SbColor4f.3coin4 - Man Page

The SbColor4f class contains the red, green, blue and alpha components which make up a color value.


#include <Inventor/SbColor4f.h>

Inherits SbVec4f.

Public Member Functions

SbColor4f (void)
SbColor4f (const SbColor &rgb, const float alpha=1.0f)
SbColor4f (const SbVec4f &v)
SbColor4f (const float *const rgba)
SbColor4f (const float r, const float g, const float b, const float a=1.0f)
void setValue (const float r, const float g, const float b, const float a=1.0f)
void setValue (const float col[4])
const float * getValue () const
void getValue (float &r, float &g, float &b, float &a)
SbColor4f & setRGB (const SbColor &col)
void getRGB (SbColor &color)
SbColor4f & setHSVValue (float h, float s, float v, float a=1.0f)
SbColor4f & setHSVValue (const float hsv[3], float alpha=1.0f)
void getHSVValue (float &h, float &s, float &v) const
void getHSVValue (float hsv[3]) const
SbColor4f & setPackedValue (const uint32_t rgba)
uint32_t getPackedValue () const
float operator[] (const int idx) const
float & operator[] (const int idx)
SbColor4f & operator*= (const float d)
SbColor4f & operator/= (const float d)
SbColor4f & operator+= (const SbColor4f &c)
SbColor4f & operator-= (const SbColor4f &c)

Public Member Functions inherited from SbVec4f
SbVec4f (void)
SbVec4f (const float v[4])
SbVec4f (float x, float y, float z, float w)
SbVec4f (const SbVec4d &v)
SbVec4f (const SbVec4b &v)
SbVec4f (const SbVec4s &v)
SbVec4f (const SbVec4i32 &v)
SbVec4f & setValue (const float v[4])
SbVec4f & setValue (float x, float y, float z, float w)
SbVec4f & setValue (const SbVec4d &v)
SbVec4f & setValue (const SbVec4b &v)
SbVec4f & setValue (const SbVec4s &v)
SbVec4f & setValue (const SbVec4i32 &v)
const float * getValue (void) const
void getValue (float &x, float &y, float &z, float &w) const
float & operator[] (int i)
const float & operator[] (int i) const
SbBool equals (const SbVec4f &v, float tolerance) const
float dot (const SbVec4f &v) const
void getReal (SbVec3f &v) const
float length (void) const
float sqrLength (void) const
void negate (void)
float normalize (void)
SbVec4f & operator*= (float d)
SbVec4f & operator/= (float d)
SbVec4f & operator+= (const SbVec4f &v)
SbVec4f & operator-= (const SbVec4f &v)
SbVec4f operator- (void) const
void print (FILE *fp) const

Additional Inherited Members

Protected Attributes inherited from SbVec4f

float vec [4]

Related Symbols inherited from SbVec4f
SbVec4f operator* (const SbVec4f &v, float d)
SbVec4f operator* (float d, const SbVec4f &v)
SbVec4f operator/ (const SbVec4f &v, float d)
SbVec4f operator+ (const SbVec4f &v1, const SbVec4f &v2)
SbVec4f operator- (const SbVec4f &v1, const SbVec4f &v2)
int operator== (const SbVec4f &v1, const SbVec4f &v2)
int operator!= (const SbVec4f &v1, const SbVec4f &v2)

Detailed Description

The SbColor4f class contains the red, green, blue and alpha components which make up a color value.

This class is used internally within other classes in Coin. It contains a 4 component vector as a position in the RGB cube with an additional transparency value.

The red, green and blue values should be between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 is interpreted as minimum intensity, and 1.0 is maximum intensity. The transparency value is also between 0.0 and 1.0.

SbColor4f contains methods for convenient handling of setting and getting color values as 32 bit packed values or as HSV values.

Note: this class is not part of Open Inventor, but is an extension to the API. Don't use it if you want your code to be compatible with Open Inventor.

See also


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SbColor4f::SbColor4f (void )

Default constructor. The color value will be uninitialized until explicitly set.

SbColor4f::SbColor4f (const SbColor & rgb, const float alpha = 1.0f)

Construct and initialize an SbColor4f with the red, green and blue components from the SbColor rgb, and the alpha value from the supplied alpha argument.

SbColor4f::SbColor4f (const SbVec4f & v)

Construct and initialize an SbColor4f with the red, green, blue and alpha values given by the v vector.

SbColor4f::SbColor4f (const float *const rgba)

Construct and initialize an SbColor4f with the red, green, blue and alpha taken from given rgba array

SbColor4f::SbColor4f (const float r, const float g, const float b, const float a = 1.0f)

Construct and initialize an SbColor4f with the given red, green, blue and alpha values.

Member Function Documentation

void SbColor4f::setValue (const float r, const float g, const float b, const float a = 1.0f)

Set a new color.

void SbColor4f::setValue (const float col[4])

Set a new color. The elements of the array will be read in turned as red, green, blue and transparency.

const float * SbColor4f::getValue (void ) const

Return pointer to array of 4 float values representing the red, green, blue and transparency values of the color.

void SbColor4f::getValue (float & r, float & g, float & b, float & a)

Return components of the stored color.

SbColor4f & SbColor4f::setRGB (const SbColor & col)

Sets the RGB components of the color. The alpha component is left unchanged.

void SbColor4f::getRGB (SbColor & color)

Returns the RGB components of this color.

SbColor4f & SbColor4f::setHSVValue (float hue, float saturation, float value, float alpha = 1.0f)

Set the color as a hue, saturation, value triplet. The hue component should be normalized to within [0, 1] before you call this method, where a value of 0 corresponds to 0 degrees and a value of 1 corresponds to 360 degrees.

See also


SbColor4f & SbColor4f::setHSVValue (const float hsv[3], float a = 1.0f)

Set the color as a hue, saturation, value triplet. The hue component should be normalized to within [0, 1] before you call this method, where a value of 0 corresponds to 0 degrees and a value of 1 corresponds to 360 degrees.

See also


void SbColor4f::getHSVValue (float & h, float & s, float & v) const

Return the color as a hue, saturation, value triplet. Alpha component is ignored.

See also


void SbColor4f::getHSVValue (float hsv[3]) const

Return the color as a hue, saturation, value triplet. Alpha component is ignored.

See also


SbColor4f & SbColor4f::setPackedValue (const uint32_t rgba)

Set the color value as a 32 bit combined red/green/blue/alpha value. Each component is 8 bit wide (i.e. from 0x00 to 0xff), and the red value should be stored leftmost, like this: 0xRRGGBBAA.

See also


uint32_t SbColor4f::getPackedValue () const

Return color as a 32 bit packed integer in the form 0xRRGGBBAA.

See also


float SbColor4f::operator[] (const int idx) const

Returns the color component represented by the given index idx. 0 is red, 1 is green, 2 is blue and 3 is the transparency value.

float & SbColor4f::operator[] (const int idx)

Returns the color component represented by the given index idx. 0 is red, 1 is green, 2 is blue and 3 is the transparency value.

SbColor4f & SbColor4f::operator*= (const float d)

Multiplies the RGB components by d. The alpha component is left unchanged.

SbColor4f & SbColor4f::operator/= (const float d)

Divides the RGB components by d. The alpha component is left unchanged.

SbColor4f & SbColor4f::operator+= (const SbColor4f & c)

Adds the RGB components. Alpha is ignored.

SbColor4f & SbColor4f::operator-= (const SbColor4f & c)

Subtracts the RGB components. Alpha is ignored.


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Thu Sep 5 2024 00:00:00 Version 4.0.3 Coin