SoEvent.3coin3 - Man Page
The SoEvent class is the base class for all Coin events.
#include <Inventor/events/SoEvent.h>
Inherited by SoButtonEvent, SoLocation2Event, and SoMotion3Event.
Public Member Functions
SoEvent (void)
virtual ~SoEvent ()
SbBool isOfType (SoType type) const
virtual SoType getTypeId (void) const
void setTime (const SbTime t)
SbTime getTime (void) const
void setPosition (const SbVec2s &p)
const SbVec2s & getPosition (void) const
const SbVec2s getPosition (const SbViewportRegion &vpRgn) const
const SbVec2f getNormalizedPosition (const SbViewportRegion &vpRgn) const
void setShiftDown (SbBool isDown)
SbBool wasShiftDown (void) const
void setCtrlDown (SbBool isDown)
SbBool wasCtrlDown (void) const
void setAltDown (SbBool isDown)
SbBool wasAltDown (void) const
Static Public Member Functions
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static void initClass (void)
Detailed Description
The SoEvent class is the base class for all Coin events.
Coin contains its own set of event classes, independent of the underlying window system.
Upon system specific events, a translation is done by the window specific device classes into one of the Coin event object classes listed below. The event is then typically sent by the render area to an SoSceneManager which will apply it to the scenegraph through an SoHandleEventAction.
Events may be caught by the user by attaching an SoEventCallback node to the scenegraph, or it can automatically be handled by a dragger or manipulator in the graph.
- See also
SoButtonEvent, SoKeyboardEvent, SoLocation2Event, SoMotion3Event
SoMouseButtonEvent, SoSpaceballButtonEvent
SoEventCallback, SoHandleEventAction
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
SoEvent::SoEvent (void )
Constructor, will set all modifiers to 'off' state.
SoEvent::~SoEvent () [virtual]
Member Function Documentation
SbBool SoEvent::isOfType (SoType type) const
Returns TRUE if this object either has the same type as the given type parameter, or if type belongs to a superclass of ourselves.
SoType SoEvent::getClassTypeId (void ) [static]
This static method returns the SoType object associated with objects of this class.
SoType SoEvent::getTypeId (void ) const [virtual]
Returns the actual type id of an instantiated object.
Reimplemented in SoButtonEvent, SoKeyboardEvent, SoLocation2Event, SoMotion3Event, SoMouseButtonEvent, and SoSpaceballButtonEvent.
void SoEvent::setTime (const SbTime t)
From a system specific device object, set the time the event occurred.
- See also
SbTime SoEvent::getTime (void ) const
Returns the time the event occurred.
- See also
getPosition(), wasShiftDown(), wasCtrlDown(), wasAltDown()
void SoEvent::setPosition (const SbVec2s & p)
From a system specific device object, set the mouse pointer position when the event occurred.
- See also
getPosition(), getNormalizedPosition()
const SbVec2s & SoEvent::getPosition (void ) const
Returns the mouse pointer position when the event occurred. The coordinates are given relative to the window coordinates.
- See also
getNormalizedPosition(), getTime(), wasShiftDown(), wasCtrlDown(),
const SbVec2s SoEvent::getPosition (const SbViewportRegion & vpRgn) const
Returns the mouse pointer position when the event occurred. The coordinates are given relative to the viewport coordinates.
- See also
getNormalizedPosition(), getTime(), wasShiftDown(), wasCtrlDown(),
const SbVec2f SoEvent::getNormalizedPosition (const SbViewportRegion & vpRgn) const
Returns the mouse pointer position when the event occurred. The coordinates are given relative to the viewport coordinates, normalized according to the size of the viewport.
- See also
getPosition(), getTime(), wasShiftDown(), wasCtrlDown(), wasAltDown()
void SoEvent::setShiftDown (SbBool isDown)
From a system specific device object, set the state of the Shift key(s) when the event occurred.
- See also
wasShiftDown(), setCtrlDown(), setAltDown()
SbBool SoEvent::wasShiftDown (void ) const
Returns state of Shift key(s) when the event occurred.
- See also
wasCtrlDown(), wasAltDown(), getPosition(), getTime()
void SoEvent::setCtrlDown (SbBool isDown)
From a system specific device object, set the state of the Ctrl key(s) when the event occurred.
- See also
wasCtrlDown(), setShiftDown(), setAltDown()
SbBool SoEvent::wasCtrlDown (void ) const
Returns state of Ctrl key(s) when the event occurred.
- See also
wasShiftDown(), wasAltDown(), getPosition(), getTime()
void SoEvent::setAltDown (SbBool isDown)
From a system specific device object, set the state of the Alt key(s) when the event occurred.
- See also
wasAltDown(), setCtrlDown(), setShiftDown()
SbBool SoEvent::wasAltDown (void ) const
Returns state of Alt key(s) when the event occurred.
- See also
wasShiftDown(), wasCtrlDown(), getPosition(), getTime()
void SoEvent::initClass (void ) [static]
Initialize SoEvent and all it's known subclasses (i.e. all subclasses which are part of the standard classes in the Coin library).
This method is called from SoDB::init(), so it's very unlikely that you will have to call it explicitly.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Coin from the source code.
Referenced By
The man page SoEvent.3coin2(3) is an alias of SoEvent.3coin3(3).