Abuya Kyai Hajji
Abdul Aziz Fakhruddin bin Dimyathi al-Bantani
Abuya Ade in 2022
Abdul Aziz Fakhruddin

(1961-08-16) August 16, 1961
NationalityIndonesia Indonesian
Home townPandeglang Regency
  • Abuya K.H. Muhammad Dimyathi (father)
  • Nyai Hj. Ashmah Jasir (mother)
EraModern era
Main interest(s)
Other namesAbuya Ade Dimyathi
InstitutePondok Pesantren Cidahu

Abuya Kyai Hajji Abdul Aziz Fakhruddin bin Dimyathi al-Bantani (Arabic: عبد العزيز فخر الدين بن دمياطي البنتني, romanized: ʿAbdul-ʿAzīz Fakhrud-dīn bin Dimyāṭī al-Bantanī; born August 16, 1961) or better known as Abuya Ade Dimyathi[1] is an Indonesian Muslim cleric from Banten.[2] He is one of the Bantenese influential clerics who is often invited by his congregation to lead recitations, dhikr, or tawassul at their place.[3]



  1. Choky, HR (2023-10-09). "Kompak,Danramil dan Polsek Maja Hadiri Maulid Nabi Yang Dipimpin Langsung Abuya Ade Dimyati" [Together, Danramil and Maja Police Attend the Prophet's Birthday, Led Directly by Abuya Ade Dimyati]. Jejak Peristiwa (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2023-12-12.
  2. Alfian (2023-07-26). "Putra Almarhum Abuya Dimyati Pandeglang Pimpin Istiqosah Kubro, Sambut Tahun Baru Islam 1 Muharram 1445H di Kp. Ciboleger" [The son of Abuya Dimyati Pandeglang leads Istighosah Kubro, welcoming the Islamic New Year 1 Muharram 1445 H at Kp. Ciboleger]. GLOBALINVESTIGASINEWS (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2023-12-12.
  3. "Hadiri Kegiatan Haul Akbar, Kapolsek Mancak Polres Cilegon Polda Banten Guyub Bareng Ulama Dan Umaro" [Attending the Grand Haul Activity, Mancak Cilegon Banten Police Chief Sitting with Ulama and Umaro]. Humas POLRI. 2023-02-17. Retrieved 2023-12-13.


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