Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy
T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı Jandarma ve Sahil Güvenlik Akademisi Başkanlığı
Arms of the academy
TypeMilitary school
Established31 July 2016 (2016-07-31)
DirectorBrigadier General Murat Bulut

The Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Academy (Turkish: Jandarma ve Sahil Güvenlik Akademisi) is a military higher education institution affiliated with the Ministry of Interior in Turkey. Its purpose is to meet the officer, non-commissioned officer, and other personnel needs of the Gendarmerie and Coast Guard organizations, as well as to provide associate, undergraduate, and postgraduate education, conduct scientific research, and publish academic works.[1] The academy consists of faculties, institutes, vocational schools for non-commissioned officers, education and research centers, and training courses. The academy that is located in Ankara, Turkey is directed by Brigadier General Murat Bulut since 2020.[2]


  1. "GCGA - Vision, Mission, and Duty". Retrieved 2018-03-19.
  2. Turkish Gendarmarie and Coast Guard Academy. "Akademi Başkanı". Jandarma ve Sahil Güvenlik Akademisi. Archived from the original on 27 October 2021.

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