Sidi Bennour Province
إقليم سيدي بنور
Country Morocco
CapitalSidi Bennour
  Total3,007 km2 (1,161 sq mi)

Sidi Bennour Province (Arabic: إقليم سيدي بنور) is a province of Morocco in the Casablanca-Settat Region. The province had a population of 452,448 people in 2014.[2]

Administrative divisions

NameGeographic codeTypeHouseholdsPopulation (2004)Foreign populationMoroccan populationNotes
Sidi Bennour181.01.07.Municipality8000395931639577
Bni Hilal181.07.01.Rural commune294517288017288
Bni Tsiriss181.07.03.Rural commune232014955314952
Bouhmame181.07.05.Rural commune5268305400305407803 residents live in the center, called Karia; 22737 residents live in rural areas.
Jabria181.07.07.Rural commune299417654017654
Khmis Ksiba181.07.09.Rural commune1064663706637
Koudiat Bni Dghough181.07.11.Rural commune271215506615500
Kridid181.07.13.Rural commune2023127510127511638 residents live in the center, called Sebt El Maârif; 11113 residents live in rural areas.
Laagagcha181.07.15.Rural commune244114313014313
Laamria181.07.17.Rural commune210513314613308
Laaounate181.07.19.Rural commune3188182582182564465 residents live in the center, called Laaounate; 13793 residents live in rural areas.
Laatatra181.07.21.Rural commune263315046115045
Laghnadra181.11.01.Rural commune530032091032091
Lgharbia181.11.03.Rural commune380823074023074
Lmechrek181.07.23.Rural commune247414853014853
Loualidia181.11.05.Rural commune26681543314154195826 residents live in the center, called Loualidia; 9607 residents live in rural areas.
Metrane181.07.25.Rural commune202011627011627
M'Tal181.07.27.Rural commune207411879111878
Oulad Amrane181.07.29.Rural commune2167118660118661443 residents live in the center, called Oulad Amrane; 10423 residents live in rural areas.
Oulad Boussaken181.07.31.Rural commune1221764107641
Oulad Sbaita181.11.07.Rural commune387224967024967
Oulad Si Bouhya181.07.33.Rural commune312018902018902
Saniat Berguig181.11.09.Rural commune492430286030286
Tamda181.07.35.Rural commune1768970109701


  1. Census 2014. (in Arabic and French)
  2. Census 2014. (in Arabic and French)

32°23′24″N 8°15′36″W / 32.3900°N 8.2600°W / 32.3900; -8.2600

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