Coat of arms of Princes Gantimurov

Lesser Coat of arms
The House of Gantimurov[1] (Russian: Гантимуровы) is a Russian princely family of Evenks.
They have descended from the Manchu chieftain Gantimur or Gantömör (Mongolian Gan: steel; tömör: iron), who came to live in Russia in 1667. The descendants of Gantimur were confirmed as Russian princes by a royal decree in 1686. They established the village of Karymskoye in Dauria. Their heraldic emblem is contained in the 17th part of the Gerbovnik. Wassily Kandinsky's great-grandmother was born Princess Gantimurov.

Palace of the Gantimurov family Chita
Notable members
- Prince Nikolai Gantimurov (1880–1924), a Russian officer, took part in the Siege of Port Arthur.
- Natalia Gantimurova (born 1991), Russian model, is the Miss Russia 2011 titleholder.
- ↑ Alternate spellings are Gantimourov(a), Gantimouroff, Gan-Timur and Gan-Timour.
- (in English) Artemyev A. R. The Gantimurov Princes in Russian service // Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Aikakauskirja. Vol.84. Helsinki, 1992. P.7-8
- (in Russian) Соломин А. В. Князья Гантимуровы.- М., 2013
- (in Russian) Арсеньев Ю.В. Род князей Гантимуровых: Генеалогическая справка. М., 1904
- (in Russian) Дамдинов Д.Г. О предках Гантимуровых (титулованных князьях и дворянах по московскому списку).- Улан-Удэ, 1996
- (in Russian) Думин С.В. Князья Гантимуровы // Дворянские роды Российской империи.- Т.3.- М., 1996.- С.215-217
- (in Russian) Гантимуров Д.В. Историческая справка относительно рода князей Гантимуровых.- Иркутск, 1900
External links
- (in Russian) Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary
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