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Canadian plays have been written since the 19th century, both in English and in French. The present list comprises plays in English, some of which being translations from French Canadian plays. Full length and one act plays are included but not musicals.
The Playwrights Guild of Canada has a large list of titles of copyrighted plays, included in the present one, mostly their own publications or those of Playwrights Canada Press. The year of the playbook in the present list corresponds to the printed form, but when this information is unavailable, it corresponds to the first stage production. In rare cases, neither is available.
In addition to traditional forms, Canada has a vibrant non-traditional theatre scene with notable experimental, fringe, and other alternative forms, the largest fringe festival in North America being the Edmonton International Fringe Festival.
- Gabe by Carol Bolt[1]
- The Gadget by Rex Deverell[2]
- Galileo Galilei by Robert Lalonde[3]
- Gameshow by Michael E Rose[4]
- The Garage Sale by David King[5]
- Gargoyle by Robin Fulford[6]
- Garrison's Garage: Encounters with Revenue Canada by Ted Johns[7]
- Gay for Pay with Blake & Clay by Curtis Campbell and Daniel Krolik[8]
- The Gay Heritage Project by Damien Atkins, Andrew Kushnir and Paul Dunn[9]
- Genesis: The Mary Shelley Play by Mary Humphrey Baldridge[10]
- Gently Down the Stream by Aviva Ravel[11]
- Genuine Fakes by John Lazarus[12]
- Geometry by Rachel Wyatt[13]
- Georama by Jackie Torrens[14]
- Gideon's Blues by George Boyd[15]
- Generations by Sharon Pollock.[16]
- Geography Match by James Reaney[17]
- The Gift by Anne Chislett[18]
- The Giant's Garden by Scott White[19]
- A Gingerbread House by Janice Wiseman[20]
- The Ginkgo Tree by Lee MacDougall[21]
- The Girl in the Flower Basket by Shirley Barrie[22]
- Girl in the Goldfish Bowl by Morris Panych[23]
- The Girl on the Mountain by Dorothy Lees-Blakey[24]
- The Girl Who Loved Her Horses by Drew Hayden Taylor[25]
- The Girls in the Gang by Raymond Storey[26]
- The Glace Bay Miners' Museum by Wendy Lill (adapted from the novel by Sheldon Currie)[27]
- Glengarry School Days by Anne Chislett[28]
- Glass Castles by Lindsay Price[29]
- Glenn by David S. Young[30]
- The Glassblower's Children by Michael Shepherd[31]
- Global Village by Rick McNair[32]
- Gloria Star by Michel Tremblay[33]
- The Glorious 12th by Raymond Storey[34]
- God and the Indian by Drew Hayden Taylor[35]
- A God in Need of Help by Sean Dixon[36]
- Going Down for the Count by Peter Elliot Weiss[37]
- Going Down the River Going Down the River by Kevin Longfield[38]
- Gold Mountain Guest by Simon Johnston[39]
- The Golden Cod by Jeff Pitcher[40]
- The Golden Goose by Gwen Pharis Ringwood[41]
- The Golem of Prague by Gabriel Emanuel[42]
- Gone To Glory by Suzanne Finlay[43]
- Goodbye by Aviva Ravel[44]
- Good-bye and Keep Cold by Donn Short[45]
- Goodbye Cruel World by Warren Graves[46]
- Goodbye Marianne by Irene N. Watts[47]
- Goodbye, Piccadilly by Douglas Bowie[48]
- The Good Egg by Michael MacLennan[49]
- Good Mother by Damien Atkins[50]
- Good Neighbours by Irene N. Watts[51]
- Goodness by Michael Redhill[52]
- Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet) by Ann-Marie MacDonald[53]
- Goodnight Disgrace by Michael Mercer[54]
- The Goodnight Bird by Colleen Murphy[55]
- Goose Spit by Viviene Laxdal[56]
- Gordon by Morris Panych[57]
- Goya by Henry Beissel[58]
- Grace by Michael MacLennan[59]
- Grace Under Pressure by Betty Jane Wylie[60]
- Granma's Stockings by Laurent Goulet[61]
- Grand Tirade at the Town Hall by Henry Beissel[62]
- Gravediggers of 1942 by Tom Hendry[63]
- Gravel Run by Conni Massing[64]
- The Gray Zone by Benj Gallander and Jaromir Novak[65]
- Great Expectations by Michael Shamata[66]
- The Great School Crisis: The Tory Revolution in Ontario's Schools by Ted Johns[67]
- The Great Wave of Civilization by Herschel Hardin[68]
- The Great Zanderthon Takeover[69]
- Green Dating by Chantal Bilodeau[70]
- Greenpieces by Mark Leiren-Young[71]
- The Groanin' Board by John Gounod Campbell[72]
- Grounded by John Spurway[73]
- Ground Zero by Brian Shein[74]
- La Guerre, Yes, Sir! by Roch Carrier
- A Guide to Mourning by Eugene Stickland[75]
- Gulag by Robin Fulford[76]
- The Gull by Daphne Marlatt[77]
- Habitat by Judith Thompson[78]
- The Half of It by John Krizanc[79]
- Halo by Josh Macdonald[80]
- Hamish by Michael Grant[81]
- Hamlet - Who Cares? by Rick McNair[82]
- Hammer and Tongs by Jane Gilchrist[83]
- Hana's Suitcase on Stage by Emil Sher[84]
- The Hand That Cradles The Rock by Warren Graves[85]
- Hands by C. E. Gatchalian[86]
- Hands of Healing: The Story of Dr. Locke by Ted Johns[87]
- Happiness Hunting by Bo Anderson[88]
- Happily Ever After by Elliott Hayes[89]
- Happy: A Very Gay Little Musical by Sky Gilbert[90]
- Happy Holly by Beth McMaster[91]
- Happy Place by Pamela Mala Sinha[92]
- Harbour House by David King[93]
- Hard Hearts by Elliott Hayes[94]
- Harlem Duet by Djanet Sears[95]
- The Harps of God by Kent Stetson[96]
- Harvest by Ken Cameron[97]
- The Harrowing by Scott Douglas[98]
- Harry Oddstack and the Case of the Missing King by Rex Deverell[99]
- Hashisch by Gordon Armstrong[100]
- The Haunted Castle by Beth McMaster[101]
- The Head, Guts and Soundbone Dance by Michael Cook
- The Heart Specialist by John Gounod Campbell[102]
- Heart to Heart by Barbara Novak[103]
- Hearts and Soles by Jaan Kolk[104]
- Heaven by George F. Walker[105]
- Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames by a group of authors[106]
- Hedda Gabler by Judith Thompson[107]
- Hedges by Dave Carley[108]
- Heidi by Dorothy Lees-Blakey[109]
- Hellfire Pass by Vittorio Rossi[110]
- Henry III of Franceby Robert Lalonde[111]
- Heracles by Dennis Foon[112]
- Here Lies Henry by Daniel MacIvor[113]
- Here on the Flight Path by Norm Foster[114]
- The Hero by Rose Scollard[115]
- Heroine by Karen Bassett[116]
- her only customer... by Celia McBride[117]
- Hester: An Introduction by Sky Gilbert[118]
- He Won't Come In from the Barn: An Agricultural Comedy by Ted Johns[119]
- Hideous Hideous by Emil Sher[120]
- High-Gravel-Blind by Paul Dunn[121]
- High Life by Lee MacDougall
- Hitching a Ride by Celia McBride[122]
- Hoarse Muse by Paddy Campbell[123]
- The Hobbit by Kim Selody[124]
- Hockey Dad: A Play in 3 Periods by Stephen Waldschmidt and James Popoff[125]
- Hooking for Paradise by Sharon Stearns[126]
- Holy Mo and Spew Boy by Lucia Frangione[127]
- Homage by Daniel R. Lillford[128]
- Homechild by Joan MacLeod[129]
- Home for the Funeral by Rachel Wyatt[130]
- Home Free by Seymour Blicker[131]
- Home is my Road by Florence Gibson MacDonald[132]
- Homesick by Conni Massing[133]
- Homeward Bound by Elliott Hayes[134]
- Homework & Curtains by John Lazarus[135]
- Honky Tonk Angels by Paul Ledoux[136]
- The Honourable Member by Jeff Pitcher[137]
- Hope and Caritas by Ian Weir[138]
- The Hope Slide by Joan MacLeod[139]
- Horns by Aviva Ravel[140]
- The Horsburgh Scandal: The Play by Betty Jane Wylie[141]
- Horseplay by Peter Anderson and Phil Savath[142]
- Hosanna by Michel Tremblay[143]
- Hot Flashes by Paul Ledoux[144]
- The Hours That Remain by Keith Barker[145]
- House by Daniel MacIvor[146]
- House of Glass by Clem Martini[147]
- House of Weasels by Kico Gonzalez-Risso[148]
- The House That Jack Built by Margaret Hollingsworth[149]
- How Are Things With the Walking Wounded? by Tom Hendry[150]
- How Could You, Mrs. Dick? by Douglas Rodger[151]
- How to Speak Male by Betty Jane Wylie[152]
- Huff by Cliff Cardinal[153]
- The Hum by Robert Tsonos[154]
- Hunger by Hope McIntyre[155]
- Hunter of Peace by Sharon Stearns[156]
- Hunting Stuart by Robertson Davies[157]
- Hurrah for Willoughby D! by Janice Wiseman[158]
- I Am Marguerite by Shirley Barrie[159]
- I Am Yours (play) by Judith Thompson[160]
- I Can't Feel the Rain by Tom Slater[161]
- Ice: Beyond Cool by John Lazarus[162]
- I, Claudia by Kristen Thomson[163]
- I Fell in Love with an Eel by Vern Thiessen[164]
- I Have Seen Beautiful Jim Key by Janet Munsil[165]
- I Love You, Baby Blue by Paul Thompson
- I Met a Bully on the Hill by Maureen Hunter[166]
- Icetime by Carol Bolt[167]
- The Idler by Ian Weir[168]
- If Betty Should Rise by David Demchuk[169]
- If I'd Been There... by Daniel Libman[170]
- If We are Women by Joanna McClelland Glass[171]
- If We Were Birds by Erin Shields[172]
- If You Really Love Me... by Mark Leiren-Young[173]
- Illegal Entry by Clem Martini[174]
- The Illegal Playwriting Class by John Lazarus[175]
- Improvisations for Mr. X by Henry Beissel[176]
- Impromptu on Nun's Island by Michel Tremblay[177]
- The Impromptu of Outremont by Michel Tremblay[178]
- I'm Still Here by Ramona Baillie[179]
- In Absentia by Morris Panych[180]
- In a World Created by a Drunken God by Drew Hayden Taylor[181]
- In Confidence by Margaret Hollingsworth[182]
- Indian Heart by Ed Schroeter[183]
- Indian Heart by Ed Schroeter[184]
- In Dreams by Alan Williams[185]
- Inexpressible Island by David Young[186]
- Influence by Janet Munsil[187]
- Ingenious Speculations by Kim Selody[188]
- The Inner City Dead by Angus Kohm[189]
- In on It by Daniel MacIvor[190]
- Interface by Stephen Near[191]
- In the Eyes of God by Raul Sanchez Inglis[192]
- Ingenious Speculations by Jan Derbyshire[193]
- In the Lobster Capital of the World by Don Hannah[194]
- In the Midst of Death by Shirley Barrie[195]
- Intimate Betrayal by Tom Slater[196]
- Inside the Sand Castle by David Belke[197]
- The Inmates by Dan Daniels[198]
- Innocence Lost: A play about Steven Truscott by Beverley Cooper[199]
- Insomnia by Guillermo Verdecchia[200]
- Inspector Sly's Second-to-Last Case by Kico Gonzalez-Risso[201]
- Intimate Admiration by Richard Epp[202]
- Into by Dave Carley[203]
- Inuk by Henry Beissel[204]
- Inuk and the Sun by Henry Beissel[205]
- The Investigation Into The Strange Case Of The Wildboy by Sky Gilbert[206]
- In Which Pier Paolo Pasolini Sees His Own Death in the Face of a Boy: A Defacement in the Form of a Play by Sky Gilbert[207]
- In Piazza San Domenico by Steve Galluccio[208]
- In the Eyes of Stone Dogs by Daniel Danis[209]
- The Investigator by Reuben Ship
- Invisible Kids by Dennis Foon[210]
- The Irish Connection by Jeff Pitcher[211]
- Is it true what they're sayin' 'bout you? by Daniel R. Lillford[212]
- The Island of Bliss by Ian Weir[213]
- The Island of Demons by George Woodcock[214]
- Islands by Margaret Hollingsworth[215]
- It Is Solved By Walking by Catherine Banks[216]
- It's Only Hot for Two Months in Kapuskasing by Margaret Hollingsworth[217]
- Jacob's Wake by Michael Cook[218]
- Jack Sheppard's Back by Shirley Barrie[219]
- Jake's Place: The Politics of a Marginal Man by Ted Johns[220]
- Jason by Betty Jane Wylie[221]
- Jasper Station by Norm Foster[222]
- The Jealous Cellist by Kico Gonzalez-Risso[223]
- Jehanne of the Witches by Sally Clark[224]
- Jelly Belly Makes Garbage Delight of Alligator Pie by Kim Selody[225]
- Je Me Souviens by Lorena Gale[226]
- Jennie's Story by Betty Lambert[227]
- Jenny's House of Joy by Norm Foster[228]
- Jephthah's Daughter by Charles Heavysege[229]
- Jessie's Landing by John Spurway[230]
- Jessica by Linda Griffiths[231]
- Jewel by Joan MacLeod[232]
- Jigsaw by Carol Libman[233]
- The Jigsaw Puzzle by Ann Snead[234]
- Jim by Mark Leiren-Young[235]
- Jim Dandy by Sky Gilbert[236]
- Jitters by David French[237]
- Job's Wife by Yvette Nolan[238]
- Joe Beef by David Fennario[239]
- Joey Shine by David King[240]
- Johannes Kepler by Robert Lalonde[111]
- Johannes Reuchlin and the Talmud by Basya Hunter[241]
- John Doe/Jack Rabbit by Neil Fleming[242]
- Johnny Mangano and His Astonishing Dogs by Michel Tremblay[33]
- Joint Bequest by Marilyn Boyle[243]
- Joke You by Jan Derbyshire[244]
- Journeys by Maxim Mazumdar[245]
- Juba by Stephen Burge Johnson[246]
- Jumping Mouse by Marion de Vries[247]
- A Jungle out There by Michael Riordon[248]
- Jupiter in July by Norm Foster[249]
- Just Another Day Just Another Day by Angus Kohm.[250]
- Just a Minute by Irene N. Watts[251]
- Kafka by Brian Shein[74]
- Karla and Grif by Viviene Laxdal[252]
- Kayak by Jordan Hall[253]
- Keeper of the Light by Jeff Pitcher[254]
- Kidvid by Anna Fuerstenberg[255]
- A Killing Snow by Paul Ciufo[256]
- Kill Me Now by Brad Fraser[257]
- Kill Them by Paul Ledoux[258]
- Kim's Convenience by Ins Choi[259]
- The King of Ireland's Son by Paula Wing[260]
- The King of the Beavers by Sam Scribble[261]
- King of the Castle by Tom Slater[262]
- King of Thieves by George F. Walker[263]
- Kingsayer by Betty Jane Wylie[264]
- Kiss the Moon, Kiss the Sun by Norm Foster[265]
- The Kite by W.O. Mitchell[266]
- Knock, Knock by Rachel Wyatt[267]
- The Known Soldier by Jeff Pitcher[268]
- The Komagata Maru Incident by Sharon Pollock.[16]
- Kreskinned by Michael Healey and Kate Lynch[269]
- Kristallnacht by Richard Epp[270]
- Labour Unions, The Brotherhood of Mothers by Jan Derbyshire[271]
- The Lady Smith by Andrew Moodie[272]
- La Petite Injustice by Aviva Ravel[273]
- The Land Acknowledgement, or As You Like It by Cliff Cardinal[274]
- Larger than Life: The Musical by SG Lee[275]
- The Last Bus by Raymond Storey[276]
- The Last Days of Paul Bunyan by Dennis Foon[277]
- The Last Drop by Kim Selody[278]
- The Last Liberal by Dave Carley[279]
- The Last Real Summer by Warren Graves[280]
- Last Rites by Leslie Hamson[281]
- The Last Resort by Norm Foster[282]
- The Last Romantics by Michael MacLennan[283]
- Last Stop For Miles by Celia McBride[284]
- The Last Supper by Hillar Liitoja[285]
- The Late Blumer by John Lazarus[286]
- Late Company by Jordan Tannahill[287]
- Laund-O-Mat at the End of the World by Peter Gruner[288]
- Laura Secord by Sarah Anne Curzon[289][290]
- Law of the Land by Peter Anderson[291]
- Lawrence & Holloman by Morris Panych[292]
- Leaning over Railings by Michael MacLennan[293]
- Learning to Live with Personal Growth by Arthur Milner[294]
- Leave It The Way You Found It by Tom MacGregor[295]
- Leave of Absence by Lucia Frangione[296]
- Leaving Home by David French[297]
- A Legal Puzzle by W.A. Tremayne[298][299]
- Legends of King Solomon by Aviva Ravel[300]
- The Leisure Society by François Archambault[301]
- Leo by Rosa Labordé[302]
- Lesser Demons by Dorothy Dittrich[303]
- Let's Hear it for Christmas by Beth McMaster[304]
- Let's Make a World by Len Peterson[305]
- Letters to My Grandma by Anusree Roy
- Liar by Brian Drader[306]
- Liars by Dennis Foon[307]
- Lies my Father Told me by Ted Allan[308]
- Life After God: The Play by Michael MacLennan[309]
- Life and A Lover by Natalie D. Meisner[310]
- Life as a Fly by Margaret Matulic[311]
- Life Coach by David King[312]
- History of the African Elephant by Clem Martini[313]
- A Life in the Movies by Rick McNair[314]
- Life on Mars by Elliott Hayes[315]
- Life Science by Morris Panych[316]
- Life without Instruction by Sally Clark[317]
- Lig & Bittle by Elyne Quan[318]
- The Lights of North America by David King[319]
- Lilies by Michel Marc Bouchard
- Lillie by Irene N. Watts[320]
- Lilly, Alta. by Kenneth Dyba[321]
- A Line in the Sand by Guillermo Verdecchia and Marcus Youssef[322]
- Listen to the Wind by James Reaney[323]
- A Little Bird Told Me by Nelles Van Loon[324]
- Little blood brother by Vittorio Rossi[325]
- A Little Happiness by Ramona Baillie[326]
- Little Red Riding Hood by Nelles Van Loon[327]
- Little Sister by Joan MacLeod[328]
- A Little Something to Ease the Pain by Rene Aloma[329]
- Lion in the Streets by Judith Thompson[330]
- Listen to the Drum by Irene N. Watts[331]
- Little Sister by Joan MacLeod[139]
- Live! Nude! Animal! by Jackie Torrens[332]
- Live on Stage Uncensored by Tom Slater[333]
- Lodge by Gwen Pharis Ringwood[334]
- Lois After Death by Rachel Wyatt[335]
- Lokkinen by Barbara Sapergia[336]
- Lola Starr Builds Her Dream Home by Sky Gilbert[337]
- The Long Weekend by Norm Foster[338]
- Loon Boy by Kathleen McDonnell[339]
- Louis and Dave by Norm Foster[340]
- Lost and Found by Dan Daniels[341]
- Lost Souls and Missing Persons by Sally Clark[342]
- Love and Anger by George F. Walker[343]
- Love and Deception by Timothy Findley[344]
- Love and Ruins by Rachel Wyatt[345]
- Love and War Western Style by Rose Scollard[346]
- Love is Strange by Paul Ledoux[347]
- Love List by Norm Foster[348]
- Lovers and Liars by Kim Selody[349]
- Lovesong by Robin Fulford[350]
- Looooove (formerly Amooooor) by Pierre Bokor[351]
- Lucy by Damien Atkins[352]
- Lucky Strike by Hrant Alianak[353]
- Lust's Dominion by Robert Lalonde[354][355]
- Lysistrata by Peter Anderson[356]
- MacGregor's Hard Ice Cream and Gas by Daniel Macdonald[357]
- Madame Chairman by Warren Graves[358]
- Mad Boy Chronicle by Michael O'Brien[359]
- Madeleine by Laurent Goulet[360]
- Madonna of the Wilderness by Katherine Koller[361]
- Madwitch by Paddy Campbell[362]
- The Magic Transistor: A Purim Play by Aviva Ravel[363]
- Maggie's Getting Married by Norm Foster[364]
- Maggie and Pierre by Linda Griffiths[365]
- Maggie's Last Dance by Marty Chan[366]
- The Magic Sieve by Irene N. Watts[367]
- Magpie by Katherine Koller[368]
- Maharani and the Maple Leaf by Jan Derbyshire[369]
- Mahmoud by Tara Grammy and Tom Arthur Davis[370]
- La Maison Suspendue by Michel Tremblay[371]
- Makeover by Evan Tsitsias[372]
- The Malaysia Hotel by Laurie Fyffe[373]
- The Maltese Bodkin by David Belke[374]
- Mambo Italiano by Steve Galluccio[375]
- A Man with a View by Angus Kohm[376]
- Mandarin Oranges II by Rex Deverell[377]
- The Man from the Capital by Colin Heath[378]
- Man 2 Man by Kwame Stephens[379]
- The Man Who Collected Women by Rose Scollard[380]
- The Man Who Shot Chance Delaney by Ian Weir[381]
- The Man who Went by W.A. Tremayne[382]
- Many Happy Returns by Michael Shepherd[383]
- Maple Lodge by Colleen Curran[384]
- Marcel Pursued by the Hounds by Michel Tremblay[385]
- A Marginal Man by Yvette Nolan[386]
- Marguerite de Roberval by Shirley Barrie[387]
- Marina, le dernier rose aux joues by Michèle Magny[388]
- Marion Bridge by Daniel MacIvor[389]
- Mark by Betty Jane Wylie[390]
- The Marriage of Rodeo by Mark Melymick[391]
- Martha's Magic by Irene N. Watts[392]
- Martin Yesterday by Brad Fraser[393]
- Martina and the Apostles by Ed Schroeter[394]
- Master Plann by Kico Gonzalez-Risso[395]
- Mathematics by Hrant Alianak[396]
- Mattachine by David Demchuk[169]
- Les Maudits Anglais by Gary Geddes[397]
- McCarthy and the Old Woman by Rita Shelton Deverell[398]
- McClure by Munroe Scott[399]
- Mechanicsville Monologues by Don Laflamme[400]
- Medea's Disgust by John Lazarus[401]
- Medicare by Rex Deverell[402]
- A Medieval Hun by John Louis Carleton[403]
- Mella Mella by Gail Nyoka[404]
- The Melville Boys by Norm Foster[405]
- Melody Meets the Bag Lady by Rex Deverell[406]
- Memorial by Paul Dunn
- Memories by Aviva Ravel[407]
- Memories of You by Wendy Lill[408]
- Mendel Fish by Aviva Ravel[409]
- Merch the Invisible Wizard by Linda Hutsell-Manning[410]
- The Merchants of Dazu by James DeFelice[411]
- Merlin by Paul Ledoux[412]
- Merlin and Arthur by Rick McNair[413]
- Merrily, Merrily by Jack Sheriff[414]
- The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Jeff Pitcher[415]
- Metamorphosis by Talia Pura[416]
- Metastasis: Chain of Ruin by Gordon Pengilly[417]
- Mick Unplugged by Greg Nelson[418]
- Midashasassesears by John Gounod Campbell[419]
- Midlife by Eugene Stickland[420]
- Midnight Madness by Dave Carley[421]
- Midnight Sun by Maja Ardal[422]
- The Mighty Carlins by Collin Doyle[423]
- The Mill by Hannah Moscovitch, Tara Beagan, Damien Atkins, and Matthew MacFadzean[424]
- The Miller's Daughter by Chantal Bilodeau adapted from the Brothers Grimm "The Girl without Hands"[425]
- Mindlands by W. A. Hamilton[426]
- Minnie Trail by W.P. Wood[427]
- The Minor Keys by David Belke[428]
- Mirage by Gwen Pharis Ringwood[429]
- Miriam's Well by Aviva Ravel[430]
- Mirror Game by Dennis Foon[431]
- Miss Chatelaine by Damien Atkins[432]
- Miss 'n Me by Catherine Banks
- Missionary Position by Tom Hendry[433]
- Molly Wood by John Wimbs and Christopher Richards
- Mom, Dad, I'm Living with a White Girl by Marty Chan[434]
- The Mona Lisa Toodle-oo by Gordon Armstrong[435]
- Monica Drew is a Kangaroo by Janice Wiseman[436]
- Monkeyshines by Suzanne Finlay[437]
- Moon People by Aviva Ravel[438]
- Monsieur Moliere's French Scenes by Don Druick[439]
- Monster by Daniel MacIvor[440]
- The Monument by Colleen Wagner[441]
- Moo by Sally Clark[442]
- The Moonlight Sonata of Beethoven Blatz by Armin Wiebe[443]
- The Moonshiners by Laurent Goulet[444]
- Mordred by William Wilfred Campbell[445]
- More Divine: A Performance for Roland Barthes by Sky Gilbert[446]
- More Munsch! by Kim McCaw[447]
- Morning by William Wilfred Campbell[445]
- The Morning Bird by Colleen Wagner[448]
- Mother Dear, You're Not Thinking Too Clear by Laurent Goulet[449]
- Mother Country by Margaret Hollingsworth[450]
- The Motherline by Chantal Bilodeau[451]
- Mother Tongue by Betty Quan[452]
- Mother Variations by Aviva Ravel[453]
- Motifs & Repetitions by C. E. Gatchalian[454]
- The Motor Trade by Norm Foster[455]
- Mountain Rose by Alan R. Davis[456]
- Mourning Dove by Emil Sher[457]
- Mouth by Robin Fulford[458]
- Mouthpiece by Norah Sadava and Amy Nostbakken[459]
- Mousetown by Hrant Alianak[460]
- Moving Out by Aviva Ravel[461]
- The Mumberley Inheritance by Warren Graves[462]
- Murder Game by W. E. Dan Ross[463]
- The Murderer in the Mirror by Peter Colley[464]
- Murmel, Murmel, Mortimer Munsch by Kim Selody[465]
- Mustard by Kat Sandler[466]
- My Darling Judith by Norm Foster[467]
- My Morocco by Ken Cameron[468]
- My Rumanian Cousin by Aviva Ravel[469]
- The Myth of Summer by Conni Massing[470]
- My Night With Tennessee by Sky Gilbert[471]
- My One and Only by Ken Cameron[472]
- My Own Private Oshawa by Jonathan Wilson
- The Mystery of Maddy Heisler by Daniel R. Lillford[473]
- The Naciwonki Cap by Beth McMaster[474]
- Naked at the Opera by Tom Hendry[475]
- Naked on the Information Highway by Jaan Kolk[476]
- Naked on the North Shore: A Tale of Labrador by Ted Johns[477]
- Nancy Chew Enters the Dragon by Betty Quan[478]
- A Nanking Winter by Marjorie Chan[479]
- Naomi's Road by Paula Wing[480]
- Napi - The First Man by Rick McNair[481]
- A Native of the James Family by Betty Jane Wylie[482]
- Nativity by Peter Anderson[483]
- Neck-Breaking Car-Hop by Stewart Lemoine[484]
- Ned Durango Comes to Big Oak by Norm Foster[485]
- Nellie! How The Women Won The Vote by Diane Grant[486]
- Nellie Bly: Ten Days in a Madhouse by Beverley Cooper[487]
- Never Judge a Book by its Cover by Seymour Blicker[488]
- Never Swim Alone by Daniel MacIvor[489]
- New Canadian Kid by Dennis Foon[490]
- The New Canadian Curling Club by Mark Crawford[491]
- Newhouse by D.D. Kugler[492]
- The New Tereus by Robert Lalonde[354][355]
- Next Year's Man of Steel by David Belke[493]
- 1949 by David French[494]
- Night by Hrant Alianak[495]
- Night Light by John Lazarus[496]
- The Night They Raided Truxxx by Paul Ledoux[497]
- The Nightingale by John Lazarus[498]
- A Nightingale Sang by Simon Johnston[499]
- The Noble Pursuit by Douglas Bowie[500]
- No Man's Land by Rahul Varma[501]
- No More by Rick McNair[502]
- No More Ketchup by Aviva Ravel[503]
- No More Medea by Deborah Porter Taylor[504]
- No Tell Motel[505] by Michael G Wilmot
- The Noose by Henry Beissel[506]
- The Norbals by Brian Drader[507]
- North by Greg Nelson[508]
- North Mountain Breakdown by Paul Ledoux[509]
- No Sweat by Anne Chislett[510]
- Nosy Parkers by Rose Scollard[511]
- Nothing Sacred by George F. Walker[512]
- Nothing to Lose by David Fennario[513]
- Not Quite the Same by Anne Chislett[514]
- Not so Dumb by John Lazarus[515]
- Not Spain by Richard Sanger[516]
- Not Wanted on the Voyage by Richard Rose and D.D. Kugler[517]
- No’ Xya’ by David Diamond[518]
- Nymphomaniac by Kico Gonzalez-Risso[519]
- Obaaberima by Tawiah M'carthy
- Obedience by Robin Fulford[520]
- The Occupation of Heather Rose by Wendy Lill[521]
- O.D! by Janice Wiseman[522]
- The Odyssey by Christine Foster[523]
- The Odyssey by Maurice Breslow[524]
- The Odyssey by Rick Chafe[525]
- Of the Fields, Lately by David French[526]
- Offensive Fouls by Jason Long[527]
- Offensive Shadows by Paul Dunn[528]
- Office Hours by Norm Foster[529]
- Office Party by Jaan Kolk[530]
- The Oil Show: Legends of Petrolia by Ted Johns[531]
- Old Flames by Karen Wikberg[532]
- Old Love by Norm Foster[533]
- The Old Woman and the Pedlar by Betty Jane Wylie[534]
- Omniscience by Tim Carlson[535]
- Once Upon a Greek Stage by Beth McMaster[536]
- Once Upon a Time by Irene N. Watts[537]
- Once Upon a Time in Old Westmount by Richard Ouzounian[538]
- O'Neill by Daniel Libman[539]
- One Potato, Two Potato by Aviva Ravel[540]
- One Spring Morning by Cherie Thiessen[541]
- Only Birds and Fools Fly by Kim Selody[542]
- The Only Game in Town by Ed Schroeter[543]
- On the Job by David Fennario[544]
- On the Other Side of the Wall by Aviva Ravel[545]
- One Crack Out by David French[546]
- One Crowded Hour by Charlotte Fielden[547]
- One Night Stand by Carol Bolt[548]
- One Tiger to a Hill by Sharon Pollock.[16]
- One Man Star Wars Trilogy by Charles Ross
- The Only Living Father by Thomas J. Cahill[549]
- Opening Night by Norm Foster[550]
- Operators by Margaret Hollingsworth[551]
- The Oprah Donahue Show by Mark Leiren-Young[552]
- Orchidelirium by Dave Carley[553]
- Organic Divide by Robin Fulford[554]
- Orpheus and Eurydice by Sam Scribble[555]
- Other Side of the Game by Amanda Parris
- The Other Side of the Pole by Stephen Heatley[556]
- Oui by Andrew Moodie[557]
- Outlaw by Norm Foster[558]
- Out of Body by Beverley Cooper[559]
- Outside by Paul Dunn[560]
- Outside by Neil Fleming[561]
- Overlaid by Robertson Davies[562]
- Overtrick by Beth McMaster[563]
See also
External links

- ↑ Bolt, Carol. Gabe. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1972. ISBN 1551557525.
- ↑ Deverell, Rex. The Gadget. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1979. ISBN 978-1-55155-753-3.
- ↑ Lalonde, Robert. Galileo Galilei and Vesalius and Servetus, 2008. ISBN 978-097839-091-4.
- ↑ {{}}.
- ↑ King, David. The Garage Sale. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1-55155-195-1.
- ↑ Fulford, Robin. Gargoyle. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2004. ISBN 978-1-55290-264-6.
- ↑ Johns, Ted. Garrison's Garage: Encounters with Revenue Canada. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1984. ISBN 978-1-55155-209-5.
- ↑ Glenn Sumi, "Fringe review: Gay For Pay With Blake & Clay is straight-up brilliant". Now, July 12, 2022.
- ↑ "Gay Heritage Project has a bright future". Toronto Star, November 24, 2013.
- ↑ Baldridge, Mary Humphrey. Genesis: The Mary Shelley Play. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2004. ISBN 978-1-55435-203-6.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. Gently Down the Stream. SIM, 1996. ISBN 0889242747.
- ↑ Lazarus, John. Genuine Fakes. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1986. ISBN 978-1-55155-198-2.
- ↑ Wyatt, Rachel. Geometry. Playwrights Canada Press, 1984. ISBN 0887545440.
- ↑ Torrens, Jackie. Georama. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2012. ISBN 978-1-55435-200-5.
- ↑ Boyd, George. Gideon's Blues. Talonbooks, 2004. ISBN 978-0-88922-496-4.
- 1 2 3 Pollock, Sharon. Collected Works Vol 1, ed. Cynthia Zimmerman. Playwrights Canada Press, 2005. ISBN 978-0-88754-818-5.
- ↑ Reaney, James. Geography Match. Talonbooks, 1967. ISBN 0889221537.
- ↑ Chislett, Anne. The Gift. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1988. ISBN 978-1-55155-204-0.
- ↑ White, Scott. The Giant's Garden. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2012. ISBN 978-1-55435-369-9.
- ↑ Wiseman, Janice. A Gingerbread House. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1986. ISBN 978-1-55155-206-4.
- ↑ MacDougall, Lee. The Ginkgo Tree. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55435-232-6.
- ↑ Barrie, Shirley. The Girl in the Flower Basket. 2007. ISBN 978-1-55435-065-0.
- ↑ Panych, Morris. Girl in the Goldfish Bowl. Talonbooks, 2003. ISBN 978-0-88922-481-0
- ↑ Lees-Blakey, Dorothy. The Girl on the Mountain. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1990. ISBN 978-1-55155-207-1.
- ↑ Taylor, Drew Hayden. The Boy in the Treehouse/The Girl Who Loved Her Horses. Talonbooks, 2000. ISBN 978-0-88922-441-4.
- ↑ Storey, Raymond. The Girls in the Gang. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1991. ISBN 978-1-55173-503-0.
- ↑ Lill, Wendy. The Glace Bay Miners' Museum. Talonbooks, 1996. ISBN 978-0-88922-369-1.
- ↑ Chislett, Anne. Glengarry School Days. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1995. ISBN 978-1-55173-149-0.
- ↑ Price, Lindsay. Glass Castles. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1996. ISBN 978-1-55173-316-6.
- ↑ Young, David S. Glenn. CHB, 1999. ISBN 1552450589.
- ↑ Shepherd, Michael. The Glassblower's Children. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2003. ISBN 978-1-55173-894-9.
- ↑ McNair, Rick. Global Village. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 1552901688.
- 1 2 La Duchesse de Langeais and other plays. Talonbooks, 1976. ISBN 978-0-88922-104-8.
- ↑ Storey, Raymond. The Glorious 12th. SHI, 1993. ISBN 0969726112.
- ↑ Taylor, Drew Hayden. God and the Indian. Talonbooks, 2014. ISBN 978-0-88922-844-3.
- ↑ J. Kelly Nestruck, "A God in Need of Help: A strong contender for best new Canadian play in Toronto". The Globe and Mail, April 24, 2014.
- ↑ Weiss, Peter Elliot. Going Down for the Count. Borealis Press, 1999. ISBN 0-88887-852-4.
- ↑ Longfield, Kevin. Going Down the River. SIM, 1996. ISBN 088924264X.
- ↑ Johnston, Simon. Gold Mountain Guest. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 978-1-55290-127-4.
- ↑ Pitcher, Jeff. The Golden Cod. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 978-1-55290-150-2.
- ↑ Ringwood, Gwen Pharis. The Golden Goose. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1973. ISBN 1551558424.
- ↑ Emanuel, Gabriel. The Golem of Prague. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2008. ISBN 978-1-55435-117-6.
- ↑ Finlay, Suzanne. Gone To Glory. Playwrights Canada Press, 1995. ISBN 092136850X.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. Goodbye. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1964. ISBN 978-1-55173-073-8.
- ↑ Short, Donn. Good-bye and Keep Cold. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1993. ISBN 978-1-55155-619-2.
- ↑ Graves, Warren. Alice: Goodbye Cruel World. Playwrights Canada Press, 1982. ISBN 0887542891.
- ↑ Watts, Irene N. Goodbye Marianne. SHI, 1995. ISBN 189623903X.
- ↑ Bowie, Douglas. Goodbye, Piccadilly. Playwrights Canada Press, 2008. ISBN 978-0-88754-791-1.
- ↑ MacLennan, Michael. The Good Egg. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2009. ISBN 978-0-88754-851-2.
- ↑ Atkins, Damien. Good Mother. Playwrights Canada Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-88754-853-6.
- ↑ Watts, Irene N. Good Neighbours. PPL, year?. ISBN 0921217536.
- ↑ Redhill, Michael. Goodness. Coach House Books, 2005. ISBN 978-1-55245-163-2.
- ↑ MacDonald, Ann-Marie. Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet). RAN, 1998. ISBN 0676971695.
- ↑ Mercer, Michael. Goodnight Disgrace. Talonbooks, 1986. ISBN 978-0-88922-238-0.
- ↑ Murphy, Colleen. The Goodnight Bird. Playwrights Canada Press, 2013. ISBN 978-1-77091-120-8.
- ↑ Laxdal, Viviene. Goose Spit. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1988. ISBN 978-1-55155-217-0.
- ↑ Panych, Morris. Gordon. Talonbooks, 2011. ISBN 978-0-88922-664-7.
- ↑ Beissel, Henry. Goya. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1976. ISBN 978-1-55155-755-7.
- ↑ MacLennan, Michael. Grace. SHI, 1998. ISBN 189623934X.
- ↑ Wylie, Betty Jane. Grace Under Pressure. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1992. ISBN 978-1-55155-219-4.
- ↑ Goulet, Laurent. Granma's Stockings. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1982. ISBN 978-1-55155-220-0.
- ↑ Beissel, Henry. Grand Tirade at the Town Hall. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1985. ISBN 0919834639.
- ↑ Hendry, Tom. Gravediggers of 1942. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 978-1-55290-123-6.
- ↑ Massing, Conni. Gravel Run. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2006. ISBN 1554350263.
- ↑ Gallander, Benj; Novak, Jaromir. The Gray Zone. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2012. ISBN 978-1-55435-359-0.
- ↑ Shamata, Michael. Great Expectations. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1996. ISBN 978-1-55173-358-6.
- ↑ Johns, Ted. The Great School Crisis: The Tory Revolution in Ontario's Schools. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2004. ISBN 1552901793.
- ↑ Hardin, Herschel. The Great Wave of Civilization. Talonbooks, 1976. ISBN 978-0-88922-106-2.
- ↑ Hutsell-Manning, Linda. The Great Zanderthon Takeover. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1984. ISBN 978-1-55155-203-3.
- ↑ Bilodeau, Chantal. Green Dating. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2012. ISBN 978-1-55435-331-6.
- ↑ Leiren-Young, Mark. Greenpieces. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1999. ISBN 978-1-55290-051-2.
- ↑ Campbell, John Gounod. The Groanin' Board. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 1551730227.
- ↑ Spurway, John. Grounded. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2009. ISBN 978-1-55435-160-2.
- 1 2 Shein, Brian. Plays: Cowboy Island, Entertainment at the Cafe Terminus, Ground Zero, Kafka, Rex Morgan M.D. APP, 1975. ISBN 0889780080.
- ↑ Stickland, Eugene. Two Plays. Players Pr, 1999. ISBN 978-0-88734-931-7.
- ↑ Fulford, Robin. Gulag. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2007. ISBN 978-1-55435-079-7.
- ↑ Marlatt, Daphne. The Gull. Talonbooks, 2011. ISBN 978-0889226166.
- ↑ Thompson, Judith. Habitat. Playwrights Canada Press, 2006. ISBN 088754701X.
- ↑ Krizanc, John. The Half of It. Anansi, 1990. ISBN 0887845010.
- ↑ MacDonald, Josh. Halo. Talonbooks, 2002. ISBN 978-0-88922-469-8.
- ↑ Grant, Michael. What Glorious Times They Had. Playwrights Canada Press, 2011. ISBN 978-155290-171-7.
- ↑ McNair, Rick. Hamlet - Who Cares? Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2002. ISBN 978-1-552901359.
- ↑ Gilchrist, Jane. Crater. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1999. ISBN 978-1-552900277.
- ↑ Sher, Emil. Hana's Suitcase on Stage. Publisher ?, 2002. ISBN 978-1-89718-705-0.
- ↑ Graves, Warren. The Hand That Cradles The Rock. Samuel French, 1972. ISBN 0573610460.
- ↑ Gatchalian, C.E. Hands. 2003. ISBN 1932133496.
- ↑ Johns, Ted. Hands of Healing: The Story of Dr. Locke. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1987. ISBN 978-1-55155-679-6.
- ↑ Anderson, Bo. Plays.
- ↑ Hayes, Elliott. Happily Ever After. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1993. ISBN 978-1-55155-631-4.
- ↑ Gilbert, Sky. Happy: A Very Gay Little Musical. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2009. ISBN 978-1-55435-195-4.
- ↑ McMaster, Beth. Happy Holly. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1976. ISBN 978-1-55290-008-6.
- ↑ Robert Cushman, "Out with the old, in with the new; And, yes, a bit of the old, too". National Post, January 3, 2015.
- ↑ King, David. Harbour House. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1-55155-228-6.
- ↑ Hayes, Elliott. Hard Hearts. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1993. ISBN 978-1-55155-630-7.
- ↑ Sears, Djanet. Harlem Duet. Playwrights Canada Press, 2000. ISBN 0887545971.
- ↑ Stetson, Kent. The Harps of God. McArthur, 2005. ISBN 978-1-55278-544-7.
- ↑ Cameron, Ken. Harvest. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2007. ISBN 978-1-55435-091-9.
- ↑ Douglas, Scott. The Harrowing. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2003. ISBN 978-1-55173-970-0.
- ↑ Deverell, Rex. Harry Oddstack and the Case of the Missing King. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1972. ISBN 978-1-55155-881-3.
- ↑ Armstrong, Gordon. Hashisch. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1985. ISBN 978-1-55155-232-3.
- ↑ McMaster, Beth. The Haunted Castle. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2000. ISBN 978-1-55290-059-8.
- ↑ Campbell, John Gounod. The Heart Specialist. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1980. ISBN 0887540708.
- ↑ Novak, Barbara. Heart to Heart.Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1990. ISBN 978-1-55155-757-1.
- ↑ Kolk, Jaan. Hearts and Soles. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1994. ISBN 978-1-55155-984-1.
- ↑ Walker, George F. Walker. Heaven. Talonbooks, 2000. ISBN 978-0-88922-429-2.
- ↑ Reality Outreach Ministries
- ↑ Thompson, Judith. Hedda Gabler. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1-55173-681-5.
- ↑ Carley, Dave. Hedges. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 978-1-55290-170-0.
- ↑ Lees-Blakey, Dorothy. Heidi. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2003. ISBN 978-1-55173-864-2.
- ↑ Rossi, Vittorio. Hellfire Pass. Talonbooks, 2007. ISBN 978-0-88922-564-0.
- 1 2 Lalonde, Robert. Johannes Kepler and Henry III of France, 2010. ISBN 978-0978390938.
- ↑ Foon, Dennis. Heracles. Talonbooks, 1978. ISBN 0889221588.
- ↑ MacIvor, Daniel. Here Lies Henry. Playwrights Canada Press, 1997. ISBN 088754519X.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. Here on the Flight Path. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 978-1-55435-209-8.
- ↑ Scollard, Rose. The Hero. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1985. ISBN 1551555050.
- ↑ Bassett, Karen. Heroine. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55435-305-7.
- ↑ McBride, Celia. her only customer... Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 978-1-55435-256-2.
- ↑ Gilbert, Sky. Hester: An Introduction. 1994. ISBN 978-1-55435-060-5.
- ↑ Johns, Ted. He Won't Come In from the Barn: An Agricultural Comedy. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1977. ISBN 978-1-55155-756-4.
- ↑ Sher, Emil. Hideous Hideous. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1997. ISBN 978-1-55173-367-8.
- ↑ "This was a quartet I won't soon forget; Four plays that reminded me what can be done on stage". National Post, January 3, 2009.
- ↑ McBride, Celia. Hitching a Ride. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55435-255-5.
- ↑ Campbell, Paddy. Hoarse Muse. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1976. ISBN 0889240477.
- ↑ Selody, Kim. The Hobbit. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 978-1-55290-140-3.
- ↑ Popoff, Stephen Waldschmidt James (July 17, 2010). "Hockey Dad: A Play in 3 Periods". Winnipeg Free Press. Retrieved August 20, 2012.
- ↑ Stearns, Sharon. Hooking for Paradise. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1981. ISBN 978-1-55155-761-8.
- ↑ Frangione, Lucia. Holy Mo and Spew Boy. Playwrights Canada Press, 1998. ISBN 978-1-55173-911-3.
- ↑ Lillford, Daniel R. Homage. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2002. ISBN 978-1-55290-180-9.
- ↑ MacLeod, Joan. Homechild. Talonbooks, 2008. ISBN 978-0-88922-582-4.
- ↑ Wyatt, Rachel. Home for the Funeral. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1-55155-760-1.
- ↑ Blicker, Seymour. Home Free. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55435-265-4.
- ↑ MacDonald, Florence Gibson. Home is my Road. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2003. ISBN 0887546846.
- ↑ Massing, Conni. Homesick. Playwrights Canada Press, 2008. ISBN 978-0-88754-789-8.
- ↑ Hayes, Elliott. Homeward Bound. Playwrights Canada Press, 2001. ISBN 978-1-55290-115-1.
- ↑ Lazarus, John. Homework & Curtains. Playwrights Canada Press, 1991. ISBN 978-0-88754-500-9.
- ↑ Ledoux, Paul. Honky Tonk Angels. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1991. ISBN 978-1-55155-243-9.
- ↑ Pitcher, Jeff. The Honourable Member. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1993. ISBN 978-1-55173-020-2.
- ↑ Weir, Ian. Hope and Caritas. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2008. ISBN 978-1-55435-151-0.
- 1 2 MacLeod, Joan. The Hope Slide and Little Sister. Talonbooks, 2008. ISBN 978-0-88922-582-4.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. Horns. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1975. ISBN 978-1-55173-074-5.
- ↑ Wylie, Betty Jane. The Horsburgh Scandal: The Play. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 978-1-55173-519-1.
- ↑ Anderson, Peter. Horseplay. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1981. ISBN 978-1-55155-762-5.
- ↑ Tremblay, Michel. Hosanna. Talonbooks, 1991. ISBN 978-0-88922-296-0.
- ↑ Ledoux, Paul. Hot Flashes. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 978-1-55173-615-0.
- ↑ Barker, Keith. The Hours That Remain. Playwrights Canada Press, 2013. ISBN 978-1-77091-135-2.
- ↑ MacIvor, Daniel. House. Playwrights Canada Press, 1996. ISBN 0887545211.
- ↑ Martini, Clem. House of Glass. RED, 2000. ISBN 0889952256.
- ↑ Gonzalez-Risso, Kico. House of Weasels. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1994. ISBN 978-1-55155-999-5.
- ↑ Hollingsworth, Margaret. The House That Jack Built. BLI, 1988. ISBN 0-9693639-0-7.
- ↑ Hendry, Tom. How Are Things With the Walking Wounded? Playwrights Canada Press, 1985. ISBN 0919834949.
- ↑ Rodger, Douglas. How Could You, Mrs. Dick? Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55435-231-9.
- ↑ Wylie, Betty Jane. How to Speak Male. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1991. ISBN 978-1-55155-245-3.
- ↑ "Solvent-abuse inspired Huff runs until Saturday". Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, June 19, 2013.
- ↑ Tsonos, Robert. The Hum. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2007. ISBN 978-1-55435-069-8.
- ↑ Hope McIntyre, Hope. Hunger. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2002. ISBN 978-1-55290-169-4.
- ↑ Stearns, Sharon. Hunter of Peace. SHI, 1993. ISBN 0969726120.
- ↑ Davies, Robertson. Hunting Stuart. SIM, 1994. ISBN 0889242593.
- ↑ Wiseman, Janice. Hurrah for Willoughby D! Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1982. ISBN 978-1-55155-235-4.
- ↑ Barrie, Shirley. I Am Marguerite. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 978-1-55173-651-8.
- ↑ Thompson Judith. The Other Side of the Dark: Four Plays : The Crackwalker, Pink, Tornado, I Am Yours. Playwrights Canada Press, 1999. ISBN 978-0-88754-537-5.
- ↑ Slater, Tom. I Can't Feel the Rain. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55435-281-4.
- ↑ Lazarus, John. Ice: Beyond Cool. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2000. ISBN 978-1551736860.
- ↑ Thomson, Kristen. I, Claudia. Playwrights Canada Press, 2003. ISBN 978-0-88754-674-7.
- ↑ Thiessen, Vern. I Fell in Love with an Eel. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1-55155-250-7.
- ↑ "Literate horse inspiration behind new play". Harbour City Star, February 8, 2013.
- ↑ Hunter, Maureen. I Met a Bully on the Hill. SHI, 1987. ISBN 978-1-896239-02-6.
- ↑ Bolt, Carol. Icetime. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1993. ISBN 978-1-55173-272-5.
- ↑ Weir, Ian. The Idler. Talonbooks, 1990. ISBN 0889222754.
- 1 2 "Fringe helped his Betty to rise again". Toronto Star, June 28, 1991.
- ↑ Libman, Daniel. If I'd Been There... Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1990. ISBN 978-1-55155-256-9.
- ↑ Glass, Joanna McClelland. If We are Women. Playwrights Canada Press, 1998. ISBN 0887545327.
- ↑ Erin ShieldsErin. If We Were Birds. Playwrights Canada Press, 2012. ISBN 978-1-77091-012-6.
- ↑ Leiren-Young, Mark. If You Really Love Me...Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1995. ISBN 978-1-55173-203-9.
- ↑ Martini, Clem. Illegal Entry. Playwrights Canada Press, 1999. ISBN 0887545696.
- ↑ Lazarus, John. The Illegal Playwriting Class. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1987. ISBN 978-1-55155-280-4.
- ↑ Beissel, Henry. Improvisations for Mr. X. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1989. ISBN 0920953190.
- ↑ Tremblay, Michel. Impromptu on Nun's Island. Talonbooks, 2002. ISBN 978-0-88922-470-4.
- ↑ Tremblay, Michel. The Impromptu of Outremont. Talonbooks, 1981. ISBN 978-0-88922-185-7.
- ↑ Baillie, Ramona. I'm Still Here. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55435-298-2.
- ↑ Panych, Morris. In Absentia. Talonbooks, 1981. ISBN 978-0-88922-702-6.
- ↑ Taylor, Drew Hayden. In a World Created by a Drunken God. Talonbooks, 2006. ISBN 978-0-88922-537-4.
- ↑ Hollingsworth, Margaret. In Confidence. SHI, 1995. ISBN 0969726171.
- ↑ Schroeter, Ed. Indian Heart. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1991. ISBN 978-1-55155-261-3.
- ↑ Schroeter, Ed. Indian Heart. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 978-1-55155-262-0.
- ↑ Williams, Alan. In Dreams. Borealis Press, 1986. ISBN 0-88887-912-1.
- ↑ Young, David. Inexpressible Island. J Gordon Shillingford Scirocco Drama, 1998 ISBN 1896239315.
- ↑ Adrian Chamberlain, "Stolen Greek sculptures inspire play; Victoria writer's Influence is intellectually rewarding; light entertainment it is not". Victoria Times-Colonist, March 6, 2011.
- ↑ Selody, Kim. Ingenious Speculations. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 978-1-55173-963-2.
- ↑ Kohm, Angus. The Inner City Dead. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55435-304-0.
- ↑ MacIvor, Daniel. In on It. SHI, 2000. ISBN 1896239811.
- ↑ Near, Stephen. Interface.Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55435-290-6.
- ↑ Inglis, Raul Sanchez. In the Eyes of God. Talonbooks, 2007. ISBN 978-0-88922-561-9.
- ↑ Derbyshire, Jan. Ingenious Speculations. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 1551739631.
- ↑ Hannah, Don. In The Lobster Capital of the World. Playwrights Canada Press, 1990. ISBN 978-0-88754-490-3.
- ↑ Barrie, Shirley. In the Midst of Death. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1995. ISBN 978-1-55173-259-6.
- ↑ Slater, Tom. Intimate Betrayal. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55435-284-5.
- ↑ Belke, David. Inside the Sand Castle. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2004. ISBN 978-1-55173-930-4.
- ↑ Daniels, Dan. The Inmates. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1968. ISBN 978-1-55155-263-7.
- ↑ Cooper, Beverley. Innocence Lost: A play about Steven Truscott. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2006. ISBN 978-1-55435-011-7.
- ↑ Verdecchia, Guillermo. Insomnia. SHI, 1999. ISBN 1896239544.
- ↑ Gonzalez-Risso, Kico. Inspector Sly's Second-to-Last Case. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2004. ISBN 1552903044.
- ↑ Epp, Richard. Intimate Admiration. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1986. ISBN 978-1-55155-266-8.
- ↑ Carley, Dave. Into. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 978-1-55173-063-9.
- ↑ Beissel, Henry. Inuk. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 0887546080.
- ↑ Beissel, Henry. Inuk and the Sun. Playwrights Canada Press, 1999. ISBN 0887545645.
- ↑ Gilbert, Sky. The Investigation Into The Strange Case Of The Wildboy. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1-55155-270-5.
- ↑ Gilbert, Sky. In Which Pier Paolo Pasolini Sees His Own Death in the Face of a Boy: A Defacement in the Form of a Play. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1991. ISBN 978-1-55435-062-9.
- ↑ Galluccio, Steve. In Piazza San Domenico. Talonbooks, 2011. ISBN 978-0-88922-674-6.
- ↑ Danis, Daniel. In the Eyes of Stone Dogs. Talonbooks, 2005. ISBN 978-0-88922-519-0.
- ↑ Foon, Dennis. Invisible Kids. Playwrights Canada Press, 2006. ISBN 088754830X.
- ↑ Pitcher, Jeff. The Irish Connection. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1988. ISBN 978-1-55155-272-9.
- ↑ Lillford, Daniel R. Is it true what they're sayin' 'bout you? Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2002. ISBN 978-1-55290-184-7.
- ↑ Weir, Ian. The Island of Bliss. Talonbooks, 2008. ISBN 978-1-55435-150-3.
- ↑ Woodcock, George. Two Plays. Talonbooks, 1977. ISBN 978-0889221239.
- ↑ Hollingsworth, Margaret. Islands. Talonbooks, 1998. ISBN 0889223858.
- ↑ Banks, Catherine. It Is Solved By Walking. Playwrights Canada Press, 2012. ISBN 978-1-77091044-7.
- ↑ Hollingsworth, Arthur. It's Only Hot for Two Months in Kapuskasing. BLI, 1988. ISBN 0969363907.
- ↑ Cook, Michael. Jacob's Wake. Talonbooks, 1975. ISBN 978-0889220973.
- ↑ Barrie, Shirley. Jack Sheppard's Back. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1982. ISBN 978-1-55155-273-6.
- ↑ Johns, Ted. Jake's Place: The Politics of a Marginal Man. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2004. ISBN 1552902706.
- ↑ Wylie, Betty Jane. Jason. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1997. ISBN 978-1-55173-479-8.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. Bedtime Stories. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2003. ISBN 978-0-88754-703-4.
- ↑ Gonzalez-Risso, Kico. The Jealous Cellist. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 978-1-55173-613-6.
- ↑ Clark, Sally. Jehanne of the Witches. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1993. ISBN 978-1-55290-000-0.
- ↑ Selody, Kim. Jelly Belly Makes Garbage Delight of Alligator Pie. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1990. ISBN 978-1-55155-652-9.
- ↑ Gale, Lorena. Je Me Souviens. Talonbooks, 2001. ISBN 978-0889224537.
- ↑ Lambert, Betty. Jennie's Story. UTP, 1987. ISBN 080206812X.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. Jenny's House of Joy. Playwrights Canada Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0-88754-688-4.
- ↑ Heavysege Charles. Jephthah's Daughter.
- ↑ Spurway, John. Jessie's Landing. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55435-310-1.
- ↑ Griffiths, Linda. Jessica. Playwrights Canada Press, 1997. ISBN 0887545351.
- ↑ MacLeod, Joan. Jewel. Playwrights Canada Press, 1989. ISBN 0887544746.
- ↑ Libman, Carol. Jigsaw. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1963. ISBN 978-1-55155-657-4.
- ↑ Snead, Ann. The Jigsaw Puzzle. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1997. ISBN 978-1551733937.
- ↑ Leiren-Young, Mark. Jim. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1990. ISBN 978-1-55155-278-1.
- ↑ Gilbert, Sky. Crater. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 978-1-55173-679-2.
- ↑ French, David. Jitters. Talonbooks, 1986. ISBN 978-0-88922-242-7.
- ↑ Nolan, Yvette. Annie Job's Wife. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1995. ISBN 978-1-55173-836-9.
- ↑ Fennario, David. Joe Beef. Talonbooks, 1986. ISBN 978-0-88922-291-5.
- ↑ King, David. Joey Shine. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1999. ISBN 1551735865.
- ↑ Hunter, Basya. Johannes Reuchlin and the Talmud. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1977. ISBN 978-1-55155-893-6.
- ↑ Fleming, Neil. John Doe/Jack Rabbit. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1554353026.
- ↑ Boyle, Marilyn. Joint Bequest. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1988. ISBN 978-1-55155-281-1.
- ↑ Derbyshire, Jan. Joke You. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1997. ISBN 978-1551734132.
- ↑ Mazumdar, Maxim. Journeys. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1-55155-269-9.
- ↑ Johnson, Stephen Burge. Juba. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 978-1-55173-633-4.
- ↑ de Vries, Marion. Jumping Mouse. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1999. ISBN 1552900193.
- ↑ Riordon, Michael. A Jungle out There. Borealis Press, 1991. ISBN 0-88887-098-1.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. Jupiter in July. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2002. ISBN 978-1-55435-183-1.
- ↑ Kohm, Angus. Just Another Day. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 978-1-55173-659-4.
- ↑ Watts, Irene N. Just a Minute. PPL, 1990. ISBN 0921217536.
- ↑ Laxdal, Viviene. Karla and Grif. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1999. ISBN 978-1-55435-017-9.
- ↑ Hall, Jordan. Kayak. Playwrights Canada Press, 2011. ISBN 978-0-57369-947-4.
- ↑ Pitcher, Jeff. Keeper of the Light. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 978-1-55173-533-7.
- ↑ Fuerstenberg, Anna. Kidvid. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1980. ISBN 978-1-55155-287-3.
- ↑ Ciufo, Paul. A Killing Snow, 2011. ISBN 978-1897289662.
- ↑ Fraser, Brad. Kill Me Now. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2015. ISBN 978-1-77091-438-4.
- ↑ Ledoux, Paul. Kill Them. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1976. ISBN 978-1-55155-964-3.
- ↑ Choi, Ins. Kim's Convenience, House of Anansi Press, 2012. ISBN 978-1-77089-223-1.
- ↑ Wing, Paula. The King of Ireland's Son. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1999. ISBN 978-1-55290-110-6.
- ↑ Scribble, Sam. King of the Beavers.
- ↑ Slater, Tom. King of the Castle. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55435-283-8.
- ↑ Walker, George F. King of Thieves. Talonbooks, 2013. ISBN 978-0889227552.
- ↑ Wylie, Betty Jane. Kingsayer. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1967. ISBN 978-1-55155-786-1.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. Kiss the Moon, Kiss the Sun. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2004. ISBN 0887546870.
- ↑ Mitchell, W.O. Dramatic W.O. Mitchell. Gage Distribution, 1982. ISBN 978-077159-728-2.
- ↑ Wyatt, Rachel. Knock, Knock. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2000. ISBN 978-1-55173-654-9.
- ↑ Pitcher, Jeff. The Known Soldier. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1982. ISBN 978-1-55155-288-0.
- ↑ Healey, Michael, Lynch, Kate. The Road to Hell: two one-act comedies. Playwrights Canada Press, 2000. ISBN 978-0-88754-591-7.
- ↑ Epp, Richard. Kristallnacht. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1986. ISBN 978-1-55155-768-7.
- ↑ Derbyshire, Jan. Labour Unions, The Brotherhood of Mothers. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1997. ISBN 978-1551734149.
- ↑ Sharon Younger, "Janet Bailey sings the blues, but only on stage: Busy actor says Moodie knows how to write for women". National Post, March 18, 2000.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. La Petite Injustice. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1977. ISBN 978-1551730752.
- ↑ Karen Fricker, "How Cliff Cardinal’s annoyance with land acknowledgments became a provocative piece of theatre". Toronto Star, March 15, 2023.
- ↑ Lee, SG. Larger than Life: The Musical. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2004. ISBN 978-1551739267.
- ↑ Storey, Raymond. The Last Bus. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1987. ISBN 978-1551730585.
- ↑ Foon, Dennis. The Last Days of Paul Bunyan. Playwrights Canada Press, 1981. ISBN 0887540945.
- ↑ Selody, Kim. The Last Drop. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 978-1552901380.
- ↑ Carley, Dave. The Last Liberal. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2006. ISBN 978-1554350124.
- ↑ Graves, Warren. The Last Real Summer. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1981. ISBN 1551734842.
- ↑ Hamson, Leslie. Last Rites. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1551552941.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. The Last Resort. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 978-1554351879.
- ↑ MacLennan, Michael. The Last Romantics. Playwrights Canada Press, 2000003. ISBN 0887546765.
- ↑ McBride, Celia. Last Stop For Miles. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2000. ISBN 978-1554351800.
- ↑ H. J. Kirchoff, "Theatre: The Last Supper". The Globe and Mail, October 29, 1993.
- ↑ Lazarus, John. The Late Blumer. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 978-1-55173-387-6.
- ↑ Tannahill, Jordan. Late Company. Playwrights Canada Press, 2015. ISBN 978-17-70914-14-8.
- ↑ Gruner, Peter. Laund-O-Mat at the End of the World. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2010. ISBN 978-1554351886.
- ↑ Curzon, Sarah Anne. Laura Secord.
- ↑ Curzon, Sarah Anne. Laura Secord.
- ↑ Anderson, Peter. Law of the Land. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1982. ISBN 978-1551557717.
- ↑ Panych, Morris. Lawrence & Holloman. Talonbooks, 1998. ISBN 978-0889223929.
- ↑ MacLennan, Michael. Leaning over Railings. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1996. ISBN 978-1551732701.
- ↑ Milner, Arthur. Learning to Live with Personal Growth. Borealis Press, 1991. ISBN 0-88887-098-1.
- ↑ MacGregor, Tom. Leave It The Way You Found It. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year? ISBN 978-1551553009.
- ↑ Frangione, Lucia. Leave of Absence. Talonbooks, 2013. ISBN 978-0889227538.
- ↑ French, David. Leaving Home. Samuel French, 2011. ISBN 978-0573611889.
- ↑ Tremayne, W.A. A Legal Puzzle.
- ↑ Tremayne, W.A. A Legal Puzzle.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. Legends of King Solomon. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1997. ISBN 1551734745.
- ↑ Archambault, François. The Leisure Society. Talonbooks, 2005. ISBN 978-0889225312.
- ↑ Labordé, Rosa. Leo. Playwrights Canada Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0887548987.
- ↑ Rik Jespersen, "Producers seek to draw more to ‘full theatrical experience’". Coast Reporter, September 12, 2019.
- ↑ McMaster, Beth. Let's Hear it for Christmas. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1999. ISBN 978-1552900574.
- ↑ Peterson, Len. Let's Make a World. Playwrights Canada Press, 1985. ISBN 0887540244.
- ↑ Drader, Brian. Liar. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2012. ISBN 0920486614.
- ↑ Foon, Dennis. Liars. Playwrights Canada Press, 1988. ISBN 0-887544681.
- ↑ Allan, Ted. Lies my Father Told me. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1983. ISBN 978-1551557724.
- ↑ MacLennan, Michael. Life After God: The Play. Playwrights Guild of Canada Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0887547461.
- ↑ Meisner, Natalie D. Life and A Lover. Publisher?, 2006. ISBN 0887548644.
- ↑ Matulic, Margaret. Life as a Fly. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1551553061.
- ↑ King, David. Life Coach. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1551553078.
- ↑ Martini, Clem. Life History of the African Elephant. NUA, 1992. ISBN 0921833210.
- ↑ McNair, Rick. A Life in the Movies. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 1552901688.
- ↑ Hayes, Elliott. Life on Mars. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1993. ISBN 978-1551556291.
- ↑ Panych, Morris. Life Science. Talonbooks, 1994. ISBN 0889223467.
- ↑ Clark, Sally. Life without Instruction. Talonbooks, 1994. ISBN 978-0889223479.
- ↑ Quan, Elyne. Lig & Bittle. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2002. ISBN 978-1552901670.
- ↑ King, David. The Lights of North America. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1551553092.
- ↑ Watts, Irene N. Lillie. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2007. ISBN 978-1554350964.
- ↑ Kenneth Dyba. Lilly, Alta. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1999. ISBN 978-1552900048
- ↑ Verdecchia, Guillermo and Youssef, Marcus. A Line in the Sand. Talonbooks, 1997. ISBN 978-0889223752.
- ↑ Reaney, James. Listen to the Wind. Talonbooks, 1980. ISBN 0889220026.
- ↑ Van Loon, Nelles. A Little Bird Told Me. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1991. ISBN 978-1551555584.
- ↑ Rossi, Vittorio. Two plays: Little blood brother. Backstreets. NuAge, 1988. ISBN 0-921833-16-4.
- ↑ Baillie, Ramona. A Little Happiness. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1554352975.
- ↑ Van Loon, Nelles. Little Red Riding Hood. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1992. ISBN 978-1551555492.
- ↑ MacLeod, Joan. Little Sister. Talonbooks, 1999. ISBN 0889224110.
- ↑ Aloma, Rene. A Little Something to Ease the Pain. Playwrights Canada Press, 1982. ISBN 0887542948.
- ↑ Thompson, Judith. Lion in the Streets. Playwrights Canada Press, 1999. ISBN 0887545157.
- ↑ Watts, Irene N. Listen to the Drum. Playwrights Canada Press, 1982. ISBN 0887540961.
- ↑ Torrens, Jackie. Live! Nude! Animal! Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 978-1552901298.
- ↑ Slater, Tom. Live on Stage Uncensored. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 1-55435-280-0.
- ↑ Ringwood, Gwen Pharis. Lodge. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1551730851.
- ↑ Wyatt, Rachel. Lois After Death. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1997. ISBN 978-1551733999.
- ↑ Sapergia, Barbara. Lokkinen. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1982. ISBN 978-1551557731.
- ↑ Gilbert, Sky. Lola Starr Builds Her Dream Home. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1988. ISBN 978-1551553122.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. The Long Weekend. Playwrights Canada Press, 2002. ISBN 978-0887546778.
- ↑ McDonnell, Kathleen. Loon Boy. Playwrights Canada Press, 1999. ISBN 0887545777.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. Louis and Dave. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 978-1551739656.
- ↑ Daniels, Dan. Lost and Found. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1992. ISBN 978-1551553146.
- ↑ Clark, Sally. Lost Souls and Missing Persons. Talonbooks, 1998. ISBN 978-0889223974.
- ↑ Walker, George F. East End Plays, Part 2. Talonbooks, 1999. ISBN 978-0889224049.
- ↑ Findley, Timothy. Love and Deception. BLI, 1991. ISBN 0921368216.
- ↑ Wyatt, Rachel. Love and Ruins. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1997. ISBN 978-1551734019.
- ↑ Scollard, Rose. Love and War Western Style. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1991. ISBN 1551556642.
- ↑ Ledoux, Paul. Love is Strange. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1984. ISBN 978-1551553160.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. Love List. Samuel French, year?. ISBN 978-1554350278.
- ↑ Selody, Kim. Lovers and Liars. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1551556512.
- ↑ Fulford, Robin. Lovesong. CHP, 1993. ISBN 0889104492
- ↑ Bokor, Pierre. Looooove (formerly Amooooor). Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1551550190.
- ↑ Atkins, Damien. Lucy. Playwrights Canada Press, 1999. ISBN 978-0887549090.
- ↑ Alianak, Hrant. Lucky Strike. Playwrights Canada Press, 1989. ISBN 088754472X.
- 1 2 Lalonde, Robert. Lust's Dominion and The New Tereus, 2011. ISBN 978-0978390945.
- 1 2 Lalonde, Robert. Lust's Dominion and The New Tereus. Human Touch Publishing, 2011. ISBN 978-5872614012.
- ↑ Anderson, Peter. Lysistrata. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1995. ISBN 978-1551731391.
- ↑ MacDonald, Daniel. MacGregor's Hard Ice Cream and Gas. Playwrights Canada Press, 2008. ISBN 978-0887548017.
- ↑ Graves, Warren. Madame Chairman. Playwrights Guild of Canada. ISBN 978-1-55155-902-5.
- ↑ O'Brien, Michael. Mad Boy Chronicle. Playwrights Canada Press Ltd., 2012. ISBN 978-0-88754-928-1.
- ↑ Goulet, Laurent. Madeleine. Playwrights Canada Press, 1983. ISBN 0887542972.
- ↑ Koller, Katherine. Madonna of the Wilderness. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1997. ISBN 0921833520.
- ↑ Campbell, Paddy. Madwitch. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1973. ISBN 1551559587.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. The Magic Transistor: A Purim Play. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1997. ISBN 978-1-55155-318-4.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. Bedtime Stories. Playwrights Canada Press, 2008. ISBN 978-0-88754-823-9.
- ↑ Griffiths, Linda. Maggie and Pierre. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 1551736020.
- ↑ Chan, Marty. Maggie's Last Dance. PPL, year?. ISBN 978-1-55173-287-9.
- ↑ Watts, Irene N. The Magic Sieve. PPL, year?. ISBN 0921217536
- ↑ Koller, Katherine. Magpie. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2004. ISBN 1552903192.
- ↑ Derbyshire, Jan. Maharani and the Maple Leaf. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1997. ISBN 978-1-55173-426-2.
- ↑ Grammy, Tara, Davis, Tom Arthur. Mahmoud. Playwrights Canada Press, 2015. ISBN 978-1-77091-324-0.
- ↑ Tremblay, Michel. La Maison Suspendue. Talonbooks, 1991. ISBN 0889222959.
- ↑ Tsitsias, Evan. Makeover. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2012. ISBN 978-1554353606.
- ↑ Fyffe, Laurie. The Malaysia Hotel. Playwrights Canada Press, 2008. ISBN 978-0-88754-821-5.
- ↑ Belke, David. The Maltese Bodkin. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2008. ISBN 978-0573652455.
- ↑ Galluccio, Steve. Mambo Italiano. Talonbooks, 2004. ISBN 978-0889224940.
- ↑ Kohm, Angus. A Man with a View. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 1551736578.
- ↑ Deverell, Rex. Mandarin Oranges II. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2000. ISBN 978-1552900741.
- ↑ Heath, Colin. The Man from the Capital. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2007. ISBN 978-1-55435-250-0.
- ↑ Stephens, Kwame. Man 2 Man. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2012. The ISBN at the publisher (978-1-55435-362-9)
- ↑ Scollard, Rose. The Man Who Collected Women. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1988. ISBN 1551556669.
- ↑ Weir, Ian. The Man Who Shot Chance Delaney. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2009. ISBN 978-1-55435-149-7.
- ↑ Tremayne, W.A. The Man who Went.
- ↑ Shepherd, Michael. Many Happy Returns. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2003. ISBN 978-1-55173-892-5.
- ↑ Curran, Colleen. Maple Lodge. Samuel French, 1999. ISBN 978-0-57362-702-6
- ↑ Tremblay, Michel. Marcel Pursued by the Hounds. Talonbooks, 1996. ISBN 0889223262.
- ↑ Nolan, Yvette. A Marginal Man. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1994. ISBN 978-1551731957.
- ↑ Barrie, Shirley. Marguerite de Roberval. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1990. ISBN 978-1-55155-775-5.
- ↑ "Magny, Michèle". Canadian Theatre Encyclopedia, July 17, 2020.
- ↑ MacIvor, Daniel. Marion Bridge. Talonbooks, 1999. ISBN 0889224072.
- ↑ Wylie, Betty Jane. Mark. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1972. ISBN 978-1551557762.
- ↑ Melymick, Mark. The Marriage of Rodeo. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1988. ISBN 978-1-55155-688-8.
- ↑ Watts, Irene N. Martha's Magic. Playwrights Canada Press, 1985. ISBN 0887542263.
- ↑ Fraser, Brad. Martin Yesterday. NEW, 1998. ISBN 189630026X.
- ↑ Schroeter, Ed. Martina and the Apostles. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1988. ISBN 978-1-55155-325-2.
- ↑ Gonzalez-Risso, Kico. Master Plann. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1988. ISBN 978-1-55155-276-7.
- ↑ Alianak, Hrant. Mathematics. Fine, 1989. ISBN 0969049617.
- ↑ Geddes, Gary. Les Maudits Anglais. Playwrights Canada Press, 2012. ISBN 0887543731.
- ↑ Deverell, Rita Shelton. McCarthy and the Old Woman. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2006. ISBN 978-1-55435-181-7.
- ↑ Scott, Munroe. McClure. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1989. ISBN 0889242046.
- ↑ Laflamme Don. Mechanicsville Monologues. Wordburg Publishing, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55323-581-1.
- ↑ Lazarus, John. Medea's Disgust. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1991. ISBN 978-1-55155-328-3.
- ↑ Deverell, Rex. Medicare. NEW, 1982. ISBN 0920316581.
- ↑ Carleton, John Louis. A Medieval Hun.
- ↑ Nyoka, Gail. Mella Mella. Playwrights Canada Press, 2003. ISBN 0887546528.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. The Melville Boys. Playwrights Canada Press, 1999. ISBN 0887544525.
- ↑ Deverell, Rex. Melody Meets the Bag Lady. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1982. ISBN 978-1-55173-056-1.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. Memories. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2010. ISBN 978-1554352241.
- ↑ Lill, Wendy. Memories of You. Talonbooks, 1989. ISBN 092909106X.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. Mendel Fish. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2008. ISBN 978-1554351169.
- ↑ Hutsell-Manning, Linda. Merch the Invisible Wizard. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1985. ISBN 978-1-55173-038-7.
- ↑ DeFelice, James. The Merchants of Dazu. RED, 1989. ISBN 0889950288.
- ↑ Ledoux, Paul. Merlin. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2003. ISBN 978-1-55173-882-6.
- ↑ McNair, Rick. Merlin and Arthur. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1979. ISBN 978-1-55155-331-3.
- ↑ Sheriff, Jack. Merrily, Merrily. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1996. ISBN 978-1551733234.
- ↑ Pitcher, Jeff. The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2010. ISBN 978-1554351992.
- ↑ Pura, Talia. Metamorphosis. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55435-277-7.
- ↑ Pengilly, Gordon. Metastasis: Chain of Ruin. NEW, 1995. ISBN 978-1-89712-640-0.
- ↑ Nelson, Greg. Mick Unplugged.Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2005. ISBN 1551739585.
- ↑ Campbell, John Gounod. Midashasassesears. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1-55155-780-9.
- ↑ Stickland, Eugene. Midlife. Broadview Press, 2002. ISBN 978-1-55111-498-9.
- ↑ Carley, Dave. A View From The Roof. SHI, 2001. ISBN 0920486436.
- ↑ Ardal, Maja. Midnight Sun. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 088754603X.
- ↑ Doyle, Collin. The Mighty Carlins. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2012. ISBN 978-1-55435-330-9.
- ↑ Moscovitch, Hannah, Beagan, Tara, Atkins, Damien, and MacFadzean, Matthew. The Mill. Playwrights Canada Press, 2012. ISBN 978-1-77091-009-6.
- ↑ Bilodeau, Chantal. The Miller's Daughter. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2012. ISBN 978-1-55435-321-7.
- ↑ Hamilton, W.A. Mindlands. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2000. ISBN 978-1-55290-078-9.
- ↑ Wood, W.P. Minnie Trail.
- ↑ Belke, David. The Minor Keys. NEW, 2000. ISBN 978-18-96300-19-1.
- ↑ Ringwood, Gwen Pharis Ringwood. Mirage. Borealis Press, 1981. ISBN 978-0-88887-070-4.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. Miriam's Well. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 978-15-52901-25-0.
- ↑ Foon, Dennis. Mirror Game. Playwrights Canada Press, 2002. ISBN 0887546544.
- ↑ Atkins, Damien. Miss Chatelaine. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-15-54353-11-8.
- ↑ Hendry, Tom. Missionary Position. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1--55155-781-6.
- ↑ Chan, Marty. Mom, Dad, I'm Living with a White Girl. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 0887546145.
- ↑ Armstrong, Gordon. The Mona Lisa Toodle-oo. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1989. ISBN 978-1-55155-336-8.
- ↑ Wiseman, Janice. Monica Drew is a Kangaroo. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1980. ISBN 978-1-55155-337-5.
- ↑ Finlay, Suzanne. Monkeyshine. Playwrights Canada Press, 1987. ISBN 978-1-55173-569-6.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. Moon People. JES, 1995. ISBN 0921692641.
- ↑ Druick, Don. Monsieur Moliere's French Scenes. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2002. ISBN 978-1-55290-172-4.
- ↑ MacIvor, Daniel. Monster. SHI, 1999. ISBN 1896239552.
- ↑ Wagner, Colleen. The Monument. Playwrights Canada Press, 1996. ISBN 0887545076.
- ↑ Clark, Sally. The Moonlight Sonata of Beethoven Blatz. Playwrights Canada Press, 1997. ISBN 978-0-88754-476-7.
- ↑ Wiebe, Armin. The Moonlight Sonata of Beethoven Blatz. SCI, 2011. ISBN 978-1897289600.
- ↑ Goulet, Laurent. The Moonshiners. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1980. ISBN 978-1-55155-339-9.
- 1 2 Campbell William Wilfred. Mordred and Morning.
- ↑ Gilbert, Sky. More Divine: A Performance for Roland Barthes. CHP, 1995. ISBN 0889104794.
- ↑ McCaw, Kim. More Munsch! Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1-55155-341-2.
- ↑ Wagner, Colleen. The Morning Bird. SCI, 2009. ISBN 978-1-89728-941-9.
- ↑ Goulet, Laurent. Mother Dear, You're Not Thinking Too Clear. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1990. ISBN 978-1-55155-342-9.
- ↑ Hollingsworth, Margaret. Mother Country. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1980. ISBN 978-1-55155-782-3.
- ↑ Bilodeau, Chantal. The Motherline. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55435-316-3.
- ↑ Quan, Betty. Mother Tongue. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 088754617X.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. Mother Variations. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1989. ISBN 978-1551553443.
- ↑ Gatchalian, C.E. Motifs & Repetitions.. ISBN 1932133496.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. The Motor Trade. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1993. ISBN 978-1-55173-716-4.
- ↑ Davis, Alan R. Mountain Rose. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1984. ISBN 978-1-55155-345-0.
- ↑ Sher, Emil. Mourning Dove. Playwrights Canada Press, 2005. ISBN 978-1-55155-675-8.
- ↑ Fulford, Robin. Mouth. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1994. OCLC 62912885.
- ↑ Nestruck, J. Kelly (2016-10-27). "Mouthpiece is entertaining and unique on the politics of women's voices". Globe and Mail. Retrieved 2020-07-31.
- ↑ Alianak, Hrant. Mousetown. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1974. ISBN 978-1-55155-783-0.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. Moving Out. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1991. ISBN 978-1551553481.
- ↑ Graves, Warren. The Mumberley Inheritance. Samuel French, 1971. ISBN 0573612013.
- ↑ Ross, W.E. Dan. Murder Game. Playwrights Canada, 1982. ISBN 0-88754-313-8.
- ↑ Colley, Peter. The Murderer in the Mirror. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1984. ISBN 978-1-55155-324-5.
- ↑ Selody, Kim. Murmel, Murmel, Mortimer Munsch. Annick Press, year?. ISBN 978-1-55155-351-1.
- ↑ Sandler, Kat. Playwrights Canada Press, 2018.ISBN 978-1-77091-921-1.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. My Darling Judith. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1997. ISBN 978-1-55173-462-0.
- ↑ Cameron, Ken. My Morocco. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2008. ISBN 978-1-55435-090-2.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. My Rumanian Cousin. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1991. ISBN 978-1-55155-358-0.
- ↑ Massing, Conni. The Myth of Summer. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2008. ISBN 978-0-88754-789-8.
- ↑ Gilbert, Sky. My Night With Tennessee. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1992. ISBN 978-1-55435-061-2.
- ↑ Cameron, Ken. My One and Only. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2004. ISBN 978-1-897126-67-7. (included in Harvest and other plays)
- ↑ Lillford, Daniel R. The Mystery of Maddy Heisler. Playwrights Canada Press, 2011. ISBN 978-0-88754-963-2.
- ↑ McMaster, Beth. The Naciwonki Cap. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1999. ISBN 1552900576.
- ↑ Hendry, Tom. Naked at the Opera. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1974. ISBN 978-1-55155-909-4.
- ↑ Kolk, Jaan. Naked on the Information Highway. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1995. ISBN 978-1551732152.
- ↑ Johns, Ted. Naked on the North Shore: A Tale of Labrador. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1974. ISBN 978-1-55173-177-3.
- ↑ Quan, Betty. Nancy Chew Enters the Dragon. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1993. ISBN 978-1-55173-037-0.
- ↑ Chan, Marjorie Chan. A Nanking Winter. Playwrights Canada Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-88754-863-5.
- ↑ Wing, Paula. Naomi's Road. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 1551736462.
- ↑ McNair, Rick. Napi - The First Man. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1978. ISBN 978-1551553597.
- ↑ Wylie, Betty Jane. A Native of the James Family. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1997. ISBN 978-1-55173-483-5.
- ↑ Anderson, Peter. Nativity. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2007. ISBN 978-1-55155-313-9.
- ↑ Lemoine, Stewart. Neck-Breaking Car-Hop. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1-55155-360-3.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. Ned Durango Comes to Big Oak. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1994. ISBN 978-1-55173-014-1.
- ↑ Grant, Diane. Nellie! How The Women Won The Vote. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2012. ISBN 978-1-55290-173-1.
- ↑ Cooper, Beverley. Nellie Bly: Ten Days in a Madhouse. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2006. ISBN 978-1-55435-011-7.
- ↑ Blicker, Seymour. Never Judge a Book by its Cover. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1987. ISBN 978-1-55173-183-4.
- ↑ MacIvor, Daniel. Never Swim Alone and This is a Play. Playwrights Canada Press, 2000. ISBN 978-0-88754-524-5.
- ↑ Foon, Dennis. New Canadian Kid. Playwrights Canada Press, 2006. ISBN 088754830X.
- ↑ "Hurry hard to ATP for its hilarious The New Canadian Curling Club". Calgary Herald, March 19, 2019.
- ↑ Kugler, DD. Kugler. UTP, 1993. ISBN 080206812X.
- ↑ Belke, David. Next Year's Man of Steel. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2011. ISBN 978-1-55435-262-3.
- ↑ French, David. 1949. Talonbooks, 1989. ISBN 978-0889222663.
- ↑ Alianak, Hrant. Night. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1975. ISBN 978-1-55155-910-0.
- ↑ Lazarus, John. Night Light. Playwrights Canada Press, 1999. ISBN 978-1-55155-280-4.
- ↑ Ledoux, Paul. The Night They Raided Truxxx. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1-55155-969-8.
- ↑ Lazarus, John. The Nightingale. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1994. ISBN 978-1-55173-009-7.
- ↑ Johnston, Simon. A Nightingale Sang. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 978-1-55173-631-0.
- ↑ Bowie, Douglas. The Noble Pursuit. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1991. ISBN 978-1551731681.
- ↑ Varma, Rahul. No Man's Land. SIM, 1996. ISBN 088924264X.
- ↑ McNair, Rick. No More. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 1552901688.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. No More Ketchup. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1968. ISBN 978-1-55173-076-9.
- ↑ Taylor, Deborah Porter. No More Medea. Playwrights Canada Press, 2004. ISBN 978-1-55155-366-5.
- ↑ Wilmot, Michael G (2010). No Tell Motel. Playwrights Guild of Canada. ISBN 978-1-55435-456-6. Retrieved 10 May 2016.
- ↑ Beissel, Henry. The Noose. COR, 1989. ISBN 0920953190.
- ↑ Drader, Brian. The Norbals. SHI, 1998. ISBN 1896239382.
- ↑ Nelson, Greg. North.Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 978-1-55290-097-0.
- ↑ Ledoux, Paul. North Mountain Breakdown. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1979. ISBN 978-1-55155-979-7.
- ↑ Chislett, Anne. No Sweat. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2006. ISBN 978-1-55435-042-1.
- ↑ Scollard, Rose. Nosy Parkers. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1994. ISBN 1552903907.
- ↑ Walker, George F. Walker. Nothing Sacred. Talonbooks, 1988. ISBN 978-0-88910-331-3.
- ↑ Fennario, David. Nothing to Lose. Talonbooks, 1994. ISBN 978-0-88922-121-5.
- ↑ Chislett, Anne. Not Quite the Same. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 1551736284.
- ↑ Lazarus, John. Not So Dumb. Playwrights Canada Press, 1999. ISBN 0887545785.
- ↑ Sanger, Richard. Not Spain. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2012. ISBN 978-1-55435-347-7.
- ↑ Rose, Richard; Kugler, DD. Not Wanted on the Voyage. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2001. ISBN 978-1-55173-921-2.
- ↑ Diamond, David. No’ Xya’. Borealis Press, 1991. ISBN 0-88887-098-1.
- ↑ Gonzalez-Risso, Kico. Nymphomaniac. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2004. ISBN 1552902900.
- ↑ Fulford, Robin. Obedience. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2007. ISBN 978-1-55435-076-6.
- ↑ Lill, Wendy. The Occupation of Heather Rose. Talonbooks, 2001. ISBN 0889224366.
- ↑ Wiseman, Janice. OD! Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1988. ISBN 978-1-55155-374-0.
- ↑ Foster, Christine. The Odyssey. Playwrights Canada Press, 2001. ISBN 0887546137.
- ↑ Breslow, Maurice. The Odyssey. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1983. ISBN 978-1-55155-377-1.
- ↑ Chafe, Rick. The Odyssey. Playwrights Canada Press, 2001. ISBN 0887546137.
- ↑ French, David. Of the Fields, Lately. House of Anansi Press, 1993. ISBN 978-0-88784-508-6.
- ↑ Mike Ross (November 22, 2011). "Theatre: Fiction stranger than truth in Offensive Fouls". Gig City. Retrieved August 20, 2012.
- ↑ "Overshadowed by overlong first act". Toronto Sun, October 2, 2008.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. Office Hours. Playwrights Canada Press, 1998. ISBN 0887545416.
- ↑ Kolk, Jaan. Office Party. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2003. ISBN 978-1-55173-870-3.
- ↑ Johns, Ted. The Oil Show: Legends of Petrolia. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1974. ISBN 978-1-55155-981-0.
- ↑ Wikberg, Karen. Old Flames. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1992. ISBN 978-1-55155-380-1.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. Old Love. Playwrights Canada Press, 1995. ISBN 978-0-88754-883-3.
- ↑ Wylie, Betty Jane. The Old Woman and the Pedlar. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2003. ISBN 978-1-55290-061-1.
- ↑ Carlson, Tim. Diplomacy. Talonbooks, 2007. ISBN 978-0-88922-562-6.
- ↑ McMaster, Beth. Once Upon a Greek Stage. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1990. ISBN 978-1-55155-384-9.
- ↑ Watts, Irene N. Once Upon a Time. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1981. ISBN 978-1-55155-790-8.
- ↑ Ouzounian, Richard. Once Upon a Time in Old Westmount. Borealis Press, 1980. ISBN 0-88887-056-6.
- ↑ Libman, Daniel. O'Neill. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1989. ISBN 978-1-55155-367-2.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. One Potato, Two Potato. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1999. ISBN 978-1-55290-043-7.
- ↑ Thiessen, Cherie. One Spring Morning. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1975. ISBN 978-1-55155-739-7.
- ↑ Selody, Kim. Only Birds and Fools Fly. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1-55155-386-3.
- ↑ Schroeter, Ed. The Only Game in Town. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1988. ISBN 978-1-55155-662-8.
- ↑ Fennario, David. On the Job. Talonbooks, 1994. ISBN 978-0-88922-102-4.
- ↑ Ravel, Aviva. On the Other Side of the Wall. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 978-1-55173-617-4.
- ↑ French, David. One Crack Out. Talonbooks, 2003. ISBN 978-0-88922-488-9.
- ↑ Fielden, Charlotte. One Crowded Hour. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1976. ISBN 978-1-55173-241-1.
- ↑ Bolt, Carol. One Night Stand. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1997. ISBN 1551732947.
- ↑ Cahill, Thomas J. The Only Living Father. Playwrights Canada Press, 1997. ISBN 978-1-55173-290-9.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. Opening Night. Playwrights Canada Press, 2002. ISBN 092136850X.
- ↑ Hollingsworth, Margaret. Operators. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1978. ISBN 1551557266.
- ↑ Leiren-Young, Mark. The Oprah Donahue Show. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1987. ISBN 978-1-55173-204-6.
- ↑ Carley, Dave. Orchidelirium. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2003. ISBN 978-1-55435-007-0.
- ↑ Fulford, Robin. Organic Divide. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1998. ISBN 978-1554350803.
- ↑ Scribble, Sam. Orpheus and Eurydice.
- ↑ Heatley, Stephen. The Other Side of the Pole. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 1984. ISBN 978-1-55173-175-9.
- ↑ Kate Taylor, "Oui never rises above level of sitcom: Play about bilingual Ottawa family's reaction to referendum bland and cliched". The Globe and Mail, January 17, 1998.
- ↑ Foster, Norm. Outlaw. Playwrights Canada Press, 2004. ISBN 978-0-88754-757-7.
- ↑ Cooper, Beverley. Out of Body. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2006. ISBN 978-1-55435-011-7.
- ↑ [ "Outside, onstage". Daily Xtra, November 24, 2014.
- ↑ Fleming, Neil. Outside. Playwrights Guild of Canada, 2004. ISBN 978-1-55173-922-9.
- ↑ Davies, Robertson. Overlaid. SIM, 1991. ISBN 0889242259.
- ↑ McMaster, Beth. Overtrick. Playwrights Guild of Canada, year?. ISBN 978-1-55155-350-4.