Four volume set of Tafsir al-Baghawi in Arabic (Dar al-Ma'refah edition, Lebanon).

Tafsīr al-Baghawī (Arabic: تفسير البغوي), also known as Ma‘ālim al-Tanzīl, is a classical Sunni tafsir (Qur'anic exegesis) by Husayn b. Mas'ūd al-Baghawī (d. 1122), written as an abridgement of Tafsir al-Thalabi by al-Tha'labī (d. 1035). It is generally classified as one of the books of narration-based tafsir, as it collects and presents many statements from the Sahabah and Tabi'oon. The book primarily relies on 11 reliable chains of narrations, which al-Baghawi mentions in the introduction to his work.[1] It currently exists in four volumes and eight volumes in its Lebanon edition and Cairo edition respectively.


See also


  1. الرازحي, علي بن أحمد (2007). التيسير لمعرفة المشهور من أسانيد وكتب التفسير. Sana', Yemen: Dar Alathar. p. 208.

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