Human rights in Senegal are generally better respected than in other countries in the continent, but cases of violation are still regularly reported.


The death penalty was abolished in 2004.

LGBT rights in Senegal

See also

Linked articles


  • (in German) Kafui Ayaba Sandra Afanou, Der Menschenrechtsschutz in drei ausgewählten frankophonen Staaten Afrikas : Togo, Senegal und Kamerun, Frankfurt-sur-le-Main, Berlin, Berne, Brussels, New York, Oxford and Vienna, Lang, 2005, 228 p. (after a thesis at the University of Heidelberg, 2002) ISBN 3-631-51392-5
  • (in English) James T. Lawrence (editor), Human rights in Africa Hauppauge, N.Y., Nova Science, 2004, 252 p. ISBN 1590339320
  • (in French) Sidiki Kaba, Les droits de l'homme au Sénégal, Collection Xaam saa yoon, 1997, 547 p.
  • (in French) Comité interministériel chargé des droits de l'homme, Le Sénégal face aux allégations de violation des droits de l'homme, 1996, 26 p.

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