British American Football Association
HeadquartersKidderminster, Worcestershire, England
Nichole McCulloch
Key people
Ian Deakin, Bruce Leatherman, Pete Ackerley, Richard Watson, Kenny Bello, Ian Deakin, Heather Smith.

The British American Football Association (BAFA) is the national governing body for the sport of American football and non-contact Flag football in the United Kingdom since 1985. It is affiliated to the International Federation of American Football (IFAF). In 2010, they formed the BAFA National Leagues as the country's primary competition for contact football. Their flagship event is the annual Britbowl which is competed by the top two sides of the BAFANL Premier Divisions.



League Code Teams Participants Notes
BAFA National Leagues (BAFANL)Adult Contact Football70Men/Women 18+Winning teams play in the Britbowl[1]
National Women's Football League (NWFL)Women's Contact Football17Women 18+[2]
British Universities American Football League (BUAFL)Adult Contact Football81University Students 18+[3]
National Flag Football LeagueAdult Flag Football60Men/Women 16+[4]
Women's National Flag Football LeagueWomen's Flag Football15Women/Female University Students 18+League features both Club and University sides [5]


League Code Teams Participants Notes
U19's LeagueYouth Contact Football38Youths 16–19Winning teams play in the Junior Britbowl[6]
U16's LeagueYouth Contact Football41Youths 13–16Winning teams play in the Junior Britbowl[6]
U17's Flag LeagueYouth Flag Football14Youths 14–17[7]
U14's Flag LeagueYouth Flag Football20Youths 11–14[7]

2021 BAFA National Youth Flag finals[8]

Under 14s
South Coast Spitfires4420Leicester Huntsmen
Under 17s
South Coast Spitfires2018Coventry Cougars

Final standings

2021 Standings
1. South Coast Spitfires1. South Coast Spitfires
2. Leicester Huntsmen2. Coventry Cougars
3. Chorley Buccaneers Cutlasses3. Waveney Wolves
4. London Blitz4. South London Renegades
5. Nuneaton Jaguars5. Nuneaton Jaguars
6. Solent Red Storm6. Brighton & Hove Scorpions
7. Houghton Bears
8. Chorley Buccaneers Blades

Member bodies


  • BAFCA (British American Football Coaches Association)
  • BAFRA (British American Football Referees Association)
  • BUAFL (British Universities American Football League)


  • BAFL (British American Football League) - split from BAFA in 2010, and ceased operations in the same year.
  • BYAFA (British Youth American Football Association) - dissolved 2007 and merged into BAFL
  • BSAFA (British Students American Football Association) - Disaffiliated 2007 leading to the foundation, by BAFA, of the BUAFL.
  • SGA (Scottish Gridiron Association)

Boards of directors

Role Name
ChairmanNichole McCulloch
Senior Non-Executive DirectorIan Deakin
Chief Executive OfficerPete Ackerley
DirectorBruce Leatherman
DirectorRichard Watson
Non-Executive DirectorColin Allen
Non-Executive DirectorKenny Bello
Non-Executive DirectorHeather Smith



  1. "Adult Contact – British American Football".
  2. "Women's Contact – British American Football".
  3. "University Football (BUCS) – British American Football".
  4. "Adult Flag – British American Football".
  5. "Women's Flag – British American Football".
  6. 1 2 "Youth Contact – British American Football".
  7. 1 2 "Youth Flag Finals 2021 – British American Football".
  8. "South Coast Spitfires at the double at 2021 Youth Flag National Finals – British American Football".
  9. "What is BAFA? – British American Football".
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