EVP_sm4_cbc.3ossl - Man Page

EVP SM4 cipher


 #include <openssl/evp.h>

 const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_sm4_cbc(void);
 const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_sm4_ecb(void);
 const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_sm4_cfb(void);
 const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_sm4_cfb128(void);
 const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_sm4_ofb(void);
 const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_sm4_ctr(void);


The SM4 blockcipher (GB/T 32907-2016) for EVP.

All modes below use a key length of 128 bits and acts on blocks of 128 bits.

EVP_sm4_cbc(),  EVP_sm4_ecb(),  EVP_sm4_cfb(),  EVP_sm4_cfb128(),  EVP_sm4_ofb(),  EVP_sm4_ctr()

The SM4 blockcipher with a 128-bit key in CBC, ECB, CFB, OFB and CTR modes respectively.


Developers should be aware of the negative performance implications of calling these functions multiple times and should consider using EVP_CIPHER_fetch(3) with EVP_CIPHER-SM4(7) instead. See "Performance" in crypto(7) for further information.

Return Values

These functions return a EVP_CIPHER structure that contains the implementation of the symmetric cipher. See EVP_CIPHER_meth_new(3) for details of the EVP_CIPHER structure.

See Also

evp(7), EVP_EncryptInit(3), EVP_CIPHER_meth_new(3)

Referenced By


The man pages EVP_sm4_cfb128.3ossl(3), EVP_sm4_cfb.3ossl(3), EVP_sm4_ctr.3ossl(3), EVP_sm4_ecb.3ossl(3) and EVP_sm4_ofb.3ossl(3) are aliases of EVP_sm4_cbc.3ossl(3).

2024-09-12 3.2.2 OpenSSL