Truck stops
facility which provides refuelling, rest , and often food and services to motorists and truck drivers
Truck stops are very interesting places. It is a good place to take a break and watch trucks come and go. Some people enjoy photographing the diesel pumps. Truck stops also have repair shops and truck washes (although the truck washes are often operated by a separate company). Real truck stops have more pumps for trucks than for 4 wheelers.

Truck stops range in size from gas stations with a few parking spaces for big rigs to places with several hundred parking spots. Due to mergers and acquisitions there are three major truck stop chains in the US. They are Pilot/Flying J, TA/Petro, and Love's. Some smaller companies such as Road Ranger have locations that are affiliated with Pilot. There are some Pilots and Flying Js in Canada.
Truck stops are sometimes part of bus travel. In some small towns, the bus station is a truck stop. An example of this is the Pilot in Effingham, Illinois. Greyhound buses sometimes stop at truck stops for meal breaks.
Truck stops can also prove to be very useful spots for hitchhiking trips, especially if you take a rather "active" approach to the hitchhiking, such as asking around directly at the drivers, who are likely to provide fairly long-haul rides.