bundles.3coin3 - Man Page
Bundle Classes
class SoBundle
The SoBundle class is the superclass for all bundle classes.
class SoMaterialBundle
The SoMaterialBundle class simplifies material handling.
class SoNormalBundle
The SoNormalBundle class simplifies normal handling.
class SoTextureCoordinateBundle
The SoTextureCoordinateBundle class simplifies texture coordinate handling.
class SoVertexAttributeBundle
The SoVertexAttributeBundle class simplifies vertex attribute handling.
Detailed Description
The bundle classes are internal to Coin. The Bundle Classes
The bundle classes are mostly internal to Coin.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Coin from the source code.
Referenced By
The man page bundles.3coin2(3) is an alias of bundles.3coin3(3).
Version 3.1.3 Coin