Package usermode-gtk
Graphical tools for certain user account management tasks
The usermode-gtk package contains several graphical tools for users:
userinfo, usermount and userpasswd. Userinfo allows users to change
their finger information. Usermount lets users mount, unmount, and
format file systems. Userpasswd allows users to change their
Install the usermode-gtk package if you would like to provide users with
graphical tools for certain account management tasks.
Version: 1.114
See also: usermode.
General Commands | |
pam-panel-icon | A notification area indicator of pam_timestamp status |
userformat | alias for usermount |
userinfo | A graphical equivilient to chfn. |
usermount | A graphical tool to mount, unmount and format filesystems. |
userpasswd | A graphical tool to allow users to change their passwords. |
System Administration | |
consolehelper-gtk | A helper program for consolehelper |