Introduced18 January 1996
TLD typeCountry code top-level domain
RegistryNetwork Information Center – Benin
SponsorOffice of Stations and Telecommunications of Benin
Intended useEntities connected with  Benin
Actual useGets a little bit of use in Benin
Registration restrictionsNeed administrative contact in Benin
StructureRegistrations are available directly at the second level, or at third level beneath some second-level labels
Registry websitewww.nic.bj

.bj is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Benin. It is administered by the Office of Stations and Telecommunications of Benin. Despite having no "j" in its name in any of its official languages, Benin was allocated .bj as the other possible codes .be, .bn, and .bi had already been allocated to other entities.


Registrations are possible at second level as well as a number of third level domains.

List of third level domains[1]
Third level domainIntended purpose
.org.bjNGOs, non-profits and associations
.tourism.bjEntities related to tourism
.info.bjPrinted or audiovisual media
.edu.bjPrimary and secondary educational institutions
.assur.bjInsurance companies
.net.bjTelecommunication and network companies
.gouv.bjGovernments and related entities
.loisirs.bjHobbies and leisure
.econo.bjFinance and economy
.santé.bjHealth related

Alphanumeric terms made up of letters of the French alphabet from A to Z, digits from 0 to 9, and hyphens are allowed in domain names. Domain names that are composed of a single character, are composed of two letters only, or begin or end with a hyphen cannot be registered.

See also


  1. "CHARTE DE NOMMAGE - NOM DE DOMAINE INTERNET « .bj »" (PDF). Nic.bj. 2022-05-19. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2022-07-01. Retrieved 2022-12-10.
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