Package fontconfig-devel
Font configuration and customization library
The fontconfig-devel package includes the header files,
and developer docs for the fontconfig package.
Install fontconfig-devel if you want to develop programs which
will use fontconfig.
Version: 2.15.0
See also: fontconfig.
Library Functions | |
FcAtomicCreate | create an FcAtomic object |
FcAtomicDeleteNew | delete new file |
FcAtomicDestroy | destroy an FcAtomic object |
FcAtomicLock | lock a file |
FcAtomicNewFile | return new temporary file name |
FcAtomicOrigFile | return original file name |
FcAtomicReplaceOrig | replace original with new |
FcAtomicUnlock | unlock a file |
FcBlanksAdd | Add a character to an FcBlanks |
FcBlanksCreate | Create an FcBlanks |
FcBlanksDestroy | Destroy and FcBlanks |
FcBlanksIsMember | Query membership in an FcBlanks |
FcCacheCopySet | Returns a copy of the fontset from cache |
FcCacheCreateTagFile | Create CACHEDIR.TAG at cache directory. |
FcCacheDir | Return directory of cache |
FcCacheNumFont | Returns the number of fonts in cache. |
FcCacheNumSubdir | Return the number of subdirectories in cache. |
FcCacheSubdir | Return the i'th subdirectory. |
FcCharSetAddChar | Add a character to a charset |
FcCharSetCopy | Copy a charset |
FcCharSetCount | Count entries in a charset |
FcCharSetCoverage | DEPRECATED return coverage for a Unicode page |
FcCharSetCreate | Create an empty character set |
FcCharSetDelChar | Delete a character from a charset |
FcCharSetDestroy | Destroy a character set |
FcCharSetEqual | Compare two charsets |
FcCharSetFirstPage | Start enumerating charset contents |
FcCharSetHasChar | Check a charset for a char |
FcCharSetIntersect | Intersect charsets |
FcCharSetIntersectCount | Intersect and count charsets |
FcCharSetIsSubset | Test for charset inclusion |
FcCharSetMerge | Merge charsets |
FcCharSetNew | DEPRECATED alias for FcCharSetCreate |
FcCharSetNextPage | Continue enumerating charset contents |
FcCharSetSubtract | Subtract charsets |
FcCharSetSubtractCount | Subtract and count charsets |
FcCharSetUnion | Add charsets |
FcConfigAppFontAddDir | Add fonts from directory to font database |
FcConfigAppFontAddFile | Add font file to font database |
FcConfigAppFontClear | Remove all app fonts from font database |
FcConfigBuildFonts | Build font database |
FcConfigCreate | Create a configuration |
FcConfigDestroy | Destroy a configuration |
FcConfigEnableHome | controls use of the home directory. |
FcConfigFileInfoIterGet | Obtain the configuration file information |
FcConfigFileInfoIterInit | Initialize the iterator |
FcConfigFileInfoIterNext | Set the iterator to point to the next list |
FcConfigFilename | Find a config file |
FcConfigGetBlanks | Get config blanks |
FcConfigGetCache | DEPRECATED used to return per-user cache filename |
FcConfigGetCacheDirs | return the list of directories searched for cache files |
FcConfigGetConfigDirs | Get config directories |
FcConfigGetConfigFiles | Get config files |
FcConfigGetCurrent | Return current configuration |
FcConfigGetFilename | Find a config file |
FcConfigGetFontDirs | Get font directories |
FcConfigGetFonts | Get config font set |
FcConfigGetRescanInterval | Get config rescan interval |
FcConfigGetSysRoot | Obtain the system root directory |
FcConfigHome | return the current home directory. |
FcConfigParseAndLoad | load a configuration file |
FcConfigParseAndLoadFromMemory | load a configuration from memory |
FcConfigReference | Increment config reference count |
FcConfigSetCurrent | Set configuration as default |
FcConfigSetRescanInterval | Set config rescan interval |
FcConfigSetSysRoot | Set the system root directory |
FcConfigSubstitute | Execute substitutions |
FcConfigSubstituteWithPat | Execute substitutions |
FcConfigUptoDate | Check timestamps on config files |
FcDefaultSubstitute | Perform default substitutions in a pattern |
FcDirCacheClean | Clean up a cache directory |
FcDirCacheCreateUUID | Create .uuid file at a directory |
FcDirCacheDeleteUUID | Delete .uuid file |
FcDirCacheLoad | load a directory cache |
FcDirCacheLoadFile | load a cache file |
FcDirCacheRead | read or construct a directory cache |
FcDirCacheRescan | Re-scan a directory cache |
FcDirCacheUnlink | Remove all caches related to dir |
FcDirCacheUnload | unload a cache file |
FcDirCacheValid | check directory cache |
FcDirSave | DEPRECATED: formerly used to save a directory cache |
FcDirScan | scan a font directory without caching it |
FcFileIsDir | check whether a file is a directory |
FcFileScan | scan a font file |
FcFini | finalize fontconfig library |
FcFontList | List fonts |
FcFontMatch | Return best font |
FcFontRenderPrepare | Prepare pattern for loading font file |
FcFontSetAdd | Add to a font set |
FcFontSetCreate | Create a font set |
FcFontSetDestroy | Destroy a font set |
FcFontSetList | List fonts from a set of font sets |
FcFontSetMatch | Return the best font from a set of font sets |
FcFontSetPrint | Print a set of patterns to stdout |
FcFontSetSort | Add to a font set |
FcFontSetSortDestroy | DEPRECATED destroy a font set |
FcFontSort | Return list of matching fonts |
FcFreeTypeCharIndex | map Unicode to glyph id |
FcFreeTypeCharSet | compute Unicode coverage |
FcFreeTypeCharSetAndSpacing | compute Unicode coverage and spacing type |
FcFreeTypeQuery | compute pattern from font file (and index) |
FcFreeTypeQueryAll | compute all patterns from font file (and index) |
FcFreeTypeQueryFace | compute pattern from FT_Face |
FcGetDefaultLangs | Get the default languages list |
FcGetLangs | Get list of languages |
FcGetVersion | library version number |
FcInit | initialize fontconfig library |
FcInitBringUptoDate | reload configuration files if needed |
FcInitLoadConfig | load configuration |
FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts | load configuration and font data |
FcInitReinitialize | re-initialize library |
FcIsLower | check for lower case ASCII character |
FcIsUpper | check for upper case ASCII character |
FcLangGetCharSet | Get character map for a language |
FcLangNormalize | Normalize the language string |
FcLangSetAdd | add a language to a langset |
FcLangSetCompare | compare language sets |
FcLangSetContains | check langset subset relation |
FcLangSetCopy | copy a langset object |
FcLangSetCreate | create a langset object |
FcLangSetDel | delete a language from a langset |
FcLangSetDestroy | destroy a langset object |
FcLangSetEqual | test for matching langsets |
FcLangSetGetLangs | get the list of languages in the langset |
FcLangSetHasLang | test langset for language support |
FcLangSetHash | return a hash value for a langset |
FcLangSetSubtract | Subtract langsets |
FcLangSetUnion | Add langsets |
FcMatrixCopy | Copy a matrix |
FcMatrixEqual | Compare two matrices |
FcMatrixInit | initialize an FcMatrix structure |
FcMatrixMultiply | Multiply matrices |
FcMatrixRotate | Rotate a matrix |
FcMatrixScale | Scale a matrix |
FcMatrixShear | Shear a matrix |
FcNameConstant | Get the value for a symbolic constant |
FcNameGetConstant | Lookup symbolic constant |
FcNameGetConstantFor | Lookup symbolic constant For object |
FcNameGetObjectType | Lookup an object type |
FcNameParse | Parse a pattern string |
FcNameRegisterConstants | Register symbolic constants |
FcNameRegisterObjectTypes | Register object types |
FcNameUnparse | Convert a pattern back into a string that can be parsed |
FcNameUnregisterConstants | Unregister symbolic constants |
FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes | Unregister object types |
FcObjectSetAdd | Add to an object set |
FcObjectSetBuild | Build object set from args |
FcObjectSetCreate | Create an object set |
FcObjectSetDestroy | Destroy an object set |
FcPatternAdd | Add a value to a pattern |
FcPatternAdd-Type | Add a typed value to a pattern |
FcPatternAddWeak | Add a value to a pattern with weak binding |
FcPatternBuild | Create patterns from arguments |
FcPatternCreate | Create a pattern |
FcPatternDel | Delete a property from a pattern |
FcPatternDestroy | Destroy a pattern |
FcPatternDuplicate | Copy a pattern |
FcPatternEqual | Compare patterns |
FcPatternEqualSubset | Compare portions of patterns |
FcPatternFilter | Filter the objects of pattern |
FcPatternFindIter | Set the iterator to point to the object in the pattern |
FcPatternFormat | Format a pattern into a string according to a format specifier |
FcPatternGet | Return a value from a pattern |
FcPatternGet-Type | Return a typed value from a pattern |
FcPatternGetWithBinding | Return a value with binding from a pattern |
FcPatternHash | Compute a pattern hash value |
FcPatternIterEqual | Compare iterators |
FcPatternIterGetObject | Returns an object name which the iterator point to |
FcPatternIterGetValue | Returns a value which the iterator point to |
FcPatternIterIsValid | Check whether the iterator is valid or not |
FcPatternIterNext | |
FcPatternIterStart | Initialize the iterator with the first iterator in the pattern |
FcPatternIterValueCount | Returns the number of the values which the iterator point to |
FcPatternObjectCount | Returns the number of the object |
FcPatternPrint | Print a pattern for debugging |
FcPatternReference | Increment pattern reference count |
FcPatternRemove | Remove one object of the specified type from the pattern |
FcRangeCopy | Copy a range object |
FcRangeCreateDouble | create a range object for double |
FcRangeCreateInteger | create a range object for integer |
FcRangeDestroy | destroy a range object |
FcRangeGetDouble | Get the range in double |
FcStrBasename | last component of filename |
FcStrBuildFilename | Concatenate strings as a file path |
FcStrCmp | compare UTF-8 strings |
FcStrCmpIgnoreCase | compare UTF-8 strings ignoring case |
FcStrCopy | duplicate a string |
FcStrCopyFilename | create a complete path from a filename |
FcStrDirname | directory part of filename |
FcStrDowncase | create a lower case translation of a string |
FcStrFree | free a string |
FcStrListCreate | create a string iterator |
FcStrListDone | destroy a string iterator |
FcStrListFirst | get first string in iteration |
FcStrListNext | get next string in iteration |
FcStrPlus | concatenate two strings |
FcStrSetAdd | add to a string set |
FcStrSetAddFilename | add a filename to a string set |
FcStrSetCreate | create a string set |
FcStrSetDel | delete from a string set |
FcStrSetDestroy | destroy a string set |
FcStrSetEqual | check sets for equality |
FcStrSetMember | check set for membership |
FcStrStr | locate UTF-8 substring |
FcStrStrIgnoreCase | locate UTF-8 substring ignoring case |
FcToLower | convert upper case ASCII to lower case |
FcUcs4ToUtf8 | convert UCS4 to UTF-8 |
FcUtf16Len | count UTF-16 encoded chars |
FcUtf16ToUcs4 | convert UTF-16 to UCS4 |
FcUtf8Len | count UTF-8 encoded chars |
FcUtf8ToUcs4 | convert UTF-8 to UCS4 |
FcValueDestroy | Free a value |
FcValueEqual | Test two values for equality |
FcValuePrint | Print a value to stdout |
FcValueSave | Copy a value |
FcWeightFromOpenType | Convert from OpenType weight values to fontconfig ones |
FcWeightFromOpenTypeDouble | Convert from OpenType weight values to fontconfig ones |
FcWeightToOpenType | Convert from fontconfig weight values to OpenType ones |
FcWeightToOpenTypeDouble | Convert from fontconfig weight values to OpenType ones |