Rejang phrasebook

Southwest Sumatran language spoken by Rejang ethnic group

Rejang (known natively as Miling Hêjang ꤸꥇꤾꥇ ꥁꥍꤺꥏ or Miling Jang ꤸꥇꤾꥇ ꤺꥏ) is an indigenous language spoken predominantly by the Rejang people, native to the Rejang regions in the southwestern hemisphere of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.


Rejang script and its equivalent in Latin

Rejang language has its own native writing system called Buak Jang ꤷꥈꥁꤰ꥓ꤺꥏ (literally means 'Rejang script'), it is the native script commonly used by Rejang people for Rejang language, but these script also used as the writing system for its neighbouring ethnic languages as well, such as Serawai and Mukomuko. Though still used in native documents, and sometimes seen side by side with Latin script in street signs and the names of public buildings, it has been almost totally replaced by the Latin alphabet. A traveller will almost never have to read Rejang script to get information. Makes an awesome tattoo, though.

Phrase list

Some phrases in this phrasebook still need to be translated. If you know anything about this language, you can help by plunging forward and translating a phrase.


Quick Facts
Oi/Oik! / Hoi/Hoe!
How are you?
Awêi ipê/Wêipê ko/kumu?
I'm well
Uku/ku padek
What is your name?
Api gen ko/kumu?
My name is ______
Gen uku ______
Thank you
You're welcome (in response to 'thank you')
Iso / Coa
Excuse me
I'm sorry
Uku/ku ...
I can't speak Rejang [well].
Uku/ku iso ... miling Hêjang/Jang [padek]
Do you speak English?
Ko jano miling Inggêris?
Is there someone here who speaks English?
Api nêak pio/pie ... miling Inggêris?
Look out!
Good evening
Good night
I don't understand
Uku/ku iso ...
Where is the toilet?
Nêak ipê ...?
Where are you from?

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