In Adyghe, like all Northwest Caucasian languages, morphology is the most important part of the grammar.[1][2] An Adyghe word, besides that it has its own lexical meaning, sometimes, by the set of morphemes it is built of and by their aggregate grammatical meanings, can reproduce a sentence. For example, a verb by its set of morphemes can express subject's and object's person, place, time, manner of action, negative, and other types of grammatical categories. For example: къыпфэсхьыщтэп "I will not bring it for you" consists of these morphemes: къы-п-фэ-с-хьы-щт-эп – which have these literal meanings "from there (къы) you (п) for you (фэ) I (с) bring (хьы) will (attribute of the future tense – щт) not (эп)".

Verbal Prefixes

In Adyghe there are two kind of prefixes : Directional prefixes and informative prefixes. Directional prefixes express the direction of the verb while informative prefixes add additional information related to the verb like the location, the reason and the participants.

Directional prefixes
Case Prefix Example Translation
Directionalкъ~ (q~)къаплъэ (qaːpɬa)(s)he is looking toward here
Towardsлъ~ (ɬ~)лъэплъэ (ɬapɬa)(s)he is looking towards him
Backwardsзэкӏ~ (zat͡ʃʼ~)зэкӏаплъэ (zat͡ʃʼaːpɬa)(s)he is looking backwards
Bypassблэ~ (bɮa~)блэплъы (bɮapɬə)(s)he is looking bypass
Pass throughпхыры~ (pxərə~)пхырыплъы (pxərəpɬə)(s)he is looking pass through
Backwardsзэкӏ~ (zat͡ʃʼ~)зэкӏаплъэ (zat͡ʃʼaːpɬa)(s)he is looking backwards
Beyondшъхьэпы~ (ʂħapə~)шъхьапыплъы (ʂħaːpəpɬə)(s)he is looking beyond it
Overшъхьадэ~ (ʂħaːda~)шъхьадэплъы (ʂħaːdapɬə)(s)he is looking over it
Neckшӏохэ~ (ʃʷʼaxa~)шӏохаплъэ (ʃʷʼaxaːpɬa)(s)he is looking at the neck of
Informative prefixes
Case Prefix Example Translation
Definitenessкъ~ (q~)къаплъэ (qaːpɬa)(s)he is looking
Locationщ~ (ɕ~)щеплъы (ɕajpɬə)(s)he is looking at that place
Causativeгъэ~ (ʁ~)егъаплъэ (jaʁaːpɬa)(s)he is making him look
Comitativeдэ~ (da~)деплъы (dajpɬə)(s)he is looking with him
Benefactiveфэ (fa~)Феплъы (fajpɬə)(s)he is looking for him
Againstшӏо~ (ʃʷʼa~)шӏуеплъы (ʃʷʼajpɬə)(s)he is looking against his will
Instrumentalре~ (raj~)реплъы (rajpɬə)(s)he is looking using it
Reflexiveз~ (z~)зэплъыжьы (zapɬəʑə)(s)he is looking at himself
Functionallyзэрэ~ (zara~)зэраплъэрэ (zaraːpɬara)the way (s)he is looking

Directional prefixes

Directional prefixes express the movement of the object and the direction of the verb.

Positional prefixes

Cislocative (къэ~)

Towards (лъ~)

The verbal suffix ~лъ (~ɬ) designates action directed towards someone or something. for example:

  • макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ (s)he is going → лъэкӏо /ɬakʷʼa/ (s)he is going after; (s)he is following.
  • мачъэ /maːt͡ʂa/ (s)he is running → лъэчъэ /ɬat͡ʂa/ (s)he is running after.
  • мэкуо /makʷəwa/ (s)he is shouting → лъэкуо /ɬakʷəwa/ (s)he is shouting toward.
  • маплъэ /mapɬə/ (s)he is looking → лъэплъэ /ɬapɬa/ (s)he is looking after.
  • ео /jawa/ (s)he is hitting → лъэо /ɬawa/ (s)he is hitting toward.
  • едзы /jad͡zə/ (s)he is throwing → лъедзы /ɬajd͡zə/ (s)he is throwing toward.
  • ехьэ /jaħa/ (s)he is entering → лъехьэ /ɬajħa/ (s)he is entering after.
  • мэӏабэ /maʔaːba/ (s)he is trying to reach → лъыӏэбэн /ɬəʔaban/ (s)he is trying to reach toward.
you (plural)from the boys (ins.)follow me (said to plural).
"You boys follow me (said to plural)."
the boy (abs.)using a rock (ins.)(s)he is throwing at me
"The boy is throwing at me rocks."

Backwards (зэкӏ~)

To indicate a verb that was done backwards, the prefix зэкӏ- (zat͡ʃʼ-) is added. It indicates that the verb was done toward behind the subject, for example:

  • макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ (s)he is going → зэкӏакӏо /zat͡ʃʼaːkʷʼa/ (s)he is going backwards.
  • мачъэ /maːt͡ʂa/ (s)he is running → зэкӏачъэ /zat͡ʃʼaːt͡ʂa/ (s)he is running backwards.
  • маплъэ /mapɬə/ (s)he is looking → зэкӏаплъэ /zat͡ʃʼaːɬapɬa/ (s)he is looking backwards.
  • едзы /jad͡zə/ (s)he is throwing → зэкӏедзы /zat͡ʃʼajd͡zə/ (s)he is throwing backwards.
  • мэӏабэ /maʔaːba/ (s)he is trying to reach → зэкӏэӏабэ /zat͡ʃʼaʔaːba/ (s)he is trying to reach out backwards.
look backwards in order toyou will seethe boy (abs.)
"Look behind and you will see the boy."
morea bitmove backward
"Move backward a bit more."

Bypass (блэ~)

The verbal prefix блэ~ /bɮa~/ designates action bypass someone or something for example:

  • блэкӏын /bɮat͡ʃʼən/ to go pass something or someone.
  • блэшъутын /bɮəʃʷtən/ to run pass something or someone.
  • блихын /bɮəjxən/ to barely miss something or someone.
  • дзын /d͡zən/ to throw → блэдзын /bɮad͡zən/ to throw bypass.
  • плъэн /pɬən/ to look → блэплъын /bɮapɬən/ to look bypass.
  • пкӏэн /pt͡ʃʼan/ to jump → блэпкӏын /bɮapt͡ʃʼən/ to jump bypass.
  • быбын /bəbən/ to fly → блэбыбын /bɮabəbən/ to fly bypass.
  • он /wan/ to hit; to shoot → блэун /bɮawən/ to miss.
road (erg.)II go bypass
"I go pass the road."
hold me up andpeople (abs.)let my look bypass them
"Hold me up and let me look bypass the people."
river (erg.)to run from a distancejump bypass
"Start running from a distance and jump over the river."

Pass through (пхы~)

The verbal prefix пхы~ (пхыры~) (pxə~) designates action, motion directed through some obstacle, object; for example:

  • пхырыкӏын /pxərət͡ʃʼən/ to pass through.
  • плъэн /pɬən/ to look → пхырыплъын /pxərəpɬən/ to look pass through something
boy (abs.)forest (erg.)(s)he passed through
"The boy passed through the forest."

Beyond (шъхьапы~)

The verbal prefix шъхьапы~ /ʂħaːpə~/ designates movement of an object beyond something. Transference of an object beyond something. for example:

  • шъхьэпыкӏын /ʂħapət͡ʃʼən/ to exceed; to go beyond something.
  • шъхьэпыхын /ʂħapəxən/ to barely miss someone; to pass something very closely and quickly.
  • дзын /d͡zən/ to throw → шъхьэпыдзын /ʂħapəd͡zən/ to throw beyond something.
  • плъэн /pɬən/ to look → шъхьэпыплъын /ʂħapəppɬən/ to look beyond something
  • пкӏэн /pt͡ʃʼan/ to jump → шъхьэпыппкӏын /ʂħapəpt͡ʃʼən/ to jump beyond something.
  • он /wan/ to hit; to shoot → шъхьэпыун /ʂħapəwən/ to shoot beyond something or someone.
people (erg.)I am looking beyond their heads
"I am looking beyond the people."
house (erg.)rock (abs.)to throw beyondtry
"Try throwing the rock beyond the house."
rock (abs.)boy (erg.)it missed one's head
"The rock barely passed beyond the boy."

Over (шъхьадэ~)

The verbal prefix шъхьадэ~ /ʂħaːda~/ designates movement of an object over something. Transference of an object over something. for example:

  • шъхьэдэкӏын /ʂħapat͡ʃʼən/ to go pass over something.
  • дзын /d͡zən/ to throw → шъхьэдэдзын /ʂħadad͡zən/ to throw over something.
  • плъэн /pɬən/ to look → шъхьэдэплъын /ʂħadapɬən/ to look over something or someone.
  • пкӏэн /pt͡ʃʼan/ to jump → шъхьэдэпкӏын /ʂħadapt͡ʃʼən/ to jump over something.
gate (erg.)boy (abs.)to look over something
"The boy is looking over the gate."
box (erg.)jump over something
"Jump over the box."

Adjacent (кӏэлъыры~)

The verbal prefix кӏэлъыры~ /t͡ʃʼaɬərə~/ designates action adjacent to something, for example:

  • кӏэлъырысын /t͡ʃʼaɬərəsən/ to sit adjacent to something or someone.
  • кӏэлъырытын /t͡ʃʼaɬərətən/ to stand adjacent to something or someone.
  • кӏэлъырыон /t͡ʃʼaɬərəwan/ to hit adjacent to something or someone.
  • кӏэлъырыкӏын /t͡ʃʼaɬərət͡ʃʼən/ to move away adjacent from something or someone.

the boys (abs.)fire (erg.)they are siting adjacent to
"The boys are sitting adjacent to the fire."

Spread to different directions (Зэбгы~)

The verbal prefix Зэбгы~ /zabɣə~/ indicates the spread of action in different directions.

  • зэбгырыфын /zabɣəfən/ to scatter driving away
  • зэбгырыон /zabɣəfən/ to fall to pieces
  • зэбгырыдзын /zabɣərəd͡ʒən/ to scatter by throwing
  • зэбгырыкӏын /zabɣərət͡ʃʼən/ to disperse (in different directions)

On the neck (шӏохэ~)

The verbal prefix шӏохэ~ /ʃʷʼaxa~/ designates action directed to the neck for example:

  • шӏохэлъын /ʃʷʼaxaɬən/ to be wore on one's neck.
  • шӏохэфэн /ʃʷʼaxafan/ to fit on one's neck.
  • шӏохэзын /ʃʷʼaxazən/ to fall from one's neck.
  • шӏохэлъхьэн /ʃʷʼaxaɬħan/ to wear on one's neck.
  • дзын /d͡zən/ to throw → шӏохэдзэн /ʃʷʼaxad͡zan/ to throw on one's neck.
  • плъэн /pɬən/ to look → шӏохэплъэн /ʃʷʼaxapɬan/ to look on one's neck.
  • пкӏэн /pt͡ʃʼan/ to jump → шӏохэпкӏын /ʃʷʼaxapapt͡ʃʼən/ to jump on one's neck.
necktie (abs.)Wear it on my neck
"Wear the necktieon my neck."
boy (erg.)necklaceit is wore on one's neck
"The necklace is wore on the boy's neck."

Informative prefixes

Informative prefixes add additional information related to the verb like the location, the reason and the participants.

Definiteness (къэ~)

The prefix къэ~ /qa~/ can also be used to add a tinge of definiteness to the verb. In this case the verb does not necessarily have to be done towards the speaker. For example:

boy (abs.)(s)he speaks
"The boy speaks."
boy (abs.)accordion (erg.)(s)he worked
"The boy is playing the accordion."
boy (abs.)work / job (erg.)(s)he went and(s)he worked
"The boy went to work and worked."

Causative (гъэ~)

The verbal suffix гъэ~ (ʁ~) designates causation; rendered by the verbs. It designates that the object was forced to, compelled to, made to, was ordered to, was allowed to, was permitted to, was given the opportunity to do something. Verbs receive an additional argument in the causative construction, i.e. their valence is increased by one. All Adyghe verbs can form the causative, including intransitives, transitives, and ditransitives.

Examples :

  • кӏо! /kʷʼa/ go! → гъакӏу /ʁaːkʷʼ/ make him go!
  • макӏо! /maːkʷʼa/ he is going → егъакӏо /jaʁaːkʷʼa/ he is making him go.
  • къакӏу /qaːkʷʼ/ come! → къэгъакӏу /qaʁaːkʷʼ/ make him come back!
  • ӏо /ʔʷa/ say! → гъаӏу /ʁaːʔʷ/ make him say!
  • шхэ /ʃxa/ eat! → гъашх /ʁaːʃx/ make him eat!; feed him!
  • машхэ /maːʃxa/ he is eating → егъашхэ /jaʁaːʃxa/ he is making him eat; he is feeding him.
film (erg.)let me watch it
"let me watch the film."
flowerpot (abs.)table (erg.)make it stand on
"place the flowerpot on the table."
Object pronouns
To me To you To him To us To you (plural) To them To self
Singular 1st person осэгъакӏо сэгъакӏо шъосэгъакӏо сэгъакӏох зэсэгъэкӏожьы
2nd person сэбэгъакӏо огъакӏо тэбэгъакӏо огъакӏох зэбэгъэкӏожьы
3rd person сегъакӏо уегъакӏо егъакӏо тегъакӏо шъуегъакӏо егъакӏох зегъэкӏожьы
Plural 1st person отэгъакӏо тэгъакӏо шъотэгъакӏо тэгъакӏох зэтэгъэкӏожьы
2nd person сэшъогъакӏо шъогъакӏо тэшъогъакӏо шъогъакӏох зэшъогъэкӏожьы
3rd person сагъакӏо уагъакӏо агъакӏо тагъакӏо шъуагъакӏо агъакӏох загъэкӏожьы

By adding prefix гъэ- (ʁa-), it is possible to create transitive verbs from nouns, adjectives and intransitive verbs.

Examples :

  • фабэ /faːba/ hot → гъэфаб /ʁafaːb/ make it hot; heat it
  • дахэ /daːxa/ pretty → гъэдах /ʁadaːx/ make him/it pretty
  • плъыжьы /pɬəʑə/ red → гъэплъыжь /ʁapɬəʑ/ make him/it red
  • дышъэ /dəʂa/ gold → гъэдышъ /ʁadəʂ/ make him/it gold
  • кӏэхьы /t͡ʃʼaħə/ long → гъэукӏэхьын /ʁat͡ʃʼaħən/ to make it long; to extend; to lengthen
  • хьазыр /ħaːzər/ ready → гъэухьэзырын /ʁawħazərən/ to make it ready; to prepare
grapewater (erg.)if you pour ithe will make it red
"If you spill grape on water it will make it red"
film (abs.)a lot (adv.)they extended it
"they extended the film too much."

Adyghe allows "double causatives", i.e. the causative suffix can be added to a transitive verb that has already been derived by causativization: thus the causative гъэжъон /ʁaʒʷan/ "make boil, cook" can be causativized to гъэгъэжъон /ʁaʁaʒʷan/ "make someone cook", taking three arguments.

Igirl (erg.)I am making him/her feed someonefood (abs.)little boy (erg.)
"I am making the girl feed the little boy with the food."
boy (erg.)(s)he is making him/her make someone gogirl (abs.)little boy (abs.)
"The boy is making the girl force then boy to go."

Causative reflexive (зыгъэ~)

A verb that one does to himself has the prefix зыгъэ~ /zəʁa~/

Examples :

  • фабэ /faːba/ hot → зыгъэфаб /zəʁafaːb/ heat yourself
  • дахэ /daːxa/ pretty → зыгъэдах /zəʁadaːx/ make yourself pretty (usually by clothing)
  • кIо! /kʷʼa/ go! → зыгъакIу /zəʁaːkʷʼ/ make yourself go!
  • макIо /maːkʷʼa/ he is going → зегъакIо /zeʁaːkʷʼa/ he is making himself go.
  • шхэ /ʃxa/ eat! → зыгъашх /zəʁaːʃx/ make yourself eat! or feed yourself!
  • машхэх /maːʃxa/ they are eating → загъашхэх /zaːʁaːʃxax/ they are making themselves eat, they are feeding themselves.
hide and seek (ins.)the little boys (erg.)they are hiding themselves
"In hide and seek, the little boys are hiding themselves."
the boy (erg.)don't make him fool you
"don't get the boy fool you."
the boy (erg.)beautify(s)he is making himself lookwith (using) the clothes (ins.)
"the boy is making himself look pretty using the clothes"

Time (з~)

To indicate the time a certain verb was done, the prefix з~ (z~) and the past tense suffix ~гъэ (~ʁa) are added. To indicate the time the verb gonna happen, the prefix з~ (z~) and the future tense suffix ~щтэ (~ɕta) are added. For example:

  • аукӏэгъ /jaːwt͡ʃʼaʁ/ they killed him → заукӏыгъэр /zaːwt͡ʃʼəʁa/ the time they killed him is
  • ышхэгъ /jəʃxaʁ/ (s)he ate it → зышхыгъэр /zəjʃxəʁar/ the time (s)he ate it is
  • еплъэгъ /japɬaʁ/ (s)he watched it → зеплъыгъэр /zepɬəʁar/ the time he watched it is
  • еплъыщт /japɬəɕt/ (s)he gonna watch it → зеплъыщтэр /zepɬəɕtar/ the time he gonna watch it is
  • мэкӏуагъ /makʷʼaːʁ/ (s)he went → зыкӏуагъэр /zəkʷʼaːʁar/ the time he went is
  • мэкӏощт /makʷʼaɕt/ (s)he gonna watch it → зыкӏощтэр /zəkʷʼaɕtar/ the time he gonna go is
after noon (abs.)Ithe time I ran
"The time I ran was after noon."
the boy (abs.)the night (abs.)the time they saw him
"The time they saw the boy was the night."

To indicate an event, a plan or something that gonna happen after a certain verb will take place, will have the prefix з- (z-) and the conditional suffix -кӏэ (-t͡ʃʼa) (-гьэ in Shapsug dialect and -джэ in Bzhedugh dialect). For example:

  • макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ (s)he is going → зыкӏокӏэ /zəkʷʼat͡ʃʼa/ at the time (s)he goes.
  • сэкӏо /sakʷʼa/ I am going → сызкӏокӏэ /səzkʷʼat͡ʃʼa/ at the time I go.
  • еплъы /japɬə/ (s)he is looking at it → зеплъыкӏэ /zajpɬət͡ʃʼa/ at the time (s)he looks at it.
  • уеплъы /wajpɬə/ you are looking at it → узеплъыкӏэ /wzajpɬət͡ʃʼa/ at the time you gonna look at it.
  • елъэгъу /jaɬaʁʷə/ (s)he is seeing it → зилъэгъукӏэ /zəjɬaʁʷət͡ʃʼa/ at the time (s)he sees it.
  • сэбэлъэгъу /sabaɬaʁʷə/ you are seeing me → сызыбэлъэгъукӏэ /səzəbɬaʁʷət͡ʃʼa/ at the time you will see me.
  • реӏо /rajʔʷa/ (s)he is saying it to him → зриӏокӏэ /zrəjʔʷat͡ʃʼa/ at the time (s)he gonna say it to him.
  • уесэты /wajsatə/ I am giving you to him → узестыкӏэ /wzajstət͡ʃʼa/ at the time I will give you to him.
boy (abs.)while (s)he is goingat the time you see itcall me
"At the time you see the boy is going, call me."
the film (abs.)at the time it startsI will tell youthe moment it started
"At the time the film starts I will tell you it is started."
when you see melookshirt (adv.)the thing I am wearing (erg.)
"When you see me, look at what I am wearing."
the bank (abs.)when they steal it fromthe police (erg.)call him
"When they rob the bank, call the police."

To indicate an event that happened after a certain verb took place on a certain time, the prefix з- (z-) and suffix -эм (-am) are added. For example:

  • аукӏэгъ /jaːwt͡ʃʼaʁ/ they killed him → заукӏым /zaːwt͡ʃʼəm/ when they killed him.
  • ышхэгъ /jəʃxaʁ/ (s)he ate it → зешхым /zeʃxəm/ when he ate it.
  • еплъэгъ /japɬaʁ/ (s)he looked at it → зеплъым /zepɬəm/ when he looked at it.
  • мэкӏуагъ /makʷʼaːʁ/ (s)he went → зэкӏом /zakʷʼam/ when he went.
[t͡ʃʼaːɮarpɕənazewarar səjɬaʁʷaʁ]
the boy (abs.)to the shop (erg.)when (s)he went(s)he saw me
"When the boy went to the shop he saw me."
the boy (abs.)when (s)he got angry(s)he chased after us
"When the boy got angry he chased after us."

Location (щ~)

The verbal prefix щ~ (ɕ~) designates abode/residence somewhere. It is used to indicate the location or place an action occurred. For example:

  • машхэ /maːʃxa/ – (s)he is eating → щэшхэ /ɕaʃxa/ – (s)he is eating on that place
  • макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ – (s)he is going → щэкӏо /ɕakʷʼa/ – (s)he is going on that place
  • сеплъы /sajpɬə/ – I am looking at it → сыщеплъы /səɕajpɬə/ – I am looking at it on that place
  • седжагъ /sajd͡ʒaːʁ/ – I studied → сыщеджагъ /səɕajd͡ʒaːʁ/ – I studied at that place
  • реӏо /rajʔʷa/ – (s)he is telling him/her → щреӏо /ɕraʔʷa/ – (s)he is telling him/her at that place
the boy (abs.)yard (erg.)(s)he is playing at that place
"the boy is playing in the yard."
the boy (abs.)school (erg.)today(s)he studied in that place
"the boy studied in school today."
the boy (abs.)shop (erg.)I met him/her on that place
"I met the boy in the shop."

Comitative (дэ~)

The verbal prefix дэ~ (da~) designates action performed jointly with somebody, or stay/sojourn with somebody, for example:

  • машхэ /maːʃxa/ – (s)he is eating → дашхэ /daːʃxa/ – (s)he is eating with him
  • макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ – (s)he is going → дакӏо /daːkʷʼa/ – (s)he is going with him
  • щыс /ɕəc/ – (s)he sits → дэщыс /daɕəs/ – (s)he is sitting with him
  • тэкӏо /takʷʼa/ – we are going → тыдакӏо /tədaːkʷʼa/ – we are going with him
  • сеплъы /sajpɬə/ – I am looking at it → сыдеплъы /qasdajpɬə/ – I am looking at it with him
  • реӏо /rajʔʷa/ – (s)he is telling it to him → дреӏо /drajʔʷa/ – (s)he is telling it to someone with him
the boy (abs.)the girl (erg.)he is going with
"the boy is going with the girl"
the food (abs.)eat it with me
"eat the food with me"
the boy (abs.)old men (erg.)he is working with themwith their works (ins.)
"the boy is working with the men with their work."

Benefactive (фэ~)

The prefix фэ~ /fa~/ designates action performed to please somebody, for somebody's sake or in somebody's interests.

  • машхэ /maːʃxa/ – (s)he is eating → фашхэ /faːʃxa/ – (s)he is eating for him
  • макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ – (s)he is going → факӏо /faːkʷʼa/ – (s)he is going for him
  • тэкӏо /takʷʼa/ – we are going → тыфакӏо /fədaːkʷʼa/ – we are going for him
  • сеплъы /sajpɬə/ – I am looking at it → сыфеплъы /qasfajpɬə/ – I am looking at it for him
  • реӏо /rajʔʷa/ – (s)he is telling it to him → фреӏо /frajʔʷa/ – (s)he is telling it to someone for him
the boy (abs.)his othershop (erg.)(s)he is going with for
"the boy is going for his mother."
hammer (abs.)Ibring it for me
"bring me the hammer."
(s)he (erg.)todaypants(s)he bought it for himself
"today (s)he bought pants for himself."

Malefactive (шӏо~)

The verbal prefix шӏо~ (ʃʷʼa~) designates action done against somebody's will or interest. It also designates that the action was done to take an object or an opportunity away from somebody else, for example:

  • шӏуекӏы /ʃʷʼajt͡ʃʼə/ – (s)he is getting away from him
  • етыгъу /jatəʁʷə/ – (s)he is stealing it → шӏуетыгъу /ʃʷʼajtəʁʷə/ – (s)he is stealing it from him
  • ехьы /jaħə/ – (s)he is taking it → шӏуехьы /ʃʷʼajħə/ – (s)he is taking it away from him
  • ешхы /jaʃxə/ – (s)he is eating it → шӏуешхы /ʃʷʼajʃxə/ – (s)he is consuming someone's food or property
  • макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ – (s)he is going → шӏуакӏо /ʃʷʼaːkʷʼa/ – (s)he is going away from him; (s)he is losing it
boy (erg.)apple (abs.)(s)he is eating it against my interest
"The boy is eating the apple against my interest."

It can be understood from the sentence that "the boy (кӏалэ) is eating the apple (мыӏэрыс) to take away my opportunity to eat it myself".

Object pronouns
To me To you To him To us To you (plural) To them To self
Singular 1st person пшӏосэхьы
2nd person
3rd person сшӏуехьы
Plural 1st person пшӏотэхьы
2nd person сшӏошъохьы
3rd person сшӏуахьы
my foodyou are eating it instead of me
"You are eating my food!"
Видео джэгумкӏэсицӏыфкӏалэмкъэсшӏуиукӏыгъ
Видео джэгу-мкӏэси-цӏыфкӏалэ-мкъэ-с-шӏуи-укӏы-гъ
[vɪdioʊ d͡ʒaɡʷəmt͡ʃʼasəjt͡sʼəft͡ʃʼaːɮamqasʃʷʼəjwt͡ʃʼəʁ]
with the video game (ins.)my humanthe boy (erg.)(s)he killed it against me
"(S)he killed my human in the video game."
boy (erg.)apple (adv.)the tree (erg.)the ones that (s)he drops from hanging (abs.)girl (erg.)(s)he is taking them away from him
"The girl is taking away the apples the boy dropped from the tree."

Unintentional (ӏэкӏэ~)

The verbal prefix ӏэкӏэ~ (ʔat͡ʃʼa~) denotes unintentional actions or actions that occurred unexpectedly.

my computer (abs.)it switched off unexpectedly to me
"My computer switched off unexpectedly to me."
lettera lotI wrote unintentionally
"I wrote a lot of letters (though I didn’t intend to write so many)"
my guests (erg.)allapples (abs.)they ate them unexpectedly to me
"My guests ate all the apples unexpectedly to me."
Iapples (abs.)I ate them unintentionally
"I ate the apples unintentionally."

Instrumental (ре~)

To indicate the tool or instrument the verb was done with, the prefix (ре-) (raj-) is added

  • макӀо /maːkʷʼa/ – he is going (makʷʼa), рекӀо /rajkʷʼa/ – he is going on it or he is going with it
  • машхэ /maːʃxa/ – he is eating, решхэ /rajʃxa/ – he is eating with it
  • сэлажьэ /salaːʑa/ – i am working, сырелажьэ /sərajlaːʑa/ – i am working with it
the pencil (erg.)you (plural) writing with it
"you (plural) are writing with a pencil"
the wall (erg.)i want to go on it
"i want to go on the wall"

Reflexive (зэ~)

To indicate a verb that the subject does to himself, the suffix зэ- (za-) is added. verbs in reflexive also usually have the suffix -жьы (-ʑə).

  • мэзао /mazaːwa/ – he fights → зэзэожьы /zazawaʑə/ – (s)he fights himself.
  • мэзаох /mazaːwax/ – they fight → зэзэожьых /zazawaʑəx/ – they are fighting themselves.
  • маплъэ /maːpɬa/ – He looks → зэплъыжьы /zapɬəʑə/ – (s)he looks at himself.
  • еплъых /japɬəx/ – They are looking at → зэплъыжьых /zapɬəʑəx/ – They are looking at themselves.
  • уемыплъ /wajməpɬ/ – don't look at → узэмыплъыжьы /wəzaməpɬəʑ/ – don't look at yourself.
  • сэукӏы /sawt͡ʃʼə/ – I am killing → /zasawt͡ʃʼəʑə/ – зэсэукӏыжьы /zasawt͡ʃʼəʑə/ – I am killing myself.
using the mirror (ins.)look at yourself
"Look at yourself in the mirror."
Let me see youYour shirtnewswhile you are wearing them
"Let me see you wearing your new shirts."

It can also be used to indicate a verb that some subjects (more than one; group) do to themselves.

the boy and (abs.)the girl and (abs.)they are kissing each other
"The boy and the girl are kissing each other."
You (plural) (to) fight each otherif you (plural) wantheredon't fight each other (said to plural)
"If you wanna fight each other, don't fight here"
Comitative reflexive (зэдэ~)

To indicate a verb that is done by some subjects (more than one; group) together, the suffix зэдэ~ (zada~) is added.

  • мэзаон /mazaːwan/ – to fight → зэдэзэон /zadazawan/ – to fight together.
  • мэкӏон /makʷʼan/ – to walk → зэдэкӏон /zadaakʷʼan/ – to walk together.
  • еон /jawan/ – to hit → зэдэон /zadawan/ – to strike together.
  • плъэн /pɬan/ – to look → зэдэплъэн /zadapɬan/ – to look together.
my housewhile we are sitting insidewe will eat together
"We will eat together while sitting in my house."
Томымрэ Джекобрэтестэрзэдашӏы
[toməmra d͡ʒekobratestarzadaːʃʼə]
Tom and Jacobthe test (arg.)they are doing it together
"Tom and Jacob are doing the test together."
Reciprocity (зэры~)

Transitive verb in the reciprocal form expresses that its two core arguments (the Actor and the Undergoer) act on each other simultaneously. The reciprocal form has the prefix зэры~ (zara~), for example:

  • зэрылъaгъун "to see each other".
  • зэрыӏукӏэн "to meet each other".
  • зэрыхьын "to carry each other".
you andme andwe see each other
"We see each other."

Functionally (зэрэ~)

To indicate the way a certain action is performed, the prefix зэрэ~ (zara~) and the suffix ~рэ /~ra/ are added.

  • макӏо /maːkʷa/ – he walks → зэракӏорэ /zaraːkʷara/ – how (s)he walks; the way (s)he walks
  • мэлажьэ /maɮaːʑa/ – (s)he is working → зэрэлажьэрэ /zaraɮaːʑara/ – how (s)he works; the way (s)he works
  • еплъы /japɬə/ – (s)he looks at → зэреплъырэ /zarajpɬəra/ – the way (s)he looks at
  • едзы /jad͡zə/ – (s)he throws → зэридзырэ /zarəjd͡zəra/ – the way (s)he throws it
  • фабэ /faːba/ – hot → зэрэфабэ /zarafaːba/ – the way it is hot
  • шъуцӏэ /ʃʷʼət͡sʼa/ – black → зэрэшъуцӏэ /zaraʃʷʼət͡sʼa/ – the way it is black
the boy (abs.)quicklythe way (s)he runsdo you see it?
"do you see the way the boy runs fast?"
girl (abs.)the way (s)he writes beautiful
"The way the girl writes is beautiful."
todaythe way it is hotdon't you feel it?
"Don't you feel how it is hot today?"

The prefix зэрэ~ (zara~) and the suffix ~рэ /~ra/ can also be used to indicate a fact.

  • макӏо /maːkʷa/ – he walks → зэракӏорэ /zaraːkʷara/ – the fact (s)he goes
  • мэлажьэ /maɮaːʑa/ – (s)he is working → зэрэлажьэрэ /zaraɮaːʑara/ – how fact (s)he works
  • еплъы /japɬə/ – (s)he looks at → зэреплъырэ /zarajpɬəra/ – the fact (s)he looks
  • фабэ /faːba/ – hot → зэрэфабэ /zarafaːba/ – the fact it is hot.
  • шъуцӏэ /ʃʷʼət͡sʼa/ – black → зэрэшъуцӏэ /zaraʃʷʼət͡sʼa/ – the fact it is black.
old man (abs.)the fact (s)he became healthy againdidn't you know"
"Didn't you know the old man became healthy again?"
girl (abs.)the fact (s)he is prettyI saw
"I saw that the girl is pretty."
are you blind?that (arg.)the fact it is reddon't you see it?
"are you blind? don't you see it is red?"

Instantly after (зэрэ~) and (~эу)

To indicate an event that happened instantly at the beginning of a certain verb, the prefix зэрэ- (zara-) and the suffix -эу / -ыу (-aw/-əw) are added. Can only be used on verbs and nouns.

  • макӏо /maːkʷa/ – he walks → зэрэмакӏоу /zaramaːkʷaw/ – as he started walking
  • мэлажьэ /maɮaːʑa/ – he is working → зэрэмэлажьэу /zaramaɮaːʑaw/ – as he began working
  • еплъы /japɬə/ – he looks at → зэреплъэу /zarajapɬaw/ – as he started looking at
  • къэушӏуцӏэгъ /qawʃʷʼət͡sʼaʁ/ – it became black → зэрэкъэушӏуцӏэгъэу /zaraqawʃʷʼət͡sʼaʁ/ – as it became black
  • мафэ /maːfa/ – day → зэрэмафэу /zaramaːfaw/ – as it was day
  • фабэ /faːba/ – hot → зэрэфабэу /zarafaːbaw/ – as it was hot
the boy (abs.)wateras he started drinkingI got here
"as the boy started drinking water I got here"
the boy (abs.)the school (erg.)as he startedwhile it was raining(s)he/it started
"as the boy started to go to school, it started to rain."

Verbal Infixes

Negative (~мы~)

It is posited most often before root of verb, after all other prefixes.

  • кIо /kʷʼa/ "go" → умыкIу /wəməkʷʼ/ "don't go"
  • Iо (Iуэ) /ʔʷa/ "say" → умыIу /wməʔʷ/ "don't say"
  • шъушх /ʂʷʃx/ "eat (plural)" → шъумышх /ʂʷəməʃx/ "don't eat (plural)"

When to use this Prefix :

  • In Imperative case (To order someone to do a certain verb) – умыкӀу /wəməkʷʼ/ "don't go".
  • In case to use together with the suffixes -ми (-mi), -эм (-am), -мэ (-ma), -ыу (-əw) and -и (-i) –

умыкӀомэ /wəmkʷʼama/ "if you don't go", умыкӀорагъоми /wəmkʷʼaraːʁʷami/ "even if you don't want to

go", мамкӀуу /maːmkʷʼəw/ "while he didn't want to go".

  • In Infinitive suffix – мэмкӀон /wamkʷʼan/ "to not go".
like thatdon't do it
"Do not do this"
theredon't go (plural)
"Don't go there (Said to several people)"
somethinghim/thatdon't tell him (plural)
"Do not tell him anything"

Cannot be used simultaneously with both the negative prefix (мы~) (mə~) and the negative suffix (-п) (-p).

Optative mood (~рэ~)

To indicate a verb that someone wishes to happen, the verbal infix ~рэ~ (~ra~) is added.

Examples :

  • макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ – (s)he goes → мэрэкӏу /marakʷʼ/ – may (s)he go.
  • малӏэрэп /maːɬʼarap/ – (s)he doesn't die → мэрэмылӏ /maraməɬʼ/ – may (s)he won't die.
  • охъужьы /waχʷəʑə/ – you are becoming healthy again → орэхъужь /waraχʷəʑ/ – may you become healthy again.
  • сыкӏуачӏэ /səkʷʼaːt͡ʂʼa/ – I am strong → сэрэкӏуачӏ /sarakʷʼaːt͡ʂʼ/ – may I be strong.
  • удахэ /wədaːxa/ – you are beautiful → орэдах /waradaːx/ – may you become beautiful.
thisplant (erg.)may it cure you
"may this plant cure you"
boy (erg.)my foodmay (s)he eat it
"may the boy just eat my food."
the boy (abs.)may (s)he doesn't go thenthat's it
"If the boy just won't go that's it."

Verbal Suffixes

Suffix Example Translation
Frequentative~жь (~ʑ)мэплъэжьы (mapɬaʑə)(s)he is looking again
Non-intervention(s)he is looking without interference
Too late(only now) (s)he is looking
Realization~гъах (~ʁaːx)мэплъэгъах (mapɬaʁaːx)(s)he already looked
While~эу (~aw)маплъэу (maːpɬaw)while (s)he was looking
Plural~хэ (~xa)маплъэх (maːpɬax)they are looking
Negative~эп (~ap)маплъэрэп (maːpɬarap)(s)he is not looking
Desirement~рагъу (~raːʁʷ)мэплъэрагъу (mapɬaraːʁʷ)(s)he wants to look
Capability~шъу (~ʃʷə)мэплъэшъу (mapɬaʃʷə)(s)he can look
Connective~и (~əj)маплъи (maːpɬəj)(s)he looked and
Connective II~зэ (~za)мэплъэзэ (mapɬaza)(s)he looked and
Until~фэ (~fa)мэплъэфэ (mapɬafa)until (s)he looks
Downward~хы (~xə)еплъэхы (japɬaxə)(s)he is looking down
Upward~е (~ja)дэплъые (dapɬəja)(s)he is looking up
For a while~гу (~ɡʷə)маплъэго (maːpɬaɡʷa)(s)he is looking for now
Optative mood~гъэет (~ʁahat)мэплъэгъэет (mapɬaʁajat)wish (s)he would have looked
Diminution of degree~рашъу (~raːʃʷ)мэплъэрашъу (mapɬaraːʃʷ)(s)he kind of looking
Surprise~уи (~wəj)маплъэуи (maːpɬawəj)(s)he is looking!?
Moment of completion~эм (~am)маплъэм (maːpɬam)when (s)he looked
Recurrence~рас (~raːs)мэплъэрас (mapɬaraːs)(s)he usually looks
About to~пэт (~pat)мэплъэпэт (mapɬapat)(s)he is about to look
Always~зэпыт (~zapət)мэплъэзэпыт (mapɬazapət)(s)he always looks
Just recently~гъакӏ (~ʁaːt͡ʃʼ)мэплъэгъакӏ (mapɬaʁaːt͡ʃʼ)(s)he just looked
Should have~пхъагъ (~pxaːʁ)мэплъэпхъагъ (mapɬapχaːʁ)(s)he should have looked
Around~хь (~ħ)зеплъэхьы (zajpɬaħə)(s)he is looking around
Manner~кӏэ (~t͡ʃʼa)ыплъакӏэ (əpɬaːt͡ʃʼa)the manner (s)he is looking
Difficult~гъуай (~ʁʷaːj)еплъыгъуай (japɬəʁʷaːj)(s)he is looking with difficulty
Easily~гъошӏу (~ʁʷaʃʷʼ)еплъыгъошӏу (japɬəʁʷaʃʷʼ)(s)he is looking easily
Willingly~п (~p)еплъыпэ (japɬəpa)(s)he is looking willingly
Absolutely~х (~x)еплъыхэ (japɬəxa)(s)he is definitely looking
Concessive mood~ми (~məj)маплъэми (maːpɬaməj)even if (s)he is looking
Conditional mood~мэ (~ma)маплъэмэ (maːpɬama)if (s)he is looking
Interrogative mood~а (~aː)маплъа (maːpɬaː)is (s)he looking?
Warning mood~къон (~qʷan)мэплъэкъон (mapɬaqʷan)should (s)he not dare to look

Interrogative mood (~а)

Questions are indicated by the suffix ~a /aː/, which, in verbs that end with /a/, lengthens the end vowel.

  • макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ "he is going" → макӏуа? /maːkʷʼaː/ "is he going?"
  • мэтхагъ /matxaːʁ/ "he wrote" → мэтхагъа? /matxaːʁaː/ "did he wrote?"
  • кӏалэр машхэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮar maːʃxa/ "the boy is eating" → кӏалэр машха? /t͡ʃʼaːɮar maːʃxaː/ "is the boy eating?"
  • шъокӏо /ʃʷakʷʼa/ "you (plural) are going → шъокӏуа? /ʃʷakʷʼaː/ "are you (plural) going?"
  • отхэ /watxa/ "you are writing" → отха? /watxaː/ "are you writing?"
  • машхэх /maːʃxax/ "they are eating" → машхэха? /maːʃxaxaː/ "are they eating?"
the boy (arg.)did (s)he woke up?
"Did the boy woke up?"
are they deaf?thishousethe people that are in
"Are the people that are in this house deaf?"

If question is posited to word having negative suffix ~п (~p), it is converted to suffix ~ба (~baː). for example:

  • макӏуа? /maːkʷʼaː/ "is he going?" → макӏоба? /maːkʷʼabaː/ "isn't he going?"
  • ошӏа /waʃʼaː/ "do you know?" → ушӏэрэба? /pʃʼarabaː/ "don't you know?"
  • мэтхагъа /matxaːʁaː/ "did he wrote" → мэтхагъэба? /matxaːʁabaː/ "didn't he wrote?"
  • кӏалэр машха /t͡ʃʼaːɮar maːʃxaː/ "is the boy is eating?" → кӏалэр машхэба? /t͡ʃʼaːɮar maːʃxabaː/ "isn't the boy eating?"
  • шъокӏуа /ʃʷakʷʼaː/ "are you (plural) going? → шъокӏоба? /ʃʷakʷʼabaː/ "aren't you (plural) going?"
  • сыдаха /sədaːxaː/ "am I look beautiful" → сыдахэба /sədaːxabaː/ "doesn't I look beautiful"
boy (abs.)isn't he woke up?
"Has not the boy woke up?"
boy (abs.)our houseisn't he coming?
"Isn't the boy coming to my house?"
boy (abs.)our househe is coming to right?
"The boy is coming to my house right?"

Optative mood (~гъот)

Optative mood is expressed with the complex suffix ~гъот or ~гъует or ~гъэмэ :

укIуа-гъот "If only you had gone".
птхы-гъагъот "If only you had written".
сыкӏо-гъагъует: If only I had gone.
седжэ-гъагъоет: If only I had studied.
сыкӏо-гъагъэмэ: If only I had gone.
седжэ-гъамэ: If only I had studied.
exam (erg.)if only I studied for itthengood (adv.)I could have done it
"If only I would have studied for the exam, then I could have done it good."

Frequentative (~жь)

The verbal suffix ~жь (~ʑ) designates recurrence/repetition of action. It can also be used to indicate an action that someone was doing before and now continuing it.

Examples :

  • кӏо! /kʷʼa/ go → кӏожь /kʷʼaʑ/ go back
  • къакӏу /qaːkʷʼ/ come → къакӏожь /qaːkʷʼaʑ/ come back
  • къаӏу /qaːʔʷ/ say → къэӏожь /qaʔʷaʑ/ say again
  • шхэ /ʃxa/ eat → шхэжь /ʃxaʑ/ eat again
  • шхы /ʃxə/ eat it → шхыжь /ʃxəʑ/ eat it again; continue eating it
Tense Suffix To look at (еплъы)
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Far past ~жьыгъагъ ~ʑəʁaːʁ еплъыжьыгъагъ makʷʼaʑəʁaːʁ (s)he looked at it again (then)
Recent past ~жьыгъ ~ʑəʁ еплъыжьыгъ japɬəʑəʁ (s)he looked at it again
Present ~жьы ~ʑə еплъыжьы japɬəʑə (s)he looks at it again
Future ~жьыщт ~ʑəɕt еплъыжьыщт japɬəʑəɕt (s)he will look at it again
Future of the past ~жьыщтэгъ ~ʑəɕtaʁ еплъыжьыщтэгъ japɬəʑəɕtaʁ (s)he was going to look at it again
  • In case the verb is being continued :
your housego back andyour tablecolor it again
"Go back to your house and continue coloring your table."
  • In case the verb is being repeated :
film (erg.)let us watch it again together
"Let us watch the film again together."
  • In case the verb is being repeated by someone else :
teacher (erg.)the thing (s)he said (abs.)explain it to me
"Explain me the things the teacher said."

Non-intervention (~жь)

The verbal suffix ~жь (~ʑ) designates performance of the action directly, without the intervention of another agent.

boy (erg.)our foods (abs.)(s)he is eating without an intervention against our interests
"The boy is eating our foods."
wall (abs.)you alone(you) to color it without an interventionmust
"You will have to color the wall alone."

This is also used to designates that the action was completed finally. For example:

  • Лӏым иӏоф ышӏэжьыгъ – The man has finished his work (finally)
  • Кӏалэм филымым еплъыжьы – The boy is (finally) watching the film

Too late (~жь)

The verbal suffix ~жь (~ʑ) also indicates an action that was done with a great delay, to the point it even might be too late or pointless.

къэгъэгъэ лӏагъэмпсычӏэбэгъэхьажьа?
къэгъэгъэ лӏагъэ-мпсычӏэ-бэ-гъэ-хьа-жь-а?
[qaʁaʁa ɬʼaːʁampsətʂʼabaʁaħaːʑaː]
dead flowerwaterare you making it go under it just now?
"Are you watering a dead flower?"
boy (erg.)tomorrowexam(s)he is studying for it just now
"The boy is studying for the exam tomorrow."

To indicate to someone, not to bother doing a certain action, the negative infix ~мы~ (~mə~) and the suffix ~жьы (~ʑə) are added.

nightif it becomesmy housedo not bother coming to my house
"If it becomes night, don't bother coming to my house."
person (erg.)don't do thatdon't bother telling himafter (s)he already done it
"Don't bother telling the person, "don't do it" after he already done doing it."

Completion (~гъах)

The verbal suffix ~гъах (~ʁaːx) designates absolute accomplishment/realization of the action.

  • сэкӏо /sakʷʼa/ "I am going" → сыкӏогъах /səkʷʼaʁaːx/ "I already went"
  • ощхэ /waɕxa/ "you are eating" → ущхэгъах /wəɕxaʁaːx/ "you already ate".
  • мафэ /maːfa/ – day → мэфэгъах /mafaʁaːx/ – it was already day.
  • дахэ /daːxa/ – pretty → дэхэгъах /daxaʁaːx/ – (s)he was already pretty.
  • кӏэхьы /t͡ʃʼaħə/ – long → кӏэхьыгъах /t͡ʃʼaħəʁaːx/ – it was already long.
the boy (abs.)school (erg.)he already went
"the boy already went to school."
wewe already studiedexam (erg.)for
"we already studied for the exam."

To indicate an event that is happening after the absolute accomplishment/realization of an action, the suffixes ~гъах (~ʁaːx) and ~эу (~aw) are added. For example:

  • сэкӏо /sakʷʼa/ "I am going" → сыкӏогъахэу /səkʷʼaʁaːxaw/ "While I done going.
  • ощхэ /waɕxa/ "you are eating" → ущхэгъахэу /wəɕxaʁaːxaw/ "While you done eating".
  • мафэ /maːfa/ – day → мэфэгъахэу /mafaʁaːxaw/ – While it was day.
while I am not done eatingwork! (Imperative mood)don't tell me
"Don't tell me to work while I haven't done eating"
apple (abs.)after I done eating itare you telling me?don't eat it!
"After I done eating the apple, are you telling me not to eat it?"

To indicate an event that happened after the absolute accomplishment/realization of an action, the suffixes -гъах (-ʁaːx) and -эм (-am) are added. For example:

  • сэкӏо /sakʷʼa/ "I am going" → сыкӏогъахэм /səkʷʼaʁaːxam/ "When I already done going.
  • ошхэ /waʃxa/ "you are eating" → ущхэгъахэм /wəɕxaʁaːxam/ "When you already done eating".
  • мафэ /maːfa/ – day → мэфэгъахэм /mafaʁaːxam/ – When it was already a day.
when i done workingI sawthe boy (abs.)
"When I done working, I saw the boy."
exam (erg.)when you done studying for itplay with us
"When you done studying for the exam, play with us."

To indicate not accomplishment/realization of an action, the suffix -гъах (-ʁaːx) and the negative suffix (~эп) (~ap) are added.

  • сэкӏо /sakʷʼa/ "I am going" → сыкӏогъахэп /səkʷʼaʁaːxap/ "I still haven't done going.
  • ошхэ /waʃxa/ "you are eating" → ущхэгъахэп /wəɕxaʁaːxap/ "You still haven't done eating".
exam (erg.)(s)he still have not studied forboy (abs.)
"The boy still have not studied for the exam."
I haven't done eating
"I still have not done eating."

While (~эу)

To indicate an event that is happening while a certain verb is done, the suffix ~эу (-aw) is added to the verb. Usually this suffix is added to present tense verbs regardless if the whole sentence is about the past or future. For example:

  • сэкӏо /sakʷʼa/ I am going → сыкӏоу /səkʷʼaw/ while I was going
  • тэлажьэ /talaːʑa/ we are working → тылажьэу /talaːʑaw/ while we were working
  • машхэ /maːʃxa/ (s)he is eating → машхэу /maːʃxaw/ while (s)he was eating

The verb with the suffix ~эу is usually followed by another verb that has a tense suffix indicating the time the sentence occurred. For example:

  • сыкӏоу сылъэгъогъ /səkʷʼaw səɬaʁʷaʁ/ while I was going I saw.
  • сыкӏоу сэлъэгъу /səkʷʼaw saɬaʁʷə/ while I am going I see.
  • сыкӏоу сылъэгъущт /səkʷʼaw səɬaʁʷəɕt/ while I go I will see.
  • сыкӏоу сылъэгъущтэгъ /səkʷʼaw səɬaʁʷəɕtaʁ/ I was going to see while going.
while I was goingthe boy (erg.)I saw
"while I was going, I saw the boy"
boy (abs.)while (s)he was afraidwater (erg.)(s)he couldn't enter it
"The boy couldn't enter the water while being afraid."
somewherewhile I was going to goyou called me
"You called me while I was going to go somewhere."

To indicate an action that occurred instead of another action, the action that did not happen is expressed in the present tense form and it gets the suffix ~эу and the negative infix ~мы~. For example:

  • сымыкӏоу сычъагъ /səməkʷʼaw sət͡ʂaːʁ/ instead of going I ran.
  • сымыкӏоу сэчъэ /səməkʷʼaw sat͡ʂa/ instead of going I am running.
  • сымыкӏоу сычъэщт /səməkʷʼaw sət͡ʂaɕt/ instead of going I will run.
  • сымыкӏоу сычъэщтэгъ /səməkʷʼaw sət͡ʂaɕtaʁ/ instead of going I was going to run.
instead of studyingweplay with us
"Instead of studying play with us."
instead of eatingwork
"Instead of eating work."
boy (abs.)Icinema (erg.)instead of coming with megirl (erg.)(s)he went with
"The boy instead of coming with me went with the girl to the cinema."

To indicate something before a certain verb was done, the suffix ~эу and the negative infix ~мы~ are added. In this case the verb should also get the tense suffix indicating the time.

Tense Suffix To walk (мэкӏон)
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Far past ~гъагъэу ~ʁaːʁaw мэмыкӏогъагъэу maməkʷʼaːʁaːʁaw before (s)he went (then)
Recent past ~гъэу ~ʁaw мэмыкӏуагъэу maməkʷʼaːʁaw before (s)he went
Future ~щтэу ~ɕtaw мэмыкӏощтэу maməkʷʼaɕtaw before (s)he will be going
Future of the past ~щтыгъэу ~ɕtəʁaw мэмыкӏощтэгъэу maməkʷʼaɕtaʁaw before (s)he was going to go
house (erg.)before you get out oftake a shower
"Before you get out of the house, take a shower."
before you playa bitstudy
"Before you play study a bit."
school (erg.)before I started going towhile rainingit started (then)
"Before I went to school it stated raining."

Plural (~хэ)

In addition to distinguishing between singular and plural nouns by marking the latter with the suffix '-хэ' /-xa/.

  • кӏалэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮa/ – boy → кӏалэхэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮaxa/ – boys.
  • шхын /ʃxən/ – food → шхынхэ /ʃxənxa/ – foods.
  • мафэ /maːfa/ – day → мафэхэ /maːfaxa/ – days.
  • мэкӏуагъэ /makʷʼaːʁa/ – the one that went → мэкӏуагъэхэ /makʷʼaːʁaxa/ – the ones that went.
  • макӏорэ /maːkʷʼara/ – the one that is going → макӏохэрэ /maːkʷʼaxara/ – the ones that are going.
  • мэкӏотэ /makʷʼata/ – the one that will go → мэкӏотхэ /makʷʼatxa/ – the ones that will go.
  • еджэрэ /jad͡ʒa/ – he one that is reading → еджэхэрэ /jad͡ʒa/ – he ones that are reading
  • дахэ /daːxa/ – pretty → дахэхэ /daːxəxa/ – the pretty ones.
  • кӏэхьы /t͡ʃʼaħə/ – long → кӏэхьыхэ /t͡ʃʼaħəxa/ – the long ones.
thosethe ones that are working (abs.)they are my brothers
"Those guys that are working are my brothers"

To indicate a plural verb (verb that was done by more than one thing) also has the additional suffix '-хэ' /-xa/.

the years (abs.)fast (adv.)they are passing
"the years are passing fast"

Negative (~эп)

The Negation suffix is ~п (~p) and it's ~рэп (~rap) when the verb is

in present tense:

  • мэкӀуагъ /makʷʼaːʁ/ – he went → мэкӀуагъэп /makʷʼaːʁap/ – "he did not go".
  • окIо /wakʷʼa/ "you are going" → уыкIорэп /wəkʷʼarap/ "you are not going"
  • тыкӀощт /təkʷʼaɕt/ – we will go → тыкӀощтэп /təkʷʼaɕtap/ – "we will not go".
  • сэIо /saʔʷa/ "I am saying" → сыIорэп /səʔʷarap/ "I am not saying"
  • шъушхагъ /ʂʷəʃxaːʁ/ "you (plural) ate" → шъушхагъэп /ʂʷəʃxaːʁap/ "you (plural) didn't ate"
  • мафэ /maːfa/ – day → мафэп /maːfap/ – it's not a day.
  • кӀалэ /t͡ʃaːla/ – boy → кӀалэп /t͡ʃaːlap/ – it's not a boy.
  • дахэ /daːxa/ – pretty → дахэп /daːxap/ – he/she/it is not pretty.
  • кӀэхьы /t͡ʃaħə/ – long → кӀэхьэп /t͡ʃaħai/ – he/she/it is not long.
Tense Suffix To walk (мэкӏон)
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Far past ~гъагъэп ~ʁaːʁap мэкӏогъагъэп makʷʼaʁaːʁap (s)he did not go (then)
Recent past ~гъэп ~ʁap мэкӏуагъэп makʷʼaːʁap (s)he did not go
Present ~рэп ~rap макӏорэп maːkʷʼarap (s)he does not go
Future ~штэп ~ɕtap мэкӏоштэп makʷʼaɕtap (s)he will not go
Future of the past ~щтыгъэп ~ɕtəʁap мэкӏощтыгъэп makʷʼaɕtəʁap (s)he was not going to go
the those (erg.)they didn't come
"they did not come."
the boy (arg.)his friends (erg.)he doesn't play with them
"the boy does not play with his friends."
Непэчъыӏэпфабэ нахь
[najpat͡ʂəʔapfaːba naːħ]
todayit is not coldit is actually hot
"Today is not cold, it is actually hot."

Desirement (~рагъу)

To indicate something desired, the suffix (~рагъу) (~raːʁʷ) is added For example:

  • сэкӏо /sakʷʼa/ "I am going" → сыкӏорагъу /səkʷʼaraːʁʷ/ "I want to go/.
  • ушхагъ /wəʃxaːʁ/ "you ate" → ушхарэгъуагъ /wəʃxaraʁʷaːʁ/ "you wanted to eat".
  • мэплъэт /mapɬat/ "he will look" → мэплъэрэгъот /mapɬaraʁʷat/ "(s)he will want to look".
  • плъыжьы /pɬəʑə/ – red → плъыжьырагъу /pɬəʑəraːʁʷ/ – (s)he wants to be red.
  • кӏалэ /t͡ʃʼaːla/ – boy → кӏэлэрагъу /t͡ʃʼalaraːʁʷ/ – (s)he wants to be a boy.
  • дахэ /daːxa/ – pretty → дэхэрагъу /daxaraːʁʷ/ -(s)he wants to be pretty.
  • кӏэхьы /t͡ʃʼaħə/ – long → кӏэхьырагъу /t͡ʃʼaħəraːʁʷ/ – (s)he wants to be long.
Tense Suffix To walk (мэкӏон)
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Far past ~рэгъогъагъ ~raʁʷaʁaːʁ мэкӏо maːkʷʼ (s)he wanted to go (then)
Recent past ~рэгъуагъ ~raʁʷaːʁ мэкӏо maːkʷʼa (s)he wanted to go
Present ~рагъу ~raːʁʷ макӏо maːkʷʼ (s)he wants to go
Future ~рэгъощт ~raʁʷaəɕt мэкӏо makʷʼa (s)he will want to go
Future of the past ~рэгъощтэгъ ~raʁʷaɕtaʁ мэкӏо makʷʼa (s)he would want to go
the boy (abs.)the girl (erg.)his househe don't want to go
"the boy don't want to go to the girl's house"
the gold (erg.)like himthe girl (abs.)(s)he wants to be pretty
"the girl wants to be pretty like a gold"
the man (erg.)like himI wanted to be strong
"I wanted to be strong like the man"

Capability (~шъу)

The suffix ~шъу (~ʃʷə) designates the ability to perform the indicated action. It is used to indicated that the subject is able to carry out the indicated action. For example:

Tense Suffix To walk (мэкӏон)
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Past ~шъогъ ~ʃʷaʁ мэкӏошъогъ makʷʼaʃʷaʁ (s)he went successfully; (s)he managed to go
Past 2 ~шъугъагъ ~ʃʷʁaːʁ мэкӏошъугъагъ makʷʼaʃʷʁaːʁ (s)he was going successfully
Present ~шъу ~ʃʷəː мэкӏошъу makʷʼaʃʷəː (s)he manages to go
Future ~шъущт ~ʃʷəɕt мэкӏошъущт makʷʼaʃʷəɕt (s)he will be able to go; (s)he is able to go
Future of the past ~шъущтэгъ ~ʃʷəɕtaʁ мэкӏощтэгъ makʷʼaʃʷəɕtaʁ (s)he was able to go; (s)he could have gone
boy (erg.)the food (abs.)(s)he does not manages to eat it
"The boy doesn't manages to eat the food."
old man (abs.)when he was young(s)he was able to gocorrectly
"When the old man was young, he was able to go correctly."
house (erg.)when you enter the housea watercould you bring it for me?
"when you enter the house, could you bring me a water?"

When the suffix ~шъу (~ʃʷə) is used on adjectives or nouns, it is to indicate the possibility of what the indicated adjective or noun can be.

  • мэфэщт /mafaɕt/ – it will be day → мэфэшъущт /mafaʃʷəɕt/ – it could be a day.
  • лъэжъуагъ /ɬaʒʷaːʁ/ – late → лъэжъогъэшъущтэгъ /ɬaʒʷaʁaʃʷəɕtaʁ/ – it could have been late.
  • кӏалэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮa/- boy → кӏэлэшъущт /t͡ʃʼaɮaʃʷəɕt/ – it could be a boy.
  • дахэ /daːxa/ – pretty → дэхэшъущт /daxaʃʷəɕt/ – it could be beautiful.
  • кӏэхьы /t͡ʃaħə/ – long → кӏэхьышъущтэгъ /t͡ʃʼaħəʃʷəɕtaʁ/ – it could have been long.
thisthe food as well (abs.)it could be tasty
"This food also could be tasty."
nowcouldn't it be a day?
"Couldn't it be a day now?"

Concessive mood (~ми)

To indicate an event that will happen even if something/someone does a specific verb, has the Suffix ~ми (~məj).

  • мэкIуагъ /makʷʼaːʁ/ – he went → мэкIуагъэми /makʷʼaːʁaməj/ – even if he went.
  • сэкIо /saːkʷʼa/ – I am going → сыкIоми /səkʷʼaməj/ – even if I am going.
  • тыкIощт /təkʷʼaɕt/ – we will go → тыкIощтми /təkʷʼaɕtməj/ – even if we will go.
  • мафэ /maːfa/ – day → мафэми /maːfaməj/ – even if it's a day.
  • кIалэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮa/ – boy → кIалэми /t͡ʃʼaːɮaməj/ – even if it's a boy.
  • дахэ /daːxa/ – pretty → дахэми /daːxaməj/ – even if he/she/it is pretty.
  • кӏэхьы /t͡ʃʼaħə/ – long → кӏэхьыми /t͡ʃʼaħəməj/ – even if he/she/it is long.
Tense Suffix To walk (мэкӏон)
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Far past ~гъагъми ~ʁaːʁməj мэкӏогъагъми maːkʷʼaʁaːʁməj even if (s)he went (then)
Recent past ~гъми ~ʁməj мэкӏуагъми maːkʷʼaːʁməj even if (s)he went
Present ~рэми ~raməj макӏорэми maːkʷʼaraməj even if (s)he is going
Close future ~ми ~məj макӏоми maːkʷʼaməj even if (s)he goes
Future ~щтми ~ɕtməj мэкӏощтми makʷʼaɕtməj even if (s)he will go
Future of the past ~щтыгъми ~ɕtəʁməj мэкӏощтыгъэми makʷʼaəɕtəʁaməj even if (s)he was going to go
the boy (erg.)even if you told him(s)he will not listen to you
"even if you told the boy he will not listen to you"
the boy (abs.)even if (s)he can goit is betterif (s)he don't go
"even if the boy could go it is better if he don't go"
even if you workmoneythey will not give it to you
"even if you work they will not give you money"

Conditional mood (~мэ)

To indicate a result of a certain verb that if someone/something done, doing or will do, has the Suffix -мэ (-ma).

  • мэкӏуагъ /makʷʼaːʁ/ – he went → мэкӏуагъэмэ /makʷʼaːʁama/ – if he went.
  • сэкӏо /sakʷʼa/ – I am going → сыкӏомэ /səkʷʼama/ – if I go.
  • тыкӏощт /təkʷʼaɕt/ – we will go → тыкӏощтмэ /təkʷʼaɕtma/ – if we will go.
  • мафэ /maːfa/ – day → мафэмэ /maːfama/ – if it's a day.
  • кӏалэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮa/ – boy → кӏалэмэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮama/ – if it's a boy.
  • дахэ /daːxa/ – pretty → дахэмэ /daːxama/ – if he/she/it is pretty.
  • кӏэхьы /t͡ʃʼaħə/ – long → кӏэхьымэ /t͡ʃʼaħəma/ – if he/she/it is long.
Tense Suffix To walk (мэкӏон)
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Far past ~гъагъмэ ~ʁaːʁma мэкӏогъагъмэ maːkʷʼaʁaːʁma if (s)he went (then)
Recent past ~гъмэ ~ʁma мэкӏуагъмэ maːkʷʼaːʁma if (s)he went
Present ~рэмэ ~rama макӏорэмэ maːkʷʼarama if (s)he is going
Close future ~мэ ~ma макӏомэ maːkʷʼama if (s)he goes
Future ~щтмэ ~ɕtma мэкӏощтмэ makʷʼaɕtma if (s)he will go
Future of the past ~щтыгъэмэ ~ɕtəʁama мэкӏощтыгъэмэ makʷʼaəɕtəʁama if (s)he was going to go
the boy (abs.)if he workmoneythey will give him
"if the boy work they will give him money"
while you are sickif you go outeven moreyou will get sick
"if you go out while you are sick, you will get even more sick"
if you want to runthe house (erg.)get out (in order for something to happen)run!
"if you want to go, get out from the house and go"

Can not be used simultaneously both the suffix -мэ (-ma) and the suffix -ми (-mi).

Conditional Mood II (~кӏэ)

The conditional mood can be indicated by adding the suffix ~кӏэ (~t͡ʃʼ). For example: Натрыфыр зы мафэ-мэфит1у губгъэм еты-к1э, зи щыш1ыщтэп – If the corn will be in the field a day or two, nothing will happen to it.

It is mostly used with the time prefix з~:

Фылымыр къызыублэкӏэкъысаӏу
Фылымы-р къы-зы-ублэ-кӏэкъы-с-аӏу
film (Abs.)when it startstell me
"tell me when the movie starts."
windows (Abs.)closewhen it rains
"close the windows when it rains."

Connective (~и)

When the connective suffix ~и (-əj) is used on present tense verbs, it is to indicate a chain of different verbs that occurred in the past.

  • макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ – (s)he is going → макӏуи /maːkʷʼəj/ – (s)he went and.
  • сэкӏо /saʷʼa/ – I am going → сыкӏуи /səkʷʼəj/ – I went and.
  • еплъы /japɬə/ – s(he) is looking at → еплъи /japɬəj/ – (s)he looked at it and.
the boy (abs.)(s)he went andhouse (erg.)(s)he look at it and(s)he returned
"the boy went, looked at the house and returned"
the boy (abs.)(s)he went back andan apples(he) brought it for me
"the boy went back and brought me an apple"

When the suffix ~ни (-nəj) is used on present tense verbs, it is to indicate a chain of different verbs that will occur in the future or planned to be done in the future.

  • макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ – (s)he is going → мэкӏони /makʷʼanəj/ – (s)he will go and.
  • сэкӏо /saʷʼa/ – I am going → сыкӏони /səkʷʼanəj/ – I will go and.
  • еплъы /japɬə/ – s(he) is looking at → еплъыни /japɬənəj/ – (s)he will look at it and.
the boy (abs.)(s)he will go andwater(s)he will bring us it
"the boy will go and will bring us water."
you houseI will come and we will study together
"I will come to your house and we gonna study together."
just a momentI gonna take a shower andI gonna come out
"A moment, I gonna take a shower and gonna come out."

When the connective suffix ~и (-əj) is used in imperative mood, it is to indicate a chain of different verbs that the listener(s) should do at that moment.

  • кӏон /kʷʼan/ – to go → кӏуи /makʷʼanəj/ – go and.
  • еплъын /japɬən/ – to look at → еплъи /japɬəj/ – look at it and.
  • шъушхын /ʃʷəʃxən/ – (you plural) to eat → шъушхи /ʃʷəʃxən/ – you (plural) eat and.
[kʷʼəjt͡ʃʼaːɮar wɬaʁʷəɕt]
go andthe boy (abs.)you will see it
"go and you will see the boy"
work (in order for the event to occur)moneythey will give you money
"work and they will give you money"

When the suffix ~и (-əj) is added to past and future tense verbs, nouns and adjectives, it is to indicate the cause of a certain event.

  • мэкӏуагъ /makʷʼaːʁ/ – (s)he went → мэкӏуагъи /makʷʼaːʁəj/ – because (s)he went.
  • сыкӏошт /səkʷʼaɕt/ – I will go → сыкӏошти /səkʷʼaɕtəj/ – because I will go.
  • мафэ /maːfa/ – day → мафи /maːfəj/ – because it is a day.
  • кӏалэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮa/ – boy → кӏали /t͡ʃʼaːɮəj/ – because he is a boy.
  • дахэ /daːxa/ – pretty → дахи /daːxəj/ – because s(he) is pretty.
  • кӏэхьы /t͡ʃʼaħə/ – long → кӏэхьи /t͡ʃʼaħəj/ – because s(he) is long.
Tense Suffix To walk (мэкӏон)
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Far past ~гъагъи ~ʁaːʁəj мэкӏогъагъи maːkʷʼaʁaːʁəj because (s)he went (then)
Recent past ~гъи ~ʁəj мэкӏуагъи maːkʷʼaːʁəj because (s)he went
Future ~щти ~ɕtəj мэкӏощти makʷʼaɕtəj because (s)he will go
Future of the past ~щтыгъи ~ɕtəʁəj мэкӏощтыгъи makʷʼaəɕtəʁaəj because (s)he was going to go
because you workedmoneythey gave you it
"because you worked, they gave you money"
because are meanin a bad waythey are treating you like it
"because you are mean, they are treating you bad"
the boy (abs.)because (s)he was going to gothe shoes (abs.)(s)he wear them
"because the boy was going to go, he wore the shes on."
the girl (abs.)because he/she is prettythe boys (abs.)they are looking at it
"because the girl is pretty, the boys are looking at her"

Until (~фэ)

To indicate an event that will happen until the verb is done, the verbal suffix ~фэ /~fa/ is added. For example:

  • сэкӏо /sakʷʼa/ I am going → сыкӏофэ /səkʷʼafa/ until I am going
  • сэкIуагъ /sakʷʼaːʁ/ I was going → сыкIуагъэфэ /səkʷʼaːʁafa/ until I was going
  • тэлажьэ /talaːʑa/ we are working → тылажьэфэ /talaːʑafa/ until we were working
  • мэшхэ /maʃxa/ he is eating → мэшхэфэ /maʃxafa/ until he was eating

The suffix ~нэс /~nas/ can also be used for the same meaning :

  • сэкӏо /sakʷʼa/ I am going → сыкӏонэс /səkʷʼanas/ until I am going
  • сэкIуагъ /sakʷʼaːʁ/ I was going → сыкIуагъэнэс /səkʷʼaːʁanas/ until I was going
  • тэлажьэ /talaːʑa/ we are working → тылажьэнэс /talaːʑanas/ until we were working
  • мэшхэ /maʃxa/ he is eating → мэшхэнэс /maʃxanas/ until he was eating
  • кӏалэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮa/ – boy → кӏалэнэс /t͡ʃʼaːɮanas/ – until it is a boy
  • мафэ /maːfa/ – day → мафэнэс /maːfanas/ – until it is a day
  • фабэ /faːba/ – hot → фабэнэс /faːbanas/ – until it is hot
  • шӏуцӏэ /ʃʷət͡sʼa/ – black → шӏуцӏэнэс /ʃʷət͡sʼanas/ – until it is black
  • сыкӏуачӏэ /səkʷʼaːt͡ʃʼa/ – I am strong → сыкӏуачӏэнэс /səkʷʼaːt͡ʃʼanas/ – until I am strong
  • чэщы /t͡ʃaɕə/ – night → чэщынэс /t͡ʃaɕənas/ – until it's night.
the boy (abs.)until (s)he goeswait
"wait until the boy goes"
boy (abs.)until (s)he arriveso muchhe is taking (time)
"it's taking so much time until the boy arrives"
until it is nightwork for now
"work until it is night"

Downward (~хы)

The verbal suffix ~хы /~xə/ designates action performed downwards or action performed towards a lower level :

  • ехы /jaxə/ – to go down
  • ефэхы /jafaxə/ – to fall down
  • чъэн /t͡ʂan/ – to run → ечъэхын /jat͡ʂaxən/ – to run down
  • плъэн /pɬan/ – to look → еплъэхын /japɬaxən/ – to look down
  • пкӏэн /pt͡ʃʼan/ – to jump → епкӏэхын /japt͡ʃʼaxən/ – to jump down to
  • итӏэрэн /jətʼaran/ – to fall into → етӏэрэхын /jatʼaraxən/ – to fall down into
  • джыджэн /d͡ʒəd͡ʒan/ – to roll → еджыджэхын /jad͡ʒəd͡ʒaxən/ – to roll down
  • еон /jawan/ – to hit → еохын /jawaxən/ – to strike down; to be shut downed
  • дзын /d͡zən/ – to throw → едзыхын /jad͡zəxən/ – to fall down
  • тӏысын /tʼəsən/ – to sit → етӏысыхын /jatʼəsəxən/ – to land
the boy (abs.)house (erg.)(s)he is looking down
"The boy is looking down from the house."
the bird (abs.)sky (erg.)it is falling
"The bird is falling down from the sky."
roof (erg.)don't jump down
"Don't jump down from the roof."

Upward (~е)

To designate action in an upward direction, the prefix д~ (d~) and the verbal suffix ~е (ja) are added.

  • кӏон: to go → дэкӏоен: to go upwards.
  • гъэкӏон: to make someone go → дэгъэкӏоен: to make someone go upwards; to rise a value.
  • чъэн: to run → дэчъэен: to run upwards.
  • ӏэтын : to raise → дэӏэтэен: to raise.
  • цӏэлъэн : to crawl → дэцӏэлъэен: to climb.
  • пкӏэн: to jump → дэпкӏэен: to hop upwards.
  • лъэшъун: to drag someone → дэлъэшъоен: to drag someone upwards.
  • быбын : to fly → дэбэбыен: to fly upwards to; to take off; to whirl to.
  • плъэн : to look → деплъыен : to look upwards.
  • хьын : to carry → дехьыен : to carry upwards.
volume (abs.)raise
"Raise the volume."
the boy (abs.)house roof (erg.)(s)he is going upwards
"The boy is going up to the roof."

For a while (~гу)

The suffix ~гу (~ɡʷ) designates that the indicated action was performed for a period of time. It might be used to indicated that the action will be performed quickly. For example:

  • сэкӏо /sakʷʼa/ I am going → сэкӏого /sakʷʼaɡʷa/ I am going for now.
  • сэкӏуагъ /sakʷʼaːʁ/ I was going → сыкӏуагъэгу /səkʷʼaːʁaɡʷ/ I went for a while.
  • тэлажьэ /taɮaːʑa/ we are working → тэлажьэго /taɮaːʑaɡʷa/ we are working for now.
  • машхэ /maːʃxa/ he is eating → машхэго /maːʃxaɡʷa/ he was eating for now.
Tense Suffix To walk (мэкӏон)
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Far past ~гъагъэгу ~ʁaːʁaɡʷ мэкӏогъагъэгу makʷʼaʁaːʁaɡʷ (s)he went for a while; (s)he went for now
Recent past ~гъэгу ~ʁaɡʷ мэкӏуагъэгу makʷʼaːʁaɡʷ (s)he went for a while; (s)he went for now
Present ~го ~ɡʷa макӏого maːkʷʼaɡʷa (s)he goes for a while; (s)he goes for now
Future ~щтыгу ~ɕtəɡʷ мэкӏощтыгу makʷʼaɕtəɡʷ (s)he will go for a while; (s)he will go for now
Future of the past ~щтыгъэгу ~ɕtəʁaɡʷ мэкӏощтыгъэгу makʷʼaɕtəʁaɡʷ (s)he was going to go for a while; (s)he was going to go for now

This also can be add to noun and adjective :

  • кӏалэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮa/ – boy (kʷʼa) → кӏалэгу /t͡ʃʼaːɮaɡʷ/ – it is a boy for now
  • мафэ /maːfa/ – day → мафэгу /maːfaɡʷ/ – it is day for now
  • фабэ /faːba/ – hot → фабэгу /faːbaɡʷ/ – it is hot for now
  • дахэ /daːxa/ – pretty → дахэгу /daːxaɡʷ/ – (s)he is pretty for now
  • дэхагъ /daxaːʁ/ -(s)he was pretty → дэхагъэгу /daxaɡʷ/ – (s)he was pretty for a while
  • дэхэщт /daːxaɕt/ -(s)he will be pretty → дэхэщтыгу /daxaɕtəɡʷ/ – (s)he will be pretty for a while
the boy (abs.)the shop (erg.)he went for a while
"the boy went to the shop for now"
Tom (abs.)because (s)he is studying for now(s)he can't play with us for now
"Because Tom is studying for now, he can't play with us for now"
in the park (erg.)I will go around for a while
"I will go around for a while in the park."
the toy (erg.)I want to play it for now
"I wanna play the toy for now"

Optative mood (~гъэет)

The verbal suffix ~гъэет (~ʁajat) or ~гъагъэет (~ʁaːʁjat) or designates optative mood.

  • мэкӏуагъ /makʷaːʁ/ – (s)he went → мэкӏуагъэет /makʷʼaːʁajat/ – I wish (s)he would have gone.
  • мэчъэгъагъ /mat͡ʂaʁaːʁ/ (s)he was running → мэчъэгъагъет /mat͡ʂaʁaːʁajat/ I wish (s)he would have run,
  • сыплъагъ /səpɬaːʁ/ I looked at → сыплъагъэет /səpɬaːʁajat/ I wish I would have looked.
  • даха /daːxa/ pretty → дэхэгъагъэет /daxaʁaːʁajat/ I wish I would have pretty.
  • сыкӏочӏэ /səkʷʼaːt͡ʂʼa/ I am strong → сыкӏочӏэгъагъэет /səkʷʼat͡ʂʼaʁaːʁajat/ I wish I had been strong.
ӏэгуаорфутболы джэгумкӏэкъэсфэптыгъагъэет
ӏэгуао-рфутболы джэгу-мкӏэкъэ-с-фэ-п-ты-гъагъэ-ет
[ʔaɡʷaːwarfutboləmt͡ʃʼa d͡ʒaɡʷəmt͡ʃʼaqasfaptəʁaːʁajat]
ball (abs.)soccer game (ins.)I wish you would have passed me it
"I wish you would have passed me the ball in the soccer game."
I(I) moreI wish I had been strongtable (abs.)for me to lift it
"I wish I had been more stronger to lift the table."
moreearlyI wish I had come
"I wish I had come earlier."

Diminution of degree (~рашъу)

To indicate a diminution of degree ("kind of"), the suffix ~рашъу (~raːʃʷ) is added. It is mostly used on verbs and adjectives and are rarely used on noun.

  • макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ – (s)he is going → мэкӏорашъу /makʷʼaraːʃʷ/ – (s)he kind of going
  • мапкӏэ /maːpt͡ʃʼa/ – (s)he is jumping → мэпкӏэрашъу /mapt͡ʃʼaraːʃʷ/ -(s)he kind of jumping.
  • фабэ /faːba/ – hot → фэбэрашъу /fabaraːʃʷ/ – is it kind of hot.
  • кӏуачӏэ /kʷʼaːt͡ʃʼa/ – strong → кӏочӏэрашъу /kʷʼat͡ʃʼaraːʃʷ/ – (s)he is kind of strong
thatold man (abs.)(s)he is kind of stupid
"The old man is kind of stupid."

Surprise mood (~уи)

The suffix -уи (-wəːj) indicates a surprise mood.

  • кӏалэ /t͡ʃʼaːɮa/ – boy → кӏалэуи /t͡ʃʼaːɮawəj/ – is it really a boy?
  • мафэ /maːfa/ – day → мафэуи /maːfawəːj/ – is it really a day?
  • фабэ /faːba/ – hot → фабэуи /faːbawəːj/ – is it really hot?
  • кӏуачӏэ /kʷʼaːt͡ʃʼa/ – strong → кӏуачӏэуи /kʷʼaːt͡ʃʼawəːj/ – is (s)he is really strong?
  • мэкӏошъу /makʷʼaʃʷə/ – (s)he is capable of going → мэкӏошъууи /makʷʼaʃʷəwəːj/ – is (s)he really capable of going?
  • усмэджагъ /wəsmad͡ʒaːʁ/ – you got sick → усмэджагъуи /wəsmad͡ʒaːʁwəj/ – you to become sick?
Tense Suffix To walk (мэкӏон)
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Far past ~гъагъуи ~ʁaːʁwəj мэкӏогъагъуи maːkʷʼaʁaːʁwəj (s)he went!? (then)
Recent past ~гъуи ~ʁwəj мэкӏуагъуи maːkʷʼaːʁwəj (s)he went!?
Present ~уи ~wəj макӏоуи maːkʷʼawəj (s)he goes!?
Future ~щтуи ~ɕtwəj мэкӏощтуи makʷʼaɕtwəj (s)he will go!?
Future of the past ~щтыгъуи ~ɕtəʁwəj мэкӏощтыгъэуи makʷʼaəɕtəʁawəj (s)he was going to go!?
thishouse (abs.)the one who made itis a woman?
"The one who made this house is a woman (surprised)?"
the boy (erg.)the one (s)he hitme?
"The one who hit the boy is me (surprised)?"
thatboythe short one (abs.)is (s)he really strong?
"That short boy is strong (surprised)?"

After the action connection (~эм)

To indicate an event that happened in the past after a certain verb was done, the suffix -эм (-am) is added.

  • сэкӏо /sakʷʼa/ – I am going → сэкӏом /sakʷʼam/ – when I went.
  • тэшхэ /taʃxa/ – we are eating → тэшхэм /taʃxam/ – when we ate.
  • еплъых /japɬəx/ – they are looking at it → еплъыхэм /japɬəxam/ – when they looked at it.
  • шъолажьэ /ʃʷaɮaːʑa/ – you (plural) are working → шъолажьэм /ʃʷaɮaːʑam/ – when you (plural) worked
when i wentmy brotheri saw
"when I went I saw my brother."
the girl (abs.)the house (erg.)when (s)he entered ithis/her mother(s)he met him/her
"when the girl entered the house she met her mother."
man (erg.)study!when (s)he told meI studied
"when the man told me to study, I studied."

To indicate an event that is happening after a certain verb is done with no indication to the time it happened, the time prefix з~ and the suffix ~рэм (~ram) are added.

  • сэкӏо /sakʷʼa/ – I am going → сызкӏорэм /səzkʷʼaram/ – whenever I go.
  • тэшхэ /taʃxa/ – we are eating → тызшхэрэм /təzʃxam/ – whenever we eat.
  • еплъых /japɬəx/ – they are looking at it → зеплъыхэрэм /zajpɬəxaram/ – whenever they look at it.
  • шъолажьэ /ʃʷaɮaːʑa/ – you (plural) are working → шъузлажьэрэм /ʃʷəzɮaːʑaram/ – whenever you (plural) work
Iwhenever I eatmy hands (abs.)I am washing them afterward
"Whenever I eat, I wash my hands afterward."
унэмчэщымузкъихьэжьырэмпчъэркъегъэтэу шӏы
унэ-мчэщы-му-з-къ-и-хьэ-жьы-рэмпчъэ-ркъ-егъэтэ-у шӏы
[wənamt͡ʃaɕəmwəzqəjħaʑərampt͡ʂarqajʁataw ʃʼə]
house (erg.)at the nightwhenever you enter itdoor (abs.)be used to lock it
"Whenever you enter the house at night, lock the door."
village (erg.)whenever I go outmoneyI am holding it
"Whenever I go out of the village, I hold money."

To indicate an event that happened right before a certain verb was going to be done, the suffix ~ным (~nəm) is added.

  • сэкӏо /sakʷʼa/ – I am going → сыкӏоным /səkʷʼaram/ – the moment I was about to go.
  • тэшхэ /taʃxa/ – we are eating → тышхэным /təʃxam/ – the moment we were about to eat.
  • еплъых /japɬəx/ – they are looking at it → еплъыхэным /japɬəxaram/ – the moment they were about to look at.
  • шъолажьэ /ʃʷaɮaːʑa/ – you (plural) are working → шъулажьэным /ʃʷəɮaːʑaram/ – the moment you (plural) were about to work.
сомпыютэрымкӏэкъесхэхь горэкъиухынымсомпыютэрыркъэсшӏокӏосагъ
сомпыютэр-ымкӏэкъе-с-хэхь горэкъ-иухы-нымсомпыютэр-ыркъэ-с-шӏо-кӏос-агъ
[kompəjutarəmt͡ʃʼaqajsxaħ ɡʷaraqəjwxənəmkompəjutarərqasʃʷʼakʷʼasaːʁ]
in the computer (ins.)something I downloadthe moment it was going to finishcomputer (abs.)it turned off against my interest
"The moment' something I download in the computer was about to finish, the computer turned off."
at the time I was about to eatI rememberedmy hands (abs.)I (to) wash them
"When I was about to eat, I remembered to wash my hands. "

Recurrence (~расэ)

The verbal suffix ~рас (-raːs) designates recurrence, presence of a characteristic. It designates an action that someone often does. For example:

  • макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ (s)he is going → мэкӏорас /makʷʼaraːs/ (s)he usually/often goes.
  • еплъы /japɬə/ (s)he is looking at → еплъырас /japɬəraːs/ (s)he usually/often looks at
  • ео /jawa/ (s)he is hitting it → еорас /jawaraːs/ (s)he usually/often hits it
Ia lemonI don't eat it often
"I don't eat lemon often."
"I don't usually eat lemon."
кӏалэркъэлэм плъыжьымритхэрас
кӏалэ-ркъэлэм плъыжьы-мри-тхэ-рас
[t͡ʃʼaːɮarqalam pɬəʑəmrəjtxaraːs]
the boy (abs.)red pebcil (erg.)he often writes with
"The boy often writes with the red pencil."

To indicate the subject or the object that usually or often do a certain verb, the suffix ~расэ (-raːsa) is added to the noun that was created from a verb. for example:

  • макӏорэ /maːkʷʼara/ the one that is going → мэкӏорасэрэ /maːkʷʼaraːsa/ the one that is usually/often goes.
  • зыдакӏорэ /zədaːkʷʼara/ the place (s)he is going → зыдэкӏорасэрэ /zədakʷʼaraːsa/ the place (s)he usually/often goes.
  • еплъырэ /japɬəra/ the one that is looking at → еплъырасэрэ /japɬəraːsa/ the one that usually/often looks at
  • зеплъырэ /zajpɬəra/ the one (s)he is looking at → зеплъырасэрэ /zajpɬəraːsa/ the one (s)he usually/often looks at
  • ылъэгъурэ /jəɬaʁʷəra/ the one (s)he is seeing → ылъэгъурасэрэ /jəɬaʁʷəraːsa/ the one (s)he usually/often sees.
  • зилъэгъурэ /zəjɬaʁʷəra/ the one that sees it → зилъэгъурасэрэ /zəjɬaʁʷəraːsa/ the one that usually/often sees it.
tonightthe place we often go (erg.)let/allow us to go (said to plural)
"Let us go to the place we usually goes to."
the boy (erg.)chocolates (abs.)he used to eat them oftena lot
"The boy used to eat chocolates a lot"
Ipencil (adv.)the thing I often writes with (abs.)red
"The pencil I usually writes with is red."

About to (~пэт)

To indicate a verb that is about to happened, the verbal suffix -пэт (-pat) is added.

Tense Suffix To walk (мэкӏон)
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Far past ~пэтыгъагъ ~patəʁaːʁ макӏопэтыгъагъ maːkʷʼapatəʁaːʁ (s)he almost went (then)
Recent past ~пэтыгъ ~patəʁ макӏопэтыгъ maːkʷʼapatəʁ (s)he almost went
Present ~пэт ~pat макӏопэт maːkʷʼapat (s)he is about to go
Future ~пэтыщт ~patəɕt мэкӏопэтыщт makʷʼapatəɕt (s)he will be about to go
Future of the past ~пэтыщтэгъ ~patəɕtaʁ мэкӏопэтыщтэгъ makʷʼapatəɕtaʁ (s)he was about to go
they almost caught methe boys (erg.)
"The boys almost caught me."
water (erg.)using your shoes (ins.)you almost stepped into it
"You almost stepped into the water with your shoes."
II didn't almost fell on the ground
"I didn't almost fell on the ground."

Always (~зэпыт)

To indicate that the verb is always happen, the suffix -зэпыт (-zapət) is added.

Tense Suffix To walk (мэкӏон)
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Past ~зэпытэгъ ~zapətaʁ мэкӏозэпытэгъ makʷʼazapətaʁ (s)he used to go always
Past 2 ~зэпытыгъагъ ~zapətəʁaːʁ мэкӏопытыгъагъ makʷʼazapətəʁaːʁ (s)he used to go always
Present ~зэпыт ~zapət мэкӏозэпыт makʷʼazapət (s)he always go
Future ~зэпытыщт ~zapətəɕt мэкӏозэпытыщт makʷʼazapətəɕt (s)he will always be going to
Future of the past ~зэпытыщтэгъ ~zapətəɕtaʁ мэкӏозэпытыщтэгъ makʷʼazapətəɕtaʁ (s)he was always going to
shop (erg.)are you (pl.) gonna make us go always
"Are you (plural) gonna make us go to the shop all the time?."
boy (erg.)an apple(s)he used to eat it always
"The boy used to eat apple all the time."
II am always runningat the after noon (ins.)
"I am always running after noon."

Just recently (~гъакӏ)

To indicate a verb that happened just recently, the suffix -гъакӏ (-ʁaːt͡ʃʼ) is added.

  • мэкӏуагъ /makʷʼaːʁ/ – he went → мэкӏогъакӏ /makʷʼaːʁaːt͡ʃʼ/ – I just went recently.
  • сышхагъ /səʃχaːʁ/ – I ate → сышхэгъакӏ /səʃxaʁaːt͡ʃʼ/ – I just ate recently.
Tense Suffix To walk (мэкӏон)
Cyrillic IPA Cyrillic IPA Meaning
Far past ~гъэкӏэгъагъ ~ʁat͡ʃʼaʁaːʁ мэкӏогъэкӏэгъагъ maːkʷʼaʁat͡ʃʼaʁaːʁ (s)he was recently going (then)
Recent past ~гъэкӏагъ ~ʁat͡ʃʼaːʁ мэкӏогъэкӏагъ maːkʷʼaʁat͡ʃʼaːʁ (s)he was recently going
Present ~гъакӏ ~ʁaːt͡ʃʼ макӏогъакӏ maːkʷʼaʁaːt͡ʃʼ (s)he just recently went
Future ~гъэкӏэщт ~ʁat͡ʃʼaɕt мэкӏогъэкӏэщт makʷʼaʁat͡ʃʼaɕt (s)he will recently go
Future of the past ~гъэкӏэщтэгъ ~ʁat͡ʃʼaɕtaʁ мэкӏогъэкӏэщтэгъ makʷʼaʁat͡ʃʼaɕtaʁ (s)he was going to recently go
you just ate recentlyonlydo you want to eat again
"You just ate recently, you wanna eat again?"
class (erg.)nowI just came in
"I just came into the class right now."
class (erg.)yesterdayI just entered recently (in the past)test (arg.)the time it started
"Yesterday after recently entering the class the test began."

Should have (~пхъагъ)

To indicate a verb that the subject should have done in the past and haven't, the suffix -пхъагъ (-pχaːʁ) is added.

  • мэкӏуагъ /makʷʼaːʁ/ – (s)he went → мэкӀопхъагъ /makʷʼapχaːʁ/ – (s)he should have gone so.
  • сыкӏуагъ /səːkʷʼaːʁ/ – I went → сыкӏопхъагъ /səkʷʼapχaːʁ/ – I should have gone so.
  • тышхагъ /təʃxaːʁ/ – we ate → тышхэпхъагъ /təʃxapχaːʁ/ – we should have eaten.
  • уӏуагъ /wʔʷaːʁ/ – you said → уӏопхъагъ /wʔʷapχaːʁ/ – you should have said so.
  • къэпхьэгъ /qapħaʁ/ – you brought → къэпхьыпхъагъ /qapħəpχaːʁ/ – you should have brought.
my housewhen you camemy diskyou should have brought it.
"When you came to my house, you should have brought my disk with you"
you should have said sothat you don't have ita dictionary
"You should have said that you don't have a dictionary."

Area (~хь)

The verbal suffix ~хь /~ħ/ designates action performed on an area or repetition of the action in a certain area :

The reflexive verbal prefix зе~ (zaj~) and the verbal suffix ~хь(~ħ) are used together to indicate action performed by someone around the area or location they are standing in. It also designates repetition of the action around someone. for example:

  • чъэн /t͡ʂan/ – to run → зичъэхьын /zəjt͡ʂaħən/ – to run around; to run in circles; to run repetitively.
  • кӏон /kʷʼan/ – to go → зикӏохьын /zəjkʷʼaħən/ – to walk around; to walk in circles; to walk repetitively.
  • плъэн /pɬan/ – to look → зиплъэхьын /zəjpɬaħən/ – to look around; to observe around; to look repetitively.
  • он /wan/ – to hit → зиохьын /zəjwaħən/ – to strike around oneself.
  • шъутырэн /ʃʷətəran/ – to kick → зишъутырэхьын /zəjʃʷətəraħən/ – to kick around oneself.
  • зиукӏэхьын /zəjwt͡ʃʼaħən/ – to extend and stretch arms.
little boy (erg.)while running aroundhouse (erg.)(s)he is standing inside
"The little boy is running around in the house."
"Literary meaning : The little boy is in the house while running around.."
Itree (erg.)while sitting on a treeI am looking around
"I am looking around while sitting on a tree."
road (erg.)boy (erg.)(s)he is looking around(s)he stands
"the boy is standing on the road looking around."

The verbal prefix къе~ (qaj~) and the verbal suffix ~хь(~ħ) are used together to indicate action performed on an area, for example:

  • чъэн /t͡ʂan/ – to run → къэчъэхьын /qat͡ʂaħən/ – to run around it
  • кӏон /kʷʼan/ – to go → къэкӏохьын /qakʷʼaħən/ – to go/walk around it
  • плъэн /pɬan/ – to look → къэплъэхьын /qapɬaħən/ – to look around it; to scout
Ithe village (abs.)I will walk around
"I will walk around the village."
forest (erg.)enter it andlook around it
"Enter the forest and scout around."

To indicate movement round an object, the prefix дэ~ (da~) and the suffix ~хь (~ħ) are added :

  • ӏуашъхьэр къыдэкӏохьын: to walk/go around the hill.
  • чъыгыр къыдэкӏохьын: to walk/go around the tree.
  • унэр къыдэчъэхьын: to run around the house.
  • ӏуашъхьэм къыдрикӏохьын: to walk/go around the hill.
  • чъыгым къыдрикӏохьын: to walk/go around the tree.
hill (erg.)while you are not going up itgo around it
"Instead of going up the hill, go around it."

The suffix ~хь (~ħə) can also be used together with the positional prefixes to indicate action performed on a definite area in a certain direction and position. for example:

  • мэджыджэн /mad͡ʒəd͡ʒan/ to roll → теджыджэхьын /tajd͡ʒəd͡ʒaħən/ to roll on.
  • теуцӏэлэн /tajwt͡sʼaɮan/ – to paint on → теуцӏэлэхьын /tajwt͡sʼaɮaħən/ – to scribble on.
  • теӏэбэн /tajʔaban/ – to touch with fingers → теӏэбэхьын /tajʔabaħən/ – to touch something with fingers rapidly.
  • мэстын – to burn → хэстыхьан – to burn in an area with some mass (like fire or lava).
  • мэукӏын – to be killed → хэукӏэхьан to die in an area with some mass (like a liquid or gas); to die in a war.
унэ чӏэгъымчӏаукӏэхьагъ
унэ чӏэгъы-мчӏ-а-укӏэ-хь-агъ
[wəna t͡ʂʼaʁəmt͡ʂʼaːwt͡ʃʼaħaːʁ]
under the house (erg.)they killed him under
"they kill him under the house."

The verbal suffix ~хь(~ħ) can also be used to indicate action performed repetitively or action performed for a long extend or action performed nonstop (without interruption or break) or action performed entirely, for example:

  • пыохьын : to entirely beat up someone; to beat someone nonstop
  • теохьын : to entirely be hit by an explosion
  • хэон: to hit someone hard → хэохьын: to hit someone hard repetitively
  • тегущыӏэн: to speak about someone → тегущыӏэхьын: to discuss or talk about someone
  • пыплъэн : to look on something → пыплъэхьын : to search on someone entirely
  • теплъэн : to look on something → теплъэхьын : to search on something
  • джыхэхъонэн – to curse someone directly → джыхэхъонэхьын – to curse someone nonstop
they (abs.)man (erg.)they beat him up
"they beat the man up"
the guards (abs.)your shirtthey gonna search on it
"the guards gonna search on your shirt"

Manner (~кӏэ)

To indicate the manner a verb is done, the verbal suffix ~кӏэ (t͡ʃʼa) is added. In the Shapsug dialect the suffix ~кӏьэ (~kʲʼa) is used instead.

  • кӏо /kʷa/ – go → кӏуакӏэ /kʷʼaːt͡ʃʼa/ – manner of going; how to walk.
  • лажь /ɮaːʑ/ – work → лэжьакӏэ /ɮaʑaːt͡ʃʼa/ – manner of working; how to walk.
  • пкӏэ /pt͡ʃʼa/ – jump → пкӏакӏэ /pt͡ʃʼaːt͡ʃʼa/ – manner of jumping; how to jump.
  • тхэ /txa/ – write → тхакӏэ /txaːt͡ʃʼa/ – manner of writing; how to write.
  • дзы /d͡zə/ – throw → дзыкӏэ /d͡zət͡ʃʼa/ – manner of throwing; how to throw.
  • зао /zaːwa/ – war; fight → зэуакӏэ /zawaːt͡ʃʼa/ – manner of fighting; how to fight.
boy (erg.)correctlymanner of writingthey taught him
"They taught the boy how to write correctly."
boy (erg.)manner of fighting(s)he knowsgood
"The boy knows how to fight well."
carquicklymanner of throwingI will show you
"I will show you how to throw a rock quickly."

It is also possible to indicate the manner in which someone does a verb. for example:

  • кӏо /kʷa/ – go → икӏуакӏэ /jəkʷʼaːt͡ʃʼa/ – his manner of walking.
  • лажь /ɮaːʑ/ – work → илэжьакӏэ /jəɮaʑaːt͡ʃʼa/ – his manner of working.
  • пкӏэ /pt͡ʃʼa/ – jump → ипкӏакӏэ /jəpt͡ʃʼaːt͡ʃʼa/ – his manner of jumping.
  • тхэ /txa/ – write → итхакӏэ /jətxaːt͡ʃʼa/ – his manner of writing
  • дзы /d͡zə/ – throw → идзыкӏэ /jaːd͡zət͡ʃʼa/ – his manner of throwing.
youyour way of studyingnot good
"Your way of studying is not good."
old man (erg.)his way of goinglame
"The way the old man goes is lame."

Difficult (~гъуай)

To indicate that a verb is Difficult to do, the suffix -гъуай (-ʁʷaːj) is added

  • тхы /txə/ – write → тхыгъуай /txəʁʷaːj/ – difficult to spell; difficult to write
  • сэтхы /satxə/ – I write → сытхыгъуай /sətxəʁʷaːj/ – it is difficult for me to write
  • шӏэ /ʃʼa/ – do → шӏэгъуй /ʃʼaʁʷaːj/ – difficult to do
  • шхы /ʃxə/ – eat → шхыгъуй /ʃxəʁʷaːj/ – difficult to eat
women (abs.)thatit is difficult to get used to
"It is difficult for women to get used to that."
гъогу лъагъорхэлъэгъогъуаеущытыгъ
гъогу лъагъо-рхэ-лъэгъо-гъуаеущыт-ыгъ
[ʁʷaɡʷ ɬaːʁʷarxaɬaʁʷaʁʷaːjawɕətəʁ]
road path (abs.)being difficult to seeit was
"The path was difficult to see."

Easy (~гъошӏу)

To indicate that a verb is easy to do, the suffix -гъошӏу (-ʁʷaʃʷʼ) is added

  • тхы /txə/ – write → тхыгъошӏу /txəʁʷaʃʷʼ/ – easy to spell; easy to write
  • сэтхы /satxə/ – I write → сытхыгъошӏу /sətxəʁʷaʃʷʼ/ – it is easy for me to write; I write easily
  • шӏэ /ʃʼa/ – do → шӏэгъошӏу /ʃʼaʁʷaʃʷʼ/ – easy to do
  • шхы /ʃxə/ – eat → шхыгъошӏу /ʃxəʁʷaʃʷʼ/ – easy to eat
dress (abs.)easy to sewn
"The dress is sewn easily."
гъогу лъагъорхэлъэгъогъуаеущытыгъ
гъогу лъагъо-рхэ-лъэгъо-гъуаеущыт-ыгъ
[ʁʷaɡʷ ɬaːʁʷarxaɬaʁʷaʁʷaːjawɕətəʁ]
road path (abs.)being difficult to seeit was
"The path was difficult to see."

Warning mood (~къон)

To either warn or intimidate the listener(s) from doing a certain verb, the verbal suffix ~къон (~qʷan) is added to it.

  • уеплъы /wajpɬə/ – you are looking at → уеплъыкъон /wajpɬəqʷan/ – don't you dare to look at.
  • макӏо /maːkʷʼa/ – (s)he is going → мэкӏокъон /makʷʼaqʷan/ – don't (s)he dare to go
  • шъошхы /ʃʷaʃxə/ – you (plural) are eating it → шъушхыкъон /ʃʷəʃxəqʷan/ – don't you (plural) dare to eat it
  • мачъэх /maːt͡ʂax/ – they are running → мэчъэкъоных /mat͡ʂaqʷanəx/ – don't they dare to run.
root (erg.)don't dare to jump from
"Don't dare to jump from the roof."
boy (erg.)don't dare to tell himthe things I am saying about him
"Don't dare to tell the boy the things I am saying about him."
the boys (abs.)film (erg.)while they being alonedon't they dare to look at
"Don't the boys dare to look at the film."

Directed towards (~лӏ)

The verbal suffix ~лӏ (~lʼ) designates action directed towards, or applied to somebody or something. For example:

  • ечъэлӏэн: to come running up to somebody or something.
  • ехьэлӏэн: to take, carry or bring something/somebody to somebody else.
  • екӏолӏэн: to approach something or somebody.
  • ехъолӏэн: an event to come and happen to someone.
  • еӏолӏэн: to say something about a statement.
the boy (erg.)good thingsthey happened to him/her
"Good things happened to the boy."
whathouse (erg.)its colorthe thing you say about it
"What do you say about the house's color?"
boy (abs.)road (erg.)(s)he is approaching it
"The boy is approaching the road."

Slightly (~ӏо)

The verbal suffix ~ӏо designates slightness; for example:

  • кӏотаӏо : move a little further.
  • кӏотыӏуагъэ : He moved on.
  • кӏотыгъаӏо : He went further.
  • ӏэтыӏо : lift slightly higher.

Mistakenly (~хъу)

The verbal suffix ~хъу designates mistakenness; for example:

  • ӏохъу : speak irrelevantly.
  • ӏохъугъэ : He said irrelevantly.

Willingly (~п)

The verbal suffix ~п designates action done willingly; for example:

  • сыкӏопэн : I will go willingly.
  • сымыкӏопэн : I will not go willingly.

Preliminary condition (~хэ)

The verbal suffix ~хэ designates preliminary condition; for example :

  • зытхьэкIыхэн: wash yourself first.
  • зытхьэкIыхи шхэ: first wash yourself, and then eat.

Absolute (~х)

The verbal suffix ~хэ designates absolute; for example:

  • сыкӏохэн : I will definitely go.
  • сымыкӏохэн : I will definitely not go.

Pre (~пэу)

Together with the negative ~м~ infix, The verbal suffix ~п designates before; earlier in time. for example :

  • макӏо: (s)he goes → мамыкӏуапэу: before (s)he goes
  • нэсы: (s)he reaches → нэмысыпэу: before (s)he reaches
  • машхэ: (s)he eats → мэмышхапэу: before (s)he start eating
  • машхагъ: (s)he eats → мэмышхэгъапэу: before (s)he ends eating

Post (~уж)

The verbal suffix ~уж designates after; later in time. for example :

  • макӏо: (s)he goes → мэкӏоужым : after (s)he went
  • нэсы: (s)he reaches → нэмысыужым: after (s)he reaches
  • машхэ: (s)he eats → мэшхыужым: after (s)he eats


  1. Hulst, Harry van der (2010). Recursion and Human Language. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 262–283. ISBN 978-3-11-021924-1.
  2. Korotkova, Natalia; Lander, Yury (2010-10-01). "Deriving affix ordering in polysynthesis: evidence from Adyghe". Morphology. 20 (2): 299–319. doi:10.1007/s11525-010-9185-y. ISSN 1871-5656.

Further reading

  • Kabardian Verbal Affixes: Collected, arranged and edited by Amjad Jaimoukha : .
  • Адыгейский язык: Grammar : (in Russian)
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