SoScXMLStateMachine.3coin3 - Man Page

Integration level for using Coin events with SCXML-based state machines.


#include <Inventor/scxml/SoScXMLStateMachine.h>

Inherits ScXMLStateMachine.

Public Member Functions

virtual SoType getTypeId (void) const
virtual void setSceneGraphRoot (SoNode *root)
virtual SoNode * getSceneGraphRoot (void) const
virtual void setActiveCamera (SoCamera *camera)
virtual SoCamera * getActiveCamera (void) const
virtual void setViewportRegion (const SbViewportRegion &vp)
virtual const SbViewportRegion & getViewportRegion (void) const
virtual void preGLRender (void)
virtual void postGLRender (void)
virtual SbBool processSoEvent (const SoEvent *event)

Public Member Functions inherited from ScXMLStateMachine
virtual void setName (const SbName &name)
const SbName & getName (void) const
virtual void setDescription (ScXMLDocument *document)
const ScXMLDocument * getDescription (void) const
virtual void initialize (void)
virtual void queueEvent (const ScXMLEvent *event, SbBool dealloc=FALSE)
virtual void queueEvent (const SbName &eventid)
virtual SbBool processEventQueue (void)
virtual SbBool isActive (void) const
virtual SbBool isFinished (void) const
virtual const ScXMLEvent * getCurrentEvent (void) const
virtual int getNumActiveStates (void) const
virtual const ScXMLObject * getActiveState (int idx) const
virtual const ScXMLObject * getState (const char *identifier) const
virtual void addDeleteCallback (ScXMLStateMachineDeleteCB *callback, void *userdata)
virtual void removeDeleteCallback (ScXMLStateMachineDeleteCB *callback, void *userdata)
virtual void addStateChangeCallback (ScXMLStateChangeCB *callback, void *userdata)
virtual void removeStateChangeCallback (ScXMLStateChangeCB *callback, void *userdata)

Public Member Functions inherited from ScXMLObject
SbBool isOfType (SoType type) const
void setXMLAttribute (const char *attribute, const char *value)
const char * getXMLAttribute (const char *attribute) const
virtual SbBool handleXMLAttributes (void)
virtual void setContainer (ScXMLObject *container)
ScXMLObject * getContainer (void) const
SbBool isContainedIn (const ScXMLObject *object) const

Static Public Member Functions

static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static void * createInstance (void)
static void initClass (void)

Static Public Member Functions inherited from ScXMLStateMachine
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static void * createInstance (void)
static void initClass (void)

Static Public Member Functions inherited from ScXMLObject
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static void initClass (void)

Additional Inherited Members

Protected Member Functions inherited from ScXMLStateMachine

virtual SbBool processOneEvent (const ScXMLEvent *event)
virtual void setCurrentEvent (const ScXMLEvent *event)

Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ScXMLObject
static void registerClassType (const char *xmlns, const char *classname, SoType type)
static void registerInvokeClassType (const char *xmlns, const char *targettype, const char *source, SoType type)

Detailed Description

Integration level for using Coin events with SCXML-based state machines.

This class is part of integrating the Coin types with the SCXML subsystem. SoScXMLStateMachines adds convenience for using SCXML state machines together with Coin events.


Coin 3.0

Member Function Documentation

SoType SoScXMLStateMachine::getTypeId (void ) const [virtual]

Reimplemented from ScXMLStateMachine.

SbBool SoScXMLStateMachine::processSoEvent (const SoEvent * event) [virtual]

This function makes the state machine process an SoEvent.


Generated automatically by Doxygen for Coin from the source code.


Version 3.1.3 Coin