The Horace Hearne Jr. Institute for Theoretical Physics is at Louisiana State University. The Hearne Institute is funded by a donation of two endowed chairs by Horace Hearne Jr. and the State of Louisiana, as well as additional grants from a variety of national and international granting agencies.[1] It currently has as co-directors James Sauls and Jorge Pullin. Jonathan Dowling was a former co-director. The institute hosts faculty, postdoctoral researchers, students — as well as long- and short-term visitors — who conduct research on quantum matter, fields and information and on gravitational physics. The Hearne Institute also sponsors international workshops on quantum matter, relativity and quantum gravity.


  1. "Board of Regents Approves Creation of Hearne Institute for Theoretical Physics at LSU", LSU Today, February 24, 2006, archived from the original on 2006-09-01.
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