National Democratic Alliance
Национал-демократический альянс
AbbreviationNDA (English)
НДА (Russian)
LeaderAlexey Shiropaev
Ilya Lazarenko
Mikhail Pozharsky
Founded13 March 2010 (2010-03-13)
IdeologyRussian nationalism
National democracy
National liberalism
Ethnic federalism
Political positionRight-wing
Colours  White
Slogan"Liberty. Nation. Progress."
(Russian: "Свобода. Нация. Прогресс.")
Party flag

The National Democratic Alliance (NDA; Russian: Национал-демократический альянс; НДА, romanized: Natsional-demokraticheskiy alyans; NDA) is a social and political movement in the Russian Federation. It supports the creation of several Russian republics, the re-establishment of the Federation, and the establishment of a single federal agreement between the subjects of the Russian Federation. The NDA is co-chaired by Alexey Shiropaev, Ilya Lazarenko, and Mikhail Pozharsky.

The NDA is built as an association of regional movements that are united by a common ideology of achieving national democracy, as well as the goals and objectives laid out in the NDA Manifesto.[1]

NDA is an opposition movement.[2]

Political stances

Meeting with the participation of the NDA in memory of the Decembrist uprising. Moscow, Lubyanka, December 12, 2010

NDA program documents – the Manifesto and Resolution "On the re-establishment of the Russian Federation and the creation of Russian republics" – were adopted at the Constituent Conference.

The movement regularly makes political statements in defence of a free economy,[3] political freedoms,[4] reform of the MVD[5] The NDA officially established friendly relations with the Latvian party Visu Latvijai!


A nettle leaf is selected as the NDA symbol. Movement colors: white, green, black. The colors green and black are especially popular due to the respectful attitude of the NDA participants towards the insurgency in the Russian Civil War.

Political actions


  1. "Манифест НДА". Archived from the original on 2010-09-02. Retrieved 2010-09-25.
  2. "Оппозиция открыла второй фронт//Новая газета № 102 от 15 сентября 2010 г." Archived from the original on 2010-09-20. Retrieved 2010-09-26.
  3. "Свободный рынок — свободная нация!". Archived from the original on 2015-06-08. Retrieved 2010-09-26.
  4. "Наша улица — наша страна!". Archived from the original on 2010-06-12. Retrieved 2010-09-26.
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  6. "Отчет о "Чаепитиях" 25 апреля". Archived from the original on 2010-07-28. Retrieved 2010-09-25.
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  8. Плюс один//Каспаров.ru
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  11. Пой, контрреволюция//Каспаров.ru
  12. Клочки по закоулочкам//Каспаров.ru
  13. Милиция предотвратила беспорядки возле телецентра «Останкино»//РИА Новости
  14. Задержаны корректно //Российская газета
  15. Пикет у «Останкино»: «Мы не фашисты» //Московский Комсомолец
  16. В Останкино националисты обманули власти и милицию //GZT.RU
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  18. Национал-демократический альянс на митинге «За Россию без Путина»
  19. Нацдемы отметили Победу акцией «Власовская ленточка»//Особая буква
  20. "Российские национал-демократы ищут союзников в Израиле". Archived from the original on 2011-09-11. Retrieved 2011-07-16.
  21. Арье Эльдад принял в Кнессете делегацию НДА России Archived 2011-08-08 at the Wayback Machine
  22. "Круглый стол "Неосоветизм как явление наших дней"". Archived from the original on 2015-06-09. Retrieved 2011-12-23.
  23. Конференция «Северный Кавказ: вместе или врозь?»
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