base64.3erl - Man Page


base64 — Provides base64 encode and decode, see
   RFC 2045.


Provides base64 encode and decode, see RFC 2045.

Data Types

base64_alphabet() = 
    65..90 | 97..122 | 48..57 | 43 | 47 | 45 | 95 | 61

Base 64 Encoding alphabet, see RFC 4648.

base64_mode() = standard | urlsafe

Selector for the Base 64 Encoding alphabet used for encoding and decoding. See RFC 4648 Sections 4 and 5.

options() = #{padding => boolean(), mode => base64_mode()}

Customises the behaviour of the encode and decode functions. Default value if omitted entirely or partially is #{mode => standard, padding => true}.

base64_string() = [base64_alphabet()]

Base 64 encoded string.

base64_binary() = binary()

Base 64 encoded binary.

byte_string() = [byte()]

Arbitrary sequences of octets.


decode(Base64) -> Data
decode_to_string(Base64) -> DataString
mime_decode(Base64) -> Data
mime_decode_to_string(Base64) -> DataString

Base64 = base64_string() | base64_binary()
Data = binary()
DataString = byte_string()

Decodes a base64 string encoded using the standard alphabet according to RFC 4648 Section 4 to plain ASCII.

mime_decode/1 and mime_decode_to_string/1 strip away illegal characters, while decode/1 and decode_to_string/1 only strip away whitespace characters.

Checks the correct number of = padding characters at the end of the encoded string.

decode(Base64, Options) -> Data
decode_to_string(Base64, Options) -> DataString
mime_decode(Base64, Options) -> Data
mime_decode_to_string(Base64, Options) -> DataString

Base64 = base64_string() | base64_binary()
Options = options()
Data = binary()
DataString = byte_string()

Decodes a base64 string encoded using the alphabet indicated by the mode option to plain ASCII.

mime_decode/2 and mime_decode_to_string/2 strip away illegal characters, while decode/2 and decode_to_string/2 only strip away whitespace characters.

The mode option can be one of the following:


Default. Decode the given string using the standard base64 alphabet according to RFC 4648 Section 4, that is "+" and "/" are representing bytes 62 and 63 respectively, while "-" and "_" are illegal characters.


Decode the given string using the alternative "URL and Filename safe" base64 alphabet according to RFC 4648 Section 5, that is "-" and "_" are representing bytes 62 and 63 respectively, while "+" and "/" are illegal characters.

The padding option can be one of the following:


Default. Checks the correct number of = padding characters at the end of the encoded string.


Accepts an encoded string with missing = padding characters at the end.

encode(Data) -> Base64
encode_to_string(Data) -> Base64String

Data = byte_string() | binary()
Base64 = base64_binary()
Base64String = base64_string()

Encodes a plain ASCII string into base64 using the standard alphabet according to RFC 4648 Section 4. The result is 33% larger than the data.

Always appends correct number of = padding characters to the encoded string.

encode(Data, Options) -> Base64
encode_to_string(Data, Options) -> Base64String

Data = byte_string() | binary()
Options = options()
Base64 = base64_binary()
Base64String = base64_string()

Encodes a plain ASCII string into base64 using the alphabet indicated by the mode option. The result is 33% larger than the data.

The mode option can be one of the following:


Default. Encode the given string using the standard base64 alphabet according to RFC 4648 Section 4.


Encode the given string using the alternative "URL and Filename safe" base64 alphabet according to RFC 4648 Section 5.

The padding option can be one of the following:


Default. Appends correct number of = padding characters to the encoded string.


Skips appending = padding characters to the encoded string.


stdlib Ericsson AB Erlang Module Definition