores.3alc | set the resistance value of a logical resistor |
setloself.3alc | set the inductance value of a logical inductor |
simpablexpr.3alc | simplies an expression. |
simpbddnodedcoff.3alc | simplifies a bdd with don't cares on its off-set part. |
simpbddnodedcon.3alc | simplifies a bdd with don't cares on its on-set part. |
simpdupablexpr.3alc | duplicates and simplies an expression. |
simplifDcOneBdd.3alc | simplifies a BDD with don't cares on its on-set part |
simplifDcZeroBdd.3alc | simplifies a BDD with don't cares on its off-set part |
sortlocon.3alc | sort the logical connectors of a figure by name |
sortlosig.3alc | sort the logical signals of a figure by name |
substablexpr.3alc | substitutes a given atom by an expression. |
substbddnodeassoc.3alc | substitutes a set of variables with a set of bdd node. |
substdupablexpr.3alc | substitutes a given atom by an expression. |
supportChain_listBdd.3alc | returns a chained list of nodes that are used in a given BDD. |
swapbddvar.3alc | swaps two contiguous variables. |
testbddcircuit.3alc | debugs a bdd circuit. |
unflatablexpr.3alc | unflats the operators of an expression |
unflattenlofig.3alc | creates a hierarchy level from instances of a figure |
unmarkbddnode.3alc | unmarks bdd node with a specified mask. |
unsetbddrefext.3alc | increments the internal reference, and decrements the external reference of a bdd node. |
upVarBdd.3alc | brings up an index in a BDD |
upstr.3alc | convert a string to upper case |
vhdlablname.3alc | returns a compatible VHDL name. |
vhdlablvector.3alc | gives the index and the name of a vectorized name. |
viambkrds.3alc | adds to RDS figure a contact from a MBK figure |
viewablexpr.3alc | displays an expression. |
viewablexprfile.3alc | displays an expression in a file. |
viewablexprstr.3alc | displays an expression in a str. |
viewbddcircuit.3alc | displays a bdd circuit. |
viewbddnode.3alc | displays a bdd node. |
viewbddsystem.3alc | displays a bdd system. |
viewbddsysteminfo.3alc | displays statistical information. |
viewht.3alc | displays a hash table contents |
viewlo.3alc | scan all lofig_lists and display their elements |
viewlocap.3alc | display elements of a locap_list |
viewlofig.3alc | display elements of a lofig_list |
viewlofigcon.3alc | display elements of a locon_list attached to a figure |
viewloins.3alc | display elements of a loins_list |
viewloinscon.3alc | display elements of a locon_list attached to an instance |
viewlores.3alc | display elements of a lores_list |
viewloself.3alc | display elements of a loself_list |
viewlosig.3alc | display elements of a losig_list |
viewlotrs.3alc | display elements of a lotrs_list |
viewph.3alc | display all the phfig_lists and their elements |
viewphcon.3alc | display elements of a phcon_list |
viewphfig.3alc | display elements of a phfig_list |
viewphins.3alc | display elements of a phins_list |
viewphref.3alc | display elements of a phref_list |
viewphseg.3alc | display elements of a phseg_list |
viewphvia.3alc | display elements of a phvia_list |
viewrdsfig.3alc | view caracteristics of a figure |
viewrdsins.3alc | Displays caracteristics of an instance |
viewrdsparam.3alc | displays tables in memory filled by loadrdsparam function. |
viewrdsrec.3alc | Displays caracteristics of a rectangle |
viewrdswindow.3alc | displays caracteristics of the windowing. |
viewrfmcon.3alc | displays connector caracteristics in MBK and RDS format. |
viewrfmfig.3alc | displays figure caracteristics in MBK and RDS format. |
viewrfmins.3alc | displays instance caracteristics in MBK and RDS format. |
viewrfmrec.3alc | displays rectangle caracteristics in RDS format. |
viewrfmref.3alc | displays reference caracteristics in MBK and RDS format. |
viewrfmseg.3alc | displays segment caracteristics in MBK and RDS format. |
viewrfmvia.3alc | displays contact caracteristics in MBK and RDS format. |
xyflat.3alc | compute hierarchical coordinates |