Package freeglut-devel
Freeglut developmental libraries and header files
Developmental libraries and header files required for developing or compiling
software which links to the freeglut library, which is an open source
alternative to the popular GLUT library, with an OSI approved free software
Version: 3.6.0
Library Functions | |
glutAddMenuEntry | Append an item to the current menu. |
glutAddSubMenu | Append a submenu to the current menu. |
glutAttachMenu | Attach the current menu to the current window. |
glutBitmapCharacter | Draw a bitmapped character |
glutBitmapHeight | Return the height of a given font, in pixels. |
glutBitmapLength | Return the width of a bitmapped string, in pixels. |
glutBitmapString | Draw a string of bitmapped characters |
glutBitmapWidth | Return the width of a bitmapped character, in pixels. |
glutButtonBoxFunc | Sets a button-box button callback. |
glutChangeToMenuEntry | Replace a menu entry with an item. |
glutChangeToSubMenu | Replace a menu entry with a submenu. |
glutCloseFunc | Window destruction callback. |
glutCopyColormap | Copies a color map between windows. |
glutCreateMenu | Create a new menu. |
glutCreateMenuWindow | Create a client-controlled menu window. |
glutCreateSubWindow | Create a subwindow |
glutCreateWindow | Create a new top-level window |
glutDestroyMenu | Destroy a menu. |
glutDestroyWindow | Destroy a window and associated subwindows |
glutDetachMenu | Detach menu from the current window. |
glutDeviceGet | Allows you to get some device state/option variables. |
glutDialsFunc | Sets a dials-box button callback. |
glutDisplayFunc | Sets the Display callback for the current window. |
glutEnterGameMode | Enter game mode |
glutEntryFunc | Window mouse entry/leave callback. |
glutEstablishOverlay | Creates an overlay. |
glutExtensionSupported | Determine if an OpenGL extension is available. |
glutForceJoystickFunc | Forces a joystick poll and callback. |
glutFullScreen | Resize the current window to cover the entire screen |
glutGameModeGet | Return the value of a game mode parameter |
glutGameModeString | Set the game mode display string |
glutGet | Allows you to query some general state/option variables. |
glutGetColor | Gets an indexed color-mode entry's Red, Green, or Blue value. |
glutGetMenu | Get the current menu ID. |
glutGetMenuData | Retrieve menu user data pointer |
glutGetModifiers | Returns the status of Alt, Shift, and Ctrl keys. |
glutGetProcAddress | Determine if an OpenGLUT feature or extension is available. |
glutGetWindow | Return the current window identifier, 0 if undefined |
glutGetWindowData | Get the user data for the current window |
glutHideOverlay | Make an overlay invisible. |
glutHideWindow | Make the current window hidden |
glutIconifyWindow | Iconify the current window |
glutIdleFunc | Sets the global idle callback. |
glutIgnoreKeyRepeat | Set autorepeat status. |
glutInit | Initialize OpenGLUT data structures. |
glutInitDisplayMode | Set the window creation display mode. |
glutInitDisplayString | Set the window creation display mode. |
glutInitWindowPosition | Requests future windows to open at a given position. |
glutInitWindowSize | Requests future windows to open at a given width/height.. |
glutJoystickFunc | Reports joystick state for the current window. |
glutKeyboardFunc | Sets the Keyboard callback for the current window. |
glutKeyboardUpFunc | Sets the keyboard key release callback for the current window. |
glutLayerGet | Allows you to get some overlay state/option variables. |
glutLeaveGameMode | Leave game mode, returning to normal desktop mode |
glutLeaveMainLoop | Breaks out of OpenGLUT's glutMainLoop() |
glutMainLoop | The standard GLUT event loop entry point. |
glutMainLoopEvent | Dispatches all pending events. |
glutMenuDestroyFunc | Destruction callback for menus. |
glutMenuStateFunc | Deprecated variant of glutMenuStatusFunc() |
glutMenuStatusFunc | Modern variant of glutMenuStateFunc() |
glutMotionFunc | Reports mouse-motion while a button is held. |
glutMouseFunc | Sets the mouse-button callback for the current window. |
glutMouseWheelFunc | Sets the mouse wheel callback for the current window. |
glutOverlayDisplayFunc | Defines the display hook for an overlay. |
glutPassiveMotionFunc | Sets the non-dragging (gliding?) mouse-motion callback. |
glutPopWindow | Request to raise the current window to the top |
glutPositionWindow | Request to change the position of the current window |
glutPostOverlayRedisplay | Posts a redispaly against the layer for the current window. |
glutPostRedisplay | Mark the current window as needing a redisplay. |
glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay | Posts a redisplay to the indicated window's layer. |
glutPostWindowRedisplay | Mark an indicated window as needing a redisplay. |
glutPushWindow | Request to lower the current window to the bottom. |
glutRemoveMenuItem | Remove a given menu item. |
glutRemoveOverlay | Removes an overlay. |
glutReportErrors | Reports all available OpenGL errors. |
glutReshapeFunc | Sets the Reshape callback for the current window. |
glutReshapeWindow | Request changing the size of the current window |
glutSetColor | Sets an indexed color-mode entry. |
glutSetCursor | Set the cursor image to be used for the current window |
glutSetIconTitle | Requests changing the iconified title of the current window |
glutSetKeyRepeat | Sets autorepeat behavior for all OpenGLUT windows. |
glutSetMenu | Set the current menu ID. |
glutSetMenuData | Store menu user data pointer |
glutSetOption | Allows you to set some general state/option variables. |
glutSetWindow | Select the <i>current window</i> |
glutSetWindowData | Set the user data for the current window |
glutSetWindowStayOnTop | Set stay on top mode for current window |
glutSetWindowTitle | Request changing the title of the current window |
glutSetupVideoResizing | Undocumented, unimplemented. |
glutShowOverlay | Make an overlay visible. |
glutShowWindow | Request that the <i>current window</i> be visible |
glutSolidCone | Draw a solid cone. |
glutSolidCube | Draw a solid cube centered at the origin. |
glutSolidCylinder | Draw a solid cylinder. |
glutSolidDodecahedron | Draw a solid dodecahedron. |
glutSolidIcosahedron | Draw a solid icosahedron. |
glutSolidOctahedron | Draw a solid octahedron. |
glutSolidRhombicDodecahedron | Draw a solid rhombic dodecahedron |
glutSolidSierpinskiSponge | Draw a solid Spierspinski's sponge. |
glutSolidSphere | Draw a solid sphere centered at the origin. |
glutSolidTeapot | Draw a solid teapot. |
glutSolidTetrahedron | Draw a solid tetrahedron. |
glutSolidTorus | Draw a solid torus. |
glutSpaceballButtonFunc | Sets a spaceball button callback. |
glutSpaceballMotionFunc | Sets a spaceball motion callback. |
glutSpaceballRotateFunc | Sets a spaceball rotation callback. |
glutSpecialFunc | Sets the Special callback for the current window |
glutSpecialUpFunc | Sets the special key release callback for the current window |
glutStopVideoResizing | Undocumented, unimplemented. |
glutStrokeCharacter | Draw a stroked character. |
glutStrokeHeight | Returns the height of a given font. |
glutStrokeLength | Returns model space width of a string in a given font. |
glutStrokeString | Draw a string of stroked characters. |
glutStrokeWidth | Returns the width in pixels of a character in a given font. |
glutSwapBuffers | Swaps the buffers for the current window. |
glutTabletButtonFunc | Sets a tablet button callback. |
glutTabletMotionFunc | Sets a tablet motion callback. |
glutTimerFunc | Sets the Timer callback for the current window. |
glutUseLayer | Allows you to switch between normal and layer mode. |
glutVideoPan | Undocumented, unimplemented. |
glutVideoResize | Undocumented, unimplemented. |
glutVideoResizeGet | Undocumented, unimplemented. |
glutVisibilityFunc | Sets the Visibility callback for the current window. |
glutWMCloseFunc | Window destruction callback. |
glutWarpPointer | Moves the mouse pointer to given window coordinates. |
glutWindowStatusFunc | Sets the window status callback. |
glutWireCone | Draw a wireframe cone. |
glutWireCube | Draw a wireframe cube centered at the origin. |
glutWireCylinder | Draw a wireframe cylinder. |
glutWireDodecahedron | Draw a wireframe dodecahedron. |
glutWireIcosahedron | Draw a wireframe icosahedron. |
glutWireOctahedron | Draw a wireframe octahedron. |
glutWireRhombicDodecahedron | Draw a wireframe rhombic dodecahedron |
glutWireSierpinskiSponge | Draw a wireframe Spierspinski's sponge. |
glutWireSphere | Draw a wireframe sphere centered at the origin. |
glutWireTeapot | Draw a wireframe teapot. |
glutWireTetrahedron | Draw a wireframe tetrahedron. |
glutWireTorus | Draw a wireframe torus. |