Package nut
Network UPS Tools
These programs are part of a developing project to monitor the assortment
of UPSes that are found out there in the field. Many models have serial
ports of some kind that allow some form of state checking. This
capability has been harnessed where possible to allow for safe shutdowns,
live status tracking on web pages, and more.
See also: nut-cgi, nut-client, nut-devel, nut-xml.
File Formats | |
ups.conf | UPS definitions for Network UPS Tools |
upsd.conf | Configuration for Network UPS Tools upsd |
upsd.users | Administrative user definitions for NUT upsd |
System Administration | |
adelsystem_cbi | Driver for the ADELSYSTEM CB/CBI DC-UPS |
al175 | Driver for Eltek UPS models with AL175 alarm module |
apc_modbus | Driver for APC Smart-UPS Modbus protocol |
apcsmart | Driver for American Power Conversion Smart Protocol UPS equipment |
apcsmart-old | Driver for American Power Conversion Smart Protocol UPS equipment |
apcupsd-ups | Driver for apcupsd client access |
asem | driver for UPS in ASEM PB1300 |
bcmxcp | Driver for UPSes supporting the serial BCM/XCP protocol |
bcmxcp_usb | Experimental driver for UPSes supporting the BCM/XCP protocol over USB |
belkin | Driver for Belkin serial UPS equipment |
belkinunv | Driver for Belkin "Universal UPS" and compatible |
bestfcom | Driver for Best Power Fortress/Ferrups |
bestfortress | Driver for old Best Fortress UPS equipment |
bestuferrups | Driver for Best Power Micro-Ferrups |
bestups | Driver for Best Power / SOLA (Phoenixtec protocol) UPS equipment |
bicker_ser | Driver for Bicker DC UPS via serial port connections |
blazer_ser | Driver for Megatec/Q1 protocol serial based UPS equipment |
blazer_usb | Driver for Megatec/Q1 protocol USB based UPS equipment |
clone | UPS driver clone |
dummy-ups | Driver for multi-purpose UPS emulation |
etapro | Driver for ETA UPS equipment |
everups | Driver for Ever UPS models |
gamatronic | Driver for Gamatronic UPS equipment |
generic_modbus | Driver for contact (direct) signal UPS devices connected via modbus remote I/O gateways |
genericups | Driver for contact-closure UPS equipment |
huawei-ups2000 | Driver for Huawei UPS2000 (1kVA-3kVA) UPS with USB or RS-232 serial Modbus connection. |
hwmon_ina219 | driver for UPS based on INA219 |
isbmex | Driver for ISBMEX UPS equipment |
ivtscd | driver for the IVT Solar Controller Device |
liebert | Driver for Liebert contact-closure UPS equipment |
liebert-esp2 | Driver for Liebert UPS, using the ESP-II serial protocol |
masterguard | Driver for Masterguard UPS equipment |
metasys | Driver for Meta System UPS equipment |
mge-shut | Driver for SHUT Protocol UPS equipment |
mge-utalk | Driver for MGE UPS SYSTEMS UTalk protocol equipment |
microdowell | Driver for Microdowell Enterprise UPS series |
microsol-apc | Driver for APC Back-UPS BR UPS equipment |
nut-driver-enumerator | tool to map NUT device entries to service instances |
nut-ipmipsu | Driver for IPMI Power Supply Units (PSU) |
nut-recorder | utility to record device status and values changes |
nut-scanner | scan communication buses for NUT devices |
nutconf | NUT configuration tool |
nutdrv_atcl_usb | Driver for 'ATCL FOR UPS' equipment |
nutdrv_qx | Driver for Q* protocol serial and USB based UPS equipment |
nutdrv_siemens_sitop | driver for the Siemens SITOP UPS500 series UPS |
nutupsdrv | generic manual for unified NUT drivers |
oneac | Driver for Oneac UPS equipment |
optiups | Driver for Opti-UPS (Viewsonic) UPS and Zinto D (ONLINE-USV) equipment |
phoenixcontact_modbus | Driver for Phoenix Contact |
pijuice | driver for UPS in PiJuice HAT |
powercom | UPS driver for serial Powercom/Trust/Advice UPS equipment |
powerpanel | Driver for serial PowerPanel Plus compatible UPS equipment |
rhino | Driver for Brazilian Microsol RHINO UPS equipment |
richcomm_usb | Driver UPS equipment using Richcomm dry-contact to USB solution |
riello_ser | Driver for Riello UPS Protocol UPS equipment via serial port connections |
riello_usb | Driver for Riello UPS Protocol UPS equipment via USB |
safenet | Driver for SafeNet compatible UPS equipment |
sms_ser | Driver for SMS UPS Protocol 1Phase. |
snmp-ups | Multi-MIB Driver for SNMP UPS equipment |
sockdebug | simple developer/troubleshooting aid utility to communicate with a NUT driver using the socket protocol |
socomec_jbus | Driver for Socomec JBUS UPS with RS-232 serial Modbus connection. |
solis | Driver for Brazilian Microsol SOLIS UPS equipment |
tripplite | Driver for Tripp-Lite SmartPro UPS equipment |
tripplite_usb | Driver for older Tripp Lite USB UPSes (not PDC HID) |
tripplitesu | Driver for Tripp-Lite SmartOnline (SU) UPS equipment |
upscode2 | Driver for UPScode II compatible UPS equipment |
upsd | UPS information server |
upsdrvctl | UPS driver controller |
upsdrvsvcctl | UPS driver service instance controller |
usbhid-ups | Driver for USB/HID UPS equipment |
victronups | Driver for IMV/Victron UPS unit Match, Match Lite, NetUps |