
Use this guide to replace a worn-out or dead battery in your Huawei Watch 2.

For your safety, discharge your battery below 25% before disassembling your Huawei Watch 2. This reduces the risk of a dangerous thermal event if the battery is accidentally damaged during the repair.

Note: If your battery is swollen, take appropriate precautions.

Note: This guide instructs you to replace only the battery. However, if you want to replace the battery assembly, it’s a different procedure and you can find the appropriate battery assembly guide here. Make sure you have the correct part before starting this guide.

You’ll need replacement adhesive to reattach components when reassembling the device.

  1. hXu5Qb2F3bN2BaWI
    • Before starting repairs, take your watch off the charger and power it down.

    • Feel free to attach or remove the watch band as needed to provide more control as you make repairs.

  2. tAMV1RRIuHgUT5cc
    • Remove the four Torx T2 screws (4.5 mm length).

  3. Y1LaGEpF4OLQNitK
    • Use a pair of tweezers to remove the four plastic covers sitting next to the watch band holders.

    • Insert an opening tool into the gap between the back cover and the watch case at the bottom edge of the back cover.

    • Use the opening tool to pry up the back cover of the Huawei Watch 2.

    • Do not remove the back cover assembly all the way yet—it's still connected to the mainboard.

  5. bVwArZF53Vnl1krw
    • Carefully fold the back cover assembly to the opposite side of the two watch crowns.

    Das Kabel ist festgeschraubt, benötigt wird ein Kreuzschlitz PH0.

    Maik Herrmann -

  6. BLXMlWX22OkAyXfH
    • Remove the Phillips #00 screw (1.8 mm length).

    PH#00 didn’t work for me, it was a PH#0000 that was the only size which would work. I may have a different version of the watch as I also didn’t have 4 plastic covers to remove, and the screws had washers on them.

    Tom Dreiling -

  7. PqfhGZN1Ncab1CBC
    • The heart rate sensor flex cable is attached to the metal shield which covers the battery connector. In order to avoid damage to the flex cable, only grab the metal shield on the bottom end where the Phillips screw was located.

    • Use a pair of tweezers to carefully remove the metal shield.

    • Remove the back cover assembly.

    • Use the flat end of a spudger to pry up and disconnect the battery flex cable.

  9. GAYx6G1hYvRehQUK
    • In the following step you're going to pry out the battery.

    • In order to avoid damage to the flex cables running underneath the battery, only pry in the red marked areas.

  10. XlIJr24FfBZrbhux
    • Apply a heated iOpener to the screen to loosen the adhesive which is holding the battery in place. Apply the iOpener for at least two minutes.

  11. ScXgkrF1AGsDqJ2j
    • Insert the flat end of a spudger between the bottom edge of the battery and the back cover.

    • Use the spudger to carefully pry the battery out of its recess.

    Ho cambiato la batteria tutto ok ma mi esce temperatura esterna troppo bassa e poi si spegne, cosa vuoi che? E cosa posso fare?

    Antonio Leucci -

  12. tI1LQlCtyDETMaMl
    • Remove the battery.

    • Do not reinstall a damaged or deformed battery, as doing so is a potential safety hazard.


To reassemble your Huawei Watch 2 follow these instructions in reverse.

If possible, turn on your Huawei Watch 2 and test your repair before installing new adhesive underneath the battery and resealing.

For optimal performance, calibrate your newly installed battery: Charge it to 100% and keep charging it for at least 2 more hours. Then use your device until it shuts off due to low battery. Finally, charge it uninterrupted to 100%.

Take your e-waste to an R2 or e-Stewards certified recycler.

Repair didn’t go as planned? Check out our Answers community for troubleshooting help.

Dominik Schnabelrauch

Member since: 23/11/16

224668 Reputation


Do you know what’s the model of the battery? My watch is starting to die really early (it says it’s at 77 but it then quickly drops to 0) and I need to replace it

NovaViper -

Trickiest part is getting the heart rate sensor connector back in. There’s a little hook at the end opposite the screw hole that has to be slipped into place before laying the rest of it down. Took a few tries before it got seated. Whole thing took 10-15 mins start to finish.

Thomas Overton -

I wish I had read this comment before following these instructions, this was the only step that was frustrating until i noticed the hook.

Richard Grove-White -

Like Richard, I found this the trickiest part of the job. I had not realised there was a very tiny hook and eventually positioned it accurately by luck rather than skill or judgement. I also had difficulty getting the battery connector seated properly and, again, it was by trial and error that I eventually got it attached correctly.

Alan Lambert -

before you begin make sure you have a t2 star screwdriver and hear a drier or something to heat up the battery from top so it will come off easier.

if you in usa you can get one from micro center called Mako Precision bit set it about 38$

but if you just want to do this job you can get from online for about 3$. and one prier flatspudger like the plastic one they sail here

and one tweezer. Without these tools, you cant complete job

eugene Talanov -

Wie wird der neue Akku eingebaut? Zwischen dem lockeren Steg schieben funktioniert nicht. Bei mir hat es nur einmal mit dem alten Akku gefunzt. Steg ab und das Akkuband auf 1/100 mm an die richtige Stelle gedrückt und dann vorsichtig den Steg montiert. Mit dem neuen Akku keine Chance!

Doch jetzt nach 2 .Monaten ging die Uhr nur noch mit Netzstrom und jetzt auch das nicht mehr.

Bei Neueinbau immer nur Blitz oder x Symbol.

Beim Blitz startet die Uhr und macht nach 30 sec Neustart.

Werde noch einen Versuch starten und einen Akku kaufen. Wenn der hoffenlich geladen ist, startet die Uhr sobald die Kontakte an die richtige Stelle gedrückt werden. So ging es mit dem alten Akku.

Hat jemand Erfahrungen und gute Ratschläge?

liab -

Very good and comprehensive guide, thank you. I replaced my watch battery in under an hour. My only suggestion would be to perhaps give some detail regarding re-attaching the connectors. I found this the most challenging part of the job and took a while to get them positioned accurately and seated properly. Other than that, following your excellent guide, everything went very smoothly.

Alan Lambert -

Mit dem original Akku aus China hat es funktioniert. Wichtig ist, den Steg entfernen und die Akkulasche von oben an die richtige Stelle drücken. Er rastet dann leicht ein und die Uhr bootet. Vorsichtig den Steg schräg aufsetzen, damit die Lasche links einrastet und dann rechts das Schräubchen montieren.

liab -

Tuto extrêmement bien rédigé.

aucun problèmes lors de l’opération.

Améliorations possible => ajouter une étape montrant le positionnement du crochet pour la remise en place du connecteur du capteur de fréquence cardiaque.

stephane cholet -

Thanks. It worked ! IFIXIT was out of stock on this battery replacement but I found a battery on eBay that was advertised as NEW and it is a Huawei branded battery. Hopefully it IS indeed new. After insertion, it did charge up to 100% and we will see how long it lasts. I was only getting about 4 hours on my old battery. Thanks for posting the procedure.

Tim Eckel -

What is the best adhesive to use when reinstalling a new battery in this watch?

Bronson -

I have replaced the battery. (|About five times, im fairly sure I have the hook on correctly. It boots up with no problem but after a minute it keeps saying "Shutting down due to low ambient temprature". I have had it on my wrist and its not a cold day? Any ideas? Is the watch dead?

Paul Higham -

Where can I buy an original HUAWEI GT 2 watch battery?

martinozigrino@gmail. com

Martino Zigrino -

Where can I buy an original HUAWEI GT 2 watch battery?

Martino Zigrino -

Battery reconnection was insanely hard. It's the last time I try this. I'll just give it to a proper watch repairer and go to the pub. If you get a black and white batter on the watch screen with a white x in the middle, battery isn't connected.

Mario Miniaci -

Muchas gracias, perfectamente explicado y documentado, ¡genial!

P. R. -

I was surprized to find out that the battery connector was actually welded on my GT2 pro...

Eric Villepreux -