DPGEN_SFFT.3alc - Man Page
Static Flip-Flop with Scan-Path Macro-Generator
#include <genlib.h>
void GENLIB_MACRO (DPGEN_SFFT, char *modelname, long flags, long N);
Generate a N bits static flip-flop with scan-path named modelname. The two latches of this flip-flop are i.e. each one is made of two interters looped togethers.
How it works :
- scan when set to '1' enables the scan-path mode. Note that in scan-path mode, the wen signal is not effective.
scin : the input of the scan-path. This terminal is different from i0[0].
The scout is q[N-1] (in the following example this is q[31]).
- wen when set to '1' enables the writing of the flip-flop.
Terminal Names
- scan : scan-path mode (input, 1 bit).
- scin : scan path in (input, 1 bit).
- wen : write enable (input, 1 bit).
- ck : clock signal (input, 1 bit).
- i0 : data input (N bits).
- q : output (N bits).
- vdd : power.
- vss : ground.
GENLIB_MACRO(DPGEN_SFFT, "model_sfft_32" , F_BEHAV|F_PLACE , 32 ); GENLIB_LOINS( "model_sfft_32" , "instance1_sfft_32" , "scan" , "scin" , "wen" , "ck" , "i0[31:0]" , "q[31:0]" /* a[31] is "scout". */ , "vdd", "vss", NULL );
See Also
Referenced By
30 July 2004 ASIM/LIP6 Alliance - genlib User's Manual