
Even a small tear can grow into a big problem when you are out in the wild and exposed to the elements. Fortunately, repairing a tear is simple. A few stitches can have your tent, or just about anything else with a tear, ship-shape in no time.

  1. MAo1aQrFmscsGNaX
    • Thread your needle and tie a knot in the end.

    • We're using contrasting thread for visibility, but when it comes time for your repair, you'll want to use matching thread.

    • Drive the needle from the back of the material, just before where the tear starts.

    • Pull the thread taut.

  2. PWH1uPaxmfidoTuE
    • Take a small stitch, going in and out of the material, on one side of the tear only.

    • Pull the thread taut.

  3. 5QOSonyG2QW3prCF
    • Take a small stitch, going in and out of the material, on the other side of the tear, directly opposite of the stitch you just took.

    • Pull the thread taut. This should cinch the material together.

    • If your material bunches, try taking smaller stitches, while ensuring that you line up the stitches on either side of the material.

  4. 66Jw3NYPIOVGG6ab
    • Continue stitching, switching from side to side as described in step 2 and 3 of this guide, pulling the thread taut after each stitch.

    • Stitch until you come to the end of the tear.

  5. asNtQUgCCrQWJ1Jy
    • One the last stitch, drive the needle through both sides of the fabric, taking as small of a stitch as possible.

    • Slowly pull the thread. As you pull, a loop will form. Draw the needle through this loop, and pull the thread taut.

    • Repeat this step, taking a tiny stitch, drawing the needle through the loop, and pulling taut.

    • Ensure that the stitches are tight, and cut any excess threads.

    Instead of cutting the excess thread, I leave enough length at the end to “bury” the long threads inside the repair, where they will not show and are less likely to loosen up.

    Kathleen Slamka -

    We use a clear repair patch kind of tape to fix our tents called fixmytear repair tape. So much cheaper than paying a machinist to fix it. Apply it to both sides if you can for extra strength.

    W731620 E -

Brittany McCrigler

Member since: 05/03/12

89452 Reputation

One comment

Have you seen this product? "fixmytear". It's a repair tape which sticks very well to vinyl, canvas, rubber, leather and most other surfaces. Absolutely life saving tape.

bobhunter50023 -