The Cabinet of Josef Ludwig von Armansperg (20 May 1835 2 February 1837) was formed after the fall of the government of Ioannis Kolettis on 20 May 1835.

Members of the Cabinet

On 14 February 1836, the government changed

  • Drosos Mansolas, Secretary of State for the Interior
  • Iakovos Rizos Neroulos, Secretary of State for the Royal Household, the Foreign Affairs, the Religious Affairs and Public Education, interim secretary of State for Justice
  • Antonios Kriezis, Secretary of State for Naval Affairs (member of the English Party)
  • Georgios Lassanis, Secretary of State for Finance
  • Heinrich Christian von Schmaltz, Secretary of State for Military Affairs

In 1836, the government changed the administrative division of Greece.

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