The following is a list of CMOS 4000-series digital logic integrated circuits. In 1968, the original 4000-series was introduced by RCA. Although more recent parts are considerably faster, the 4000 devices operate over a wide power supply range (3V to 18V recommended range for "B" series) and are well suited to unregulated battery powered applications and interfacing with sensitive analogue electronics, where the slower operation may be an EMC advantage. The earlier datasheets included the internal schematics of the gate architectures and a number of novel designs are able to 'mis-use' this additional information to provide semi-analog functions for timing skew and linear signal amplification.[1] Due to the popularity of these parts, other manufacturers released pin-to-pin compatible logic devices and kept the 4000 sequence number as an aid to identification of compatible parts. However, other manufacturers use different prefixes and suffixes on their part numbers, and not all devices are available from all sources or in all package sizes.
Non-exhaustive list of manufacturers which make or have made these kind of ICs.
Current manufacturers of these ICs:
- Nexperia (spinoff from NXP)
- ON Semiconductor (acquired Motorola & Fairchild Semiconductor)[2]
- Texas Instruments (acquired National Semiconductor)[3]
Former manufacturers of these ICs:
- Hitachi
- NXP (acquired Philips Semiconductors)[4]
- RCA (defunct; first introduced this 4000-series family in 1968)
- Renesas Electronics[5] (acquired Intersil)[6]
- ST Microelectronics[7]
- Toshiba Semiconductor[8]
- VEB Kombinat Mikroelektronik (defunct; was active in the 1980s)[9]
- Tesla Piešťany, s.p. (defunct; was active in the 1980s and 1990s)
- various manufacturers in the former Soviet Union (e.g. Angstrem, Mikron Group, Exiton, Splav, NZPP in Russia; Mezon in Moldavia; Integral in Byelorussia; Oktyabr in Ukraine; Billur in Azerbaijan)[10]
Logic gates

Since there are numerous 4000-series parts, this section groups related combinational logic parts to make it easier for the reader to choose part numbers.
All parts in this section have normal inputs and push-pull outputs, unless stated differently.
One input voltage translation gates:
- 40109 = Quad Buffer (dual power rails) (logic can step up or down, depending on power rail choice)
- 4504 = Hex Buffer (dual power rails) (logic can step up or down, depending on power rail choice)
One input logic gates:
- 4041 = Quad Buffer/Inverter, each input has 2 outputs Q and Q (outputs can drive one TTL / two 74LS / four CMOS loads)
- 4050 = Hex Buffer (outputs can drive two TTL / four 74LS / eight CMOS loads) (note: VDD power rail pin at non-typical location)
- 4049 = Hex Inverter (outputs can drive two TTL / four 74LS / eight CMOS loads) (note: VDD power rail pin at non-typical location)
- 4069 = Hex Inverter
- 40106 = Hex Inverter with schmitt trigger inputs (pinout compatible with 4069)
- 4572 = Quad Inverter, plus a 2-Input NOR gate and a 2-Input NAND gate (both can be converted into inverters)
Two to eight input logic gates:
- 4093 = Quad 2-Input NAND with schmitt trigger inputs (pinout compatible with 4011)
- 40107 = Dual 2-Input NAND with open drain outputs (can drive 32 CMOS loads) (DIP-8 package)
Configuration AND NAND OR NOR XOR XNOR Quad 2-Input 4081 4011 4071 4001 4070 4077 Triple 3-Input 4073 4023 4075 4025 n/a n/a Dual 4-Input 4082 4012 4072 4002 n/a n/a Single 8-Input 4068 4068 4078 4078 n/a n/a - Note: The 4068 & 4078 has two outputs Q and Q. The 4048 is an 8-input gate too (see below). The 4572 has a NOR gate and NAND gate (see above).
AND-OR-Invert (AOI) logic gates:
- 4085 = Dual 2-wide 2-input AND-OR-Invert (AOI). This dual 2-2 AOI gate will reduce the boolean expression AB + CD to 1st output and EF + GH to 2nd output.
- 4086 = Single expandable 4-wide 2-input AND-OR-Invert (AOI). This single expandable 2-2-2-2 AOI gate will reduce the boolean expression AB + CD + EF + GH + EXPAND, where EXPAND is the output from another AOI gate.
- 4048 = Single expandable 8-input 8-function with three-state output, 8 choices for gate type: 8 NOR / 8 OR / 8 NAND / 8 AND / 4-4 AND-OR-Invert / 4-4 AND-OR / 4-4 OR-AND-Invert / 4-4 OR-AND
- When configured as AND-OR-INVERT (AOI) gate, it will reduce the boolean expression ABCD + EFGH + EXPAND.
- When configured as AND-OR (AO) gate, it will reduce the boolean expression ABCD + EFGH + EXPAND.
- When configured as NOR gate, it will reduce the boolean expression A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H + EXPAND, which is a 9-input NOR gate when EXPAND is used as a 9th input.
- When configured as OR gate, it will reduce the boolean expression A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H + EXPAND, which is a 9-input OR gate when EXPAND is used as a 9th input.
- Note: The 4041 can simplify AOI boolean expression implementations by providing buffered A, B, C, D and A, B, C, D.
Parts list
This list consists mostly of part numbers from a 1983 RCA databook, though the leading "CD" and tailing letters (A, B, UB) have been removed for generic part number use. The numeric portion of part numbers from some manufactures may not be identical to generic part numbers in this table. Motorola typically prepended a "1" and removed the first "0" from part numbers within the range of 40100 to 40199, such as RCA CD40174B becomes Motorola MC14174B.
Part number | Category | Units | Description of 4000 to 4099 | Pins | Datasheet |
4000 | Logic Gates | 2 | Dual 3-input NOR gate + One inverter gate | 14 | RCA |
4001 | Logic Gates | 4 | Quad 2-input NOR gate | 14 | RCA, TI |
4002 | Logic Gates | 2 | Dual 4-input NOR gate | 14 | RCA, TI |
4006 | Shift Registers | 1 | 18-stage shift register (four independent with common clock: two 4-stage, two 5-stage with Q4 tap) | 14 | RCA |
4007 | Analog/Digital | 2 | Dual complementary enhanced-MOS transistor pair + 1 inverter gate | 14 | RCA, TI |
4008 | Math | 1 | 4-bit binary full adder | 16 | RCA |
4009 | Logic Gates | 6 | Hex inverter gate, dual power supply, can drive 1 TTL/DTL load (replaced by 4049) | 16 | RCA, TI |
4010 | Logic Gates | 6 | Hex buffer gate, dual power supply, can drive 1 TTL/DTL load (replaced by 4050) | 16 | RCA, TI |
4011 | Logic Gates | 4 | Quad 2-input NAND gate | 14 | RCA, TI |
4012 | Logic Gates | 2 | Dual 4-input NAND gate | 14 | RCA, TI |
4013 | Flip-Flops | 2 | Dual D-type flip-flop, Q & Q outputs, positive-edge trigger, asynchronous set and reset | 14 | RCA, TI |
4014 | Shift Registers | 1 | 8-stage parallel in shift register (synchronous parallel load, serial in, Q6/Q7/Q8 out) (see 4021 for asynchronous) | 16 | RCA, TI |
4015 | Shift Registers | 2 | Dual 4-stage shift register (two independent: serial in, Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4 out, reset, clock) | 16 | RCA, TI |
4016 | Analog Switches | 4 | Quad bilateral switch | 14 | RCA, TI |
4017 | Counters | 1 | Decade counter (5-stage Johnson counter) with 10-output decoder, active HIGH output (see 4022 for octal) | 16 | RCA, TI |
4018 | Counters | 1 | Presettable divide-by-N counter | 16 | RCA, TI |
4019 | Logic Gates | 4 | Quad AND-OR select gate | 16 | RCA, TI |
4020 | Counters | 1 | 14-stage binary ripple counter | 16 | RCA, TI |
4021 | Shift Registers | 1 | 8-stage parallel in shift register (asynchronous parallel load, serial in, Q6/Q7/Q8 out) (see 4014 for synchronous) | 16 | RCA, TI |
4022 | Counters | 1 | Octal counter (4-stage Johnson counter) with 8-output decoder, active HIGH output (see 4017 for decade) | 16 | RCA, TI |
4023 | Logic Gates | 3 | Triple 3-input NAND gate | 14 | RCA, TI |
4024 | Counters | 1 | 7-stage binary ripple counter | 14 | RCA, TI |
4025 | Logic Gates | 3 | Triple 3-input NOR gate | 14 | RCA, TI |
4026 | 7-Segment Decoders | 1 | Decade counter with decoded 7-segment display outputs and display enable | 16 | RCA, TI |
4027 | Flip-Flops | 2 | Dual J-K master-slave flip-flop, Q & Q outputs, positive-edge trigger, asynchronous set and reset | 16 | RCA, TI |
4028 | Multiplexers | 1 | 4-bit BCD to 10-output decoder (can be used as 3-bit binary to 8-output decoder), active HIGH output | 16 | RCA, TI |
4029 | Counters | 1 | Presettable up/down counter, binary or BCD-decade | 16 | RCA, TI |
4030 | Logic Gates | 4 | Quad XOR gate (replaced by 4070) | 14 | RCA, TI |
4031 | Shift Registers | 1 | 64-stage shift register | 16 | RCA, TI |
4032 | Math | 3 | Triple serial adder | 16 | RCA |
4033 | 7-Segment Decoders | 1 | Decade counter with decoded 7-segment display outputs and ripple blanking | 16 | RCA, TI |
4034 | Registers | 1 | 8-stage bidirectional parallel/serial input/output register | 24 | RCA, TI |
4035 | Shift Registers | 1 | 4-stage parallel-in/parallel-out shift register | 16 | RCA, TI |
4037 | 3 | Triple AND-OR bi-phase pairs | 14 | RCA | |
4038 | Math | 3 | Triple serial adder | 16 | RCA |
4040 | Counters | 1 | 12-stage binary ripple counter | 16 | RCA, TI |
4041 | Logic Gates | 4 | Quad buffer/inverter (2 outputs per gate) (4 times standard "B" drive) | 14 | RCA, TI |
4042 | Latches | 4 | Quad D-type latch, Q & Q outputs, positive or negative edge trigger depending on polarity pin, shared clock | 16 | RCA, TI |
4043 | Latches | 4 | Quad NOR R-S latch, Q outputs, three-state outputs | 16 | RCA, TI |
4044 | Latches | 4 | Quad NAND R-S latch, Q outputs, three-state outputs | 16 | RCA, TI |
4045 | Counters | 1 | 21-stage counter | 16 | RCA, TI |
4046 | PLL | 1 | Phase-locked loop with VCO | 16 | RCA, TI |
4047 | Timers | 1 | Monostable/astable multivibrator, external RC oscillator | 14 | RCA, TI |
4048 | Logic Gates | 1 | Single expandable 8-input 8-function gate, three-state output, choice of: NOR, OR, NAND, AND, AND-NOR (AOI), AND-OR, OR-NAND (OAI), OR-AND |
16 | RCA, TI |
4049 | Logic Gates | 6 | Hex inverter gate, can drive two TTL/RTL loads or four 74LS loads | 16 | RCA, TI |
4050 | Logic Gates | 6 | Hex buffer gate, can drive two TTL/RTL loads or four 74LS loads | 16 | RCA, TI |
4051 | Analog Switches | 1 | Single 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer | 16 | RCA, TI |
4052 | Analog Switches | 2 | Dual 4-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer | 16 | RCA, TI |
4053 | Analog Switches | 3 | Triple 2-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer | 16 | RCA, TI |
4054 | LCD Drivers | 1 | 4-segment LCD driver with latch | 16 | RCA, TI |
4055 | LCD Drivers | 1 | BCD to 7-segment decoder/LCD driver with "display-frequency" output | 16 | RCA, TI |
4056 | LCD Drivers | 1 | BCD to 7-segment decoder/LCD driver with strobed-latch function | 16 | RCA, TI |
4057 | Math | 1 | 4-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU) | 28 | RCA |
4059 | Counters | 1 | Programmable divide-by-N counter | 24 | RCA, TI |
4060 | Counters | 1 | 14-stage binary ripple counter, external RC or crystal oscillator (32.768 kHz compatible), schmitt trigger inputs | 16 | RCA, TI |
4061 | Memory | 1 | 256x1 bit static RAM | 16 | RCA |
4062 | Shift Registers | 1 | 200-stage dynamic shift register | 16 | RCA |
4063 | Math | 1 | 4-bit magnitude comparator | 16 | RCA, TI |
4066 | Analog Switches | 4 | Quad analog switch (low "ON" resistance) | 14 | RCA, TI |
4067 | Analog Switches | 1 | Single 16-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer (1-of-16 switch) | 24 | RCA, TI |
4068 | Logic Gates | 1 | Single 8-input NAND/AND gate (2 outputs per gate) | 14 | RCA, TI |
4069 | Logic Gates | 6 | Hex inverter | 14 | RCA, TI |
4070 | Logic Gates | 4 | Quad 2-input XOR gate | 14 | RCA, TI |
4071 | Logic Gates | 4 | Quad 2-input OR gate | 14 | RCA, TI |
4072 | Logic Gates | 2 | Dual 4-input OR gate | 14 | RCA, TI |
4073 | Logic Gates | 3 | Triple 3-input AND gate | 14 | RCA, TI |
4075 | Logic Gates | 3 | Triple 3-input OR gate | 14 | RCA, TI |
4076 | Registers | 4 | Quad D-type register, three-state outputs | 16 | RCA, TI |
4077 | Logic Gates | 4 | Quad 2-input XNOR gate | 14 | RCA, TI |
4078 | Logic Gates | 1 | Single 8-input NOR/OR gate (2 outputs per gate) | 14 | RCA, TI |
4081 | Logic Gates | 4 | Quad 2-input AND gate | 14 | RCA, TI |
4082 | Logic Gates | 2 | Dual 4-input AND gate | 14 | RCA, TI |
4085 | Logic Gates | 2 | Dual 2-wide, 2-input AND-OR-Invert (AOI) | 14 | RCA, TI |
4086 | Logic Gates | 1 | Single expandable 4-wide, 2-input AND-OR-Invert (AOI) | 14 | RCA, TI |
4089 | Rate Multipliers | 1 | Binary rate multiplier | 16 | RCA, TI |
4093 | Logic Gates | 4 | Quad 2-input NAND gate, schmitt trigger inputs | 14 | RCA, TI |
4094 | Shift Registers | 1 | 8-stage shift-and-store bus | 16 | RCA, TI |
4095 | Flip-Flops | 1 | Gated J-K flip-flop, Q & Q outputs, positive-edge trigger, asynchronous set and reset, non-inverting inputs | 14 | RCA, TI |
4096 | Flip-Flops | 1 | Gated J-K flip-flop, Q & Q outputs, positive-edge trigger, asynchronous set and reset, inverting and non-inverting inputs | 14 | RCA, TI |
4097 | Analog Switches | 1 | Single differential 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer | 24 | RCA, TI |
4098 | Timers | 2 | Dual one-shot monostable | 16 | RCA, TI |
4099 | Latches | 1 | 8-bit addressable latch | 16 | RCA, TI |
Part number | Category | Units | Description of 40100 to 40199 | Pins | Datasheet |
40100 | Shift Registers | 1 | 32-stage left/right shift register | 16 | RCA |
40101 | Logic Gates | 1 | 9-bit parity generator | 14 | RCA |
40102 | Counters | 1 | Presettable 2-decade BCD down counter | 16 | RCA, TI |
40103 | Counters | 1 | Presettable 8-bit binary down counter | 16 | RCA, TI |
40104 | Shift Registers | 1 | 4-bit bidirectional parallel-in/parallel-out shift register, three-state outputs | 16 | RCA |
40105 | Memory | 1 | 4-bit x 16 word FIFO register | 16 | RCA, TI |
40106 | Logic Gates | 6 | Hex inverter gate, schmitt trigger inputs | 14 | RCA, TI |
40107 | Logic Gates/Driver | 2 | Dual 2-input NAND gate, 136 mA open drain output driver (32 times standard "B" sink) | 8 | RCA, TI |
40108 | Memory | 1 | 4x4-bit synchronous triple-port register file, three-state outputs | 24 | RCA |
40109 | Voltage Translator | 4 | Quad voltage level translator, three-state outputs, dual power rails | 16 | RCA, TI |
40110 | 7-Segment Decoders | 1 | Up/down decade counter, latch, 7-segment decoder, LED driver | 16 | RCA, TI |
40117 | 2 | Dual programmable 4-bit terminator | 14 | RCA, TI | |
40147 | 1 | 10-line to 4-line (BCD) priority encoder | 16 | RCA, TI | |
40160 | Counters | 1 | 4-bit synchronous decade counter, asynchronous clear, load, ripple carry output | 16 | RCA, TI |
40161 | Counters | 1 | 4-bit synchronous binary counter, asynchronous clear, load, ripple carry output | 16 | RCA, TI |
40162 | Counters | 1 | 4-bit synchronous decade counter, synchronous clear, load, ripple carry output | 16 | RCA, TI |
40163 | Counters | 1 | 4-bit synchronous binary counter, synchronous clear, load, ripple carry output | 16 | RCA, TI |
40174 | Flip-Flops | 6 | Hex D-type flip-flop, Q outputs, positive-edge trigger, shared clock and clear | 16 | RCA, TI |
40175 | Flip-Flops | 4 | Quad D-type flip-flop, Q & Q outputs, positive-edge trigger, shared clock and clear | 16 | RCA, TI |
40181 | Math | 1 | 4-bit 16-function arithmetic logic unit (ALU) | 24 | RCA |
40182 | Math | 1 | Look-ahead carry generator for four adders | 16 | RCA |
40192 | Counters | 1 | Presettable 4-bit up/down BCD counter | 16 | RCA, TI |
40193 | Counters | 1 | Presettable 4-bit up/down binary counter | 16 | RCA, TI |
40194 | Shift Registers | 1 | 4-bit bidirectional parallel-in/parallel-out shift register | 16 | RCA, TI |
Part number | Category | Units | Description of 40200 to 40299 | Pins | Datasheet |
40208 | Memory | 1 | 4 x 4-bit synchronous triple-port register file, three-state outputs | 24 | RCA |
40257 | Multiplexers | 4 | Quad 2-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer, three-state outputs | 16 | RCA, TI |
Part number | Category | Units | Description of 4500 to 4599 | Pins | Datasheet |
4500 | 1 | Industrial control unit (ICU), 1-bit microprocessor | 16 | Motorola | |
4502 | Logic Gates | 6 | Hex strobed inverter, three-state outputs | 16 | RCA, TI |
4503 | Logic Gates | 6 | Hex buffer, three-state outputs | 16 | RCA, TI |
4504 | Voltage Translator | 6 | Hex voltage translator, TTL-to-CMOS or CMOS-to-CMOS, dual power rails | 16 | TI |
4508 | Latches | 2 | Dual 4-bit latch, Q outputs, three-state outputs | 24 | RCA, TI |
4510 | Counters | 1 | Presettable 4-bit BCD up/down counter | 16 | RCA, TI |
4511 | 7-Segment Decoders | 1 | BCD to 7-segment latch/decoder/LED driver | 16 | RCA, TI |
4512 | Multiplexers | 1 | 8-input multiplexer (data selector), three-state output | 16 | RCA, TI |
4514 | Multiplexers | 1 | 1-of-16 decoder/demultiplexer, active HIGH output | 24 | RCA, TI |
4515 | Multiplexers | 1 | 1-of-16 decoder/demultiplexer, active LOW output | 24 | RCA, TI |
4516 | Counters | 1 | Presettable 4-bit binary up/down counter | 16 | RCA, TI |
4517 | Shift Registers | 2 | Dual 64-stage shift register | 16 | RCA, TI |
4518 | Counters | 2 | Dual BCD up counter | 16 | RCA, TI |
4520 | Counters | 2 | Dual 4-bit binary up counter | 16 | RCA, TI |
4521 | Timers/Divider | 1 | 24-stage frequency divider, choice of external / RC / crystal oscillator, 18 thru 24 stage outputs | 16 | TI |
4522 | Counters | 1 | Programmable BCD divide-by-N counter | 16 | TI |
4527 | 1 | BCD rate multiplier | 16 | RCA, TI | |
4531 | Logic Gates | 1 | 13-input parity checker/generator | 16 | Philips |
4532 | Multiplexers | 1 | 8-bit priority encoder, 3-bit output | 16 | RCA, TI |
4536 | Timers | 1 | Programmable timer, external clock or RC oscillator, choice of divider from 1 to 24 stages | 16 | RCA, TI |
4538 | Timers | 2 | Dual retriggerable precision monostable multivibrator, Q & Q outputs | 16 | RCA, TI |
4541 | Timers | 1 | Programmable timer, external clock or RC oscillator, choice of divider of 8 / 10 / 13 / 16 stages | 14 | RCA, TI |
4543 | LCD Drivers | 1 | BCD to 7-segment latch/decoder/LCD driver, phase input | 16 | RCA, TI |
4555 | Multiplexers | 2 | Dual 1-of-4 decoder/demultiplexer, active HIGH output | 16 | RCA, TI |
4556 | Multiplexers | 2 | Dual 1-of-4 decoder/demultiplexer, active LOW output | 16 | RCA, TI |
4572 | Logic Gates | 6 | Hex gates: quad inverter gate, single 2-input NAND gate, single 2-input NOR gate | 16 | TI |
4580 | Memory | 1 | 4 x 4-bit synchronous triple-port register file, three-state outputs | 24 | Motorola |
4584 | Logic Gates | 6 | Hex inverter gate, schmitt trigger inputs | 14 | Onsemi |
4585 | Math | 1 | 4-bit digital comparator | 16 | RCA, TI |
Part number | Category | Units | Description of 4700 to 4799 | Pins | Datasheet |
4724 | 1 | 8-bit addressable latch | 16 | RCA, TI |
See also
- ↑ "The Benefits of Ancient Logic | Analog Devices".
- ↑ "Standard Logic - Product View". Retrieved 2016-04-28.
- ↑ "Logic Circuit | Register | Buffer | Driver | Gate | Overview | Logic |". Retrieved 2016-04-28.
- ↑ "NXP - Logic - HEF4000 Series". Archived from the original on 2016-04-18. Retrieved 2016-04-28.
- ↑ "Renesas Electronics - CD4001BMS". Retrieved 2018-08-18.
- ↑ "Parametric Search | Intersil". Retrieved 2016-04-28.
- ↑ "Automotive Logic ICs - STMicroelectronics". Retrieved 2016-04-28.
- ↑ "CMOS Logic ICs | TOSHIBA Semiconductor & Storage Products Company | Americas". Retrieved 2016-04-28.
- ↑ Schlenzig, Klaus; Ekne, Peter (1987) [1986]. "5. Digitale CMOS-Schaltkreisreihe V4000 - Eigenschaften und Anwendungen" [Series of digital CMOS integrated circuits V4000 (4000) - Properties and use cases]. In Erlekampf, Rainer; Mönk, Hans-Joachim (eds.). Mikroelektronik in der Amateurpraxis [Microelectronics for the practical amateur] (in German) (3 ed.). Berlin: Militärverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Leipzig. pp. 271, 280, 283–284, 298–300. ISBN 3-327-00357-2. 7469332. (NB. Among many other ICs of the U and V series, this discusses the U40501D, U40511D and V40511D.)
- ↑ "561ая серия" [561 series] (in Russian). Retrieved 2022-04-12.
Further reading
External links
- HE4000B Family Specifications (IC04) - Signetics / NXP