Stefan Herbrechter is a freelance writer, academic, researcher and translator. Until 2014, he was Reader in Cultural Theory and Director of Postgraduate Studies (Media) at Coventry University. In 2015, he was a Senior Fellow at the IKKM in Weimar. Currently, he is a research fellow at Coventry University, Leeds Trinity University and Privatdozent at Heidelberg University.
He is the author and editor of a number of volumes, articles and contributions on literature, critical and cultural theory and cultural studies. Together with Ivan Callus, University of Malta he is editor and author of Critical Posthumanisms.[1] He is also one of the co-directors of the Critical Posthumanism Network.
Selected awards/grants
- Senior Fellow, Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie (IKKM), Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (2015)
- DFG Mercator Professorship (2010-2011), English Department, Universität Heidelberg
- DAAD Visiting Professorship (2007–2009), English Department, Universität Heidelberg
Authored and Co-Authored Monographs
- Critical Posthumanisms, Leiden: Brill (2016; forthcoming).
- Posthumanism – A Critical Analysis (Bloomsbury, 2013); reviewed by John Bruni in the EBR (with riposte by SH and reply by JB).
- Posthumanismus – Eine kritische Einführung (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2009).
- Lawrence Durrell, Postmodernism and the Ethics of Alterity (Postmodern Studies 26, Brill, 1999).
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (selection)
- "Perdre la mesure… Or, The Ecologics of Extinction", CounterText 2.1 (forthcoming in April 2016).
- "Gegen, or Translating the (En)counter", CounterText 1.2 (2015): 154–168.
- "Posthumanistische Bildung?", Jahrbuch für Pädagogik 2014 (special issue on Menschenverbesserung und Transhumanismus), Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2014: 267–81.
- "Dis/locating Posthumanism in European Literary and Critical Traditions", European Journal of English Studies 18.2 (2014), co-authored by Ivan Callus, Stefan Herbrechter and Manuela Rossini: 103–20.
- "‘Nicht dass ich fürchtete, ein Tier zu werden…’; Ökographie in Marlen Haushofers Die Wand", Figurationen 15.1 (2014): 41-55.
- "Posthumanism, Subjectivity, Autobiography", Subjectivity 6 (2012), special guest-edited issue on "Posthumanist Subjectivities", eds Stefan Herbrechter & Ivan Callus: 327–47.
- "Posthumanist Subjectivities, or, Coming After the Subject" (with Ivan Callus),Subjectivity 6 (2012), special guest-edited issue on "Posthumanist Subjectivities", eds Stefan Herbrechter & Ivan Callus: 241–64.
- "What is a Posthumanist Reading?" (with Ivan Callus) Angelaki 13.3 (2008): 95–111.
- "Badiou, Derrida and The Matrix: Cultural Criticism between Objectless Subjects and Subjectless Objects", Polygraph 16 (2005; special issue on ‘The Philosophy of Alain Badiou’): 205–220.
- "The Latecoming of the Posthuman, Or, Why ‘We’ Do the Apocalypse Differently, ‘Now.’" Reconstruction 4:3 (2004).
- "Preface: Alterities – Politics of In(ter)vention", Parallax 33 (special issue "Derrida & Labarrière, Alterities", trans. and ed. Stefan Herbrechter) 2004: 1–16.
- "Plus d’un – Deconstruction and the Translation of Cultural Studies", Culture Machine 6 (special issue on Cultural Studies and Deconstruction) 2004.
- "What’s Wrong with Posthumanism?" (with Ivan Callus) Rhizomes 7 (special issue ‘Theory’s Others’) (Fall 2003).
Edited Essay Collections and Edited Journal Issues
- Autoimmunities (Parallax, 2017).
- Narrating Life (with Elisabeth Friis; Experimental Practices 1, Brill, 2016).
- Deconstruction – Space – Ethics (Parallax 21.1 (2015)).
- European Posthumanism (with Manuela Rossini and Ivan Callus; European Journal of English Studies 18.2 (2014)).
- Posthumanist Subjectivities (with Ivan Callus; Subjectivity 5.3 (2012)).
- Posthumanist Shakespeares (with Ivan Callus; Palgrave, 2012).
- Cy-Borges: Memories of the Posthuman in the Work of Jorge Luis Borges (with Ivan Callus, Bucknell University Press, 2009).
- The Matrix in Theory (with Myriam Diocaretz; Critical Studies 29, Brill, 2006).
- Returning (to) Communities (with Michael Higgins; Critical Studies 28, Brill, 2006).
- Metaphors of Economy (with Nicole Bracker; Critical Studies 25, Brill, 2005)
- Post-Theory, Culture Criticism (with Ivan Callus, Critical Studies 23, Brill, 2004).
- Alterities (Parallax 10.4 (2004)).
- Discipline and Practice (with Ivan Callus; Bucknell University Press, 2004).
- Cultural Studies: Interdisciplinarity and Translation (Critical Studies 20, Brill, 2002).
External links
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