DPGEN_ROM4.3alc - Man Page
4 words ROM Macro-Generator
#include <genlib.h>
void GENLIB_MACRO (DPGEN_ROM4, char *modelname, long flags, long N, char *constVal0, char *constVal1, char *constVal2, char *constVal3);
Generate a N bits 2 words optimized ROM named modelname.
Terminal Names
- sel1 : upper bit of the address (input, 1 bits).
- sel0 : lower bit of the address (input, 1 bits).
- q : the selected word (output, N bit).
- vdd : power.
- vss : ground.
q <= WITH sel1 & sel0 SELECT contsVal0 WHEN B"00", contsVal1 WHEN B"01", contsVal2 WHEN B"10", constVal3 WHEN B"11";
GENLIB_MACRO(DPGEN_ROM4, "model_rom4_set1_16" , F_BEHAV|F_PLACE , 4 , "0xFF00" /* A string! */ , "0xCCCC" /* A string! */ , "0xF0F0" /* A string! */ , "0xAAAA" /* A string! */ ); GENLIB_LOINS( "model_rom4_set1_16" , "instance1_rom4_set1_16" , "sel1" , "sel0" , "q[31:0]" , "vdd", "vss", NULL );
See Also
Referenced By
30 July 2004 ASIM/LIP6 Alliance - genlib User's Manual