probe::scheduler.ctxswitch.3stap - Man Page
A context switch is occuring.
- prev_task_name
The name of the process to be switched out
- next_task_name
The name of the process to be switched in
- prev_pid
The PID of the process to be switched out
- next_pid
The PID of the process to be switched in
- prev_tid
The TID of the process to be switched out
- next_tid
The TID of the process to be switched in
- next_priority
The priority of the process to be switched in
- prev_priority
The priority of the process to be switched out
- nexttsk_state
the state of the process to be switched in
- prevtsk_state
the state of the process to be switched out
- name
name of the probe point
See Also0
April 2024 SystemTap Tapset Reference Scheduler Tapset