Wad Madani

city in Gezira State, Sudan

Wad Madani is a city along the Blue Nile in Central Sudan.

Blue Nile and tourist boats at Wad Medani, Sudan


Get in

Sudan Railways runs daily train services from Khartoum, the full journey takes about two hours. Additionally, there's sporadic services from other cities in the southern provinces such as Nyala and Kosti.

  • 🌍 Wad Madani railway station, Al-Mahata St.

Get around


  • 🌍 Old Masjid, Nile St. The former grand mosque, built in the early 20th century.
  • 🌍 Tomb of Sheikh Madani Al-Sunni. Tomb and mosque of the city's alleged founder.




There are several cafés and restaurants nestled in the parks and greenery along the Blue Nile. Nile Rd runs parallel to the river and is a good starting point to explore.




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