SoSceneManager.3coin4 - Man Page

The SoSceneManager class provides the main interface between the scene graph and the GUI toolkit.


#include <Inventor/SoSceneManager.h>

Public Member Functions

SoSceneManager (void)
virtual ~SoSceneManager ()
virtual void render (const SbBool clearwindow=TRUE, const SbBool clearzbuffer=TRUE)
virtual void render (SoGLRenderAction *action, const SbBool initmatrices=TRUE, const SbBool clearwindow=TRUE, const SbBool clearzbuffer=TRUE)
void setCamera (SoCamera *camera)
SoCamera * getCamera (void) const
virtual SbBool processEvent (const SoEvent *const event)
void reinitialize (void)
void scheduleRedraw (void)
virtual void setSceneGraph (SoNode *const sceneroot)
virtual SoNode * getSceneGraph (void) const
void setWindowSize (const SbVec2s &newsize)
const SbVec2s & getWindowSize (void) const
void setSize (const SbVec2s &newsize)
const SbVec2s & getSize (void) const
void setOrigin (const SbVec2s &newOrigin)
const SbVec2s & getOrigin (void) const
void setViewportRegion (const SbViewportRegion &newRegion)
const SbViewportRegion & getViewportRegion (void) const
void setBackgroundColor (const SbColor &color)
const SbColor & getBackgroundColor (void) const
void setBackgroundIndex (const int index)
int getBackgroundIndex (void) const
void setRGBMode (const SbBool onOrOff)
SbBool isRGBMode (void) const
virtual void activate (void)
virtual void deactivate (void)
void setRenderCallback (SoSceneManagerRenderCB *f, void *const userData=NULL)
SbBool isAutoRedraw (void) const
void setRedrawPriority (const uint32_t priority)
uint32_t getRedrawPriority (void) const
void setAntialiasing (const SbBool smoothing, const int numPasses)
void getAntialiasing (SbBool &smoothing, int &numPasses) const
void setGLRenderAction (SoGLRenderAction *const action)
SoGLRenderAction * getGLRenderAction (void) const
void setAudioRenderAction (SoAudioRenderAction *const action)
SoAudioRenderAction * getAudioRenderAction (void) const
void setHandleEventAction (SoHandleEventAction *hea)
SoHandleEventAction * getHandleEventAction (void) const

Static Public Member Functions

static uint32_t getDefaultRedrawPriority (void)
static void enableRealTimeUpdate (const SbBool flag)
static SbBool isRealTimeUpdateEnabled (void)

Protected Member Functions

int isActive (void) const
void redraw (void)

Detailed Description

The SoSceneManager class provides the main interface between the scene graph and the GUI toolkit.

The render area class from the GUI toolkit you are using uses this class as the interface against the scene graph. Event handling and providing 'hooks' to do rendering are the main functions of the class.

A Coin library instance within an application will typically contain a single SoSceneManager object. The pointer for this object is stored in the GUI render area class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoSceneManager::SoSceneManager (void )

Constructor. Sets up default SoGLRenderAction and SoHandleEventAction instances.

SoSceneManager::~SoSceneManager () [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

void SoSceneManager::render (const SbBool clearwindow = TRUE, const SbBool clearzbuffer = TRUE) [virtual]

Render the scene graph.

If clearwindow is TRUE, clear the rendering buffer before drawing. If clearzbuffer is TRUE, clear the depth buffer values before rendering. Both of these arguments should normally be TRUE, but they can be set to FALSE to optimize for special cases (e.g. when doing wireframe rendering one doesn't need a depth buffer).

void SoSceneManager::render (SoGLRenderAction * action, const SbBool initmatrices = TRUE, const SbBool clearwindow = TRUE, const SbBool clearzbuffer = TRUE) [virtual]

Render method used for thread safe rendering.

Since only one thread can use an SoGLRenderAction, this method enables you to supply your own thread-specific SoGLRenderAction to be used for rendering the scene.

If initmatrices is TRUE, the OpenGL model and projection matrices will be initialized to identity matrices before applying the action.

If clearwindow is TRUE, clear the rendering buffer before drawing. If clearzbuffer is TRUE, clear the depth buffer values before rendering.

This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.


Coin 2.0

void SoSceneManager::setCamera (SoCamera * camera)

Sets the camera to be used.

SoCamera * SoSceneManager::getCamera (void ) const

Returns the current camera.

SbBool SoSceneManager::processEvent (const SoEvent *const event) [virtual]

Process the given event by applying an SoHandleEventAction on the scene graph.

void SoSceneManager::reinitialize (void )

Reinitialize after parameters affecting the OpenGL context have changed.

void SoSceneManager::scheduleRedraw (void )

Redraw at first opportunity as system becomes idle.

Multiple calls to this method before an actual redraw has taken place will only result in a single redraw of the scene.

void SoSceneManager::setSceneGraph (SoNode *const sceneroot) [virtual]

Set the node which is top of the scene graph we're managing. The sceneroot node reference count will be increased by 1, and any previously set scene graph top node will have its reference count decreased by 1.

See also


SoNode * SoSceneManager::getSceneGraph (void ) const [virtual]

Returns pointer to root of scene graph.

void SoSceneManager::setWindowSize (const SbVec2s & newsize)

Update window size of our SoGLRenderAction's viewport settings.

Note that this will only change the information about window dimensions, the actual viewport size and origin (i.e. the rectangle which redraws are confined to) will stay the same.

See also


const SbVec2s & SoSceneManager::getWindowSize (void ) const

Returns the current render action window size.

See also


void SoSceneManager::setSize (const SbVec2s & newsize)

Set size of rendering area for the viewport within the current window.

const SbVec2s & SoSceneManager::getSize (void ) const

Returns size of render area.

void SoSceneManager::setOrigin (const SbVec2s & newOrigin)

Set only the origin of the viewport region within the rendering window.

See also

setViewportRegion(), setWindowSize()

const SbVec2s & SoSceneManager::getOrigin (void ) const

Returns origin of rendering area viewport.

See also


void SoSceneManager::setViewportRegion (const SbViewportRegion & newregion)

Update our SoGLRenderAction's viewport settings.

This will change both the information about window dimensions and the actual viewport size and origin.

See also


const SbViewportRegion & SoSceneManager::getViewportRegion (void ) const

Returns current viewport region used by the render action and the event handling.

See also


void SoSceneManager::setBackgroundColor (const SbColor & color)

Sets color of rendering canvas.

const SbColor & SoSceneManager::getBackgroundColor (void ) const

Returns color used for clearing the rendering area before rendering the scene.

void SoSceneManager::setBackgroundIndex (const int index)

Set index of background color in the color lookup table if rendering in color index mode.

Note: color index mode is not supported yet in Coin.

int SoSceneManager::getBackgroundIndex (void ) const

Returns index of colormap for background filling.

See also


void SoSceneManager::setRGBMode (const SbBool yes)

Turn RGB truecolor mode on or off. If you turn truecolor mode off, colorindex mode will be used instead.

SbBool SoSceneManager::isRGBMode (void ) const

Returns the 'truecolor or colorindex' mode flag.

void SoSceneManager::activate (void ) [virtual]

Activate rendering and event handling. Default is off.

void SoSceneManager::deactivate (void ) [virtual]

Deactivate rendering and event handling.

void SoSceneManager::setRenderCallback (SoSceneManagerRenderCB * f, void *const userdata = NULL)

Set the callback function f to invoke when rendering the scene. userdata will be passed as the first argument of the function.

SbBool SoSceneManager::isAutoRedraw (void ) const

Returns TRUE if the SoSceneManager automatically redraws the scene upon detecting changes in the scene graph.

The automatic redraw is turned on and off by setting either a valid callback function with setRenderCallback(), or by passing NULL.

void SoSceneManager::setRedrawPriority (const uint32_t priority)

Set up the redraw priority for the SoOneShotSensor used to trigger redraws. By setting this lower than for your own sensors, you can make sure some code is always run before redraw happens.

See also


uint32_t SoSceneManager::getRedrawPriority (void ) const

Returns value of priority on the redraw sensor.

void SoSceneManager::setAntialiasing (const SbBool smoothing, const int numpasses)

Turn antialiased rendering on or off.

See documentation for SoGLRenderAction::setSmoothing() and SoGLRenderAction::setNumPasses().

void SoSceneManager::getAntialiasing (SbBool & smoothing, int & numpasses) const

Returns rendering pass information.

See also


void SoSceneManager::setGLRenderAction (SoGLRenderAction *const action)

Set the action to use for rendering. Overrides the default action made in the constructor.

SoGLRenderAction * SoSceneManager::getGLRenderAction (void ) const

Returns pointer to render action.

void SoSceneManager::setAudioRenderAction (SoAudioRenderAction *const action)

Set the action to use for rendering audio. Overrides the default action made in the constructor.

SoAudioRenderAction * SoSceneManager::getAudioRenderAction (void ) const

Returns pointer to audio render action.

void SoSceneManager::setHandleEventAction (SoHandleEventAction * hea)

Set the action to use for event handling. Overrides the default action made in the constructor.

SoHandleEventAction * SoSceneManager::getHandleEventAction (void ) const

Returns pointer to event handler action.

uint32_t SoSceneManager::getDefaultRedrawPriority (void ) [static]

Returns the default priority of the redraw sensor.

See also

SoDelayQueueSensor, setRedrawPriority()

void SoSceneManager::enableRealTimeUpdate (const SbBool flag) [static]

Set whether or not for SoSceneManager instances to 'touch' the global realTime field after a redraw. If this is not done, redrawing when animating the scene will only happen as fast as the realTime interval goes (which defaults to 12 times a second).

See also


SbBool SoSceneManager::isRealTimeUpdateEnabled (void ) [static]

Returns whether or not we automatically notifies everything connected to the realTime field after a redraw.

int SoSceneManager::isActive (void ) const [protected]

Returns the active flag.

void SoSceneManager::redraw (void ) [protected]

Do an immediate redraw by calling the redraw callback function.


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Thu Sep 5 2024 00:00:00 Version 4.0.3 Coin