XML.3coin3 - Man Page
XML related functions and objects
typedef struct cc_xml_doc cc_xml_doc
opaque container object type for XML documents
cc_xml_doc * cc_xml_doc_new (void)
void cc_xml_doc_delete_x (cc_xml_doc *doc)
void cc_xml_doc_set_filter_cb_x (cc_xml_doc *doc, cc_xml_filter_cb *cb, void *userdata)
void cc_xml_doc_get_filter_cb (const cc_xml_doc *doc, cc_xml_filter_cb *&cb, void *&userdata)
Detailed Description
Coin now has its own XML parser that also canb be used from client code.
Typedef Documentation
typedef struct cc_xml_doc cc_xml_doc
opaque container object type for XML documents This type is an opaque container object type for an XML document structure, and also the interface for configuring the parsing and writing code.
Function Documentation
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Coin from the source code.
Version 3.1.3 Coin