Melilla Corridor is an airspace through which air traffic passes between Melilla and the Iberian peninsula.
Operations between Melilla Airport and the Peninsula are carried out along the Melilla Corridor. The AIP ENR 2.1 classifies this Corridor as uncontrolled airspace (Class G), specifying that flights at FL60 or lower will be under the jurisdiction of Seville ACC, and flights at FL70 or higher will be under the jurisdiction of Casablanca ACC. According to SERA, in Class G airspace: IFR and VFR flights are permitted and receive flight information service upon request. All IFR flights will be capable of establishing air-ground voice communications. A speed limitation of 250 knots IAS applies to all flights below 3050 m (10,000 ft) AMSL, except where approved by the authority competent for types of aircraft that, for technical or safety reasons, cannot maintain that speed. An ATC authorization is not necessary.[1]

Melilla Corridor, both its upper and lower parts, is classified as "Airspace G", which means that it is uncontrolled airspace. Melilla has the peculiarity that its approach maneuver is comprised for the most part in uncontrolled airspace, and is only controlled in its final section. An extremely rare and unique peculiarity in Spain. At uncontrolled airports (such as Burgos, Huesca, La Seu, or even La Gomera), the approach maneuver begins in Controlled Air Space, and it is only its final section that is not controlled. In this case it is the other way around.
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