This is a list of operas specifically written for radio performance.

Broadcast premiereCom­posedComposerOpera titleLibrettist and/or source(s)Radio station
24 March 1925[1] Geoffrey Toye The Red Pen A. P. HerbertBritish Broadcasting Company
24 December 1929[2] Gustav Kneip Christkinds Erdenreise (The Christ-child's journey on Earth) Franz Peter KürtenWERAG
May 1931[3] Walter Goehr MalpopitaBerlin
July 1931[4] Mark Lubbock The King Can Do No Wrong C Denis FreemanBritish Broadcasting Corporation
26 April 1932[5] Charles Wakefield Cadman The Willow Tree Nelle Richmond EberhartNBC
13 July 1933[6]1932 Werner Egk Columbus, Bericht und Bildnis (Columbus, report and portrait)Bayerischer Rundfunk
6 October 1935[7] Bohuslav Martinů Hlas lesa (The Voice of the Forest) Vítězslav NezvalCzech Radio
15 October 1936[8] Heinrich SutermeisterDie schwarze Spinne (The Black Spider) Albert Rösler, after Jeremias Gotthelf's Die schwarze SpinneRadio Bern
1937[9] Vittorio Giannini FloraCBS Radio
18 March 1937[7] Bohuslav Martinů Veselohra na mostě (Comedy on the Bridge) Martinů, after Václav Kliment KlicperaCzech Radio
17 October 1937[10] Louis Gruenberg Green Mansionsafter the novel Green Mansions by William Henry HudsonColumbia Broadcasting Company
1938[9] Vittorio Giannini Beauty and the Beast R. SimonCBS Radio
3 April 1939[11]1928 Marcel Mihalovici L'intransigeant Pluton Jean-François RegnardRTF
22 April 1939[12] Gian Carlo Menotti The Old Maid and the Thief Gian Carlo MenottiNBC
2 November 1939[9] Vittorio Giannini Blennerhassett Norman Corwin, Phillip RollCBS Radio
29 March 1942[13] Randall Thompson Solomon and Balkisafter The Butterfly that Stamped by Rudyard KiplingCBS
15 September 1942[14] Mark Lubbock The Rose and the Violet Barbara CartlandBritish Broadcasting Corporation
10 October 1943[15] Jacques Ibert Barbe-bleu W. AguetRadio Lausanne
1949[16] Tibor Harsányi Illusions, ou l'histoire d'un miracle P. Brive, after E. T. A. HoffmannRTF
1 December 1949[17]1944–48 Luigi Dallapiccola Il prigioniero (The Prisoner)after stories by Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam and Charles De Coster.RAI
18 April 1950[11] Marcel Mihalovici Phèdre Yvan Goll, after Jean RacineRTF
21 July 1950[18] Raymond ChevreuilleD'un diable de briquet Chevreuille, after Hans Christian AndersenBelgian radio
3 October 1950[19] Ildebrando Pizzetti Ifigenia Pizzetti and A. PerriniRAI
15 November 1950[20] Nino Rota I due timidi (The Two Timid Ones) Suso Cecchi d'AmicoRAI
21 August 1951[21] Rezső Kókai Lészen ágyú (There shall be guns) Péter Halász and József RomhányiMagyar Rádió
11 October 1951[22]1950 Renzo Bossi Il principe felice (The Happy Prince) Bossi, after Oscar WildeRAI
19 November 1951[23] Hans Werner Henze Ein Landarztafter Franz KafkaNordwestdeutscher Rundfunk
5 March 1952[24] Franz Reizenstein Anna Kraus Christopher HassallBBC Third Programme
5 May 1952[18] Raymond Chevreuille L'elixir du révérend père Gaucher Chevreuille, after Alphonse DaudetBelgian radio
12 June 1952[25] Bernd Alois Zimmermann Des Menschen Unterhaltsprozeß gegen Gott (The People's Maintenance Suit Against God) Pedro Calderón de la Barca, adapted by Matthias BungartWDR
5 November 1952[19] Ildebrando Pizzetti Cagliostro PizzettiRAI
1953[26] Hans Vogt Die Stadt hinter dem Strom (The City Beyond the River) Hermann KasackNordwestdeutscher Rundfunk, BBC
4 December 1953[23] Hans Werner Henze Das Ende einer Welt (The End of a World) Wolfgang HildesheimerNordwestdeutscher Rundfunk
10 January 1954[18] Raymond Chevreuille Atta Troll Chevreuille, after Heinrich Heine Atta Troll, ein SommernachtstraumBelgian radio
24 September 1954[27] Henk Badings OrestesFlorence
9 November 1954[11][28] Marcel Mihalovici Die Heimkehr (The Homecoming) K. H. Ruppel, after Guy de MaupassantHessicher Rundfunk
15 November 1954[29] Donald Swann, channelling Dame Hilda Tablet Emily Butter Henry ReedBBC Third Programme
9 August 1955[30] William Alwyn Farewell CompanionsH. A. L. CraigBBC
28 December 1955[31] Germaine Tailleferre Monsieur Petit Pois achète un château Denise CentoreRadio France
28 December 1955[31] Germaine Tailleferre Le bel ambitieux Denise CentoreRadio France
28 December 1955[31] Germaine Tailleferre La pauvre Eugénie Denise CentoreRadio France
28 December 1955[31] Germaine Tailleferre La Fille d'opéra Denise CentoreRadio France
1957[27] Henk Badings AsterionJohannesburg
28 February 1957[32]1956 Sven-Erik Bäck Tranfjädrarna (The Crane Feathers) Bertil Malmberg, after Junji KinoshitaSwedish Radio
10 November 1959[33] Grażyna Bacewicz Przygoda Króla Artura (The Adventure of King Arthur)Polish Radio
19 November 1959[20] Nino Rota La notte di un nevrastenico R. BacchelliRAI
12 July 1960[31]1959 Germaine Tailleferre Le MaîtreEugène IonescoRadio France
30 September 1960[31]1957 Germaine Tailleferre La petite sirènePh. Soupault after H. C. Andersen' "The Little Mermaid"Radio France
1961[34] Niccolò Castiglioni Attraverso lo specchio (Through the Looking-Glass)after Lewis Carroll and also his Alice in WonderlandRAI
1961[35] Piotr Perkowski Girlandy (Garlands)
14 February 1961[32] Sven-Erik Bäck Fågeln (The Bird) P. Verner-Carlson, after A. ObrenovicSwedish Radio
27 August 1961[36] Emil PetrovicsC'est la guerre Miklos HubayHungarian Broadcasting Corporation
12 August 1962[37] Bruno Maderna Don Perlimplin Bruno Maderna, after Federico García LorcaRAI
8 March 1964[38] Humphrey Searle The Photo of the Colonel Searle, after Eugène IonescoBBC
16 December 1969[39] Bent Lorentzen Euridice Bent LorentzenDR (broadcaster)
17 May 1971[23] Hans Werner Henze Der langwierige Weg in die Wohnung der Natascha Ungeheuer (The Tedious Way to Natascha Ungeheuer's Apartment) Gaston SalvatoreRAI
1972[40]1970–71 Bernadetta Matuszczak Humanae vocesafter Genesis, Saint John, Mahatma Gandhi, Anne Frank, etc.Polish Radio
1973[41] Tomasz Sikorski Sinbad the Sailorafter a poem by Bolesław LeśmianPolish Radio
1975[42] Otomar KvěchJaro je tu (Spring Is Here) (1975)
14 January 1977[43] Anthony Gilbert The Chakravaka-Birdafter poems by Mahadevi Varma, translated by A. K. Ramanujan, Daniel H. H. Ingalls Sr. and Anthony GilbertBBC
1978[42] Otomar Kvěch Před vánocemi (Before Christmas) (1978)
3 July 1979[40]1976–77 Bernadetta Matuszczak Apocalypsisafter RevelationPolish Radio
1980[42] Otomar KvěchJak přišel podzim (When Autumn Came)
2 September 1982[44] Karl Aage RasmussenHistorien om Jonas (The story of Jonah) Poul BorumDR
4 January 1989[45]1986 Nicola LeFanuThe Story of Mary O'Neill S. McInerneyBBC
1991[46] Giulio Castagnoli Al Museo in volo & a zompi (To the Museum) Ugo NespoloRai Radio 3
1996[46] Giulio Castagnoli Lontananze vicino a noi Dario VoltoliniRAI
14 April 2004[47] Jüri Reinvere The Opposite Shore Tamu Tohver, Jüri ReinvereEesti Raadio
8 July 2005[48] Amy Kohn 1, Plum Square Amy KohnWNYC
9 July 2010[49] Robert Saxton The Wandering Jew Robert SaxtonBBC Radio 3

See also



  1. "Broadcasting", The Times, 24 March 1925, p. 23
  2. Andrew Oster (November 2010). Radio, rubble, and reconstruction: The genre of Funkoper in postwar occupied Germany and the German Federal Republic, 1946–1957 (PhD dissertation). Princeton University. p. 4.
  3. "Malpopita", review in Time, 11 May 1931.
  4. "The King Can Do No Wrong", Radio Times, Issue 408, 26th July 1931, p. 40
  5. Thomas Warburton: Cadman, Charles Wakefield, in Sadie, vol 1, p. 676.
  6. Erik Levi: Egk, Werner, in Sadie, vol 2, pp. 22–24.
  7. 1 2 Jan Smaczny: Martinů, Bohuslav, in Sadie, vol. 3, pp. 237–239.
  8. Erik Levi: Sutermeister, Heinrich, in Sadie, vol. 4, pp. 610–611.
  9. 1 2 3 Harry Haskell, Walter Simmons: Giannini, Vittorio, in Sadie, vol. 2, p. 405.
  10. Robert F. Nisbett: Gruenberg, Louis, in Sadie, vol. 2, pp. 555–556
  11. 1 2 3 Cosma, Viorel: Mihalovici, Marcel, in Sadie, vol. 3, p. 386.
  12. Bruce Archibald: Menotti, Gian Carlo, in Sadie, vol. 3, pp. 332–334.
  13. Elliot Forbes: Thompson, Randall, in Sadie, vol. 4, p. 729.
  14. "The Rose and the Violet", Radio Times, Issue 989, 13 September, 1942, p. 10
  15. Richard Langham Smith: Ibert, Jacques, in Sadie, vol. 2, pp. 779–780
  16. Arthur Hoérée: Harsányi, Tibor, in Sadie, vol. 2, p. 651.
  17. Anthony Sellors: Dallapiccola, Luigi, in Sadie, vol 1, pp. 1050–1051.
  18. 1 2 3 Henri Vanhulst: Chevreuille, Raymond, in Sadie, vol 1, p. 838.
  19. 1 2 Guido M. Gatti, John C. G. Waterhouse: Pizzetti, Ildebrando, in Sadie, vol. 3, pp. 1025–1027.
  20. 1 2 Giordano Montecchi: Rota, Nino, in Sadie, vol. 4, pp. 68–69.
  21. Kókai Rezső-daljátékai: a Fülemüle, a Lészen ágyú és a Hét-falu kovácsa, pp. 38–39
  22. John C. G. Waterhouse: Bossi, Renzo, in Sadie, vol 1, p. 566.
  23. 1 2 3 Andrew Clements Henze, Hans Werner, in Sadie, vol. 2, pp. 695–697
  24. Hugo Cole: Reizenstein, Franz, in Sadie, vol. 3, p. 1287.
  25. "Bernd Alois Zimmermann: Des Menschen Unterhaltprozess gegen Gott" (work details) (in French and English). IRCAM.
  26. Vogt, Hans, in Sadie, vol. 4, p. 1037.
  27. 1 2 Jos Wouters, Leo Samama: Badings, Henk, in Sadie, vol 1, p. 275.
  28. Lionel Salter: Radio, Early History, in Sadie, vol. 3, p. 1212
  29. Emily Butter
  30. Adrian Wright: The Innumerable Dance: The Life and Work of William Alwyn (2008), pp. 152–5
  31. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tailleferre catalogue at Gérard Billaudot Editeur, December 1996
  32. 1 2 Andres Wiklund: Bäck, Sven-Erik, in Sadie, vol 1, p. 272.
  33. Adrian Thomas: Bacewicz, Grażyna, in Sadie, vol 1, p. 268.
  34. Niccolò Castiglioni: biography at Allmusic
  35. Piotr Perkowski: Information, Videos , News and Images
  36. Janos Kárpáti: Petrovics, Emil, in Sadie, vol. 3, p. 988
  37. Raymond Fearn: Maderna, Bruno, in Sadie, vol. 3, pp. 140–141.
  38. Hugo Cole: Humphrey Searle, in Sadie, vol. 4, p. 281.
  39. Jens Brincker: Lorentzen, Bent, in Sadie, vol. 3, p. 45.
  40. 1 2 Adrian Thomas: Matuszczak, Bernadetta, in Sadie, Vol. 3, p. 273
  41. About Little Warsaw Autumn: Sinbad the Sailor by Tomasz Sikorski, after Bolesław Leśmian Archived 2013-04-16 at
  42. 1 2 3 Otomar Kvěch: List of Works
  43. Hugo Cole: Gilbert, Anthony, in Sadie, vol 2, pp. 413–414.
  44. "Det Virtuelle Musikbibliotek: Rasmussen, Karl Aage: Historien om Jonas". Archived from the original on 2015-12-07. Retrieved 2012-09-23.
  45. Christopher Wintle: LeFanu, Nicola, in Sadie, vol. 2, p. 1122.
  46. 1 2 Castagnoli, Giulio at
  47. FIMIC (Finnish Music Information Centre): Jüri Reinvere: The Opposite Shore
  48. WNYC: Spinning on Air, Amy Kohn's radio opera 1 Plum Sq.
  49. BBC Radio 3: World premiere of The Wandering Jew, 9 July, 2010


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