An example of a motto, Te mauri, te raoi ao te tabomoa (Health, peace and prosperity) on the Coat of arms of Kiribati
This list contains the mottos of organizations, institutions, municipalities and authorities.
National mottos
Cultural, philanthropic and scientific
- Amsterdam Zoo: Latin: Natura Artis Magistra (Nature is the teacher of art)
- International Expositions: Latin: Semper Verum (Always true)
- Monarchist League of Canada: Latin: Fidelitate Coniuncti (United by fealty)
- Real Academia Española (Royal Spanish Academy): Spanish: Limpia, fija y da Esplendor (Cleans, fixes and gives shine)
- Royal Society: Latin: Nullius in verba (On the word of no one)
- South African Museum: Latin: Semper aliquid novi Africa affert (Africa is always producing some novelty)
- Swedish Academy: Swedish: Snille och Smak (Talent and taste)
Public service and youth service
- 4-H: "To make the best better."
- Air Training Corps: Venture, Adventure
- Army Cadet Force: To Inspire and achieve.
- Boy Scouts: Be Prepared
- Boys' Brigade: Sure and Stedfast (Old spelling)
- Brownies: Lend A Hand
- Civil Air Patrol: Latin: Semper Vigilans (Always vigilant)
- Cub Scouting Do Your Best
- Girlguiding UK: Be Prepared
- Girls' Brigade: Seek, serve and follow Christ
- Guides: Be Prepared
- National FFA Organization: Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve
- New Zealand Air Training Corps: We Train to Serve
- St. John Ambulance: For the Faith and For the Service of Mankind
Police and public safety
- Carabineros de Chile: Order and Fatherland
- Chicago Police Department: We Serve and Protect
- Detroit Police Department: Making Detroit a Safer Place to Live, Work, and Visit
- Houston Police Department: Order through law, justice with mercy.
- Icelandic Police: Icelandic: Með lögum skal land byggja (With laws shall lands be built)[1]
- Indonesian National Police: Sanskrit: Rastra Sewakottama (Serving the Nation)
- Los Angeles Airport Police: Serving the Aviation Community
- Los Angeles Police Department: To Protect and to Serve
- Maine State Police: Latin: Semper Aequus (Always just)
- Metropolitan Police Service: Working together for a safer London
- Milwaukee Police Department: Be A Force
- Minneapolis Police Department: To Protect with Courage, To Serve with Compassion
- Korean National Police Agency: Korean: 국민과 함께하는 따뜻하고 믿음직한 경찰 (A Friendly and Reliable Police Force for the People )
- New South Wales Police Force: Latin: Culpam Poena Premit Comes (Punishment Follows Closely On Guilt)
- New York Police Department: Fidelis ad Mortem (Faithful unto death)
- Royal Malaysian Police: Malay: Tegas, Adil dan Berhemah (Firm, Fair & Prudent)
- Sacramento County Sheriff: Service with Concern
- Singapore Police Force: Malay: Setia dan Bakti (Loyalty and Service)
- New Zealand Police: Safer communities together
- Thames Valley Police: Latin: Sit pax in valle tamesis (Let there be peace in the Thames Valley)
- Trinity House: Latin: Trinitas in unitate (Trinity in unity)
- United States Department of Veterans Affairs Police: Protecting Those Who Serve
- Victoria Police: Uphold the Right
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Maintiens le Droit (Uphold the right)
Sport and competition
International organisations
- Fédération Internationale des Échecs: Latin: Gens una sumus (We are one people)
- International Practical Shooting Confederation: Latin: Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas (Accuracy, power, speed)
- Olympic Games: Latin: Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, higher, stronger)
- Paralympic Games: Spirit in Motion
Africa and Asia
- Al-Quwa Al-Jawiya: Arabic: الخلق، الأيمان، القوة (Character, Faith, Force)
- Asante Kotoko S.C.: Ashanti Twi: Kum apem a, apem beba (Kill a thousand, and a thousand more will come)
- Kolkata Knight Riders: Korbo, Lorbo, Jeetbo re (Will do, will fight, will win)
- Carolina Panthers: Keep Pounding
- Chicago Fire SC: Tradition. Honor. Passion.
- Colo Colo: Spanish: El equipo que ha sabido ser campeón (The team that has known to become champion)
- CR Flamengo: Portuguese: Uma vez Flamengo, sempre Flamengo. (Once Flamengo, always Flamengo)
- Tabor Academy: Latin: Vincit Semper Veritas (Truth always conquers)
- Adelaide Football Club: Latin: Natus ad magna gerenda (Born to great things)
- Carlton Football Club: Latin: Mens sana in corpore sano (Sound Mind in a Healthy Body)
- Collingwood Football Club: Latin: Floreat pica (May the Magpie flourish)
- Essendon Football Club: Latin: Suaviter in Modo, Fortiter in Re (Gently in manner, resolutely in execution)
- Footscray Football Club: Latin: Cede Nullius (Yield to none)
- Hawthorn Football Club: Latin: Spectemur agendo (Judged by our actions)
- North Melbourne Football Club: Latin: Victoria amat curam (Victory demands dedication)
- Port Adelaide Football Club: We Are Port Adelaide
- St Kilda Football Club: Latin: Fortius quo fidelius (Strength through Loyalty)
- FC Barcelona: Catalan: Més que un club (More than a club) and Catalan: Tots units fem força (All together we are strong)
- Sport Lisboa e Benfica: Latin: E Pluribus Unum (Out of many, one)
- Feyenoord Rotterdam: Dutch: Geen woorden maar daden (No words but deeds)
- S.S. Lazio: Latin: Concordia Parvae Res Crescunt (In harmony small things grew)
- Olympique de Marseille: French: Droit au but (Straight to the Goal)
- F.C. Porto: A Vencer desde 1893 (Conquering since 1893)
- Sporting Clube de Portugal: Portuguese: Esforço, Dedicação, Devoção, Glória (Effort, dedication, devotion, glory)
- Real Madrid C.F.: Spanish: Hala Madrid y nada mas (Hail Madrid and nothing more)
United Kingdom
- Arsenal F.C.: Latin: Victoria Concordia Crescit (Victory through harmony)
- Aston Villa: Prepared
- Chelsea Football Club: Keep The Blue Flag Flying High
- Everton Football Club: Latin: Nil satis nisi optimum (Nothing but the best is good enough)
- Leeds United: Marching on Together
- Leicester City: Foxes Never Quit and #Fearless
- Llanelli Wanderers RFC: Welsh: Cyfeillach trwy Grwydro (Friendship through wandering)
- Liverpool Football Club: You'll Never Walk Alone
- Manchester City F.C.: Latin: Superbia in Proelio (Pride in battle)
- Norwich City F.C: On the Ball, City
- Queen's Park F.C.: Latin: Ludere Causa Ludendi (To play for the sake of playing)
- Rangers F.C.: Ready
- Sheffield Wednesday F.C.: Latin: Consilio et Animis (by Wisdom and Courage)
- Shrewsbury Town F.C: Latin: Floreat Salopia (May Shropshire flourish / Let Salop flourish)
- Stoke City: Latin: Vis Unita Fortior (United Strength is Stronger)
- Sunderland A.F.C.: Latin: Consectatio Excellentiae (In pursuit of excellence)
- Tottenham Hotspur: Latin: Audere est Facere (To dare is to do)
- Chechen Resistance: Ojal ya Marsho (Chechen: Freedom or death)
- Christian Democracy (Italy): Libertas
- Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (Cuba): ¡En cada barrio, Revolución! (Spanish: In every neighborhood, Revolution!)
- ETA: Bietan jarrai (Basque: Keep up on both)
- Industrial Workers of the World: An injury to one is an injury to all
- La Francophonie: égalité, complémentarité, solidarité (equality, complementarity, and solidarity).
- Liberal Party of the Philippines: Noon at Ngayon, Liberal Marangal (Past and present, honorable Liberal)
- Muslim Brotherhood: Allah Akbar, Wa Lellah Al Hamd (God is greater, thanks to God)
- Nacionalista Party: Ang Bayan Higit sa Lahat (The nation above all)
- Socialistisk Folkeparti: Det ku' være så godt (Danish: It could be so good)
- Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League: One God! One Aim! One Destiny!
- Women's Institute: For Home and Country
- Women's Social and Political Union: Deeds not words
- Zapatista Army of National Liberation: Ya Basta! (Spanish: Enough already!)
Heritage and historical
- Daughters of the American Revolution: God, Home, and Country
- Sons of the American Revolution: Latin: Libertas et patria (Liberty and country)
- United Daughters of the Confederacy: Love, Live, Pray, Think, Dare
- Ahmadiyya Community: Love for All Hatred for None
- Benedictine Order: Latin: ora et labora (pray and work)
- Carmelite Order: Latin: zelo zelatus sum pro Domino Deo exercituum (I am aflame with zeal for the Lord God of Hosts)
- Cartellverband der katholischen deutschen Studentenverbindungen: Latin: In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas (In need unity, in doubt liberty, in everything charity)
- Dominican Order: Latin: Veritas (Truth), Latin: Laudare, Benedicere, Praedicare (Praise, bless, preach)
- K.A.V. Lovania Leuven: Latin: Semper Excelsius (Always do your best); German: Der Geist lebt in uns allen (The Spirit lives in us all)
- Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya: A Nation cannot be reformed without the reformation of its youth
- Knights Hospitaller: Latin: Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum (Support the faithful and serve the poor)
- Knights Templar: Latin: Non nobis Domine, non nobis; sed Nomini tuo da gloriam (Not to us, Lord, not to us; but your name give glory)
- Lajna Imaillah: No nation can progress without educating their women
- Philippine Independent Church: Latin: Pro Deo Et Patria (For God and country)
- Pontificate of Pope Pius XII: Latin: opus iustitiae pax (peace is the fruit of justice)
- Pontificate of Pope Francis: Latin: Miserando Atque Eligendo (by having mercy and by choosing)
- Salvation Army: Blood and Fire
- Society of Jesus: Latin: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (For the greater glory of God)
- United Church of Christ: That they may all be one.[2]
- United Methodist Church: Open hearts, Open minds, Open doors
- Audi: Vorsprung durch Technik (Literally: Advantage through technology, Figuratively: The technical edge)
- BBC: Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation
- Harrods: Omnia Omnibus Ubique (All Things, For All People, Everywhere)
- IdentLogic Systems: Latin: Ille qui meritus est praemium habeat ( Let him who has earned it bear the reward)
- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer: Latin: Ars Gratia Artis (Art for art's sake)
- Royal Mail Lines: Latin: Per mare ubique (Everywhere by sea)
Medieval nobility
Famous mottos, usually deliberately cryptic, adopted during the age of chivalry and courtly love by great noblemen and ladies include:
- À Mon Seul Désir, appearing on The Lady and the Unicorn tapestry made in Paris circa 1500;
- Me Sovent Sovant, Lady Margaret Beaufort (1441/3-1509) (Souvent me souviens, "Often I remember") which was adopted by St John's College, Cambridge, founded by her;
- A Vous Entier John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford (1389-1435);
- Le Temps Venra Jean de Berry (1340-1416)
- Le Bon Temps Viendra, ("the right time will come") Bourchier family;
- Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense, King Edward III (ruled 1327–1377) of England, motto of the Order of the Garter (1348);
- J'en Garde un Leal, Anne Malet de Graville ((1490?–1540?))
- British monarchy (Plantagenet): French: Dieu Et Mon Droit: (God and my right / God and my right shall me defend)
- Greek royal family : Greek: Ἰσχύς μου ἡ ἀγάπη τοῦ λαοῦ (People's love, my strength)
- Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, House of Romania : Latin: Nihil Sine Deo (Nothing without God)
- Pahlavi dynasty : Persian: مرا داد فرمود و خود داور است (Justice He [God] bids me do, as He will judge me)
- Rothschild family: Latin: Concordia, Integritas, Industria (Unity, integrity, diligence)
- House of Savoy: FERT
- Royal mottos of Danish monarchs
- List of Norwegian monarchs' mottos
- Royal mottos of Swedish monarchs
- American Board of Ophthalmology: Latin: Ex Obscuris Lux (From darkness, light)
- Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland: Latin: In somno securitas (In sleep there is safety)
- Association of Veterinary Surgeons in Bulgaria: Latin: Culter in manu sapienti vitam dat (A scalpel in a wise hand gives life)
- Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland: Latin: omnes ab omnibus discamus (Let us learn all things from everybody)
- Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists: Latin: Corpus curare spiritumque (To care for the body and its breath of life)
- Australian College of Pharmacy: Education for Practice and Management
- Canadian Association of General Surgeons: Latin: Sapientia Manaque Apta (Wisdom and a skillful hand)
- Canadian Orthopaedic Association: Latin: Pietate, Arte et Scientia Corrigere (With compassion, skill and knowledge we correct, straighten or set right)
- Grant Medical College, Mumbai, India. Mens sana in corpora sano (Latin: Healthy mind in a healthy body)
- Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons: Latin: Vincat Scientia Morbos (Let knowledge conquer disease)
- Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: Excellence in women's health
- Royal College of Anaesthetists: Latin: Divinum sedare dolorem (It is divine to alleviate pain / Divine is the effort to conquer pain)
- Royal College of General Practitioners: Latin: Cum Scientia Caritas (Scientific knowledge applied with compassion)
- Royal College of Midwives: Latin: Vita donum Dei (Life is the gift of God)
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: Latin: Super Ardua (Let us overcome our difficulties)
- Royal College of Ophthalmologists: Latin: Ut Omnes Videant (So that all may see)
- Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health: Latin: Hereditas Domini filii (Children are a heritage from the Lord)
- Royal College of Psychiatrists: Let Wisdom Guide
- Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland: Latin: Consilio Manuque (Scholarship and dexterity)
- Royal Pharmaceutical Society: Latin: Habenda ratio valetudinis (We must pay attention to our health)
- Walter Reed Tropical Medicine Course: Safiri Salama (Swahili: Travel safely)
- ZAKA: Hessed Shel Emet (True kindness)
- Association of Trust Schools: Latin: Ad Susceptum Perficiendum (In order to achieve what has been undertaken)
- Glasgow Filmmakers Alliance: Whatever the weather, we stand together
- International Thespian Society: Act well your part. There all the honor lies
- Linux Foundation: Open your source, Open your mind
- The Boondock Saints: Latin: Aequitas et Veritas, alternately Veritas et Aequitas (Truth and justice / Honesty and equality)
- The Red Green Show: Quando omni flunkus moritati (Pseudo-Latin When all else fails, play dead)
Military and governmental
- Canadian Security Intelligence Service: A safe, secure and prosperous Canada, through trusted intelligence and advice.
- Canadian Army: Vigilamus pro te (We stand on guard for thee)
- Royal Canadian Air Force: Sic Itur ad Astra (Such is the pathway to the stars)
- Royal Canadian Navy: Parati vero parati (Ready aye ready)
- Canadian Special Operations Forces Command: Facta, non verba (Actions, not words)
- Irish Army Cavalry Corps: Through the mud and blood to the green fields beyond
- Apollo 13: Latin: Ex luna, scientia (From the Moon, knowledge)
- British Special Air Service: Who Dares Wins
- Indian Army: Naam, Namak, Nishan (Be honourable, true to your salt, and uphold the flag)
- Indian Army Medical Corps: Sarve Santu Niramaya (Everyone should remain healthy, good health for all)
- National Security Agency (NSA): Defending Our Nation, Securing The Future
- Ontario Regiment of Canada: Canadian Armed Forces Armoured Reserve Regiment: Latin: Fidelus Paradus (Faithful and prepared)
- Pakistan Army: Iman, Taqwa, Jihad Fi Sabil-illah, Men at their Best. (Faith, piety, struggle in the way of Almighty Allah, men at their best)
- Philippine National Police: We Serve and Protect
- Royal Air Force (United Kingdom): Latin: Per Ardua Ad Astra (Through adversity to the stars)
- Royal Marines (United Kingdom): Latin: Per Mare, Per Terram (By sea, by land)
- Household Division (United Kingdom): Latin: Septem Juncta in Uno (Seven joined in one)
- United States Air Force Academy: Integrity First, Service before self, Excellence in All we Do
- United States Coast Guard (USCG): Latin: Semper Paratus (Always ready)
- United States Coast Guard Life-Saving Service (USCG LSS): You have to go out, but you don't have to come back[3]
- United States Marine Corps (USMC): Latin: Semper Fidelis (Always faithful)
- United States Military Academy: Duty, Honor, Country
- US Air Force Pararescue: That Others May Live
- United States Army: This We'll Defend
- Spanish Light Armoured Cavalry Regiment Santiago No 1 : Latin: Pes meus stetit in directo[4] (My foot has stood in the right way/direction (or in uprightness; in integrity )
- United States Secret Service: Worthy Of Trust and Confidence
Orders and decorations
- Order of Canada: Latin: Desiderantes Melioram Patriam (They desired a better land)
- Order of Military Merit (Canada): Latin: Officio ante Commodum (Service before self)
- Legion of Honour (France): French: Honneur et Patrie (Honour and Fatherland)
- Order of Charles III (Spain): Latin: Virtuti et Merito (By virtue and merit)
- Order of the Crown (Belgium): French: Travail et Progrès (Work and Progress)
- Order of the Cross of Liberty (Finland): Finnish: Isänmaan Puolesta (For the Fatherland)
- Order of the Dannebrog (Denmark): Danish: Gud og Kongen (God and the King)
- Order of the Elephant (Denmark): Latin: Magnanimi Pretium (The prize of greatness)
- Order of the Golden Fleece (Spanish version): Latin: Ante ferit quam flamma micet (Strike before they see the flame)
- Order of the House of Orange (Netherlands): French: Je Maintiendrai (I will maintain)
- Order of Leopold (Belgium): French: L'Union Fait La Force (Union makes strength)
- Order of Leopold II (Belgium): French: L'Union Fait La Force (Union makes strength)
- Order of Merit for the Fatherland (Russia): Russian: Polza, chest i slava (Benefit, honour and glory)
- Order of the Netherlands Lion: Latin: Virtus Nobilitat (Power ennobles)
- Order of Orange-Nassau: French: Je Maintiendrai (I will maintain)
- Order of the Polar Star (Sweden): Latin: Nescit Occasum (It knows no decline)
- Order of Saint Andrew (Russia): Russian: Za Veru i Vernost (For faith and loyalty)
- Order of St. George (Russia): Russian: Za Sluzhbu i Khrabrost (For service and bravery)
- Order of St. Olav (Norway): Norwegian: Ret og Sandhed (Justice and truth)
- Order of the Seraphim (Sweden): Latin: Iesus Hominum Salvator (Jesus, saviour of men)
- Order of the Star of Romania: Latin: In Fide Salus (In Faith is the Salvation)
- Order of the Tower and Sword (Portugal): Portuguese: Valor, Lealdade e Mérito (Valour, Loyalty and Merit)
- Order of the White Eagle (Poland): Polish: Za Ojczyznę i Naród (For Fatherland and Nation)
- Order of the White Lion (Czech Republic): Czech: Pravda Vítězí (Truth Prevails)
- Order of the White Rose of Finland: Finnish: Isänmaan hyväksi (For the Well-Being of the Fatherland)
Holy See
- Order of Pius IX: Latin: Virtuti et Merito (By virtue and merit)
- Order of St. Gregory the Great: Latin: Pro Deo et Principe (For God and Prince)
- Order of St. Sylvester: Latin: Multum in Parvo (Much in a small space)
United Kingdom
- George Cross: For Gallantry[5]
- Order of the Bath: Latin: Tria Juncta In Uno (Three joined in one)[5]
- Order of the Garter: French: Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense (Shame be to him who thinks evil of it)[5]
- Order of Merit: For Merit[5]
- Order of St Michael and St George: Latin: Auspicium Melioris Aevi (Hope of a better age)[5]
- Order of the Thistle: Latin: Nemo Me Impune Lacessit (No-one injures me with impunity)[5]
- Royal Victorian Order: Victoria[5]
- Victoria Cross: For Valour[5]
New South Wales
Northern Territory
- Darwin, Northern Territory: Latin: Progrediamur (Let us go forward)
South Australia
Western Australia
- City of Perth: Latin: Floreat (Prosper & Protect)
British Columbia
- Brandon: Latin: Vires Acquirit Eundo (She acquires strength through progress)
- Headingley: Latin: Progredi Prospere (To go forward prosperously)
- Macdonald: Latin: Preserverate et Florete (To preserve and flourish)
- Portage la Prairie: English: Progress
- St. Andrews: English: In Union Is Strength
- West St. Paul: English: Onward
- Winnipeg: Latin: Unum Cum Virtute Multorum (One with the strength of many)
New Brunswick
- Saint John: Latin: O Fortunati Quorum Jam Moenia Surgunt (O fortunate ones whose walls are now rising / O happy they, whose promised walls already rise)
Nova Scotia
- Montreal: Latin: Concordia Salus (Salvation through harmony)
- Province of Quebec: French: Je me souviens (I remember)
- Quebec City, Quebec: French: Don de Dieu feray valoir (I shall put God's gift to good use)
- Amsterdam: Dutch: Heldhaftig, Vastberaden, Barmhartig (Valiant, Steadfast, Compassionate)
- Bordeaux: Latin: Lilia sola regunt lunam undas castra leonem (The fleur-de-lis alone rules over the moon, the waves, the castle, and the lion)
- Brescia: Latin: Brixia fidelis (Brescia faithful)
- Bruges: Latin: S.P.Q.B.
- Bucharest: Romanian: Patria și Dreptul Meu (The Homeland and my right)
- Douglas: Manx: Kiannoortys cheusthie jeh Kiannoortys (Government within a government)
- Frankfurt: German: Stark im Recht (Strong in justice)
- Gdańsk: Latin: Nec temere, nec timide (Neither rashly nor timidly)
- Gdynia: Polish: Gdynia—miasto z morza i marzeń (Gdynia—a city built of sea and dreams)
- Genoa: Latin: Libertas (Liberty)
- Kaunas: Latin: Diligite justitiam qui judicatis terram (Love justice, landlords)
- Łódź: Latin: Ex navicula navis (Big boat out of a small one)
- Madrid: Spanish: Fui sobre agua edificada, mis muros de fuego son. Esta es mi insignia y blasón (On water I was built, My walls are made of fire, this is my ensign and escutcheon)
- Marseille: Latin: Actibus immensis urbs fulget Massiliensis (By her great deeds, Marseille shines in the world)
- Nancy, France: Latin: Non inultus premor (I'm not touched with impunity)
- Nantes: Latin: Favet Neptunus Eunti (Neptune favours the traveller)
- Nice: Latin: Nicaea Civitas (City of Nice)
- Oporto, Portugal: Portuguese: Antiga, mui nobre e sempre leal, Invicta cidade do Porto (Antique, highly noble, always faithful, unvanquished Oporto City)
- Paris: Latin: Fluctuat nec mergitur (Tossed by the waves, she does not founder)
- Prague: Latin: Praga caput rei publicae (Prague, head of the republic). Formerly: Praga caput regnum (Prague, head of the kingdom)
- Rotterdam: Dutch: Sterker door strijd (Stronger by struggle)
- Seville: Spanish: No me ha dejado (written NO8DO) (It [Seville] has not abandoned me)
- Sofia: Raste, no ne staree (Bulgarian: Grows, but does not age)
- The Hague: Dutch: Vrede en recht (Peace and Justice)
- Toulon: Latin: Concordia parva crescunt (Small things increase by concord)
- Toulouse: Occitan: Per Tolosa totjorn mai (For Toulouse, always more)
- Valletta: Italian: Città Umilissima (The most humble city)
- Vilnius: Latin: Unitas, Justitia, Spes (Unity, justice, hope)
- Warsaw: Latin: Contemnit procellas (It defies the storms), Semper invicta (Always invincible)
- Żebbuġ, Malta: Latin: Semper Virens (Evergreen)
- Jakarta: Jaya Raya (Victory and glorious)
- Bandung: Gemah Ripah Wibawa Mukti (rich soil, prosperous people)
- Rarasing Rasa Wiwaraning Praja, a Javanese sengkala, (referring to the year of 1966), people's harmonious feeling for entering a gate of prosperity
- Karawang: Pangkal Perjuangan (Struggle starting point)
- Bali: Bali Dwipa Jaya (Glorious Bali Island)
- Aceh : Pancacita (Five purposes)
- Kolkatta (Calcutta): Purosree Bibardhan (Bengali: Progress of the city)
- Mumbai: Yato Dharmastato Jaya (यतो धर्मस्ततो जय) (Sanskrit: Where there is righteousness, there shall be victory). Pre-independence motto: Urbs Primis in Indis (India's first city)
- Kerala: Ever To Be The Best (Tolins World School)
- Tamil Nadu வாய்மையே வெல்லும் (Tamil) (Truth alone triumphs)
Republic of Ireland
- Cork: Latin: Statio Bene Fida Carinis (A safe harbour for ships)
- Dublin: Latin: Obedientia Civium Urbis Felicitas (Happy the city where citizens obey)
- Dún Laoghaire: Ó Chuan go Sliabh (From the harbour to the mountain)
- Limerick: Latin: Urbs Antiqua Fuit Studiisque Asperrima Belli (An ancient city well versed in the arts of war)
- Waterford: Latin: Urbs Intacta Manet Waterfordia (Waterford remains the untaken city)
Latin America
- Nuevo Leon, Mexico: Latin: Semper Ascendens (Always ascending)
- São Paulo: Latin: Non ducor, duco (I am not led, I lead)
New Zealand
- Auckland: Advance[7]
- Christchurch: Latin: Fide Condita, Fructu Beata, Spe Fortis (Founded in Faith, Rich in the Fulfillment thereof, Strong in Hope for the Future).
- Dunedin: Latin: Maiorum Institutis Utendo (By following in the footsteps of our forefathers)
- Nelson, New Zealand: Latin: Palmam qui meruit ferat (Let him, who has earned it, bear the palm)
- Wellington: Latin: Suprema a Situ (Supreme by position)
United Kingdom
- Aylesbury Vale: Latin: Concordia prorsum (Forward in harmony)[8]
- Chiltern: Freely we serve[8]
- High Wycombe: Latin: Industria ditat (Industry enriches)[9]
- Milton Keynes: By knowledge, design, and understanding[8]
- South Buckinghamshire: Latin: Consillo et animis (By counsel and courage)[8]
- Huntingdonshire:Labore omnia florent (Latin: By labour everything prospers)[10]
- Peterborough: Upon this rock[10]
- South Cambridgeshire: Dutch: Niet zonder arbyt (Not without work)[10]
- Chester: Latin: Antiqiui Colant Antiquum Dierum (Let the ancients worship the ancient of days)[11]
- Borough of Halton: Latin: Industria Navem Implet (Industry fills the ship)[12]
- Runcorn: Latin: Navem Mercibus Implere (Fill the ship with goods)[13]
- Widnes: Latin: Industria Ditat (Industry enriches)[14]
City of London
- Benfleet: Latin: Societas florebit (Fellowship will blossom)
- Braintree: By wisdom and foresight[10]
- Brentwood: Latin: Ardens Fide (burning with faith)[10]
- Canvey Island: Latin: Ex Mare Dei Gratia (From the sea by the grace of God)[10]
- Chelmsford: Many minds, one heart[10]
- Colchester: No Cross, no Crown[10]
- Great Dunmow: May Dunmow prosper[10]
- Halstead: Latin: Consilio et Prudentia (By wisdom and foresight)[10]
- Harwich: Latin: Omnia Bona Bonis (To the good all things are good)[10]
- Harlow: In Common Endeavour[10]
- Leigh-on-Sea: Latin: Lux Salubritas Felicitas (Light, health, happiness)
- Maldon: Vision, courage, integrity[10]
- Rayleigh: Latin: In Reliquom Laboramus (We work for the future)
- Rochford: Our heritage, our future[10]
- Southend-on-Sea: Latin: Per Mare Per Ecclesiam (By the sea and by the church)[10]
- Thurrock: Latin: Secundum Tamesim Quovis Gentium (By the Thames to all peoples of the world)[10]
- Waltham Abbey: Latin: Sanctae Nomine Crucis (By the name of the Holy Cross)[10]
- Cheltenham: Latin: Salubritas et eruditio (Health and education)
- Cirencester: Latin: Corinium floreat (May Corinium (Cirencester) flourish)
- Cotswold District: United we serve
- Gloucester: Latin: Fides invicta triumphat (Unconquered faith triumphs)
- Gloucestershire: Latin: Prorsum semper (Ever forwards)
- Tewkesbury Borough: Latin: In consilio sapientia (There is wisdom in counsel)
Greater London
- Barking and Dagenham: Latin: Dei Gratia Probemur Rebus (By the grace of God, let us be judged by our acts)[15]
- Barnet: Latin: Unitas Efficit Ministerium (Unity makes service)[15]
- Bexley: Boldly and Rightly[15]
- Brent: Forward Together[15]
- Bromley: Latin: Servire Populo (To serve the people)[15]
- Camden: Latin: Non Sibi sed Toti (Not for oneself, but for all)[15]
- Croydon: Latin: Ad Summa Nitamur (Let us strive after perfection)[15]
- Ealing: Progress With Unity[15]
- Enfield: By Industry Ever Stronger[15]
- Greenwich: We Govern by Serving[15]
- Hammersmith and Fulham: Latin: Spectemur Agendo (Let us be regarded according to our conduct)[15]
- Haringey: Progress With Humanity[15]
- Harrow: Latin: Salus Populi Suprema Lex (The health of the people is the supreme law)[15]
- Havering: Liberty[15]
- Hillingdon: Forward[15]
- Hounslow: Latin: Iuncti Progrediamur (Let us progress together)[15]
- Islington: We Serve[15]
- Kensington and Chelsea: Latin: Quam Bonum In Unum Habitare (What a good thing it is to dwell together in unity)[15]
- Lambeth: Latin: Spectemur Agendo (Let us be regarded according to our conduct)[15]
- Lewisham: Latin: Salus Populi Suprema Lex (The health of the people is the supreme law)[15]
- Merton: Stand Fast In Honour And Strength[15]
- Newham: Progress with the People[15]
- Redbridge: In Unity Progress[15]
- Southwark: United to Serve[15]
- Sutton: Latin: Per ardua in fide servite Deo (through difficulties serve God in faith)[15]
- Tower Hamlets: From Great Things to Greater[15]
- Waltham Forest: Fellowship Is Life[15]
- Wandsworth: We Serve[15]
- Westminster: Latin: Custodi Civitatem Domine (Guard the city, O Lord)[15]
Greater Manchester
- Bolton: Latin: Supera moras (Overcome difficulties)[17]
- Bury: Forward in unity[17]
- Manchester: Latin: Concilio et Labore (By counsel and labour)[17]
- Oldham: Latin: Sapere aude (Have courage to be wise)[17]
- Stockport: Latin: Animo et fide ( With courage and faith)[17]
- Tameside: Industry and integrity[17]
- Trafford: Hold fast that which is good[17]
- Wigan: Ancient and Loyal[17]
- New Forest: Old Yet Ever New
- Portsmouth: Heaven's Light Our Guide
- Romsey: Quae Recta Tene
- Rushmoor: Strength in Unity
- Test Valley: Latin: Deo Teste Valeamus (With God as our witness, let us be strong)
- Broxbourne: Latin: Cor Unum, Via Una (One heart, one way)[8]
- Dacorum: The Borough of Dacorum[8]
- Hertsmere: Do Well And Fear Not[8]
- North Hertfordshire: Memores Acti, Prudentes Futuri[8]
- Stevenage: The Heart of a Town Lies in its People[8]
- Watford: Latin: Audentior (Bolder)[8]
- Welwyn Hatfield: By Wisdom And Design[8]
- Ashford: With Stronger Faith[18]
- Canterbury: Latin: Ave Mater Angliae (Hail, Mother England)[18]
- Dartford: Latin: Floreat Dartford (Let Dartford Flourish)[18]
- Folkestone and Hythe: Latin: Amoenitas et Salubritas (Delightfulness and healthiness)[18]
- Maidstone: Agriculture and Commerce[18]
- Medway: Forward Together[18]
- Swale: Known by their Fruits[18]
- Tonbridge and Malling: Forward in Unison[18]
- Tunbridge Wells: Do Well Doubt Not[18]
- Blackburn: Latin: Arte et Labore (By art and labour)[17]
- Blackpool: Progress[17]
- Burnley: Hold to the truth[17]
- Chorley: Be aware[17]
- Fylde: Latin: Gaudeat ager (Let the field rejoice)[17]
- Hyndburn: By industry and prudence[17]
- Lancashire: Latin: In consilio consilium (In council is wisdom)[17]
- Lancaster: Luck to loyne[17]
- Pendle: Latin: In unitate florescemus (In unity we increasingly flourish)[17]
- Rossendale: Prosperity through endeavour[17]
- South Ribble: Progress with humanity[17]
- West Lancashire: Salus populi suprema lex Latin: The well-being of the people is the supreme law)[17]
- Wyre: Latin: Utraque parte fluminis (On either side of the river)[17]
- Mablethorpe: Latin: Amoeniora Litora Nostra (Our shores are more delightful) [1]
- Norwich: Do different
- Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Latin: Fortiter Defendit Triumphans (Triumph by brave defence) [5]
- Felixstowe: Felix sto we (Happy we stand)
- Elmbridge: Latin: Dum Defluant Amnes (Until the rivers cease to flow)[18]
- Epsom and Ewell: None Such[18]
- Guildford: Latin: Fortiter et Fideliter (Bravely and faithfully)[18]
- Mole Valley: Latin: Ministrando Vigilans (Vigilant in our serving)[18]
- Spelthorne: Latin: Ad Solem Prospicimus (We look towards the Sun)[18]
- Surrey Heath: Latin: Festina Diligenter (Make haste carefully)[18]
- Tandridge: Latin: Concordia (Harmony)[18]
- Reigate and Banstead: Never Wonne Ne Never Shall[18]
- Runnymede: In Freedom We Serve[18]
- Waverley: Latin: Oppida Rusque Una (Town and countryside in unity)[18]
- Woking: Latin: Fide et Diligentia (In faith and diligence)[18]
- Brighton and Hove: Latin: Inter Undas et Colles Floremus (Between sea and downs we flourish)[18]
- Crawley: I Grow and I Rejoice[18]
- Eastbourne: Latin: Meliora Sequimur (We follow the better things)[18]
- Horsham: Proudly We Serve[18]
- Mid Sussex: Latin: Salus Populi Suprema Lex (The good of the people comes first)[18]
- Wealden: Latin: Interiora Ruris (Rural interior)[18]
- Worthing: Latin: Ex Terra Copiam e Mari Salutem (From the land, fullness; from the sea, health)[18]
West Midlands
- Birmingham: Forward[20]
- Bradford: Progress, Industry, Humanity[21]
- Calderdale: Latin: Industria Arte Prudentia (Industry, Skill, Foresight)[22]
- Leeds: Latin: Pro Rege et Lege (For the king and the law)[23]
- Rotherham: By Industry and Honour[24]
- Sheffield: Latin: Deo Adjuvante, Labor Proficit (With God's help, our work is successful)[25]
- Wakefield: Persevere and Prosper[26]
- Yorkshireman's Motto: 'Ear all, see all, say nowt;Eyt all, sup all, pay nowt;And if ivver tha does owt fer nowt –Allus do it fer thissen.[11]
- Aberdeen: French: Bon Accord ( Good agreement)[27]
- Arbroath: Propter libertatem (Latin: For Freedom)[28]
- Braemar: Scots: Mak Siccar (Make sure)[29]
- Clydebank: Latin: Labore et Scientia (By work and by knowledge)[30]
- Dingwall: Salve corona[31]
- Duns: Scots: Duns Dings Aw (Duns beats all)
- East Kilbride: Prosper but Dreid
- Edinburgh: Nisi Dominus frustra (Latin: Except the Lord [keep the city, the watchman waketh] in vain. Psalm 127)
- Falkirk: Scots: Touch Ane, Touch Aw - Better meddle wi the Deil than the bairns o Fawkirk (Strike one, strike all - easier fight with the devil than the children of Falkirk)
- Forfar: Ut quocunque paratus
- Galashiels: Scots: Soor Ploums (Sour Plums)
- Glasgow: Let Glasgow Flourish
- Irvine: Latin: Tandem bona causa triumphat (The good cause triumphs in the end)
- Jedburgh: Latin: Strenue et Prospere (With vigour and success)
- Kelso: Scots: Dae Richt - Fear Nocht (Do right — fear nought)
- Kinross: Scots: Siccar (Sure)
- Lerwick: Dispecta est et Thule
- Orkney Islands: Boreas domus mare amicus (Latin: The North our home, the sea our friend)[32]
- Perth: Latin: Pro Rege, Lege et Grege (For the King, the Law and the People)
- Port Glasgow: Latin: Ter et Quarter anno Revisens Aequor Atlanticum Impune (Three and four times a year revisiting the Atlantic with impunity)
- Rosehearty: Scots: Tyauve awa Rosehearty (Strive always, Rosehearty)
- St Andrews: Latin: Dum spiro spero (While I breathe I hope)
- Selkirk: At spreta incolumem vita defendere famam
- Shetland Islands: Norn: Með lögum skal land byggja (By law shall the land be built up)[33]
- Thurso: Scots: Wark tae God (Walk towards God)
Northern Ireland
County Antrim
- Antrim: Per Angusta ad Augusta
- Ballyclare: Latin: Industria et Probitate (By work and integrity)
- Ballymoney: Goodwill to all People
- Belfast: Latin: Pro tanto quid retribuamus (What shall we give in return for so much)
- Carrickfergus: Latin: Gloria Prisca Novatur (The glory of the Old made New)
- Larne: Latin: Falce Marique Potens (Powerful With the Sickle and on the Sea)
- Lisburn: Latin: Ex Igne Resurgam (I will arise from the fire)
- Newtownabbey: Latin: Multi in uno resurgent (Multi in uno resurgent)
County Armagh
County Down
County Fermanagh
- Enniskillen: Ut proavi in Deo confidemus
- Fermanagh: Feor Magh Eanagh
County Londonderry
County Tyrone
- Cardiff: Y Ddraig Goch Ddyry Cychwyn (Welsh: The red dragon leads the way)
- Merthyr Tydfil: Nid Cadern Ond Brodyrdde (Welsh: No strength but in fellowship)
- Llandudno: Hardd Hafan Hedd (Welsh: Beautiful haven of peace)
- Newport: Terra Marique (By land and sea)
United States
- Adelanto: Progress through unity
- Alameda: Prosperitas terra mari que (Prosperity from the land and sea)[34]
- Banning: Proud History, Prosperous Tomorrow
- Berkeley: Westward the course of empire takes its way; / The first four Acts already past, / A fifth shall close the Drama with the day; / Time's noblest offspring is the last.
- Carson: Future Unlimited
- Ceres: Together We Achieve
- Del Mar: Multum in parvis (Much in little)[35]
- Downey: Future Unlimited
- Eastvale: Family, Community, Diversity
- El Centro: Shining with Opportunity
- Eureka: Eureka (I have found it)
- Garden Grove: Absit invidia (Let envy be absent)Gardena: Freeway City
- Half Moon Bay: Vivir, trabajar, jugar (Live, work, play)
- Hanford: Planning Tomorrows
- Kerman: Community Comes First
- Lanare: Building from the Ground Up
- Manhattan Beach: Sun, Sand, Sea
- Millbrae: A Place in the Sun
- Monterey: Anda (Onward)[36]
- Ontario: Balanced Community
- Orange Cove: Honoring Our Past, Embracing Our Future, Come Grow With Us; In God We Trust
- Paradise: In Harmony with Nature
- Redwood City: Climate Best by Government Test[37]
- Rialto: Bridge to Progress
- San Diego: Semper vigilans (Always vigilant)
- San Francisco: Oro en Paz, Fierro en Guerra (Gold in peace, iron in war)
- Santa Fe Springs: Salus populi suprema lex exto (Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law)
- Upland: Madonna of the Trail
- Palm Bay: A Perfect Place to Grow
- East Chicago: Progredemur (We progress)
- Fort Wayne: Ke-ki-on-ga
- Hammond: Land of Calumet
- South Bend: Peace
- Valparaiso: Vale of Paradise
- State of Iowa: Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain
- Campbellsville: Urbs progrediens media in civitate (City in the middle of the commonwealth)
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Latin: Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem (By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty)
- Boston: Latin: Sicut patribus sit deus nobis (God be with us as He was with our fathers)
- Somerville: Municipal Freedom Gives National Strength
- Baltimore: Believe
- Detroit: Latin: Speramus meliora; resurget cineribus (We hope for better things; it will rise from the ashes)
- Grand Rapids: Latin: Motu Viget (strength in activity)
- Minneapolis: En Avant (Forward)
North Carolina
- North Carolina State Motto: Latin: Esse quam videri (To be rather than to seem)
- Centerville: Progress, Stability
- Chillicothe: Primum capitolium Ohioensis (Ohio's first capital)
- Cincinnati: Juncta juvant (Unity assists)
- Cleveland: Progress & Prosperity
- Coldwater: The family is our most important product
- Dublin: where yesterday meets tomorrow
- Fairborn: Tradition, Innovation
- Obetz: For Work, For Play, For Everyone
- Parma: Progress Through Partnerships
- Reading: Wir Tun Unser Bestes (We Try Our Best)
- St. Marys: Where Living is a Pleasure; Urbs inter agros (City amid fields)
- Streetsboro: Gateway to Progress
- Toledo: Laborare est orare (To work is to pray)
- Union: Sheets Rifle
- Oregon State Motto: She flies with her own wings[38]
- Portland, Oregon: The City that Works[39]
- Philadelphia: Latin: Philadelphia maneto (Let brotherly love continue)
- Austin, Texas: Friendship
- Virginia State Motto: Latin: Sic semper tyrannus (Thus always to tyrants)
- Richmond, Virginia: Latin: Sic Itur Ad Astra (Such is the way to the Stars)
British counties
- Bedfordshire: Constant Be
- Buckinghamshire: Latin: Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum (No stepping back)
- Cambridgeshire: Latin: Per undas, per agros (Through waves, through fields)
- Cheshire: Latin: Jure et dignitate gladii (By the right and dignity of the sword)
- Cornwall: Cornish: Onen Hag Oll (One and all)
- Cumberland: Latin: Perfero (I carry through)
- Derbyshire: Latin: Bene consulendo (By good counsel)
- Devon: Latin: Auxilio Divino (By divine aid)
- Durham: Faith, foresight and industry
- Dorset: Who's Afear'd
- Essex: Many minds, one heart
- Gloucestershire: Latin: Prorsum Semper (Ever forward)
- Hampshire:
- Herefordshire: Latin: Pulchra Terra Dei Donum (This fair land is the gift of God)
- Hertfordshire: Trust and fear not
- Huntingdonshire: Latin: Labore Omnia Florent (By work everything flourishes)
- Kent: Latin: Invicta (Unconquered)
- Lancashire: Latin: In Concilio Consilium (In counsel is wisdom)
- Leicestershire: For'ard For'ard
- Lincolnshire: Latin: Perseverance vincit (Perseverance conquers)
- Middlesex:
- Norfolk:
- Northamptonshire: Latin: Rosa Concordiae Signum (The Rose—Emblem of Harmony)
- Northumberland: Northumberland
- Nottinghamshire: Latin: Sapienter proficiens (Progress with wisdom)
- Oxfordshire: Latin: Sapere Aude (Dare to be wise)
- Rutland: Latin: Multum in Parvo (Much in little)
- Shropshire: Latin: Floreat Salopia (Let Salop flourish)
- Somerset: Old English: Sumorsaete ealle (All the people of Somerset)
- Staffordshire: The knot unites
- Suffolk: Latin: Opus Nostrum Dirige (Direct our work)
- Surrey:
- Sussex: We wunt be druv (Sussaxon dialect: We won't be driven)
- Warwickshire: United to serve
- Westmorland:
- Yorkshire, East Riding: Tradition and Progress
- Yorkshire, North Riding:
- Yorkshire, West Riding: Latin: Audi Consilium (Heed counsel)
- Wiltshire:
- Worcestershire:
- Bristol: Latin: Virtue et Industria (Virtue and hard work)
- Cumbria: Latin: Ad montes oculos levavi (I shall lift up mine eyes unto the mountains)
- East Sussex:
- Greater London:
- Greater Manchester: Ever Vigilant
- Isle of Wight: All this beauty is of God
- Merseyside: Unity in the Service of All
- North Yorkshire: Latin: Unitate Fortior (Stronger by union)
- South Yorkshire: Each shall strive for the Welfare of All
- Tyne and Wear:
- West Midlands: Forward in Unity
- West Sussex:
- West Yorkshire: By Effort Achieve
- Avon:
- Cleveland: Endeavour
- Hereford and Worcester:
- Humberside: United we Flourish
- Aberdeen: Bon Accord
- Angus: Scots: Lippen on Angus (Trust in Angus)
- Ayr: God Shaw the Right
- Banff: Latin: Spe et Spiritu (With hope and courage)
- Caithness: Commit thy Wark to God
- Clackmannan: Leuk aboot ye
- Dumfries:
- Dunbarton: Scottish Gaelic: Levenax (Land of the elm trees)
- East Lothian:
- Fife: Latin: Virtute et opera (By virtue and by industry)
- Inverness: Scottish Gaelic: Air son Math na Siorrachd (For the good of the county)
- Kincardine: Latin: Laus Deo (Praise to God)
- Kinross: For all Time
- Kirkcudbright:
- Lanark:
- Midlothian:
- Moray: Latin: In Spe (In hope)
- Nairn: Unite and be Mindful
- Orkney: Latin: Boreas Domus Mare Amicus (Home to the winds, friend of the sea)
- Peebles: Latin: Contra Nando Incrementum (There is increase by swimming against the stream
- Perth: Latin: Pro Lege et Libertate (For law and liberty)
- Renfrew:
- Ross and Cromarty: Dread God and Do Well
- Roxburgh: Latin: Ne Cede Malis Sed Contra Audentior Ito (Yield not to misfortunes [evil things] but go on more boldly against them)
- Selkirk:
- Stirling:
- Sutherland: Scottish Gaelic: Dluth Lean Do Dhuthchas Le Durachd (Cling to thy heritage with diligence)
- West Lothian: Aye for the Common Weal
- Wigtown:
- Zetland: Icelandic: Með Lögum Skal Land Byggja (With laws shall this land be built)
- Anglesey: Welsh: Môn Mam Cymru (Anglesey mother of Wales)
- Brecknock: Welsh: Undeb Hedd Llwyddiant (Unity, peace, prosperity)
- Caernarfon: Welsh: Cadernid Gwynedd (The strength of Gwynedd)
- Carmarthen: Welsh: Rhyddid gwerin ffyniant gwlad (A free people a prosperous country)
- Cardigan or Ceredigion: Welsh: Golud Gwlad Rhyddid (A nation's wealth is freedom)
- Denbigh: Welsh: Duw â digon (God is sufficient)
- Flint: Welsh: Gorau tarian, cyfiawnder (The best shield is justice)
- Glamorgan: Welsh: A ddioddefws a orfu (He that endureth, overcometh)
- Merioneth or Merionydd: Welsh: Tra Mor Tra Meirion (While the sea lasts, so shall Merionethshire)
- Monmouth: Latin: Utrique fidelis (Faithful to both)
- Montgomery: Welsh: Powys paradwys Cymru (Powys paradise of Wales)
- Pembroke: Latin: Ex unitate vires (Out of unity is strength)
- Radnor: Welsh: Ewch yn Uwch (Higher and higher)
- Clwyd: Welsh: Tarian cyfiawnder Duw (The shield of justice is God)
- Dyfed: Welsh: Rhyddid Gwerin Ffyniant Gwlad (A free people, a prosperous country) - as Carmarthenshire
- Gwent: Latin: Utrique fidelis (Faithful to both) - as Monmouthshire
- Gwynedd: Welsh: Cadernid Gwynedd (The strength of Gwynedd) - as Caernarfonshire
- Mid Glamorgan: Welsh: A Ddioddefws a Orfu (He who suffers, conquers) - as Glamorgan
- Powys: Welsh: Undeb A Rhyddid (Unity and freedom)
- South Glamorgan: Welsh: Y Ddinas a'r Fro (The city and the vale)
- West Glamorgan: Welsh: Cardarn pob Cyfiawn (The just are strong)
Mottos of the Livery Companies of the City of London
Educational institutions
See also
- List of U.S. state and territory mottos
- List of national mottos
- List of university and college mottos
- List of sundial mottos
- List of United States Armed Forces unit mottoes
- Category:Latin mottos
- Category:Lists of mottos
- ↑ "Sagan". 5 January 2015.
- ↑ "What is the United Church of Christ?". Retrieved 30 September 2018.
- ↑ "Coast Guard History". United States Coast Guard. 2016-12-21.
- ↑ "Pes meus stetit in directo - Heraldic motto". www.heraldry-wiki.com. Retrieved 2020-07-03.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mackinnon of Dunakin, Charles (1968). Observer's Book of Heraldry. Frederick Warne & Co. retrieved 10 November 2013.
- ↑ ""Calgary"".
- ↑ David Thorns and Ben Schrader, 'City history and people - Towns to cities', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, http://www.TeAra.govt.nz/en/interactive/23508/civic-coats-of-arms (accessed 21 January 2019)
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 "Thames Valley and Chiltern Area". CivicHeraldry.co.uk. Robert Young. Retrieved 2016-11-10.
- ↑ "Mayor of Wycombe". History of Wycombe's Swan. Mayor of Wycombe. Archived from the original on 2017-03-13. Retrieved 2016-11-10.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 "East Anglia Essex". Civic Heraldry. Robert Young. Archived from the original on 2009-08-28. Retrieved 2016-11-10.
- ↑ "Chester - Coat of arms (crest) of Chester". www.ngw.nl. Retrieved 30 September 2018.
- ↑ "Halton (England)". Heraldry of the World. 19 March 2019. Retrieved 25 June 2020.
- ↑ "Runcorn – Coat of arms (crest) of Runcorn". Heraldry of the World. Archived from the original on 2 March 2018. Retrieved 1 March 2018.
- ↑ "Widnes - Coat of arms". Heraldry of the World. Retrieved 4 June 2022.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 "Greater London". Civic Heraldry. Robert Young. Retrieved 2016-12-28.
- 1 2 3 "Cornwall and Wessex". Civic Heraldry. Robert Young. Archived from the original on 2016-11-20. Retrieved 2016-12-10.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 "Cumbria and the Palatine Counties". Civic Heraldry. Robert Young. Retrieved 2016-11-10.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 "Weald and Downs". Civic Heraldry. Robert Young. Retrieved 2016-12-28.
- ↑ "Liverpool (England)". www.ngw.nl. Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- ↑ "Governance and Locality in the Age of Reform: Birmingham, 1769-1852, p.203" (PDF). Retrieved 2021-12-22.
- ↑ "Bradford". www.ngw.nl. Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- ↑ "Calderdale's coat of arms". www.calderdale.gov.uk. Retrieved 2018-04-21.
- ↑ "Leeds". www.ngw.nl. Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- ↑ "Rotherham". www.ngw.nl. Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- ↑ "Sheffield". www.ngw.nl. Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- ↑ "Wakefield". www.ngw.nl. Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- ↑ "Aberdeen". www.ngw.nl. Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- ↑ "Arbroath". www.ngw.nl. Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- ↑ "Braemar". www.ngw.nl. Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- ↑ "Clydebank". www.ngw.nl. Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- ↑ "Dingwall". www.ngw.nl. Retrieved 2015-12-08.
- ↑ "Orkney". www.ngw.nl. Retrieved 2017-01-26.
- ↑ "Shetland". www.ngw.nl. Retrieved 2017-01-26.
- ↑ "About City Hall". City of Alameda. Retrieved May 14, 2018.
- ↑ Haydu, Lee (November 19, 2014). (PDF). Letter to John Laird. City of Del Mar, California http://www.opc.ca.gov/webmaster/ftp/pdf/agenda_items/20141202/Item-6-PublicComment.pdf. Retrieved May 14, 2018.
{{cite press release}}
: Missing or empty|title=
(help) - ↑ "City Seal and Flag". City of Monterey, California. Retrieved May 14, 2018.
- ↑ ""Business Climate Best by Government Test" City Puts a Spotlight on Economic Development". Redwood City. October 31, 2011. Archived from the original on February 13, 2015. Retrieved February 12, 2015.
- ↑ "State Symbols: Hydropower to Motto". Oregon Blue Book. Retrieved 10 May 2021.
- ↑ "City Slogan". City of Portland. City of Portland Archives & Records Management. Retrieved 13 October 2017.
External links
- Mottos in heraldry (over 2000)
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