DPGEN_FIFO.3alc - Man Page
FIFO Macro-Generator
#include <genlib.h>
void GENLIB_MACRO (DPGEN_FIFO, char *modelname, long flags, long N);
Generate a FIFO of regNumber words of N bits named modelname.
How it works :
- datain0 and datain1 : the two write busses. Only one is used to actually write the FIFO, it is selected by the sel signal.
- sel : when set to '0' the datain0 is used to write the register word, otherwise it will be datain1.
- r, rok : set r when a word is requested, rok tells that a word has effectively been popped (rok == not empty).
- w, wok : set w when a word is pushed, wok tells that the word has effectively been pushed (wok == not full).
Terminal Names
- ck : clock signal (input, 1 bit).
- reset : reset signal (input, 1 bit).
- r : read requested (input, 1 bits).
- w : write requested (input, 1 bits).
- rok : read acknowledge (output, 1 bits).
- wok : write acknowledge (output, 1 bits).
- sel : select the write bus (input, 1 bit).
- datain0 : first write bus (input, N bits).
- datain1 : second write bus (input, N bits).
- dataout : read bus (output, N bits).
- vdd : power.
- vss : ground.
GENLIB_MACRO(DPGEN_RF1, "model_fifox8_32" , F_BEHAV|F_PLACE , 32 /* Words size. */ , 8 /* Number of words. */ ); GENLIB_LOINS( "model_fifox8_32" , "instance1_fifo1_32" , "ck" , "r" , "w" , "rok" , "wok" , "sel" , "datain0[31:0]" , "datain1[31:0]" , "dataout[31:0]" , "vdd", "vss", NULL );
See Also
Referenced By
30 July 2004 ASIM/LIP6 Alliance - genlib User's Manual