SoTextureImageElement.3coin3 - Man Page
The SoTextureImageElement class is yet to be documented.
#include <Inventor/elements/SoTextureImageElement.h>
Inherits SoReplacedElement.
Inherited by SoGLTextureImageElement.
Public Types
enum Model { BLEND = 0x0be2, MODULATE = 0x2100, DECAL = 0x2101, REPLACE = 0x1E01 }
enum Wrap { CLAMP = 0x2900, REPEAT = 0x2901, CLAMP_TO_BORDER = 0x812D }
Public Member Functions
virtual void init (SoState *state)
FIXME: write doc.
Public Member Functions inherited from SoReplacedElement
virtual SbBool matches (const SoElement *element) const
virtual SoElement * copyMatchInfo () const
uint32_t getNodeId () const
virtual void print (FILE *file) const
Public Member Functions inherited from SoElement
const SoType getTypeId (void) const
int getStackIndex (void) const
virtual void push (SoState *state)
virtual void pop (SoState *state, const SoElement *prevTopElement)
void setDepth (const int depth)
int getDepth (void) const
virtual ~SoElement ()
Static Public Member Functions
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static int getClassStackIndex (void)
static void * createInstance (void)
static void initClass (void)
static void setDefault (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node)
static void set (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbVec2s &size, const int numComponents, const unsigned char *bytes, const int wrapS, const int wrapT, const int model, const SbColor &blendColor)
static void set (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbVec3s &size, const int numComponents, const unsigned char *bytes, const int wrapS, const int wrapT, const int wrapR, const int model, const SbColor &blendColor)
static void set (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbVec2s &size, const int numComponents, const unsigned char *bytes, const Wrap wrapS, const Wrap wrapT, const Model model, const SbColor &blendColor)
static void set (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbVec3s &size, const int numComponents, const unsigned char *bytes, const Wrap wrapS, const Wrap wrapT, const Wrap wrapR, const Model model, const SbColor &blendColor)
static const unsigned char * get (SoState *const state, SbVec2s &size, int &numComponents, Wrap &wrapS, Wrap &wrapT, Model &model, SbColor &blendColor)
FIXME: write doc.
static const unsigned char * get (SoState *const state, SbVec3s &size, int &numComponents, Wrap &wrapS, Wrap &wrapT, Wrap &wrapR, Model &model, SbColor &blendColor)
static const unsigned char * get (SoState *const state, SbVec2s &size, int &numComponents, int &wrapS, int &wrapT, int &model, SbColor &blendColor)
static const unsigned char * get (SoState *const state, SbVec3s &size, int &numComponents, int &wrapS, int &wrapT, int &wrapR, int &model, SbColor &blendColor)
static const SbColor & getBlendColor (SoState *const state)
static const unsigned char * getImage (SoState *const state, SbVec2s &size, int &numComponents)
static const unsigned char * getImage (SoState *const state, SbVec3s &size, int &numComponents)
static Model getModel (SoState *const state)
static Wrap getWrapS (SoState *const state)
static Wrap getWrapT (SoState *const state)
static Wrap getWrapR (SoState *const state)
static SbBool containsTransparency (SoState *const state)
FIXME: write doc.
static const unsigned char * getDefault (SbVec2s &size, int &numComponents)
FIXME: write doc.
static const unsigned char * getDefault (SbVec3s &size, int &numComponents)
Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoReplacedElement
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static int getClassStackIndex (void)
static void initClass (void)
Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoElement
static void initClass (void)
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static int getClassStackIndex (void)
static void initElements (void)
static int getNumStackIndices (void)
static SoType getIdFromStackIndex (const int stackIndex)
Protected Member Functions
virtual ~SoTextureImageElement ()
virtual void setElt (const SbVec2s &size, const int numComponents, const unsigned char *bytes, const Wrap wrapS, const Wrap wrapT, const Model model, const SbColor &blendColor)
FIXME: write doc.
virtual void setElt (const SbVec3s &size, const int numComponents, const unsigned char *bytes, const Wrap wrapS, const Wrap wrapT, const Wrap wrapR, const Model model, const SbColor &blendColor)
virtual SbBool hasTransparency (void) const
Protected Member Functions inherited from SoReplacedElement
virtual ~SoReplacedElement ()
Protected Member Functions inherited from SoElement
SoElement (void)
void capture (SoState *const state) const
virtual void captureThis (SoState *state) const
void setTypeId (const SoType typeId)
void setStackIndex (const int index)
SoElement * getNextInStack (void) const
SoElement * getNextFree (void) const
Protected Attributes
SbVec3s size
int numComponents
const unsigned char * bytes
Wrap wrapS
Wrap wrapT
Wrap wrapR
Model model
SbColor blendColor
Protected Attributes inherited from SoReplacedElement
uint32_t nodeId
Protected Attributes inherited from SoElement
SoType typeId
int stackIndex
int depth
Additional Inherited Members
Static Protected Member Functions inherited from SoReplacedElement
static SoElement * getElement (SoState *const state, const int stackIndex, SoNode *const node)
Static Protected Member Functions inherited from SoElement
static SoElement * getElement (SoState *const state, const int stackIndex)
static const SoElement * getConstElement (SoState *const state, const int stackIndex)
static int createStackIndex (const SoType id)
Static Protected Attributes inherited from SoElement
static int classStackIndex
static SoTypeList * stackToType
Detailed Description
The SoTextureImageElement class is yet to be documented.
FIXME: write doc.
Member Enumeration Documentation
enum SoTextureImageElement::Model
FIXME: write doc.
enum SoTextureImageElement::Wrap
FIXME: write doc.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
SoTextureImageElement::~SoTextureImageElement () [protected], [virtual]
The destructor.
Member Function Documentation
void * SoTextureImageElement::createInstance (void ) [static]
This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.
void SoTextureImageElement::initClass (void ) [static]
This static method initializes static data for the SoTextureImageElement class.
void SoTextureImageElement::init (SoState * state) [virtual]
FIXME: write doc.
Reimplemented from SoReplacedElement.
Reimplemented in SoGLTextureImageElement.
void SoTextureImageElement::setDefault (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node) [static]
Resets this element to its original values.
void SoTextureImageElement::set (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbVec2s & size, const int numComponents, const unsigned char * bytes, const int wrapS, const int wrapT, const int model, const SbColor & blendColor) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoTextureImageElement::set (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbVec3s & size, const int numComponents, const unsigned char * bytes, const int wrapS, const int wrapT, const int wrapR, const int model, const SbColor & blendColor) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
- Since
Coin 2.0
const unsigned char * SoTextureImageElement::get (SoState *const state, SbVec3s & size, int & numComponents, Wrap & wrapS, Wrap & wrapT, Wrap & wrapR, Model & model, SbColor & blendColor) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
- Since
Coin 2.0
const unsigned char * SoTextureImageElement::get (SoState *const state, SbVec2s & size, int & numComponents, int & wrapS, int & wrapT, int & model, SbColor & blendColor) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
const unsigned char * SoTextureImageElement::get (SoState *const state, SbVec3s & size, int & numComponents, int & wrapS, int & wrapT, int & wrapR, int & model, SbColor & blendColor) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
- Since
Coin 2.0
const unsigned char * SoTextureImageElement::getImage (SoState *const state, SbVec3s & size, int & numComponents) [static]
This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
- Since
Coin 2.0
SoTextureImageElement::Wrap SoTextureImageElement::getWrapR (SoState *const state) [static]
This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
- Since
Coin 2.0
const unsigned char * SoTextureImageElement::getDefault (SbVec3s & size, int & numComponents) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
- Since
Coin 2.0
void SoTextureImageElement::setElt (const SbVec3s & sizearg, const int numComponentsarg, const unsigned char * bytesarg, const Wrap wrapSarg, const Wrap wrapTarg, const Wrap wrapRarg, const Model modelarg, const SbColor & blendColorarg) [protected], [virtual]
FIXME: write doc.
This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
- Since
Coin 2.0
SbBool SoTextureImageElement::hasTransparency (void ) const [protected], [virtual]
Called by containsTransparency(). Returns TRUE if image data has transparency. Default method does a very poor job of detecting this, since it returns TRUE when the number of components are 2 or
- 4.
Override whenever it is important to know this (SoGLTextureImageElement overrides it to avoid transparency handling where possible).
Reimplemented in SoGLTextureImageElement.
Member Data Documentation
SbVec3s SoTextureImageElement::size [protected]
FIXME: write doc.
int SoTextureImageElement::numComponents [protected]
FIXME: write doc.
const unsigned char* SoTextureImageElement::bytes [protected]
FIXME: write doc.
Wrap SoTextureImageElement::wrapS [protected]
FIXME: write doc.
Wrap SoTextureImageElement::wrapT [protected]
FIXME: write doc.
Wrap SoTextureImageElement::wrapR [protected]
FIXME: write doc.
This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
- Since
Coin 2.0
Model SoTextureImageElement::model [protected]
FIXME: write doc.
SbColor SoTextureImageElement::blendColor [protected]
FIXME: write doc.
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