Large Brooch with Spirals, European Bronze Age, 1400–1100 B.C.

The spectacle brooch was an ancient fibula from the late European Bronze Age and early Iron Age, primarily worn by adult women of higher social rank.[1] One form of the spectacle brooch originates from the Illyrians and consists of two concentrically wound spirals attached to a pin.[2]


  1. Pabst, Sabine (2012). Die Brillenfibeln: Untersuchungen zu spätbronze- und ältereisenzeitlichen Frauentrachten zwischen Ostsee und Mittelmeer. VML Vlg Marie Leidorf. p. 340. ISBN 978-3896461087.
  2. Wilkes, John J. (1995). The Illyrians. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. p. 231. ISBN 0-631-19807-5.
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