municipality in the region of Southwest Finland, Finland
Pöytyä is a mostly rural municipality in the inland of Finland Proper, including also the former municipalities of Karinainen and Yläne. This article additionally covers the neighbouring municipality of Aura.
There are cultural landscapes around Aurajoki, with churches, old mills, and a restored wolf pit, valuable bogs in a few locations, lakes and small rivers. The current and former municipal centres are small towns with 1,000–3,000 inhabitants.

Pöytyä has a population of 8,000 people on 774 km². The current centre is Kyrö (pop. 2,000), former centre of Karinainen as a result of the now defunct railway station. The parish village of Karinainen is 3.5 km away. Other centres are Riihikoski (pop. 1,500) near the former parish village of Pöytyä, and Yläne (pop. 1,000), the former parish village of the namesake parish. Yläne is in the north-west, Karinainen in the south-east and the former Pöytyä in between. Aura in the south has 4,000 inhabitants, 2,700 of whom live by the former station, 5 km north of the much smaller parish village.
In the north Pöytyä borders the large lake Pyhäjärvi (not to be confused with its many namesakes), Eura and Säkylä of the region Satakunta, and Oripää; in the north-west Mynämäki (including Karjala); in the south Aura, Lieto (including Tarvasjoki) and Marttila; and in the east Loimaa (including Mellilä).
Aura in turn lies between Paattinen in the Turku countryside to the west, Pöytyä to the north and Lieto to the south, with Lieto station just across the border.
The area is mostly agricultural, especially around Aurajoki, with woods farther away and at bogs and hills not suitable for growing crops. Important wetlands include Kontolanrahka, the ones of Vaskijärvi nature reserve and some bogs of Kurjenrahka National Park.
Some industry developed early on in what now is Aura and grew quickly with the railroad. As the station settlement grew, the Prunkkala chapel of Lieto and the station settlement, part of Pöytyä, became an independent parish. In 1917 the worldly administration followed suit as the municipality Aura, named after the river and the station (which became defunct in 1999 and demolished in 2002).
In addition to the southern end of Pyhäjärvi, Pöytyä includes the lakes Elijärvi, Vaskijärvi, most of Savojärvi, and some smaller lakes. The river Aurajoki has its sources just north-east of the municipal borders and its river valley forms the central part of Aura and former Pöytyä. Yläneenjoki has a similar role in Yläne. Aura has no lakes, but a tip of it reaches Kuhankuono in Kurjenrahka.
The climate resembles that of southern Finland in general, but is somewhat more continental than on the coast, with more reliable snow cover in winter.
- Pöytyä tourist info, Yläneentie 11 b C (Riihikoski), ☏ +358 2 481-000 (municipal exchange), kunta@poytya.fi. Municipal offices: M–F 09:00–11:00. Tourist info available in the municipal offices of Kyrö and Riihikoski, in the libraries of Yläne and Kyrö, in Riihipuoti in Riihikoski, at some other businesses, and at Visit Turku in Turku (which should cover also Aura). The secretary of culture (taina.myllynen@poytya.fi, ☏ +358 50-560-7168) can tell about sights.
Get in

Highway 9 (E63; Valtatie) from Turku to Loimaa, Humppila and Tampere passes through Aura and Karinainen, leading by Kyrö. Road 41 (Kantatie) leads from Aura (the junction is known as Auranportti) via Riihikoski to Oripää, Huittinen and Tampere. The older road toward Tampere (road 222) is known as Vanha Tampereentie in Turku but changes names to Turuntie as it leads via Aura parish village to the station settlement. Turuntie in Pöytyä (road 2255) more or less connects to this road, continuing through Riihikoski to Oripää. These roads are a more scenic alternative to the highways, as they lead through the cultural landscapes by Aurajoki.
Regional road 204 (Säkyläntie, Turunväylä) leads from Lieto by the national park and Yläne to Säkylä. Regional road 210 leads from Loimaa via Oripää to Yläne and onwards to Lappi at Highway 12 from Rauma. Regional road 224 leads from Salo to Aura. Road 2020 leads from Mynämäki to Yläne. Road 2042 leads to Aura from Saksala (Rantapiha) and Tortinmäki by Kurjenrahka National Park.
The trains between Turku and Tampere, with nearly hourly services in daytime, stop in Loimaa, which may be more convenient than Turku in some situations. The stations of Kyrö, Aura and Lieto are closed.
The express coaches on roads 9, 41 and 204 stop at junctions to the centres and some other key stops. There are also regular services. See Matkahuolto.
By bike, cycleways from Turku along Vanha Tampereentie (road 222) end at Lieto station. Continuing by that road, shoulders are narrow but speeds and traffic moderate. The main roads (at least E63 and road 204) cannot be recommended for biking. There is a terrain biking route from Turku to the national park. Bikes can be taken on most coaches, except the Onnibus Mega, for a fee varying by company and distance, usually about €6.
Get around
By car
By bus
The coaches are the main public transport in the area.
By bicycle
There are few cycleways. The thoroughfares are mostly unusable (high speeds, narrow shoulders), but there are smaller roads between most places (as alternatives or the only ones; sometimes winding gravel roads, although usable with normal bikes). Traffic on smaller roads may be fast for the road, keep to the right. You should probably check that a route is viable before trying it with children.

The main attraction in the area is Kurjenrahka National Park. It is served by the Luontokapinetti in Yläne centre, Kurjenpesä in the park and Rantapiha by Savojärvi (in Nousiainen). Vaskijärvi Nature Reserve lies on the trail from Elijärvi to the park.
There is also a range of other natural and cultural sights, including rapids with old mills, churches and a restored wolf pit.
- 🌍 Aura Church, Turuntie 437 (Prunkkala/Kirkonkulma, Aura). Church from 1804.
- 🌍 Koskipirtti, Riihikoskentie 36 (Kuuskoski village, Aura), ☏ +358 40-720-9101, koskipirtti@gmail.com. Groups by agreement. Interiors and items from early 20th century in a wooden mansion from the 1860s.
- 🌍 Kurjenpesä, Koivukuja 12 (800 m by a gravel road from the Kuhankuono bus stop on Turunväylä), ☏ +358 20-639-4620, rannikko@metsa.fi. 08:00–20:00 daily; Kurkela 09:00–18:00. Unmanned visitor centre of the national park. Nice small exhibition, picnic tables, cooking shelter, dry toilet. Wheelchair accessible (assistance may be required), including the trail to Kuhankuono by the bog Kurjenrahka. A cottage, Kurkela, can be rented for daytime use, with indoor cooking facilities, electricity and hot running water. Free; Kurkela €30/4 hr, €50/day.
- 🌍 Luontokapinetti, Hovilanmäentie 2 (Yläne centre), ☏ +358 40-737-3243, +358 40-721-9689, minna.lukkala@4h.fi. Nature-related exhibitions and activities. €6/5/4.
- 🌍 Raatikainen Wolf Pit, Turuntie 1547 (at a hillside across Aurajoki from Turuntie (signage), 4 km north of the Pöytyä parish village). Jun–Aug 24 hr daily. Wolf pit from the late 19th century, restored in the 1960s. One of the sights along the cultural history trail; Free.
- 🌍 Reppuniemi open air museum (Reppuniemi ulkomueoalue), Turuntie 1047 (1 km south of Pöytyä church), ☏ +358 500-525-984. By agreement. (updated Feb 2017)
- Saint Henry's Way. A modern pilgrimage trail with medieval heritage passing through the area. St. Henry is regarded the national saint of Finland.
- Aurajoentie. Sights along Aurajoki.

- Swim by the shores of Salojärvi, Elijärvi, Pyhäjärvi or some other lake.
- 🌍 Rantapiha, Savojärventie 102 (Saksala of Nousiainen, at the western shore of Savojärvi), ☏ +358 500-935-960 (Saksalan pienviljelijäyhdistys). Sauna 11:00–20:00 during school holidays; beach 24 hr daily. Beach, sauna, barbecuing, small scale camping, kiosk. Rowing boats for hire. Sauna for rent off season. Free.
- Social dancing; Aura and Yläne have two of the most popular dance venues in all the region, with dances in winter and summer respectively.
- 🌍 Auran nuortentalo, Kirkkotie 254 (by Highway 9, at the junction towards the parish village of Aura), ☏ +358 40-514-2468, aurannuortentalo@aurannuortentalo.fi. Oct–Apr: Sa 19:00–24:00. Community centre. Dances popular among young and old alike, with many dancers coming from Turku. Café, also alcohol. €25, youth under 25 and students €15; cloakroom included. (updated Oct 2023)
- 🌍 Valasranta, Valasrannantie 363 (take Hinnerjoentie north of Yläne centre, drive 3 km to the west, then 500 north along Valasrannantie, the pavilion is to the right), ☏ +358 40-647-4187, laura.toivonen@valasranta.fi. 18 May–28 Sep: Sa 20:00–01:00, Midsummer F Sa 20:00–01:30; courses all day 19–28 Jul; ice swimming until Apr Sa 14:00–19:00. Dance pavilion by a beach of Pyhäjärvi. Social dancing in the summer since 1955, similarly with many dancers also from Turku. A week of dances and dance courses in July. Ice swimming. Caravan camping with sauna on dancing weekends. Dances €20–25? Caravan €25, caravan, sauna and 2 tickets €60. (updated Feb 2017)
- Canoeing. The rivers Aurajoki and Yläneenjoki, perhaps also Järvijoki, are suitable for canoeing.
- 🌍 Yläneenjoki. start at the Sydänmaa bridge and paddle downstream to Pyhäjärvi (20 km; the route starts southward but turns halfway), through nice landscapes. Many bridges.
- 🌍 Haukkavuori, Haukkavuorentie 43 (Riihikoski, west of road 41), ☏ +358 2 481-000 (municipal exchange), kunta@poytya.fi. Stepping stairs (132 steps); 18-basket disc golf course; 5-km illuminated jogging/skiing route (info on snow conditions), branch to the Haukkavuori trail to Kuhankuono, lean-to shelter after 1.5 km.
- 🌍 Kontolanrahka (in the north-east, on the border to Mellilä; no roads reach the bog, but Pihlavajärventie, starting at E63 3 km north-east of Kyrö main junction runs less than 1 km west of it; the forestry road starting 4.4 km from E63 and ending between Kontolanrahka and Palosuo is probably the easiest approach). An 8.5 km² raised bog, included in the mire preservation programme and Natura-2000. Nationally important good representative of the type, nearly in natural state. Important also for birdlife.
There are supermarkets at least in Aura, Kyrö, Riihikoski and Yläne, which also have a range of other kinds of shops and basic services.
- 🌍 Riihipuoti, Turuntie 596 (Riihikoski), ☏ +358 2 486-1475, info@riihipuoti.fi. M–F 09:30–17:30 Sa 09:00–15:00 Su 11:00–14:00, self-service 09:00–21:00. Organic grain products from their own mill, including liquorice. Also an odd assortment of other stuff such as tea, traditional candy, jigsaw puzzles and handicraft. Tourist info. Check how to use the self-service, if relevant.
Eat and drink
Few proper restaurants. Lunch is available in weekdays at some cafés and catering businesses. Some lodgings serve meals (you may need to book in advance). Also some fuel stations by the main roads serve proper meals.
- 🌍 ABC Aura, Valtatie 36 (Aura, near the Kantatie junction), ☏ +358 10-764-5700 (€0.0835/call+€0.121/min), abc.aura@sok.fi. Buffet 10:30–15:00, à la carte and take-away 10:00–21:00, café, groceries and car service 06:00–24:00, fuel/electricity 24 hr daily. Service station. Buffet M–F €13, Sa–Su €15, children 3–12 years €9. (updated Oct 2023)
- 🌍 Pitoriihi, Turuntie 568 (Riihikoski), ☏ +358 2 486-1818, +358 400-526-430. Lunch M–F 11:00–13:30. Lunch and catering services.
- 🌍 Torin Eväs, Kyröntie 31 (Kyrö). Lunch café.
One of the regions where variants of bed and breakfast, cottages and camping are the main options. Wild camping according to the right to access is possible.
- 🌍 Elijärven mökit, Meriläntie 24 (western end of Elijärvi), ☏ +358 2 256-8604, +358 400-534-973, mikameri@netti.fi. Cottages with lake view. Programmes can be arranged. €300–600/week, depending on season and cottage, weekend €100–200 (not in peak season).
- 🌍 Eskola's cabins (near Elijärvenkulma), ☏ +358 400-476-267, eskolaismo1@gmail.com. Cottages. Electricity for phone charging etc., wood and gas stoves, gas fridge, kerosene lamps. Well. Wood-heated sauna. (updated Feb 2017)
- 🌍 Kaidanojan Kartano, Vanhainkodintie 12 (6 km south of Yläne by Turunväylä), ☏ +358 40-124-4302, kaidanojankartano@gmail.com. Check-in: 16:00, check-out: 12:00. Hotel. Kitchen at disposal. Also apartments. Sauna bookable also for non-stayers. Single €70–90, double €100–120; breakfast +€5/10 per person, evening meal likewise; private sauna +€10/1 hr, groups or non-guests separate price.
- 🌍 Myssy-majatalo, Turuntie 1660 (Haveri, near Oripää, 5 km north from Pöytyä church), ☏ +358 40-670-9741, myssyfarmi@myssyfarmi.fi. Shop open M–Th 09:00–15:00. Former school turned into a guesthouse. Retro style. Communal kitchen. Communal toilet and shower in the basement (don't watch horror movies). Design shop by the same owners. €45–60.
- 🌍 Kurala manor, Kuralantie 11 (3 km south from Yläne along Turunväylä), ☏ +358 2 256-3203, info@kuralankartanotila.fi. €80–95. (updated Feb 2017)
There are camping areas at least at Valasranta, Rantapiha and Elijärvi. For the national park, Vaskijärvi and related trails, see Kurjenrahka National Park.
Outside protected or built-up areas, right to access applies. Note the national park, nature reserves and the military area of Raasi (north of the national park), and look for a little bigger woods, where you are unlikely to be seen by passers-by – or better yet: use the designated sites at hiking trails.
- 🌍 Auran kirjasto, Urpontie 2 (Aura centre), ☏ +358 40-127-2951, kirjasto@aura.fi. M–F. Library. Wi-Fi, scanner, printer.
- 🌍 Kyrön kirjasto, Kyröntie 16 (Kyrö centre), ☏ +358 40-672-2968, +358 40-7274-494, kyron.kirjasto@poytya.fi. M Tu Th 13–19 W F 10–16. Library. Public computers, Wi-Fi, printer.
- 🌍 Riihikosken kirjasto, Yläneentie 6 (Riihikoski centre), ☏ +358 40-672-2967, +358 40-727-5878, kirjasto@poytya.fi. M–W 13–19 Th 10–16 F 9–15. Library. Public computers, Wi-Fi, printer.
- 🌍 Yläneen kirjasto, Vainionperäntie 2a (Yläne centre), ☏ +358 40-672-2970 (also tourist information), +358 50-590-6748, ylaneenkirjasto@poytya.fi. M Tu Th 13–19 F 10–16. Library. Public computers, Wi-Fi, printer. Tourist information for Pöytyä.
Stay safe
The area is safe. Walking on roads in dusk or darkness, reflectors are essential and reflective vests can be recommended. For wildlife, normal advice applies; wildlife has not been acquainted to hikers' food.
Go next
Routes through Pöytyä |
Turku ← Lieto of Turku countryside ← | SW ![]() |
→ Loimaa → Tampere |