The Flinn-Engdahl regions (or F-E regions) comprise a set of contiguous seismic zones which cover the Earth's surface. In seismology, they are the standard for localizing earthquakes. The scheme was proposed in 1965[1] by Edward A. Flinn and E. R. Engdahl. The first official definition was published in 1974[2] and later revised in 1995.[3] Since that time, region outlines and numbers have remained unchanged, but region names have changed to reflect official place name changes, e.g. the Queen Charlotte Islands have been known as Haida Gwaii since 2010.

Because each F-E region is composed of 1x1 degree blocks with integer latitudes and longitudes, the borders of the F-E regions may differ from political boundaries. For instance, the F-E region 545 ("Northern Italy") also includes parts of France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. After the 1995 revision there are 754 F-E regions, sequentially numbered from 1 to 757 with three gaps (172, 299 and 550) at dissolved regions. The seismic regions are grouped into 50 larger geographic regions.

Flinn-Engdahl regions of Presgrave, Aichele, Wiens & Flinn (1996) in pink, with region numbers in red, shown against coastlines in blue and administrative boundaries in black and grey.

List of seismic regions


Alaska – Aleutian arc

1Central Alaska
2Southern Alaska
3Bering Sea
4Komandorsky Islands Region
5Near Islands, Aleutian Islands
6Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands
7Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands
8Pribilof Islands, Alaska Region
9Fox Islands, Aleutian Islands
10Unimak Island Region, Alaska
11Bristol Bay
12Alaska Peninsula
13Kodiak Island Region, Alaska
14Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
15Gulf of Alaska
16South of Aleutian Islands
17South of Alaska

Southeastern Alaska to Washington

18Southern Yukon Territory, Canada
19Southeastern Alaska
20Off Coast of Southeastern Alaska
21West of Vancouver Island
22Haida Gwaii Regionislands renamed in 2010[4]
23British Columbia, Canada
24Alberta, Canada
25Vancouver Island, Canada Region
26Off Coast of Washington
27Near Coast of Washington
28Washington–Oregon Border Region

Oregon, California and Nevada

30Off Coast of Oregon
31Near Coast of Oregon
33Western Idaho
34Off Coast of Northern California
35Near Coast of Northern California
36Northern California
38Off Coast of California
39Central California
40California–Nevada Border Region
41Southern Nevada
42Western Arizona
43Southern California
44California–Arizona Border Region
45California–Baja California Border Region
46Western Arizona–Sonora Border Region

Baja California and Gulf of California

47Off Western Coast of Baja California
48Baja California, Mexico
49Gulf of California
50Sonora, Mexico
51Off Coast of Central Mexico
52Near Coast of Central Mexico

Mexico – Guatemala area

53Revilla Gigedo Islands Region
54Off Coast of Jalisco, Mexico
55Near Coast of Jalisco, Mexico
56Near Coast of Michoacan, Mexico
57Michoacan, Mexico
58Near Coast of Guerrero, Mexico
59Guerrero, Mexico
60Oaxaca, Mexico
61Chiapas, Mexico
62Mexico–Guatemala Border Region
63Off Coast of Mexicoin 1995 divided into regions 63 and 730
64Off Coast of Michoacan, Mexico
65Off Coast of Guerrero, Mexico
66Near Coast of Oaxaca, Mexico
67Off Coast of Oaxaca, Mexico
68Off Coast of Chiapas, Mexico
69Near Coast of Chiapas, Mexico
71Near Coast of Guatemala
730Northern East Pacific Risecreated in 1995 from a part of region 63

Central America

73El Salvador
74Near Coast of Nicaragua
76Off Coast of Central America
77Off Coast of Costa Rica
78Costa Rica
79North of Panama
80Panama–Costa Rica Border Region
82Panama–Colombia Border Region
83South of Panama

Caribbean loop

84Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico
85Cuba Region
86Jamaica Region
87Haiti Region
88Dominican Republic Region
89Mona Passage
90Puerto Rico Region
91Virgin Islands
92Leeward Islands
94Caribbean Seain 1995 divided into regions 94 and 731
95Windward Islands
96Near North Coast of Colombia
97Near Coast of Venezuela
99Northern Colombia
100Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela
731North of Hondurascreated in 1995 from a part of region 94

Andean South America

102Near West Coast of Colombia
104Off Coast of Ecuador
105Near Coast of Ecuador
106Colombia–Ecuador Border Region
108Off Coast of Northern Peru
109Near Coast of Northern Peru
110Peru–Ecuador Border Region
111Northern Peru
112Peru–Brazil Border Region
113Western Brazil
114Off Coast of Peru
115Near Coast of Peru
116Central Peru
117Southern Peru
118Peru–Bolivia Border Region
119Northern Bolivia
120Central Bolivia
121Off Coast of Northern Chile
122Near Coast of Northern Chile
123Northern Chile
124Chile–Bolivia Border Region
125Southern Bolivia
127Chile–Argentina Border Region
128Jujuy Province, Argentina
129Salta Province, Argentina
130Catamarca Province, Argentina
131Tucuman Province, Argentina
132Santiago Del Estero Province, Argentina
133Northeastern Argentina
134Off Coast of Central Chile
135Near Coast of Central Chile
136Central Chile
137San Juan Province, Argentina
138La Rioja Province, Argentina
139Mendoza Province, Argentina
140San Luis Province, Argentina
141Cordoba Province, Argentina

Extreme South America

143Off Coast of Southern Chile
144Southern Chile
145Southern Chile–Argentina Border Region
146Southern Argentina

Southern Antilles

147Tierra Del Fuego
148Falkland Islands Region
149Drake Passage
150Scotia Sea
151South Georgia Island Region
152South Georgia Rise
153South Sandwich Islands Region
154South Shetland Islands
155Antarctic Peninsula
156Southwestern Atlantic Oceanin 1995 divided into regions 156 and 732
157Weddell Sea
732East of South Sandwich Islandscreated in 1995 from a part of region 156

New Zealand region

158Off West Coast of North Island, New Zealand
159North Island, New Zealand
160Off East Coast of North Island, New Zealand
161Off West Coast of South Island, New Zealand
162South Island, New Zealand
163Cook Strait, New Zealand
164Off East Coast of South Island, New Zealand
165North of Macquarie Island
166Auckland Islands, New Zealand Region
167Macquarie Island Region
168South of New Zealand

Kermadec – Tonga – Samoa Basin area

169Samoa Islands Region
170Samoa Islands
171South of Fiji Islandsmerged with region 172 in 1995
172West of Tonga Islandsabandoned in 1995
173Tonga Islands
174Tonga Islands Region
175South of Tonga Islands
176North of New Zealand
177Kermadec Islands Region
178Kermadec Islands, New Zealand
179South of Kermadec Islands

Fiji Islands area

180North of Fiji Islands
181Fiji Islands Region
182Fiji Islands

Vanuatu Islands

183Santa Cruz Islands Region
184Santa Cruz Islands
185Vanuatu Islands Region
186Vanuatu Islands
187New Caledonia
188Loyalty Islands
189Southeast of Loyalty Islands

Bismarck and Solomon Islands

190New Ireland Region, Papua New Guinea
191North of Solomon Islands
192New Britain Region, Papua New Guinea
193Solomon Islands
194D'Entrecasteaux Islands Region
195South of Solomon Islands

New Guinea

196West Papua Region, Indonesiaprovince renamed in 1999[5]
197Near North Coast of West Papuaprovince renamed in 1999[5]
198Ninigo Islands Region, Papua New Guinea
199Admiralty Islands Region, Papua New Guinea
200Near North Coast of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea
201West Papua, Indonesiaprovince renamed in 1999[5]
202New Guinea, Papua New Guinea
203Bismarck Sea
204Aru Islands Region, Indonesia
205Near South Coast of West Papuaprovince renamed in 1999[5]
206Near South Coast of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea
207Eastern New Guinea Region, Papua New Guinea
208Arafura Sea

Caroline Islands area

209Western Caroline Islands, Micronesia
210South of Mariana Islands

Guam to Japan

211Southeast of Honshu, Japan
212Bonin Islands, Japan Region
213Volcano Islands, Japan Region
214West of Mariana Islands
215Mariana Islands Region
216Mariana Islands

Japan – Kuril Islands – Kamchatka Peninsula

217Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
218Near East Coast of Kamchatka
219Off East Coast of Kamchatka
220Northwest of Kuril Islands
221Kuril Islands
222East of Kuril Islands
223Eastern Sea of Japan
224Hokkaido, Japan Region
225Off Coast of Hokkaido, Japan
226Near West Coast of Honshu, Japan
227Eastern Honshu, Japan
228Near East Coast of Honshu, Japan
229Off East Coast of Honshu, Japan
230Near South Coast of Honshu, Japan

Southwestern Japan and Ryukyu Islands

231South Korea
232Western Honshu, Japan
233Near South Coast of Western Honshu
234Northwest of Ryukyu Islands
235Kyushu, Japan
236Shikoku, Japan
237Southeast of Shikoku, Japan
238Ryukyu Islands, Japan
239Southeast of Ryukyu Islands
240West of Bonin Islands
241Philippine Sea

Taiwan area

242Near Coast of southeastern China
243Taiwan Region
245Northeast of Taiwan
246Southwestern Ryukyu Islands, Japan
247Southeast of Taiwan

Philippine Islands

248Philippine Islands Region
249Luzon, Philippines
250Mindoro, Philippines
251Samar, Philippines
252Palawan, Philippines
253Sulu Sea
254Panay, Philippines
255Cebu, Philippines
256Leyte, Philippines
257Negros, Philippines
258Sulu Archipelago, Philippines
259Mindanao, Philippines
260East of Philippine Islands

Borneo – Sulawesi

262Celebes Sea
263Talaud Islands, Indonesia
264North of Halmahera, Indonesia
265Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi
266Northern Molucca Sea
267Halmahera, Indonesia
268Sulawesi, Indonesia
269Southern Molucca Sea
270Ceram Sea
271Buru, Indonesia
272Seram, Indonesia

Sunda arc

273Southwest of Sumatra, Indonesia
274Southern Sumatra, Indonesia
275Java Sea
276Sunda Strait, Indonesia
277Java, Indonesia
278Bali Sea
279Flores Sea
280Banda Sea
281Tanimbar Islands Region, Indonesia
282South of Java, Indonesia
283Bali Region, Indonesia
284South of Bali, Indonesia
285Sumbawa Region, Indonesia
286Flores Region, Indonesia
287Sumba Region, Indonesia
288Savu Sea
289Timor Region
290Timor Sea
291South of Sumbawa, Indonesia
292South of Sumba, Indonesia
293South of Timor, Indonesia

Myanmar and Southeast Asia

294Myanmar–India Border Region
295Myanmar–Bangladesh Border Region
297Myanmar–China Border Region
298Near South Coast of Myanmar
299Southeast Asiaabandoned in 1995
300Hainan Island, China
301South China Sea
733Thailandcreated in 1995 from a part of region 299
734Laoscreated in 1995 from a part of region 299
735Cambodiacreated in 1995 from a part of region 299
736Vietnamcreated in 1995 from a part of region 299
737Gulf of Tongkingcreated in 1995 from a part of region 299

India – Xizang – Sichuan – Yunnan

302Eastern Kashmir
303Kashmir–India Border Region
304Kashmir–Xizang Border Region
305Western Xizang–India Border Region
307Sichuan, China
308Northern India
309Nepal-India Border Region
311Sikkim, India
313Eastern Xizang–India Border Region
314Southern India
315India–Bangladesh Border Region
317Northeastern India
318Yunnan, China
319Bay of Bengal

Southern Xinjiang to Gansu

320Kyrgyzstan–Xinjiang Border Region
321Southern Xinjiang, China
322Gansu, China
323Western Nei Mongol, China
324Kashmir–Xinjiang Border Region
325Qinghai, China

Lake Issyk-Kul to Lake Baykal

326Southwestern Siberia, Russia
327Lake Baykal Region, Russia
328East of Lake Baykal, Russia
329Eastern Kazakhstan
330Lake Issyk-Kul region
331Kazakhstan–Xinjiang Border Region
332Northern Xinjiang, China
333Russia–Mongolia Border Region

Western Asia

335Ural Mountains Region, Russia
336Western Kazakhstan
337Eastern Caucasus
338Caspian Sea
339Northwestern Uzbekistan
341Turkmenistan–Iran Border Region
342Turkmenistan–Afghanistan Border Region
343Turkey–Iran Border Region
344Armenia–Azerbaijan–Iran Border Region
345Northwestern Iran
346Iran–Iraq Border Region
347Western Iran
348Northern and Central Iran
349Northwestern Afghanistan
350Southwestern Afghanistan
351Eastern Arabian Peninsula
352Persian Gulf
353Southern Iran
354Southwestern Pakistan
355Gulf of Oman
356Off Coast of Pakistan

Middle East – Crimea – Eastern Balkans

357Ukraine–Moldova–Southwestern Russia Region
360Black Sea
361Crimea Region, Ukraine
362Western Caucasus
363Greece–Bulgaria Border Region
365Aegean Sea
367Georgia–Armenia–Turkey Border Region
368Southern Greece
369Dodecanese Islands, Greece
370Crete, Greece
371Eastern Mediterranean Sea
372Cyprus Region
373Dead Sea Region
374Jordan–Syria Region

Western Mediterranean area

379Near South Coast of France
380Corsica, France
381Central Italy
382Adriatic Sea
383Northwestern Balkan Region
384West of Gibraltar
385Strait of Gibraltar
386Balearic Islands, Spain
387Western Mediterranean Sea
388Sardinia, Italy
389Tyrrhenian Sea
390Southern Italy
392Greece–Albania Border Region
393Madeira Islands, Portugal Region
394Canary Islands, Spain Region
396Northern Algeria
398Sicily, Italy
399Ionian Sea
400Central Mediterranean Sea
401Near Coast of Libya

Atlantic Ocean

402North Atlantic Oceanin 1995 divided into regions 402, 738 and 739
403Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
404Azores Islands Region
405Azores Islands, Portugal
406Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge
407North of Ascension Island
408Ascension Island Region
409South Atlantic Ocean
410Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
411Tristan Da Cunha Region
412Bouvet Island Region
413Southwest of Africa
414Southeastern Atlantic Ocean
738Reykjanes Ridgecreated in 1995 from a part of region 402
739Azores-Cape St. Vincent Ridgecreated in 1995 from a part of region 402

Indian Ocean

415Eastern Gulf of Aden
416Socotra Region
417Arabian Seain 1995 divided into regions 417 and 740
418Lakshadweep Region, India
419Northeastern Somalia
420North Indian Ocean
421Carlsberg Ridge
422Maldive Islands Region
423Laccadive Sea
424Sri Lanka
425South Indian Oceanin 1995 divided into regions 425, 741 and 742
426Chagos Archipelago Region
427Mauritius-Réunion Region
428Southwest Indian Ridge
429Mid-Indian Ridge
430South of Africa
431Prince Edward Islands Region
432Crozet Islands Region
433Kerguelen Islands Region
434Broken Ridge
435Southeast Indian Ridgein 1995 enlarged by a part of region 437
436Southern Kerguelen Plateau
437South of Australiain 1995 divided into part of region 435 and region 437
740Owen Fracture Zone Regioncreated in 1995 from a part of region 417
741Indian Ocean Triple junctioncreated in 1995 from a part of region 425
742Western Indian-Antarctic Ridgecreated in 1995 from a part of region 425

Eastern North America

438Saskatchewan, Canada
439Manitoba, Canada
440Hudson Bay
441Ontario, Canada
442Hudson Strait Region, Canada
443Northern Québec, Canada
444Davis Strait
445Labrador, Canada
446Labrador Sea
447Southern Québec, Canada
448Gaspe Peninsula, Canada
449Eastern Québec, Canada
450Anticosti Island, Canada
451New Brunswick, Canada
452Nova Scotia, Canada
453Prince Edward Island, Canada
454Gulf of St. Lawrence
455Newfoundland, Canada
457Eastern Idaho
458Hebgen Lake Region
459Yellowstone Region, Wyoming
461North Dakota
462South Dakota
470Southern Ontario, Canada
472New York
474Vermont–New Hampshire Region
476Southern New England
477Gulf of Maine
481Iowa–Missouri Border Region
482Missouri–Kansas Border Region
484Missouri–Arkansas Border Region
485Eastern Missouri
486New Madrid, Missouri Region
487Cape Girardeau, Missouri Region
488Southern Illinois
489Southern Indiana
491West Virginia
493Chesapeake Bay Region
494New Jersey
495Eastern Arizona
496New Mexico
497Texas Panhandle Region
498Western Texas
500Central Texas
501Arkansas–Oklahoma Border Region
503Louisiana–Texas Border Region
508Western Florida
509Georgia, USA
510Florida-Georgia Border Region
511South Carolina
512North Carolina
513Off East Coast of United States
514Florida Peninsula
515Bahama Islands
516Eastern Arizona-Sonora Border Region
517New Mexico-Chihuahua Border Region
518Texas-Mexico Border Region
519Southern Texas
520Near Coast of Texas
521Chihuahua, Mexico
522Northern Mexico
523Central Mexico
524Jalisco, Mexico
525Veracruz, Mexico
526Gulf of Mexico
527Bay of Campeche

Eastern South America

531French Guiana

Northwestern Europe

533United Kingdom
534North Sea
535Southern Norway
537Baltic Sea
539Bay of Biscay
540The Netherlands
545Northern Italy
547Czechia and Slovakia


550Northwest Africaabandoned in 1995
551Southern Algeria
554Red Sea
555Western Arabian Peninsula
556Chad Region
559Western Gulf of Aden
560Northwestern Somalia
561Off South Coast of Northwest Africa
563Equatorial Guinea
564Central African Republic
566Republic of Congo
567Democratic Republic of Congo
569Lake Victoria Region
571Southern Somalia
572Lake Tanganjika Region
574Northwest of Madagascar
582Mozambique Channel
584South Africa
587Off Coast of South Africa
743Western Saharacreated in 1995 from a part of region 550
744Mauritaniacreated in 1995 from a part of region 550
745Malicreated in 1995 from a part of region 550
746Senegal-Gambia Regioncreated in 1995 from a part of region 550
747Guinea Regioncreated in 1995 from a part of region 550
748Sierra Leonecreated in 1995 from a part of region 550
749Liberia Regioncreated in 1995 from a part of region 550
750Côte d'Ivoirecreated in 1995 from a part of region 550
751Burkina Fasocreated in 1995 from a part of region 550
752Ghanacreated in 1995 from a part of region 550
753Benin-Togo Regioncreated in 1995 from a part of region 550
754Nigercreated in 1995 from a part of region 550
755Nigeriacreated in 1995 from a part of region 550


588Northwest of Australia
589West of Australia
590Western Australia
591Northern Territory, Australia
592South Australia
593Gulf of Carpentaria
594Queensland, Australia
595Coral Sea
596Northwest of New Caledonia
597Southwest of New Caledonia
598Southwest of Australia
599Off South Coast of Australia
600Near Coast of South Australia
601New South Wales, Australia
602Victoria, Australia
603Near Southeastern Coast of Australia
604Near East Coast of Australia
605East of Australia
606Norfolk Island Region
607Northwest of New Zealand
608Bass Strait
609Tasmania Region, Australia Region
610Southeast of Australia

Pacific Basin

611North Pacific Ocean
612Hawaiian Islands Region
614Eastern Caroline Islands, Micronesia
615Marshall Islands Region
616Enewetak Atoll Region, Marshall Islands
617Bikini Atoll Region, Marshall Islands
618Gilbert Islands, Kiribati Region
619Johnston Island Region
620Line Islands Region, Kiribati
621Palmyra Island Region, Kiribati
622Kiritimati Region, Kiribati
623Tuvalu Region
624Phoenix Islands, Kiribati Region
625Tokelau Islands Region
626Northern Cook Islands
627Cook Islands Region
628Society Islands Region
629Tubuai Islands Region
630Marquesas Islands Region
631Tuamotu Archipelago Region
632South Pacific Ocean

Arctic zone

633Lomonosov Ridge
634Arctic Ocean
635Near North Coast of Greenland
636Eastern Greenland
637Iceland Region
639Jan Mayen Island Region
640Greenland Sea
641North of Svalbard
642Norwegian Sea
643Svalbard Region
644North of Franz Josef Land
645Franz Josef Land, Russia
646Northern Norway
647Barents Sea
648Novaya Zemlya, Russia
649Kara Sea
650Near Coast of Western Siberia, Russia
651North of Severnaya Zemlya
652Severnaya Zemlya, Russia
653Near Coast of Central Siberia, Russia
654East of Severnaya Zemlya, Russia
655Laptev Sea

Eastern Asia

656Southeastern Siberia, Russia
657Eastern Russia-Northeastern China Border Region
658Northeastern China
659North Korea
660Sea of Japan
661Primor'ye, Russia
662Sakhalin, Russia
663Sea of Okhotsk
664Southeastern China
665Yellow Sea
666Off East Coast of Eastern China

Northeastern Asia, Northern Alaska to Greenland

667North of New Siberian Islands
668New Siberian Islands, Russia
669East Siberian Sea
670Near North Coast of Eastern Siberia
671Eastern Siberia, Russia
672Chukchi Sea
673Bering Strait
674St. Lawrence Island, Alaska Region
675Beaufort Sea
676Northern Alaska
677Northern Yukon Territory, Canada
678Queen Elizabeth Islands, Canada
679Northwest Territories -- Nunavut, CanadaNunavut was founded in 1999[6]
680Western Greenland
681Baffin Bay
682Baffin Island Region, Canada

Southeastern and Antarctic Pacific Ocean

683Southeast Central Pacific Ocean
684Southern East Pacific Rise
685Easter Island Region
686West Chile Rise
687Juan Fernandez Islands Region
688East of North Island, New Zealand
689Chatham Islands, New Zealand Region
690South of Chatham Islands
691Pacific-Antarctic Ridge
692Southern Pacific Oceanin 1995 divided into regions 692 and 756
756Southeast of Easter Islandcreated in 1995 from a part of region 692

Galápagos Islands area

693East Central Pacific Oceanin 1995 divided into regions 693 and 757
694Central East Pacific Rise
695West of Galápagos Islands
696Galápagos Islands Region
697Galápagos Islands, Ecuador
698Southwest of Galápagos Islands
699Southeast of Galápagos Islands
757Galápagos Triple Junction Regioncreated in 1995 from a part of region 693

Macquarie loop

700South of Tasmania
701West of Macquarie Island
702Balleny Islands Region

Andaman Islands to Sumatra

703Andaman Islands, India Region
704Nicobar Islands, India Region
705Off West Coast of Northern Sumatra
706Northern Sumatra, Indonesia
707Malay Peninsula
708Gulf of Thailand


709Southeastern Afghanistan
711Southwestern Kashmir
712India-Pakistan Border Region

Hindu Kush and Pamir area

713Central Kazakhstan
714Southeastern Uzbekistan
717Afghanistan-Tajikistan Border Region
718Hindu Kush Region, Afghanistan
719Tajikistan-Xinjiang Border Region
720Northwestern Kashmir

Northern Eurasia

722Norway-Russia Border Region
723Finland-Russia Border Region
724Baltic-Belarus-Northwestern Russia Region
725Northwestern Siberia, Russia
726Northcentral Siberia, Russia


727Victoria Land, Antarctica
728Ross Sea


  1. Flinn, Edward A.; Engdahl, Eric R. (1965). "A proposed basis for geographical and seismic regionalization". Reviews of Geophysics. 3 (1): 123. doi:10.1029/RG003i001p00123. ISSN 8755-1209.
  2. Flinn, Edward A.; Engdahl, E. R.; Hill, Alan R. (1974-06-01). "Seismic and Geographical Regionalization". Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 64 (3–2): 771–992. doi:10.1785/BSSA0643-20771. ISSN 0037-1106. S2CID 132797436.
  3. Young, J. B.; Presgrave, B. W.; Aichele, H.; Wiens, D. A.; Flinn, E. A. (1996-09-01). "The Flinn-Engdahl Regionalisation Scheme: The 1995 revision". Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. 96 (4): 223–297. doi:10.1016/0031-9201(96)03141-X. ISSN 0031-9201.
  4. "Haida Gwaii", Wikipedia, 2022-07-23, retrieved 2022-07-28
  5. 1 2 3 4 "West Papua (province)", Wikipedia, 2022-07-28, retrieved 2022-07-28
  6. "Nunavut", Wikipedia, 2022-07-30, retrieved 2022-08-03
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