This guide provides a quick introduction to the parts, features, and basic operation of the FixHub Smart Soldering Iron.
Here's an overview of all the parts that make up the Smart Soldering Iron:
Quick-Swap soldering tip
Soldering iron grip
Touch-Safe Indicator LED ring
Power switch
Soldering iron cap
Soldering iron USB-C cable
Blue LED: The iron has cooled below 40 °C (100 °F), and the tip is safe to touch.
Purple LED: When pulsing, the iron is actively heating up or cooling down. When static, the iron is in Idle Mode. The iron tip is not safe to touch.
Orange LED: The iron has reached the set temperature and is ready to solder. The iron tip is not safe to touch.
Make sure the soldering iron's power switch is in the blue OFF position.
Match the end of the USB-C cable with the blue locking collar to the blue USB-C port on the soldering iron, and push to connect.
For detailed setup instructions for the Portable Power Station, check out this guide.
Connect the end of the USB-C cable without the blue locking collar to a compatible USB-C power source.
To clear the free‑fall state and resume soldering, press the blue button on the Power Station or power cycle the iron by unplugging and replugging into a USB-C power source.
The Idle Mode LED is static (not pulsing) purple.
Picking up a resting iron wakes it from Idle Mode, and the tip will automatically heat back up to your set temperature.
New to soldering? Follow this guide to get started.
Repair didn't go as planned? Try some basic troubleshooting, or ask our Answers community for help.