During the Parade of Nations section of the 1984 Winter Olympics opening ceremony, athletes from the participating countries marched into the arena. Each delegation was led by a flag bearer and a sign with the name of the country on it. The Parade of Nations was organized in Serbo-Croatian, the official language in Yugoslavia. As tradition dictates, Greece led the parade and Yugoslavia was the last to march to the stadium as the host nation. Two nations were unable to march with their respective national flags, namely British Virgin Islands and Chinese Taipei. While Chinese Taipei was unable to use their flag and the name "Republic of China" due to participation of People's Republic of China, British Virgin Islands team was forced to use a replacement flag. The replacement flag is a white-colored cloth with the words “B. Djevičanska Ostrva” in blue color and the Olympic Rings on it. The organizers were unable to create the flag and created the replacement flag for the opening ceremony.[1]


Order Nation Serbo-Croatian Flag bearer Sport
1 Greece (GRE)GrčkaAndreas PantelidisAlpine skiing
2 Andorra (AND)AndoraAlbert LloveraAlpine skiing
3 Argentina (ARG)ArgentinaTeresa BustamenteAlpine skiing
4 Australia (AUS)AustralijaColin CoatesSpeed skating
5 Austria (AUT)AustrijaFranz KlammerAlpine skiing
6 Belgium (BEL)BelgijaHenri MollinAlpine skiing
7 Bolivia (BOL)Bolivija
8 British Virgin Islands (IVB)BD Ostrva[n 1]Erroll FraserSpeed skating
9 Bulgaria (BUL)BugarskaVladimir VelichkovBiathlon
10 Czechoslovakia (TCH)ČehoslovačkaJiří KrálíkIce hockey
11 Chile (CHI)ČileAlfredo MaturanaOfficial
12 North Korea (PRK)DNR Koreja[n 2]Ri Im-binSpeed skating
13 Egypt (EGY)EgipatJamil El-ReedyAlpine skiing
14 Finland (FIN)FinskaJorma ValtonenIce hockey
15 France (FRA)FrancuskaYvon MougelBiathlon
16 Netherlands (NED)HolandijaHilbert van der DuimSpeed skating
17 Iceland (ISL)IslandNanna LeifsdóttirAlpine skiing
18 Italy (ITA)ItalijaPaul HildgartnerLuge
19 Japan (JPN)JapanTadayuki TakahashiFigure skating
20 Canada (CAN)KanadaGaétan BoucherSpeed skating
21 Cyprus (CYP)Kipar
22 South Korea (KOR)Koreja
23 Costa Rica (CRC)Kostarika
24 Lebanon (LIB)Libanon
25 Liechtenstein (LIE)LihtenštajnGünther MarxerAlpine skiing
26 Hungary (HUN)MađarskaGábor MayerBiathlon
27 Morocco (MAR)Maroko
28 Mexico (MEX)Meksiko
29 Monaco (MON)MonakoDavid LajouxAlpine skiing
30 Mongolia (MGL)MongolijaLuvsandashiin DorjCross-country skiing
31 China (CHN)NR Kina[n 3]Zhao ShijianSpeed skating
32 Norway (NOR)NorveškaBjørg Eva JensenSpeed skating
33 New Zealand (NZL)Novi ZelandMarkus HubrichAlpine skiing
34 East Germany (GDR)Njemačka DR[n 4]Frank UllrichBiathlon
35 Poland (POL)PoljskaJózef ŁuszczekCross-country skiing
36 Puerto Rico (PUR)PortorikoGeorge TuckerLuge
37 Romania (ROU)RumunijaDorel CristudorBobsleigh
38 San Marino (SMR)San Marino
39 Soviet Union (URS)SSSR[n 5]Vladislav TretiakIce hockey
40 West Germany (FRG)SR Njemačka[n 6]Monika PflugSpeed skating
41 Senegal (SEN)SenegalLamine GuèyeAlpine skiing
42 United States (USA)SAD[n 7]Frank MasleyLuge
43 Spain (ESP)SpanijaBlanca Fernández OchoaAlpine skiing
44 Switzerland (SUI)ŠvicarskaErika HessAlpine skiing
45 Sweden (SWE)ŠvedskaMats WaltinIce hockey
46 Chinese Taipei (TPE)Tajpej Kinejski
47 Turkey (TUR)Turska
48 Great Britain (GBR)Velika BritanijaChristopher DeanFigure skating
49 Yugoslavia (YUG)JugoslavijaJure FrankoAlpine skiing
  1. Britanska Djevičanska Ostrva
  2. Demokratska Narodna Republika Koreja
  3. Narodna Republika Kina
  4. Njemačka Demokratska Republika
  5. Savez Sovjetskih Socijalističkih Republika
  6. Savezna Republika Njemačka
  7. Sjedinjene Američke Države


  1. "British Virgin Islands – Flag History". Retrieved 27 June 2015.
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