Nine members of the Provisional Committee of the State Duma in March 1917. From left to right:
Seated: V. N. Lvov, V. A. Rzhevsky, S. I. Shidlovsky, and M. V. Rodzianko (Chairman);
Standing: V. V. Shulgin, B. A. Engelhardt, A. F. Kerensky, and M. A. Karaulov.

The Provisional Committee of the State Duma (Russian: Временный Комитет Государственной Думы) was a special government body established on March 12, 1917 (27 February O.S.) by the Fourth State Duma deputies at the outbreak of the February Revolution in the same year. It was formed under the jurisdiction of the Russian Provisional Government, established immediately after the abdication of Nicholas II.[1]

Name Party Notes
Mikhail RodziankoOctobristCommittee chairman
Vasily ShulginProgressive Russian NationalistsFaction leader
Vladimir LvovCenterChairman of Duma's faction
Ivan DmitryukovOctobrist(left deviation)
Sergei ShidlovskiyOctobristChairman of Progressive Bloc, leader of left Octobrists
Mikhail KaraulovIndependentCommandant of Taurida Palace
Alexander KerenskyTrudovikExecutive Committee of Petrograd Soviet
Aleksandr KonovalovProgressist
Vladimir RzhevskyProgressist
A.A. Bublikov?Progressist Party[2]
Vasily MaklakovKadet
Pavel MilyukovKadet
Nikolai NekrasovKadet
Nikolay ChkheidzeMenshevikExecutive Committee of Petrograd Soviet
Vasily Anisimoff?MenshevikExecutive Committee of Petrograd Soviet
Boris EngelgardtIndependentCommandant of Petrograd Garrison

The committee declared itself the governing body of Russian Empire, but competed for power with the Petrograd Soviet, which was created on the same day. The Government of Golitzine as the Council of Ministers of Russian Empire retreated to the Admiralty building. The committee of the State Duma appointed 24 commissars to head various state ministries replacing the Imperial Government. According to Milyukov Chkheidze never participated in the work of the committee.

On March 15 (March 2 O.S.) the committee and the Petrograd Soviet agreed to create the Provisional Government. Many members of the committee went on to serve in the Provisional Government, while the committee continued to play an insignificant role until the Fourth Duma was dissolved on September 19 (September 6 O.S.).


  1. "Announcement of the First Provisional Government, 13 March 1917". 2002-12-29. Retrieved 2007-12-12.
  2. "Glossary of Organisations: Pr".

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