Xhosa phrasebook
Nguni language of southern South Africa
Xhosa (isiXhosa) is a language of South Africa.
Pronunciation guide
- d, f, h, j, l, m, n
- Pronounced as in English
- s, sh, v, w, y, z
- Pronounced as in English
- dl
- Similar in sound to hl (see below)
- g
- always like g in go
- hl
- Place your tongue to the side of your mouth and expel the air (like Welsh ll sound)
- ts
- A hissing sound made by placing your tongue just above your teeth and ejecting air.
- tsh
- similar to dge in judge
- ty
- similar to dge in judge
- r
- pronounced like "ch" in Reich
Phrase list
Quick Facts
Common signs
- Hello.
- Molo. (singular) :Molweni. (plural)
- Hello. (informal)
- Kunjani.uphilile
- How are you?
- Unjani? (singular):Ninjani? (plural) ndiphilile/siphilile
- Fine, thank you.
- Ndiyaphila.Nam
- And how are you?
- Unjani wena? philile
- What is your name?
- Ngubani igama lakho?
- My name is Khanya Ngedle .
- Igama lam ngu Khanya Ngedle.
- Nice to meet you.
- Ndiyavuya ukukwazi.
- Please.
- Ndicela.
- Thank you.
- Enkosi. :Ndiyabulela.
- You're welcome.
- Wamkelekile.
- Yes.
- Ewe.
- No.
- Hayi.
- Excuse me. (getting attention)
- Ndicela uxolo.:Uxolo.
- Excuse me. (begging pardon)
- Uxolo andivanga.
- I'm sorry.
- Ndixolele.
- Goodbyes
- Uhambe/Usale kakuhle.:Hamba kakuhle. (go well) (singular)
- Hambani kakuhle. (go well) (plural)
- Sala kakuhle. (stay well) (singular)
- Salani kakuhle. (stay well) (plural)
- I can't speak Xhosa.
- Andithethi isiXhosa.
- Do you speak English?
- Uyasithetha isingesi na?
- Is there someone here who speaks English?
- Ukhona apha umntu othetha isiNgesi?
- Good morning.
- Molo. (singular):Molweni. (plural)
- Good evening.
- Molo. (singular):Molweni. (plural)
- Good night.
- Ulale kakuhle.
- Good night (to sleep)
- I don't understand.
- Andiqondi.
- I don't know.
- Andazi.
- Where is the toilet?
- Iphi indlu yangasese?
- My ... have been stolen.
- I ... yam ibiwe. :I ... yam ibiwe.
- I've lost my ...
- Ndilahlekelwe yi ...
- handbag
- isingxobo:ibhegi
- passport
- pasipoti :ncwadi yokundwendwela
- luggage
- mpahla
- wallet
- spaji
- 0
- -unothi
- 1
- zinye
- 2
- zimbini
- 3
- zintathu
- 4
- zine
- 5
- zintlanu
- 6
- ntandathu
- 7
- sixhenxe
- 8
- sibhozo
- 9
- lithoba
- 10
- lishumi
- English expressions for telling the time commonly used by Xhosa speakers
- in the morning
- kusasa
- during the day
- emini
- in the evening
- ngokuhlwa
- in the afternoon
- emvakwemini
- at night
- ebusuku
- yesterday
- izolo
- today
- namhlanje
- tomorrow
- ngomso
- Sunday
- iCawa
- Monday
- uMvulo
- Tuesday
- uLwesibini
- Wednesday
- uLwesithathu
- Thursday
- uLwesine
- Friday
- uLweshlanu
- Saturday
- uMgqibelo
- January
- Eyo Mqungu
- February
- Eyo Mdumba
- March
- eyoKwindla
- April
- uTshazimpunzi
- May
- eyoCanzibe
- June
- eyeSilimela
- July
- eyeKhala
- August
- eyeThupha
- September
- eyoMsintsi
- October
- eyeDwarha
- November
- eyeNkanga
- December
- eyoMnga
- black
- mnyama
- blue
- zuba
- brown
- mdaka
- green
- luhlaza
- orange
- orenji
- red
- bomvu
- white
- mhlophe
- yellow
- mthubi
- Purple
- msobo
Bus and train
- How much is it to...?
- Yimalini ukuya e...?
- Take me to this address.
- Ndise kule dilesi.
- Please stop here.
- Ndicela ume apha.
- I need a room.
- Ndifuna igumbi.
- One room
- Igumbi elinye
- Two rooms
- Amagumbi amabini
- Single room
- Igumbi lomntu omnye
- Double room
- Igumbi labantu ababini
- Per person
- Umntu emnye
- Bed and Breakfast
- A meal
- Isidlo
- Beaverages or Drinks
- Isiselo
- Supper
- Isidlo sangokuhlwa
- Lunch
- Isidlo sasemini
- Dinner
- Isidlo sasemvakwemini
- Kitchen
- Igumbi lokuphekela :Ekhitshini
- Sharing
- Kunye :ukwabelana
- Money
- Imali
- In cash
- eziinkozo
- Cheque
- itsheke
- Postal order
- Coins
- imali eziinkozo
- Notes
- imali engamaphepa
- Expensive
- ixabisa kakhulu :iyabiza :iyadura
- Meat
- Chicken
- Beef
- Water
- I'm allergic to..
Andiyityi i..
- I'm full, thank you
Ndihluthi, enkosi
- Can I please have..
ndicela i...
- Drink
- Turn
- jika
- Left
- ekhohlo
- Right
- ekunene
- Stop the car
- misa:yima
- Go
- hamba
- Forward
- phambili
- Go forward
- bheka phambili
- Straight ahead
- phambili
- Back
- emva
- Gravel road
- indlela yomhlaba
- Help!
- Nceda!
- Look out!
- Qaphela!
- Call the police!
- Biza amapolisa!
- Get a doctor!
- Biza ugqirha!
- Go away!
- Hamba
- I'm ill.
- Ndiyagula.
- I'm lost.
- Ndilahlekile.
- Leave me alone!
- Ndiyeke!
- Stop thief!
- Yima sela!
- Telephone
- Umnxeba
- Telegram
- Ucingo
- Mobile or Cellphone
- makhal'ekhukhwini:nomyayi
- umnxeba wasesinqeni
- Make a call
- tsala umnxeba
- Give ... a call
- tsalela u ... umnxeba
- Iposi
- ngeposi (by post)
- Fast mail
- iposi engxamisekileyo
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