
Having trouble getting the thread though the eensy-weensy eye of that needle? Not to worry—a needle threader makes the task simple.

  1. 1idE2DgEm1tB4BTT
    • Take the needle threader in one hand, and the needle in your other hand.

    • Insert the wire loop on the needle threader through the eye of the needle.

  2. HUrUopOyXAPeLa6P
    • Hold both the needle threader and needle in one hand, while keeping the loop of wire on the needle threader through the eye of the needle.

    • Insert your thread through the loop of wire on the needle threader.

    • Pull the thread through the loop so that you have a tail of least a few inches in length.

    Omg! Got a needle threader w/ my sewing kit, but didn't know how to use it till now. Thank you so much, now i can mend everything!

    Jodi Howarth -

  3. NkCee2YdYQs2yTxK
    • Fold the tail over to meet the other thread.

    • Hold both lengths of thread together.

  4. K5nKhHFoLyD2pD6X
    • While holding both threads, pull the wire loop of the needle threader out of the eye of the needle.

    • Once the wire loop is out of the eye, release the tail end of the thread.

    • Pull the needle threader off the thread. This will bring the tail end through.

    You should really clarify in the beginning that this only works will thin thread bc I spent a lot of time trying this and turns out I need a needle with a bigger eye sorry. This step by step was great but because of this I broke my threaded

    Sun Shine -

    I broke my threader as well.

    Mary Keniston -

    Thank you, Sun Shine. I will do my bit of work and add this piece of info in the spanish guide, so that no issues with that can happen again. Thank you very much for pointing it out, and good repairing!!

    Alberto Gómez -

  5. G2oOXsU6anLUeYi6
    • Pull the tail end of the thread until both threads are equal in length.

    • Holding both lengths of thread together, tie a knot near the end and pull it tight.

    • This will trap the needle in the loop of thread and allow you to sew with doubled thread. If you prefer to sew with a single thread, tie a knot in only one of the threads, not both.

    Thanks very easy and useful

    geetha.aishu -

    Thanks - I really should have worked it out myself but googling proved quicker ;)

    Carol James -

    Thank you!!!!!

    suzanne mukai -

    I feel like I should have worked through this on my own too, but I truly appreciate the time it saved. Great info, Thanks!!!!

    Angel -

Brittany McCrigler

Member since: 05/03/12

89452 Reputation


thank you for this

it helped me with

sewing project

Swathika E -

For years I have been doing this the hard way. I had no idea what the threader was. I have thrown so many away not knowing what they were. Thank you so much. You've made what i enjoy doing (sewing projects), even more enjoyable.

Shannon B, 01/06/2016

Shannon Beecham -

Though I had a needle threader but didn't know how to use it ?

Your guidelines really helped me. Thanks a lot.

vickysos -

Thank you. My automatic needle threader on sewing machine is off track and I'm not in the mood to locate online how to fix/correct it today. I had plenty of handheld and long neck serger needle threaders in my stash and couldn't figure out how to thread my needle on sewing machine with the long neck threader, but you helped me with that, thanks.

Bonita W -

Thank you you are a Life saver!!!!

ciaaratpaen -

I think it is really cool you are able to have info to help others and myself figure out the difficult areas like in crafts such as sewing. Thank you.

Victoria -

Thank you. Like the others, I had no idea how to use the threader. I just refastened two buttons to pairs of pants!

Rob -

Thank you! :)

Rachelle -

Have you ever had the problem where you can't get the wire through the head of the needle? The hole is so tiny it won't let the wire go through. Probably why the sewing kit was such a “bargain” price, so frustrating.

Shirley -

I am 66 years old.I always knew about a needle threader,but could not figure out how to use it. ( My mother was a seamtress but passed away June/2011 ) I guess I never did ask her how to use it OR, I never needed to, as my eyes were still good.Now they are not so good, thus ,explains why I have a hard time to thread the needle.So I going to sew up a quilt for my 4 year old grandson,this morning & guess what? NO,I could no NOT thread the needle.So I decided to google it.I found it on: Excellent! Finally!! No,I am on that great on the computer yet.But,I am learning.


deliclerk52 -

Thank you! My cousin, Cathy, taught me how to use this…and…I forgot. Your instructions are great…pictures and words. I can do

this now. Just couldn’t figure it out on my own. G-d Bless!

Shelley Ann Lipowich -

Thanks for the help—it worked—but Step 4 is much harder than it sounds or looks.

moonspinner55 -

Thank you. Just trying to reattach a zipper to a vest and this worked.

Susan Andersdon -

My vision isn't what it used to be so I thought i’d give this a try. Walking to the sewing store and back 20 minutes. Found the tool and purchased it 5 minutes( because I had to look at the new sewing baskets as mine is pretty beat up). Broke the tool in 1 minute. Spent 3 or 4 minutes trying to fix it. Threaded it by eye in 2 minutes.

John Steel -

I found these instructions, and have a needle threader, but I think all the needle holes in this kit are WAAAAYY to small to work.

I have about a dozen needles but I’ll have to find my old sewing box, which had much larger holes. The hole of your needle looks larger.

I tried to thread my needle threader into any of these needles, I can’t get it to even go in. My eyesight is also poor, I used to have a large magnifier glass. Don’t know where it got to. Jennifer Snow

JenniferSnowWolff -

They are so flimsy that i broke the wire off. Any way to fix? Why are they so delicate?

Annakathie -

Thank you. Very helpful life hack.

RAmona -

Thank you. Handy to remind myself how to do this!

RAmona -