Gilla Mo Dutu Úa Caiside (fl. 1147) was a Gaelic Irish poet.
Closely associated with Tighearnán Ua Ruairc, King of Bréifne, he was attached to the monastery of Daminis and possibly to the church of Ard Brecáin, being a cleric.
His two famous compositions are Éri óg inis na náem and the Banshenchas.
The Ó Caiside family later became – from the 14th century – prominent in Fermanagh, and many of them became hereditary doctors to the Maguire chieftains.
His known compositions are:
- Éri óg inis na náem
- The Banshenchas (Ádam óenathair na ndóene)
- Eight poems in the lives of St. Mo Laisse and M'Áedóc
- Ca lion mionn ag Maodhócc
- Cert Maodhócc ar shluagh Mhancach
- Comhroinn Maodhócc, fa mór modh
- Eittirbretha Maodhócc min
- Uasal an mac, mac Setna
- Cia is fearr cairt ar dháil mláisi
- Cia thairngir mlaisi ria theacht
- Molaisi eolach na heagna
- Cuibdea comanmann na rig
- Sé rígh déag Eoghain anall
- The Prose Banshenchas, unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, UCG, 1980.
- The Manuscript Tradition of the Banshenchas, Éiru 33 (1982) 109-35
- An Bansheanchas, Léachtaí Cholm Cille xii: Na mná sa litríocht, eag. P. Ó Fiannachta (Maigh Nuad, 1982), 5-29.
- Gilla Mo Dutu Úa Caiside, by Kevin Murray, in Cín Chille Cúile, ed. J. Carey, M. Herbert and K. Murray (Aberystwyth: Celtic Studies Publications, 2004), 150–162.
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